Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 16: (17)Sudden attack

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With the increase in the number of people wanting to participate, they have to make a lot of adjustments. The number of sits is increased and now the second platform turned into 3 layers of platforms. The chairs are of course as comfortable as possible and made with the most comfortable data they currently have. 

They are also adjusting the safety measures since they already know that a lot of people will cause trouble. The two birds were then given the instructions to patrol the area with the reward of 5 additional birds under their command and a beautiful fruit tree so they will finally leave the house. 

Lily is currently leaning his back on the window.

He looked at Yen combing the hair of the sleeping Marlyn.

"Hehehe I can see something delicious"

He said, teasingly

"Shut up" 

She glared at him, but there is a bit of a smile on her face.

"As expected, you're beautiful tho" 

He teases her more

Meanwhile somewhere

Yu Yan is currently teaching her 2 direct disciples strictly

"Come on, master, just give us a hint" 

The young man gasped for air as he lay down completely exhausted.

"Yes, master you're always saying you're preparing us how to survive a little bit longer, but you're not telling us anything about the competition.

Could it be you're not expecting us to win?" 

The young lady beside the youth is also gasping for air.

"It's a secret, you guys will know it when it comes~

Maybe I'll consider giving you two some rewards if you win for being good children ~

And yes, I'm not expecting you two to win with your limp little bodies"

Her two disciples have weird expressions when they heard her, her seductive tones always send shivers down their spines, but in the end, she's their master.

"Aw, what about the seniors? Are they really that great?"

The boy has doubts in his heart.

"You guys are too young to understand 

Get up and continue practicing for 2 more rounds and you can take a break and another 10 rounds"

They went stiff when they heard her, they can feel their souls leaving their bodies, but her bone-chilling gaze made them move their bodies despite the pain.

Similar scenes could be seen happening to every direct disciple. 

There is even Feng Mian training his disciples by forcing them to run around the sect by only relying on their physical strength.

"This is hell!!!" 

One of the three disciples of Feng Mian shouted at the top of his lungs, his two brothers are sharing the same pain

"Master this is too much!!"

Another one shouted

Feng Mian following them turned angry and shouted back.

"Soon you will think this hell is just an appetizer!!" 

He then chases them and makes them run faster.

This sight causes the inner and outer sect disciples to feel like whatever the competition is, it is something extreme.

This makes the other doubt themselves, while for the others it causes them to respect more.

There is also the famous young master song, an inner sect disciple that can stand together with direct disciples and even greater than most direct disciples and can only be compared with the direct disciples of the great elders. He's supposed to be the second direct disciple of the grand elder, but the grand elder deemed him as someone not ready yet. And so he has a pretty good standing in the sect.

"Young Master, you must grasp this opportunity to show your skills"

The old man which is his attendant massages his shoulders.

"Don't you think I'm great?"

Young Master Song asked before stuffing his mouth full of dumplings he got from the famous pavilion, the Night Phoenix pavilion, a pavilion owned by his Song Clan, a clan that is a trusted subordinate by the sect and thus gathered more attention from the sect and that's how the grand elder noticed the talent of the young master song.

"Of course young master, you will surely become the champion!"

The old man proudly declare

"Hahaha as I expected! 

Let me treat you to a drink when the competition is done! "

He raised a bottle of wine before drinking it all in one gulp

"This lowly one is honored"

The old man respectfully replied

"What lowly? You have been greater than my parents. They only see me as an object to increase my standing while you, you see me as a proper human being and even become the matchmaker between me and little wu!"

He looked at him before giving him a thumb up and a huge grin

"Young Master, the old masters -" 

Before he can finish his sentence, young master song

"Enough, I don't want to hear their names.

Ohhh little Wu, I wonder what she's doing right now"

He looks like he's daydreaming

The old man just stayed silent and continue massaging his shoulders.

Meanwhile, in the shadows.

"We will strike when they are in the competition, our target is the house and every talent we see"

The shadow coldly speak

The other shadows just bowed their heads

"Hehehe let's see how they can recover this time"

The shadow then laugh and left the place together with the smaller shadows.

Days passed and it's only a day before the competition and everyone is in a rush right now, even Little cloud and Zhi Ruo don't have time to play with Marlyn since they are busy helping with the management and helping with the sect affairs.

The sky rocked suddenly and everyone can see a silhouette in the distance.

Soon they come nearer, they are a group of people riding on swords and exuding suffocating aura. 

3 men are leading them. 1 old woman, a youth, and a lady.

This of course caught the attention of the group still very busy dealing with the chaos.

They rose to the air and faced the group.

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They saw the flag on the back of the intruders. 

"People of sun punishing sect, what do you want from my sect"

Lui Fen has a thick cloud of killing intent surrounding her and similar to her the others also have killing intents emitting from them

"You already destroyed my Lui family, what do you want now!?"

Feng Mian shouted.

The disciples and elders below them, some go to the back while some are battle-ready. This sect is a sect of people that hate the other sects or people the other great sects throw away.

With their past reputation, it's almost impossible to gather disciples and so they have to do with recruiting those the other sects throw away and this makes others ridicule them.

"What we want? It's obvious, give us the floating mountain if you want to survive" 

The young man looked at them as of he's looking at ants. 

This of course angered them

"We don't need to give treasures to trash"

Qing Shan said with anger and disgust in his eyes.

The people of the Sun punishing sect have dark faces.

"What guts do you have?! You low life from an evil clan!?" 

The old woman can't take it anymore and summoned a giant claw at them. The young lady and the young man looked at them with ridicule.

"What a bunch of lowly ants"

The young lady spits on the ground.

The group effortlessly blocked them.

"This is all you got?"

Feng Mian speaks with disgust

"Sun punishing sect? More like ant shitting sect!" 

Someone in the crowd of disciples said and this got the attention of everyone.

"Who said that? you're going to receive a heavy reward from me!" 

Lui Fen shouted at the crowd

Gritting her teeth, the old woman ordered.

"Slaughter them!!!"

Everyone charge and the great elders and the grand elder together with Lui Fen and Little cloud feel no fears since they have someone strong backing them up.

The elders and disciples on the other hand feel scared, but seeing their seniors fight, the fear turned into adrenaline.

They soon clashed and as they are fighting their bodies glowed with wonderful colors and they feel stronger.

"Fight them, we got your back"

A voice could be heard from the house. This is from Lily

"Don't worry about injuries, they meant nothing" and this is from Yen.

This caused the whole sect to feel rejuvenated. Strength is coursing through their veins. 

Qing Shan and Lui Fen pummeled the old woman to the ground while Little cloud burn his surrounding enemies with blazing flame.

"Who dares interrupt -" before the old woman can speak, she got launched to the ground suddenly.

"Shut up whore" 

Yu Yan stabbed her left thigh with the new weapon she loved so much, a scythe custom made my Feng Mian

They can't do anything, their movements became slow and their strength weakened while everything they inflicted onto their enemies just healed.

The young lady and the young man were not much better, they are all covered with wounds.

Soon casualties started to appear on the side of the Sun punishing sect.

 Meanwhile, the couple is in a bad mood. They are just having fun while Marlyn is away, but someone actually disturbed them.

The mana consumption of the skills they activated is huge and they won't be able to cast them for a while. They will use the cannon if needed but it looks like it's not.

The disciples swarmed the invaders and soon only a few of them were left. The young woman was slain by falling to a firepit cast by Little cloud.

A huge explosion rang on the ground and completely turned the body of the young lady into ashes.


The young man's eyes turned bloodshot and he went berserk but soon ended by an outer disciple stabbing his heart out.

He too fell and was incarcerated by Little Cloud's flame.

The disciples and Young master song were stunned.

"Where did he learn that?" 

Young master Song murmured

As for the old woman, she stood there, her eyes lifeless but burning with rage.

"The sect will get revenge for us!" 

That's her last word before the honor of beheading her fell to Zhi Ruo because this old woman is someone she hates the most.

Her head rolled to the side.

"Was that the seniors? I feel so strong a while ago and they all become weakened!"

Feng Mian checked his body excitedly, the enchantment last for a whole 10 minutes.

Everyone heard this and soon looked at the flying disks with respect. Now they realized just how strong those seniors are. They don't even need to participate in the fight and yet they can support them so much.

The lingering fears in their hearts disappeared even tho not completely.

Those familiar with the two are feeling different.

"So this is a magic cast by seniors" 

Qing Shan said quietly only enough for the others to hear.

Their interest in magic increased even further.

Even the injuries on everyone disappeared as if they didn't fought a battle but only a game.

"Everyone, go back to what you are just doing a while ago, we're continuing the competition" 

Lui Fen said before back to the mountain top after giving a deep bow to the platform.

Everyone has doubts in their hearts, but still chooses to do so.

Meanwhile, the duo is not feeling so good. They got disturbed and now they're in mana deprivation. They also have to process the soul of people who disturb them to the afterlife with soul passing ceremonies. Too bad they can't give bad luck or tamper with souls as of afterlife's regulations or else this souls would be on a bad ride.

What a bad day they have, in the end, they just went fishing to cure their bad moods

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