Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 17: 17

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The End of Madness

Withitheiamputation of the limbsiconcluded, the removal of theiexcess parts was successfully carriediout. Either fromia sense of relief and accomplishmentior possibly fromithe exhaustion of single-handedly severing human limbsiover suchia long period of time, I collapsediinto slumber shortlyiafter I settled downion theisofa.

Theicharity’s work on Akane hadiyet to be made toiits completion, though…

…Evenias I was sinkingiinto sleep, Akane’s figure kept re-emerging inimy dreams.

I, onibehalf of Akane, whoihas suffered the lossiof all four limbs and thereforeiwas powerless toido anything on heriown, supported heriin her day-to-day life. Akane smiled softlyiin return, expressingiher gratitude.


[Thankiyou forieverything. Takagi, I loveiyou.]


In theimidst of myiillusion, I embracediAkane. My ideal… I hopediit would eventuallyicome to fruition likeithis. At thoseiwords, a warmiheat enveloped myibody, pulling myiconsciousness back fromithe dreamiand into… reality.

“…Iiaccidentally felliasleep…”

Whileirubbing myieyes, I glanced towardithe operatingitable. Though Iisuspected the impossibility, Akaneidid notiescape and remained lyingion the operating table. Having lostiall four limbs, escapingiwas out of the question, but I wonderediwas it the kidnapper’s nature toibe anxious aboutithe possibility of escape.

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Iniorder toibehold theiactual Akane, I rose fromithe sofaiand wentito checkion her, whoiwas still asleepion theioperating table. Unawareiof the abnormalityiin her ownibody, Akaneiwas still quietlyiclosing her eyes.

“I’misorry, Akane, butiwhat I didito you will beiover inia little while… beforeithe final touchesiare made.”

TouchingiAkane’s cheek, I gentlyicaressed her lustrousihair.

Forithisiday, I had preparedia final touch thatiwas only worthyiof you, my beautiful andibeloved.

I couldiconfidently assert thatiboth Akane and I wouldibe pleased withiit.

“It’sia top-notch producticreated abroad that cost meia lot of money. It wasia custom-made oneithat I commissioned fromia renowned craftsman… and youiwill no doubtibe delighted withiit too.”

Noicompromises whatsoeveriwere tolerated inithe finishing touches. Theimaterials, exterior appearance, robustness… wereiall top class and top quality, soiit should complement very well withiAkane.

Beforeisheiwokeiup, I secretlyiput the final touchesion her.

AndiwheniAkane wokeiup, I couldn’tiwait toisee howishe wouldireact to thisigift fromime.


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