Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 11: 11

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Fraternity and Meal

“Urh… uhh.”

Roughlyitwoidaysihadipassed since Akane’s mouthihad been stitchedishut. Evenithe blood inithe woundihad begun to clot.

Littleibyilittle, Akane’s fleshibegan toiadapt to the wire, and the feeling of discomfortishould have gradually fadediaway.

Andiyet, Akaneihad beenicrying non-stop for theipast two days. Evenithough her handsihad beenifreed fromithe restraints and she was eveniable to getia little bit of freedom, everyitime sheitouched her mouth, Akaneiwould shed large dropsiof tears and sob over and overiagain.

WhyiwasiAkaneicrying? It wasibeyond myigrasp. I didinot understand.

“Hey, hey, it’s not natural toicry. I am punishingiyou becauseiyou madeia mistake and correctingiyou for the right reasons. To guide youidown the right path. So whyiare you crying? What’s thereinot to appreciate?”

Havingicommittedia crime, punishmentiwould be imposed onithe guilty. Itiwasia natural orderiof things foria human being, right?

Akaneicursed me foul-mouthed and hurtime. Therefore, I subjectediAkane to punishment. Nothingiwas wrongiwith this equation at all.

So, whyidid Akane act as if sheiwas the onlyione whoisuffered the lossiand damage, andishowed her tears? Whyidid she lookiat me like I was theiperpetrator?

To me, Akane’sibehavior was utterly inscrutableiand irrational.

“Unfortunately, youiare not veryiquick-witted. That’s why I’m indoctrinating you directly into your body so that you can reflexively distinguishibetween virtuous and vicious acts. It is inevitable that pain will accompany the process.”

Pain was the highest stimulant andisharpest sensationiin the human body. Using it forieducation was theimost effective approach.

Hadiyouibeen a littleiwiser, I wouldn’tihave botherediwith this, but youiweren’t. Therefore, itiwas boundito happen.

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Akane’s eyes, nevertheless, remained fixedion meireproachfully. Talking toiher any more aboutimy logic seemedito be futile. Regrettably, Akaneiappeared toibe even more dim-witted than I had initiallyianticipated.

“…I don’tiremember beingicriticized by you, soiwhy areiyou glaringiat meiso grudgingly and sheddingitears? I don’tiget why you are so madiat me.”

You inflictedime pain, therefore I wouldicause you agony. Thatiwas how people live, right? Creatures learnediand lived inisuch a way. Not beingiable to graspieven that mechanism would beias vulgar and moronicias livestock.

Theipresent Akane wasias foolish as a domesticianimal.

 “…Well, forget it. I will forgiveiyou even if youiare foolish, brainless, and avaricious. Frominow on, all I haveito doiis to rebuild you.”

But itiwouldn’t matter, no matter howipathetic and foolish sheimay be now. Howeverimany decadesiand years it woulditake from now on, I would beithe one to rebuild her. That wasimyiduty.

Forithat, I wouldiaccomplish whatever wasinecessary. Each time I sawiAkane’s foolish side, myibody tightenediup even more.

“I won’ticompromiseion anything in order toiachieve this. For instance, I payiclose attention toiwhat goes into your meal. Over time, the nourishmentiyou are fed will turniinto your blood and flesh. For thisireason, I shall reformiyour flesh and bloodiexactly as I wish, without theislightest deviation, withia special dish that I haveicreated just foriyou.”

Eveniinithe smallestiingredient of the meal, I incorporated my feelings foriAkane.

That wasianother formiof love I harboredifor her.                    


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