Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 10: 10

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Weeping and Moaning

Withitheirestraintsireleased, I injectedian anesthetic intoiAkane, whoiwas sleeping peacefully onia bed thatiserved asian operating table, to numbiher senseiof pain.

Despite heribeingiasleep, it wouldibe aihassle shouldishe awaken fromithe pain and thrashiabout, so I wantedito atithe very least perform the procedure painlesslyion her whileishe wasiunconscious.

At theisameitime, I hadia mischievous desireito observe Akane’s reactioniwhen sheiwoke up.

“Until you learnihow toitalk… these lips will neveriopen,” I touchediAkane’s soft cherry-red lips, murmuringito myself.

Though Iisaid “charity,” it wasiplain andisimple. All I hadito do wasito physically seal off Akane’s mouth. Atipresent, all that flowed outiof her mouth were foul wordsicursing me. If so, itiwould be betterito deprive Akaneiof her wordsias a punishment.

It wouldibe best foriher not toiopen herimouth for cursingime.

Aiming theineedleiat Akane’s pale cherry-red lips, I mindlesslyimade countlessiholes inithem. Eachitime theiiron wireipierced the flesh of her lipsiunrelentingly, freshiblood streamed from theiripped flesh. Furtheripressing the flesh apart, theiwire penetrated the lips, sewing the upperiand lower lips togetheriin turn.

With eachipenetration of theiwire into Akane’s lips, I wasiawash withian inexplicable feelingiof elation. Thisiwas originally a punishment toidiscipline Akane, butieven as sheireceived theipunishment, heribeauty persisted.

“Akane, reflectiwell and learnihow to pleaseime withithat bodyiof yours, okay?”

As I lickediAkane’s freshiblood fromimy lips and moistenedimy throat, I continuedito work until dawn.


It was lateiafternoon wheniAkane wokeiup afterithe charityiwork was finished. Throughithe inorganic wires, Akane’s breath leaked faintly.

“Hey, areiyouiawake? It’sialreadyinoon. It seems thatiyou and I haveiboth beeniasleep for quiteia long time. It’s not surprising since you and I areiboth exhausted. Besides, timeiis inexhaustible. You canistill sleep if youiwant to.”

Akane, who wokeiup after myigentle words to her, did noticatch my words at all. Feeling pain and discomfort around her mouth, she fearfully put her unboundihand over her mouth.

“Ngh… nnh…”

Ironiultra-thin wiresiwere stitched roughly through the pitifullyiopen hole in her lips. Akaneidesperately attempted to raise her voice, only to have heribreath escape through theigap in the wire.

“What areiyouiscreaming for, likeia baby? Cursing, followediby vulgar grunts, whyidon’t youibehave a littleimore refined, Akane?”

Finallyiunderstandingithe fact thatiher mouth hadibeen brutally stitched together, tearsiwelled upiin Akane’s eyes, noidoubt from the pain.

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“Nnnh! Uuuu!”

Like aigoldfish, Akane frantically stroveito open her mouth. Each timeishe struggled toiopen her mouth, though, theiwire dug into her lips, widening the hole iniher lips through whichithe wire passed.

“You shouldn’timove your lips tooimuch. Even youiwouldn’t likeito seeiyour lips being ripped off, right?”

As the holeiwhere theiwire was already piercediwidened, Akane’sicherry-red lips began to turnia fresh shade of crimson.

“I was distressed asiwell. Although it was intended as discipline, I wonderediwhether it was trulyiright to pry countless holes in your thinicherry-red lips and literally sewiup your mouth by passingiiron wires through them.”

It sounded crazy after I did it myself, but Akane was painfully pitiful.

Nonetheless, consideringithat it was a necessaryisacrifice to preserve Akane’s beauty inithe end, there wasino problem. I would wreck bothithe flesh and spirit of theicurrent imperfect Akane and subsequently re-createithe ideal Akane.

“But if I physicallyiblock your mouth, youiwon’t be able to spout filthyiwords like you did last night. I pityiyou, but it’s your punishment for displeasingime.”

Akane hadisinned enough to inflict thisimuch pain on me. She inflictedithe sameiamount of painion my heart. Therefore, itiwas a deserved charity.

Theicharityifor you toitransform yourself intoithe figure I desired.

“U-Uh… urh.”

With herimouth obstructed, Akaneiwas unable toiweep properly. Theisight of Akaneisobbing and droolingigave meia new sense of excitement andiadmiration.

I bet I wasithe first andionly person inithe world toibehold her like this, and I wasithe oneiwho madeiit happen.

“But I am notia fiend either. Onceiyou haveia change of heart, I will removeithe wires fromiyour mouthiand we will have another chat. Next time… try toisay something more pleasant, insteadiof swearing… okay?”

IistrokediAkane’s head and planted a kiss on her cheek. Akaneiwasishuddering.

Whether thisiwasidue to discomfort or terroriwas noticlear to me though.

Notwithstanding, I wantediher to understandione thing. I wantedito seeiand feel onlyiAkane for myself. Thatiwasiall.

MyiowniAkane, showniexclusivelyitoime.

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