Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 17: (18) The return of one and only frog

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The attack on them drove away most of the people visiting from the other cities since they know that a big storm is coming in.

At the floating island. During the night.

There are bodies in front of Lily and Yen, the bodies of those invaders. They are supposed to be thrown away, but the two requested for them.

"We finally got some human bodies"

Lily said as the bodies turned into data.

Yen is a bit skeptical about using human bodies, but she remained quiet.



An intelligent creature that is capable of creative and independent thinking.


"I'm wondering how intelligent we can make them with this data"

Yen said as she read the description. She's still not feeling so well.

"I bet they are not as smart as you" 

Lily poke her side and tease her in an attempt to cheer her up.

Her face turned flustered and she just pinch his side before saying

"Shut up"

Tho her words sound harsh, it sounds warm and gentle.

Since these people attacked them first, she just decided to let it go. But the idea of using an intelligent creature as a material doesn't sit right with her.

"The competition is about to begin, let's prepare"

She smiles before going away to the house.

Meanwhile Lily stayed on the place to test the new data for a bit before following her. They might create another virtual space again soon.

He looked around for a target and found one of the white eels sun basking on the bank of the lake.

With a thought, Lily separated and used the part of the human data corresponding with intelligence. Once they saw the data that also saw what makes up their bodies or else they will have to study each individual data.

According to the data, humans here don't have brains and instead, they have a core in their head and their skulls are thick. Their bone marrow not only produces blood but also spiritual energy that their body use for energy. Not sleeping well reduces that spiritual energy and so why do people feel weak when they don't sleep.

It's pretty nice in the opinion of Lily, but not surprising. Just because they look human doesn't mean they are the same human from your realm or world.

The eel then spasm for a bit and then looked into the sky with a questioning look on its face. It saw so many questions, but Lily will let it learn on its own.

He then left the lake and goes to follow Yen. They only have a few more hours to prepare.


A burly man smashed his table in anger.

"How dare they!?! Those ants

What are you standing there!?! Get out!!" 

He shouted at the messenger who hurriedly bow and immediately left the room.

This is the Vice sect master of the sun punishing sect.

The people he just sent were slaughtered, how can he not be angry?

"The sect master wants me to tell you that you are not to make a move for 2 months"

A mysterious voice sounded behind the curtains before silently disappearing.

The vein on his forehead bulged

"The sect master wants me to do what!?! Does he think he can just order me!?!" 

He cursed inside his mind as he calms himself down.

He can't believe that the sect master is stopping him from stomping on some ants.

On the distant

"I never thought they would be so bold, how interesting"

A young lady said while cleaning a white jade box containing something emitting a sharp sword aura.

"Let's see what they have in hand"

She then dressed herself up with male clothing and her body changed shape and surprisingly resembling.......

The news hasn't traveled that far yet, but it surprised everyone how bold they became. Of course, most people call them and only prolong their ending.

"Alas, owning a treasure you can't protect is a sin"

An old man drank some wine from his bottle gourd while an old lady on the front of him relish on her lotus roots.

"They are not stupid, surely they have a plan in mind for revealing such treasure" 

The old woman replied

"Let's just hope so"

With that, the old man finished his wine

Back to the platform.

Disciples are flocking in and looking at the magnificent scenery of beautiful flowers and trees as they all flew to the second platform.

Marlyn is in the floating house and can see everything. Seeing their expressions, she felt very proud.

Marlyn knows of the data that can grant intelligence, but like a good girl, she follows the teaching of her parents not to play with sentient life.

Her pet chicken just sits beside her and eats voraciously.

The disciples were in awe of the sight

"Big Brother, those birds are so beautiful!" 

The female disciple of Yu Yan looks at the adarna birds circling the sky with proud expressions. But deep inside those faces were grudges, how can they, a race of magnificent birds serve as entertainment to mere not-so-beautiful-looking creatures?

The girl is named Jiang Yin Yue and the youth is Jiang Wang Shu

(Good ol' Google

Why do Chinese names have to be so complicated? )

Jiang Wang Shu then looked at the birds and they looked back at him with the belittling look.

The birds thought ' how can such a not so beautiful creature look at me?' 

Jiang Wang Shu never felt so belittled by a lowly bird before.

"Hmph, how can such a weak bird compare to me?" 

He speeds up his sword and traveled with a proud look on his face.

Jiang Yin Yue looked at Wang Shue with a weird expression.

They soon arrived at the platform and they were greeted by Zhi Ruo and Little Cloud giving out sit numbers to disciples. They are cultivators so it's an easy matter to them

Beside Little Cloud is a clingy Young master song pestering Little Cloud about the ability he used the other day.

"I will give you a jade lotus if you tell me"

Young master song dangles a lotus flower on the front of Little Cloud.

"Put away that jade lotus, you're blocking the path for others" 

Little cloud coldly said

"Fine! I will help 

Ohh brother, what is your seat number?"

He pulled a random disciple and began guiding him

"Senior brother song, i- " 

The disciple tried to reject, but Young master insistently guided him.

This left the two speechless.

"It seems like he can find trouble everywhere"

Jiang Wang Shue muse to himself as Jiang Yin Yue pulled him over.

"Greeting great elder" 

The two respectfully bow

" You two are in the third layer, seat number 3 and 4 

You can ask the guide if you get lost" 

Zhi Ruo then pointed at young master Song who immediately looked over.

"Fellow brother Song, can you help us find our seat?" 

Jiang Yin Yue asked him before passing a red peach.

This doesn't look like a competition to them, everything looks strange. But it also added up to the excitement.

Quite a good amount of disciples feels lost and don't know what to do because everything is too unfamiliar.

Young master leads them away to the third layer.

"Fellow brother Song, do you have any ideas as to what the competition will be?" 

Along the way, Jiang Wang Shue asked Young Master Song

"I also don't know, even master only told me it will be exciting and he said that with a weird smile" 

Remembering that smile of Qing Shan, he can't help but shiver.

"My only advice, be ready"

And with that, Young master Song left them on their seat.

Seeing him left to continue working, the two can't help but ponder on his words.

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

They then sit on the weird shaped chairs and comfort quickly invaded their body

Jiang Yin Yue even let out a small moan which made her blush

"These chairs are incredible!" 

Jiang Wang Shue can't help but exclaim. 


Jiang Yin Yue stuttered since she still can't forget that moan

(Is this what chair porn is like?) 

She then heard more satisfied moans from the surrounding seats. They all came from direct disciples who just come.

This stunned the duo.

Soon more satisfied voices filled the seats of the contestants and the audience.

The usual groups are not surprised since the chairs called sofa on the house of the seniors feel more satisfying that the duo even kicked them out for the inappropriate scene.

Once everyone is in, they began distributing the glasses to the contestants. Marlyn even volunteered together with her chicken.

"Big brothers, big sister" 

Marlyn said in her cute voice as she passed the glasses to Young Master Song, Jiang Yin Yue, Jiang Wang Shue, and the three disciples of Feng Mian.

The chicken behind her balances a tray on its head expertly as it follows her. Behind her is also Zhi Ruo.

"Ohhh so cute, what's your name little girl?" 

Young master song accepted the glasses and stay warm on Marlyn

"It's Marlyn" 

She replied with a smile.

"Marlyn? That's a cute name.

Here, accept this, it's delicious" 

Her name sounds weird to them, but Young Master Song is known to be kind to children. He gave her a ripe red persimmon 

"Thank you, mister!" 

She happily received it and continue, but this time Zhi Ruo is the one giving the glasses because Marlyn is busy eating.

"Greetings Great Elder Ruo.

May I ask who is that girl?" 

Jiang Yin Yue respectfully asked.

"That's the daughter of the seniors"

She smiled at them before going. 

This stunned the surrounding disciples, no wonder a great elder is with that girl. They can't help but feel dripping cold sweat on their backs.

"The daughter of the seniors? As expected of the daughter of strong figures, even I can't sense her cultivation." 

One of the trio disciples of Feng Mian quietly said to the others.

"Even elder brother is unable to sense her cultivation?!"

This surprised everyone nearby. Of course, Marlyn is already too far away to hear them.

"These things look interesting"

One of the trios inspect the glasses and found that it is of high grades.

Before they can continue talking, big diagonal coverings appeared to cover the contestants and audience from the sun and elements.

A voice was then heard, it is the voice of the Sect Master.

"Everyone, please prepare yourselves as the competition is about to begin

" For the contestants, please put on your glasses, there is a description on how to wear it on the armchair" 

Hearing that, everyone soon found a description on their armchairs and wore the glasses accordingly.

The big screens then flickered and came to life, showing the once sitting disciples now standing on the edge of an island. They are all randomly distributed everywhere.

This caused an uproar on the audience which is mostly consisted of elders, but there are some people from other places brave enough to join and watch.

Once everyone saw where they are, they got shocked. They also now wear cheap fur clothes on their bodies. They can't feel their cultivations and they feel severely weakened.

"Where you are right now is another world, but once you die here you won't die outside, you will only be disqualified.

" The seniors are kind enough to let us use this island for the competition, but unfortunately they don't want to speak for now.

"4 days here will only be 1 day outside if you are concerned.

"Now, let me announce the rules.

"No one must torture another sect disciple for the reason that they can't die

" No sexual assault allowed 

"There are no other rules.

" The goals to win in this competition

"The first person to reach the fourth island within 4 months will be the champion

"And Survive"

With that, the voice of Lui Fen disappeared.

The information shocked everyone.

Another world? You won't die? Time alterations?

There is so much information.

The elders were shocked too, they didn't know that the sect know such seniors.

"Heh, another world? It must just be another crappy illusion" 

A young man from another city arrogantly said.

" We're leaving, such a scam" 

The young man leads away his group of similarly arrogant people.

Many people are also starting to doubt.

Before those men can go tho, they are forced back to their seats.


A voice said before throwing them away out of the island.

This caused to the audience turn silent, afraid of offending someone they can't mess with.

Meanwhile, inside the virtual space, people are not going so alright.

They too think that this is an illusion, but they can't prove it. Everything feels and looks so real.

"Hahaha, I'm gonna be the champion."

One disciple shouted arrogantly as he run and jumped into the water.

This caught the attention of others.

"Look, someone is swimming!"

It so happens that Jiang Yin Yue and one of the three brothers, Chen Huan

"Let's watch, it shouldn't be that simple when our masters even warn us so greatly"

He said with a serious face, because of the downgrade in strength, many people were not yet used to their state

Many people watch the disciples swim and many others joined them

"Hahaha, cowards!" 

The disciple shouted at the people still staying on the island. Of course, those people were offended.

Just as he's going to throw another insult, the water churned, and a massive shadow swam below the water.

His face turned pale and so did the others that joined him.

The water became more chaotic as they desperately swim away.

The people on the island feel satisfied

"Serves you right!"

Many such shouts echoed throughout the island, but they also feel fear. How will they be able to cross with such a creature?

A giant figure of a frog with a snake's lower body rose from the depths. Its eyes glow bright green and its sharp scales trembled in excitement.

It opened its massive maw and swallowed everything on its path.

"Help me!!!" 

One disciple desperately screams, but it is too late as the tongue of the beast entangled her and swallowed her whole.

The great beast soon returned to the depths and travel to another distance. 

The water returned to its usual calm state, but no one want to take the risk.

They all run away from the water.

"This is...."

Jiang Yin Yue feels terrified, with her cultivation she won't be terrified, but now they only have the strength of a mere mortal.

Chen Huan is silent too, they are in a secluded area so no one spots them yet.

"Let's go find the others, we won't be able to stand this alone"

He then pulled her away into the forest where they can hide while they find the others.

That day so many contestants got disqualified, many died on the water while many also died from poisonous fruits.

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