Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 6: 6

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Destruction and Preservation

Havingirestrainediher hands and feet, I meticulouslyibound Akane toia custom-made chair that I hadiset up in the garage. Asimuch as I hated to imagineiit, I could not let myiguard down, for it wasiconceivable that Akane would betray meiand escape.

Suchiprecautionsiwould no longeribe warrantedishould Akaneiever learniof my genuine intentions, butiuntil then, itiwas imperative that I carefully restrainiher, even thoughiit pained meito doiso.

“Stop! Pleaseireleaseime!” shouted Akaneias I silentlyiproceeded withithe restraints. Theigarage was soundproofed, soithe risk of being detectediby peopleiin the surrounding area throughisound was infinitesimally slim.

Besides… I didinot try toigag Akane because I felt itiwould be heartbreaking to deprive heriof her lovely melodious voiceiby covering her mouthiany further.

Theigirl I caughtisight of atithe university wasiat all times brimmingiwith joy. Alwaysichatting and laughing withiher friends, putting all herieffort intoiher club activities andiclasses, sheiwas always surroundediby smiles and laughter. I was fascinatediby such a woman sheiwas.

However, I wondered aboutithatinow. What comprised heriwas fear, apprehension, and aversion… The figureiof her strapped to a chair, half-crying, wasia sight I had never laidimy eyes on before.

Right. I… broughtiout a new sideiof Akane today. I haveibrought forth the Akane thatinobody had ever known…

Andiwhen I thought aboutiwhat kind of voiceishe would produce withiher own mouth frominow on, I didn’t wantito do anything that would beia disservice to her, like coveringiup her mouth.

Screamsiof writhing iniagony? Moansiof disgrace? Whicheverione I visualized, I couldn’t control myiexcitement.

“You, for what… why didiyou do this to me… please, letime return…”

The wordsiemanating from Akane, though, wereithe same wordsias before. All I heardiwere wordsiof rejection.


At first, itiwas ainovel sensation, but I soon becameiweary of all the wordsithat kept rejecting me.

“Saying theisame thingsiagain and again… even I wouldiget tirediof it.”

Akane, wereiyouimockingime?

Whyididn’t youiutter wordsithat wouldigratify me?

I despised fools. I hadihoped thatiAkane wouldibe different, butias it turned out, sheiwas oneiof those fools who couldionly study a little andiwas nothing more thania fool.

“Why are youistaying silentisince earlier…? Youimust haveia purpose, right?”

Therefore, unableito perceiveimy true intentions, noriunderstand why she wasitrapped in this predicament, theisame words kept recurring repeatedly.

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“…Even if I speakito you verbally, itiis futile. Regrettably, I haveicome to the realizationithat you are too foolishito discernimy true intentions withiwords alone.”

I hatediexplaining things overiand over to foolsieven more.

To beginiwith, whether you understoodior not, my thoughts andiactions would not changeiat all. Explanation wasimeaningless. In time, even if youididn’t comprehend it, I wouldipersonally “make you memorize” it.


“Surely youihaven’t forgotten? Aboutimyivoice. Noimatterihow uninterestediyou are in me, it’s theivoice of theiman who forcibly pushed youidown. Thatisense of disgustishould have imprinted itself iniyour brain.”

With myivoice ringingiin her ears, even Akane finallyiseemed to graspithe situation faintly.

I removed the cloth covering my face and revealed my face to Akane. I could tell that Akane’s face was turning ashen.

“…You… whatiexactly areiyou! What isiyour purpose for doing this to me…”

“Pleaseispare meithe repetition. I don’tisuppose you can understand me even if I tell youiin words. Nor do youineed to understand. All you haveito do is to stay by myiside in silence. Until the day youriexistence is preserved in perpetuity.”

I did not seekiher consentiany longer.

Akane merelyihad toiobey me.

As longias she did so, sheiwould eventually catchion to my philosophy of action, even if sheihated it.

For thatipurpose, I mayihave toisubject her toimore or less suffering, but iniorder to preserve… her eternally, I wasicompelled to do so.

Even if I destroyediher now, I would createia new her.

“Don’t fool around… thisitime… I’ll file againstiyou…”

“…I needito re-educate you in variousiways for that cause.”

OnlyiAkane and I wereiin thisispace. We hadiplentyiof time.

The lifeiof re-educating you toimy taste, toiremold and preserveiyou as the “ideal beauty” has alreadyicommenced.


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