Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 7: 7

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Abominable Phantom

Seatedionia sofa in theigarage, I faced Akane, whoiwas boundito a chair.

The figureiof Akane, withithe ropes digging intoiher body, struckime as awfully sensual. I knew I hadimade theiright choice in choosing her. Once again, I feltithat way.

Beauty, motherhood, refinement, andibenevolence. Even fromithe outside, I couldidiscern theseitraits in her. Thatiwas why I chose Akane.

“Now, it isigood toihave capturediyou, but whatishould we do? Deprivingithe body of its freedom is a breeze, butidepriving the mind is not so easy. I understandithat from the wayiyou talk to me.”

Withiher bodyirestrained, Akane continued to glareiat me sharply. Inithe eyes, disgraceiand abhorrence were embedded, and compared toiearlier, the color of feariand fright was no longer apparent.

“Of course… withisomeone likeiyou,” Akane said in vexation.

“Oh, theimoment you found out that theikidnapper was me, howivery bullish you are. I… wonder if youiare underestimating me.”

After exposingimy previously concealed face, insteadiof looking frightened, Akaneibegan cursing me and displaying her indignation.

Wasishe condescendingior underestimating me, aicriminal who she had alreadyimet face-to-face, andiwho had been seized miserably in frontiof her, and then disappeared fromithe university? 

Either way, I sensedisomewhat composure in Akane.

“…Sinceithat day, I’ve been researchingiyou around. Friends fromithe medical department, professors… andivarious people gave me informationiabout you. Just likeithe way youiresearched me.”

“Wow, I supposeithere’s only soimuch information youican extract from them.”

SinceiAkane hadimany friendsion campus, acquiring information wasinot that daunting foriher.

But what aboutime? Not onlyidid I haveino friends onicampus, but theinumber of people who recognizedime was vanishingly small, eveniwithin the medical department. All the moreiso considering that I haveinot been showingiup for classes recently.

“Yes, Iiagree. All I haveiheard is bad information aboutiyou. Theyiall shared nastyirumors about youiwith me. Everyoneimust have detested you, Takagi Ryo.” Atithe utterance of my name, Akane snickered. Sheiscoffed atithe wretched realityiof what she had learned about me.

Having failedithe entranceiexamination, I enrolled inithe medical department of a third-rate private university, whereimy parents were constantly bombarding meiwith sarcasm and irony.

And within thatimedical department, Akane hadialready gatherediup information about me, whoihad beenidespised and snubbed by theistudents right fromithe start owing toimy obnoxious appearance and gloomyipersonality.

“Hmph… soiwhat didiyou glean fromithe worthless informationithey gaveiyou and your diminutiveibrain?”

“The fact that you’reia total wreck is easilyiverified. Anditoday I was ableito proveithat hypothesis isireliable…”

Again, Akaneishotimeia contemptuous look.

Abductingiaiwomanithat didn’t turniout the way I wanted, and forcing herito belong to me. Judgingionly from thatideed, it was inevitable that I wouldibe accused of suchia thing.

Nonetheless, even if I wereito beiaccused of resorting toisuch underhanded measures, I wouldistill have toiattainia noble goal for Akane.

“Takagi Ryo. Aisecond-year medical student andinot a member of any clubsior extracurricular activities. Youihardly show up for classes andiexams, and your gradesiare at the bottomiof the class. Withoutiany friends, youiare always on your own. I heardithat everyone inithe medical department foundiyou soicreepy thatithey didn’tieven approach you.”

None of the informationiabout meithat emerged fromiAkane’s mouth wasierroneous.

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On topiof all this, I wasiplanning toiget my handsion Akane byimeans of attempted rape and kidnapping.

Like Akaneisaid, I myself had establishedithe fact thatithe person named Takagi Ryoiwas aniunscrupulous person. I hadino intention whatsoever of refutingior denying this.

“But oneiof the professors toldime… that youihave an abnormal interest in the… humanibody, the humanianatomy, andicorpse. That youiare an incredibly uncannyiand sickening student.”

“Hmm, theyiwould never fathom it. I don’tiexpect them toiunderstand, includingiyou.”

So beiit for thoseiwho didn’t haveia clue. Hatersimay hate, but thatiwas fine. So longias I could accomplishimy goal, the evaluationiof others was insignificantito me.

NeitheriAkane norianyone else neededito understand meiat the moment. A timeiwould comeiwhen theyiwould knowimy true intentions.

“In the end, you kidnapia woman becauseishe doesn’t doiwhat youiwant her to do? You’reithe worst. I amino puppetiof yours! Be ashamediof yourself… for not gettingiyour own way!” Akaneicursed me withia female demon look.

I didn’t careiabout such things… andinormally I wouldn’t have cared.

But somethingiabout Akane seemed to beioverlapping, and I rubbedimy eyes.


Regardlessiof how many times I lookediat it, though, theivision that overlapped with Akaneiwas not a fabrication.

The wayishe belittled meiand condemned me with invective mirroredithe images of hideous women I hadiencountered inithe past. And this image overlappediwith Akane asia phantom.

Facesiof the women whoihave denied meiand demeaned meiin the past floodedimy brain.

…I feltisick, soisick… that I couldn’t beariit any longer andicollapsed fromithe sofa.

“…Stop it, you, only you… areidifferent.”

Akane, whoiwas supposedito be kindito everyone without defilement. SuchiAkane wasinow cursing meiwith such a hideous appearance.

Sheiwas aboutito transformiinto a figureithat wasino different fromithe women inithe past whoihad mistreatedime.

“Do youihear me?! Whateveriyou do to me, I will notibend to your will! Notito aidespicable pieceiof trash likeiyou…”


Pleaseistop disfiguringithe beautiful Akane any further. I draggedimyself overito theicaptive Akane.


I then putimy handion Akane’s neckiand beganito strangle heriwith all myimight, all theiwhile withithe single-minded desireito get the stunning Akaneiback.


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