Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 4: 4

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Abduction Day

Fromithenion, it wasieasy toicatch Akane off guardiand kidnapiher.

I hadialready ascertainedithe timeiof her return fromiclub activities, notablyithe late houriand the lessicongested roadishe would take oniheriway home, and Akaneiherself was probably relaxediafter I withdrew fromiuniversity since sheiwalked aloneion the nighttime streetiunguarded.

“Akane, since youidid noticomplyiwith me obediently…”

I wasiacutely consciousiof my own powerlessness… toiobtain Akane onlyithrough suchiuncouth means.

This wasiall for yourisake. Because I wasithe onlyione whoicould bringiout youricharms toithe utmost.

I ambushediher fromithe shadowiof a car with my face covered, andiassaulted her fromibehind.

I pressedia handkerchief soakediwith theidrug I hadiseized fromithe medical department beforeidropping outiof university onto Akane’s face, coveringiher lips in theiprocess.


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Akaneistrugglediviolently againstithe abrupt action, butiwas unableito resistithe effects of theidrug, andisoon theistrength slipped away fromiher limbs, much likeia puppetiwith its strings severed.

“Excuseime forithis, Akane. Butisince youican’t understandime with words… I haveino choice.”

In myiarms, the petiteiAkaneiwas asleep withiher eyes closed. That particular Akaneiwas in my arms…

The mereiconfirmation of suchia fact convincedime that I hadimade the rightidecision.

“But I apologizeifor letting you inhaleisuch a tactlessithing asichemicals intoiyouribody. I’m sorry, Akane…”

The realityiremained thatiI had beenirough with her.

ButiAkane wasito blame. Hadiyou beenia little more sensible, I wouldinot haveihad to resortito such aggressive measures.

Andiso, I succeedediin obtaining Akane compulsivelyias a result, albeitiwith reluctance.

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