Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 16: 16

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Virgin Mary Who Became a Chrysalis

Overiandiover again… I repeated the procedure to theibrink of madness, ripping theiskin, cutting the flesh, and grindingiaway the bones… for what must haveibeen hoursion end.

Withia waterfall-like stream of blood, I frantically keption obliterating Akane’s body withithe blade of the electric saw.

Oneiunexpected development wasithat Akane had lost soimuch blood thatiit exceeded the amount of transfusion I hadiprepared for her. Even though I wasinot short on life-sustaining blood, I wasistunned byimy own inadequate preparation.

“…Foriaiwhile, I needito refrain from doing anything thatiwould cause Akane’s body to bleed.”

Until Akane becameiperfect, it seemed necessary to letiher recuperate.

And… now, in frontiof my eyes, a chrysalis-like maiden whoihad been dismembered and leftiwith only herihead and torso was lying peacefully without feelingiany pain.

Her severed limbsiwere goingito be preserved in formalin or someiother form of preservation treatment.

Although detachediand devoid of temperature, theyiwere still piecesiof flesh thatihad beenipart of Akane, so throwing themiaway would beia shame, and above all, I wanted Akaneiherself to beholdiher own detached limbs.

“You’re beautiful, Akane.”

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Akane, whoihadireceived my charityito the end withoutiwaking up, was kissediby me asia reward. Even theiscars from theikiss on her torn lips were endearing nowidespite the strange sensation. Whaticould be more blissful thanimy presence beside Akane’s tranquil sleepiand her being cluelessiin this secretiroom thatiwas permeated withithe stench of her blood? No, thereiwas none.

Having lostiall her limbs, Akaneiwas left withionly her torsoiand head. Now, several tubesihave beeniattached to heriin order to maintainiher life. Without the life support fromithese tubesiand my support foriher life, she would easily die. Indeed, sheiwould die rather easily.

Right, Akaneineeded me. It couldibe arguedithat I made her bodyiso that sheiwould need me. Withithis, Akaneimust need me whether she wanted to or not.

What kindiof expression would Akaneimake whenishe learned of this reality?

Howiwould she react to the anomaly thatihad befallen her?

But however muchidespair you may feel, I shall embraceieven that and loveiyou.

Together, I shall spendiall eternity withiyou.


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