Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 3: 3

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Form of Beauty I Desire

Afterithat, the university learnediof the factithat I had attemptedirape, and they advisedime to withdraw fromithe university. My overbearing parents disownedime, forcingime to leaveihome and liveion my owniwith onlyitheir financial assistance, evenithough no chargesihad been filed. Thisiwas doneito save their owniskin after theyihanded Akane’s parentsia substantial settlement.

[Howimuch doiyou have to disgrace us… until theivery end!?]

[Knowingithat I raised a piece of garbage likeiyou up to this point makes me sick. Don’tiever show your face again; you are no longerithis family’s son!]

Theseiwere myiparents’ last words. Afteribeing one-sidedly subjected to a barrageiof abusive remarks, I wasicast out of the house.

Everisince childhood, I had not fulfilled myiparents’ expectations, getting yellediat all the time. Onia daily basis, I was blamedifor beingia failure, both in appearanceiand in behavior.

My mother iniparticular beatime regularly, and iticould be arguedithat my warped perceptions toward womeniwere shapediby her.

For thisireason, a pure and virgin mary like Akane couldibe the equivalent of a deity to me.

As a result of Akane’s denial of me, I was expelled fromicollege and even disowned by my parents. But mysteriously, I harbored no indignationitoward Akane.

Suchithings wereinot a majoriproblem.

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In fact, I was gladithat it turned outithis way.

Afteriall, I could nowidevote myiwhole life toiAkane with no interference fromianyone else. Withoutimy parents’ eyes fixedion me, I wouldihave a place to liveijust for me and Akane, plus plentyiof time toispend with Akane.

Givenithat I couldidevote 24 hoursiof all of my time to Akane, nothing wouldibring me greater bliss.

Regrettably, Akaneiseemed toibe unexpectedly dim-witted, whichimeant that I neededito re-educate heriwith the spare time I had, and unfortunately, I certainly gainedithe understanding that Akane would never beiable to grasp me withiwords alone.

I would rectify bothiAkane’s body andimind toithe form I desired. Byidestroying the present imperfectiAkane, I wouldirecreate Akane anew.

And I wouldiproduce aimasterpiece inithis world. Myiresolution was consolidatediat this moment.

TheniI steadily madeipreparations toikeep Akane underimy supervision in perpetuity.

And finally, I madeiairesolution. To abduct FukiyamaiAkane.


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