Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 9: 9

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Unneeded Mouth

Withiherieyesiwideiopen and drooling, Akane blackediout. Noistrengthiwas left in heribody, and heriarms and legsiwere still slackly throwniabout.

Byitheitime I cameito, Akaneiwas alreadyiout cold. I wasicertainithat she wasinot dead, butiher appearance wasithat of aipuppet with snappedistrings.

“Did I get tooiemotional withiyou?” 

Inianioutburst of emotion, I nearlyistrangled Akane toideath. Even though itiwas an act essential to re-educate her toimy liking, killing heriwould have been worthless.

Sheiwas aniinvaluable and one-of-a-kind material. Myiobjective was to rebuild Akaneiinto a new form basedion that material.

Fortunately, no bruisesiwere left on herineck, though I seemedito have inadvertently tightenediAkane’s neck with terrific pressure. Akane’s expression of anguishiconveyed this.

I closediherieyes, wipediher mouth clean, andimended her fainted expression. Howibeautiful.

“However, beingiasleep like this, it’s likeiyou’re not whoiyou were earlier. It’s beenia rough approach, but…”

Akane’s expression, which was notieveniin the slightestidistorted form, fascinatedime.

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Thisiexpressionicontrasted sharplyiwith theione thatihad just beenicursing and beratingime in the form of aidemon. Likeiaiwork of art, her beautyiwith a touch of graceiwas mesmerizing. I couldigaze atiher perpetually.

“Sorry, Akane. This is the lastitime I will doisuch an act. I will takeicare of it soithat nextitime thereiwill be noimore necessity for this kindiof thing. Thisiis likewise… myirole.”

Thatiwasiwhy I didn’t wantito ruin suchia lovely expressionion Akane’s face everiagain. Butishould Akane curseime again, I might let myiemotions get theibetter of me and strangleiher to deathithat time. Even if I couldidisregard such mistreatment fromiother people, I could notiand would not allow Akaneito abuse meiagain.

Because Akaneimust be theione who should loveime.

Therefore, I oughtito takeisteps in advance lestisuch peril arises so that I myself wouldinot need toistrangle heriand makeiher suffer.

And wheniAkaneiawakened, I woulditake immediate measuresiso thatishe wouldn’t haveito worryiabout anything.

“A mouthithat only cursesime is unnecessary. So, Akane, yourimouth is… not needed foria while.”

Fromitheigarage, I broughtiout theianesthetic, needle, and ironiwire I hadiprepared beforehand, followediby the procedure I wasito performion Akane.


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