Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 19: (20) Establishing one’s group in the island

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Night came.

The shelter they are making is still incomplete, but it's enough to give them some sense of security. 

They used the natural shape and branches of the trees as foundations for their shelters, they are not planning to make one big shelter since they won't be able to do it.

Overall they only managed to do 2 sides of the wall using woods they can take from a tree without the need of tools. 

"Eat to your fill, you will need those energies to tomorrow.

Zhou Qing is with the others distributing fruits that the Fruit and Animals groups porridge.

Everyone took their shares and began eating while sitting near their campfires.

" This looks great, too bad it's not sharp enough"

Zhou Qing said as he rub his finger along the edge of the stone head of one of the makeshift spears Chen Huan made.

Chen Huan also sighed

"We don't have good materials and tools to make anything better than a stone spear

I can create bows, but I need strong woods and strong vines"

Chen Huan tossed one of the spears aside.

"Don't worry brother Huan, I think there are better materials on the other side." 

Jiang Yin Yue chimed in while carrying a makeshift club, basically just a bit thicker stick with stones tied to it with vines to make a good brute weapon.

"How can we possibly cross the water with such a beast living on it?"(song)

Song Nuan swallowed what he's currently eating before pointing out.

"I don't think they will give us an impossible test, there must be a way"(yin)

Jiang Yin Yue said before sitting down next to them

"Should we try using a raft?"

Song Nuan suggested after that

"A raft won't do a thing, that creature will just destroy it"

Chen Huan replied.

They all sigh, ways to escape this island are very limited with such a beast guarding the place.

"Senior brothers, Senior sisters, let's sleep, for now, we will need the energy to work tomorrow, there is also the possibility of attacks once resources dwindled.

He then offers them a mini basked created from vines with a big piece of leaf on the inside to carry water, the bigger vine woven basket also has leaves inside from bigger plants and trees stacked in multiple layers. They don't have a lot of this item, but it is a great help for them.

They accepted the cup and Zhuo Qing poured them water until everyone drank enough.

According to Wang An, it is safe to drink the water from the lake, the water surrounding them, but there are spots on the lake where the water is dangerous to drink.

Jiang Yin Yue, Wang An, And Song Nuan went to sleep, the others will guard the fire and sleep after their duty is done.

Next morning 

They distributed the already made weapon to everyone and gave stone clubs to the leader of each group.

"We need additional grasses here!" And "More vines!" Can be heard all around, they are progressing fast with their numbers.

Jiang Yin Yue is full of sweat as she carries a bunch of grasses on her shoulders and behind her is Zhuo Qing also looking exhausted while he pulls away thick vines from the trees.

"Take a break first everyone!" 

Wang An shouted from the distance, behind her are other disciples carrying baskets of water while behind them are some from the fish group carrying something. They look tired from walking and are using their spears as walking sticks to assist them

They soon arrived at the tired bunch and gave them water.

"What's inside that?" 

Zhou Qing curiously asked after gulping down 3 cups of water.

"Leader, we found something great!"

 The people from the fish group dropped their baskets and revealed the content.

Everyone immediately crowded when they saw what's inside.

"Heavens, those are some big clams!" 

Jiang Wang Shue exclaimed, he touched the clams and exclaimed even more

"These really are clams and they are so big! 

Quickly, we need to secure the place you got it from before other people find them!" 

Commotions broke and people touched the clams as if they are priceless treasures.

"Uhmmm we got them from, trading, someone already claimed them, but they lack fruits and vegetables so they agreed with us to trade for some vegetables and fruits"

The leader of the fish group immediately stopped them 

"There is another group other than us? "

Zhou Qing looked at him seriously.

"Yes leader, they are led by elder sister Zhao Xiu, their situation is dire and they are situated on rocky terrain, according to them they have been eating nothing but clams"

The leader of the fish group explained.

Chen Huan then suggested 

"We can continue trading with them, these clamshells are useful for creating shields and if broken into manageable sizes our spears can be upgraded and they can be used as a pot to boil water and cook, they have so much use!" 

Everyone got excited when they heard those words everyone clamored in excitement 

They are one step ahead of everyone

Jiang Yin Yue then thought about a shiny necklace made from clams

"Everyone we will have a feast tonight!"

Song Nuan shouted and everyone joined him.

Song Nuan hugged Jiang Yin Yue in excitement, but then he stopped when he saw glaring eyes.

' He dared touch our goddess!!' 

Everyone thought in their mind.

Then everyone burst into laugher.

That night they all gathered inside the half-finished shelter, everyone with faces of anticipation. It took them 3 hours just to open the clams when they realize they can just toss them on the fire.

"Today we are making fruit clam soup!" 

Wang An said as tend to the 4 clamshell's roasting atop the fires while supported by stones.

People are surrounding the fire with inpatient expression.

Wang An first poured some water into the shells and it sizzled before calming down 

The water came to a boil and she then added the fruits, of course, fruits that they know will go well with the clams.

The soup soon turned whitish with an aromatic smell.

Gulping sounds could be heard from the people around her. They all have their cups for their shares.

Next came the clams themselves. The clams are pretty big and chopped into pieces enough for everyone, everyone can have 1 piece of clam and it's based on their luck what parts they will get. If they are outside they would only eat the most delicious parts, but here it is different, every part of the food here is luxury.

After boiling for a while, it's finally done.

"Who wants some first?" 

Wang An asked.

Everyone looked around before pulling some people from the fish group

"This isn't fair for anyone who arrived first if we-" 

Before the people of the fish group can excuse themselves, everyone stared at them with dead eyes.

"Just do it"

Song Nuan pushed them to the front.

"I-is this really alright?"

The leader of the fish group nervously asked

"Ugh enough talking, take your shares so we can have ours!"

A man with a scar said

"All of the fish group are half girls if they don't eat! We are waiting"

A beautiful woman from the back complained.

"Add the fruit group too! Take your shares quickly!"

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

Zhou Qing added.

Seeing that everyone is starting to get impatient, they all quickly took their shares. They feel warm in their hearts, these disciples most likely have higher standing and positions than them, but they let them eat first.

After that, they also forced the fruit group and the line became more stable after that.

"So delicious! I never thought clams can be this delicious"

Jian Wang Shue looks very delighted, he's even running around

Everyone just laughed at the scene.

The night passed quickly

In the morning

Jiang Yin Yue is holding a shiny clamshell she meticulously cleaned last night.

Song Nuan and Jiang Wang Shue looked at the beautiful clamshell on her hand.

Noticing the states, Jiang Yin Yue turned around to hide her treasure.

Not far away from them, the others are sending the fish group and fruit group away with baskets full of fruits and vegetables together with some stone knives. Together with them are 4 disciples from the animal group equipped with big stone clubs and spears. One of them even asked Chen Huan to add eye holes to his clam and turned it into a clam mask.

"Take care and bring more clams"

Zhou Qing and the others waved at the departing figures.

"Ok, let's go back and finish our shelters!" 

Zhou Qing shouted and lead the group back so they can work, he can fill the wind changing.

Back to the departing group, they continue treading the sandy shore under the hot sun. Fortunately, they are prepared some water.

Sun Xue, the leader of the fish group noticed some weird signs on the beach, he suddenly became alert. His sudden shift startled the others, but they also readied their weapons and investigate their surroundings.

"Junior sister, there is something written here" 

Sun Xue called out, everyone goes to his location and surely something is written there.

"*don't swim* 

It looks to be just recently written"

Sun Xue said.

Everyone has a weird expression on their faces

"Did someone just discover that you can't swim?"

Someone jokingly said

Everyone chuckled a bit

"Anyways, let's continue, this is an important matter for our group

But keep your guards"

Wang An said, everyone nodded and they continue.

It's not long before they arrive in a rocky area.

"Everyone, be careful with your steps"

Sun Xue said

Soon they started traversing the steep rocks, though there are some occasional slips and bruises, none of them were injured.

"Junior sister An!, Junior brother Xue!" 

Not far away from them are 3 people, the one leading them is a woman.

"Elder sister Xiu! We came back to trade again!" 

He shouted back

"Good! Come here quickly!" 

She replied

Wang An gave Sun Xue a look before saying

"You are really good at shouting"

He just smiled at her before saying

"You will become good at it once you try selling fish

Let's go, they are waiting" 

He then carefully continue walking. His feet are starting to hurt, but this mission is important.

They arrived at a cave entrance where they found 3 people looking at them excitedly

Looking around, Wang An find something strange

"Where are they?"

She asked

This question seems to trigger something in them and they remained silent, they reluctantly looked at each other.

"We can tell you two, but the others must stay outside"

"Wait for us outside"

Sun Xue said to others and went inside the cave

Wang An followed him

The others seem reluctant and suspicious, but they decided to remain outside.

Once they are alone inside, Zhao Xiu whispered at them, and their eyes went wide with shock.

"I-is this true?"

His voice is trembling and so is Wang An

Zhao Xiu nodded.

She then whispered more to them

"Good, we will, don't worry"

Sun Xue said, Wang An also nodded.

After that, they traded goods, but before they can leave, the three gave them something.

"We don't only have clams, we also have this, we don't know what this is, but let us know what your leader think about them

Also, we want some more of those knives and also some spears, if possible we also want some of those baskets.

If your leader agree, we will trade something of value"

The thing they gave them is like a barnacle the size of a hand.

Wang An inspect it and replied with a smile.

"We will inform our leader" 

And with that, they gave one last bow and left.

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