Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 22: (23) Stripper birds

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They are all not in their best conditions since they haven't had the chance to sleep properly.

They are in a circular formation with layers of shields and spears. 

A rustle sounded from the back of the trees and shadows run from deep within.

5 of such creatures appeared and lunged to devour them, but ln their way their foot fell on the holes and something else are on the holes. Their legs were immediately ensnared and the clam shards at the bottom of the holes pierce their feet with every struggle.

The group is not going to let them struggle as they please, everyone immediately advances in an orderly passion. Every Shields on the front and followed by people with the spikes and third with people using knives and bone clubs.

The beasts finally released their bloody paws from the pit and bit off the snares on their front paws and roared

"They are wounded! We have an advantage! Attack from the behind!" 

Zhou Qing shouted

Song Nuan and his group formed a shield wall on the front of one of the beasts to distract it from Zhou Qing and others going behind.

Their feelings trembling.

Zhou Qing can feel his adrenaline surging and filling him with strength.

Raising his spike, he pierced the beast through its anus. It wailed in pain and slapped Zhou Qing with its tail.

Slamming down to a tree, his bones creek and he let out a sharp gasp as pain wracked his body, but he won't let go.

Through his cloudy eyes, he can see his brothers and sisters fighting off the beasts. Jiang Yin Yue fending off a beast with bloody scratches on her arms

Enduring the pain, he stood up and run back to the wailing beast with bleeding ass. Song Nuan and others are desperately blocking the beast.

Evading the tail, he pulled the spike and stabbed it to the creature's leg.

It wailed even more and kicked him on the chest and causing him to cough a mouthful of blood.

It madly turned its head on him and raised its claw to finish him.

The claw went downwards and he can only look with helplessness.

Pain still wracking his body, he took one final glance at the others before his end, but it didn't come. Instead, he can see a shadow or a silhouette o Zhao Xiu intending to shield bash the beast and his 2 members running with spears.

The beast stopped and sneered at the approaching figures. It just stared at them before ramming its head on them, knocking them backward, but before they can land, a swift and precise slash sliced them and they turned into particles of light.

There is only a blank expression on his face as the beast rapidly approaches him. Beside him, his spike embedded itself on the ground. With his last bit of strength, he grabbed the broken handle and pierced the ramming beast on the chest before losing succumbing to the dark.

Seeing their leader unconscious under the dead beast, everyone panicked.

The last remaining beast smirked at them, it sped up and claimed another life.

Dread fell upon them, now they understand, if only they listened to him and escaped, but it is too late now.

Grabbing his knife with his bloody hand, Jiang Wang Shue shouted.

"Come here you beast!!!" 

Rage overwhelming his body, they lost 6 good members plus their trading friends.

The beast only stood there as if to mock him.

The remaining disciples gathered behind him, Jiang Yin Yue breathing rapidly with a pale face, Chen Huan having one of his eyes blinded, Song Nuan on tattered pieces of bloody fur robes with visible wounds on his body. Wang An is also there with her knives. 

Other than them, other disciples in various degrees of injury stand with piercing gazes.

Knowing it can't fight, it sprints back to the forest, but it got itself snared, and the angry mob behind it.

Since it can't run, it might as well kill as many as possible, but what meets its face are spikes stuffing and piercing its mouth. It went limp in just moments.

People kicked and beat the dead monster before they are then taken to help with their wounds. The whole place is in a mess.

The injured were picked up

Outside the others put down their glasses and looked at their friends still inside the competition. Reluctantly they left the comfortable chairs

"Please follow me to the cafeteria, you can eat there"

Zhi Ruo guided them, their bodies ache a bit, but because the chairs are soft it's not that much of a pain

"Great elder-" 

Before they can greet her, she just brushes it off

"No need, no need, now follow me, be quick I still need to watch the competition" 

Then she flew away, they have so many questions, they can feel the increase in their cultivation, and some were even surprised to discover they are near a breakthrough.

"What is a cafeteria?"

One of the disciples asked and everyone just shrugged their shoulders.

"I don't know, but based on the words of the great elder it is a place with food"

Another disciple answered

Now that someone mentioned food, they feel hungry

They hurriedly follow her to grab themselves something to eat because they feel horribly hungry

While they are flying in an unsteady way, they noticed that the place became bigger with flocks of birds occasionally flying around, every bird seems to be in conflict and having their competition over the first bite of fruits.

Inside the competition, it's already morning

The injured were all put in one shelter to be taken care of. The healing capabilities of plants here are high so they are expected to be good within a week.

"Brother Qing" Jiang Yin Yue entered one of the shelters while carrying a hot soup on a clamshell.


Zhou Qing tried to sit, but his whole body is aching and thus he can hardly move.

"How are the others?'

He asked while suppressing the pain 

"Don't move too much

They are doing fine, it will take them a while to recover"

She put the soup to the side, she's not wearing that much fur clothes right now because Wang An said it might worsen by the heat trapped inside by wearing fur clothes.

She then assisted him to sit.

"When will be the..possible...time to do the plan?

And how are your injuries?"

He's trying hard to speak clearly, at the last part there is concern ln his tone.

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

"I'm just doing fine"

She then shows her arm covered with long leaves that act like bandages.

"And they predicted that we can go in 1 week

They are already preserving a lot of our food.

We have to continue and be the first to arrive at the 4th ring for them, that's the current motivation of everyone right now"

Hearing those words, he can't help but smile

"Sister Yin, I'll take care of brother Qing. Junior sister An wants your help with cooking."

Jiang Wang Shue entered the shelter.

Yin Yue nodded and then left.

They then talked about the plans, when he discovered the casualties, he's quite sad. This is the least outcome he wants.

With the help of Wang Shue, he goes outside to see 9 graves with names etched on the ground. 

There are flower offerings on the graves too.

Everyone made way for him. He stood there on the front of the graves and he bowed deeply with support of course.

After that, he turned to the others and said.

"Continue the work, we will win this competition!!" 

He's getting everyone riled up

They all shouted with him until eventually, he had to return, or his situation will worsen.

Meanwhile outside

The shadows are growing frustrated. They are trying to infiltrate the island and yet all of their plans are ruined by some group of arrogant birds.

"This is the last time!" 

The shadowy figure of a woman trembled in anger

Every shadow behind her cower in fear, they can feel thick killing intent coming from her.

She can still remember that arrogant bird crapping on her hair before kicking her out. 

The shadowy figure disappeared into the night.

Night soon encroach, the perfect time to see what truly is inside the island.

Lily and Yen looked at the creeping shadows with a weird expression

"I never thought I would see a group of people so desperate to be beaten by birds"

Said Yen and so the reply of Lily

"That bird fetish is a bit too much.."

Lily has a very unsightly expression.

They are lucky that Marlyn is sleeping or else the two will be angry if Marlyn sees such vulgar thing.

The woman and his group creep from mountains to mountains until they eventually heard the sound they all feared

The sound of flapping wings filled the surrounding

Not long after, birds of all appearances perched on the branches and stared deeply into their soul.


One attempted to run, but powerful talons grabbed his shoulders. Soon he's nowhere to be found and only his scream echoed through the air.

They feel chills going down their spines. The birds are acting differently today.

The shadowy woman tries to draw out her dagger, but before she can have the opportunity the birds flocked towards her group and grab their hands, shoulders, legs, anything and they all carry the group deep into the mountain range. 

The woman grabbed something, a white jade, something that can be used to send a one-way message to a faraway target.

But as soon as she touches it, another bird swooped in and swallowed it.

"Ahhh!!!!!! Bastards!!"

She shouted, there is nothing she can do other than see what these birds will do.

They were then brought to a cave with hundred or dozens of birds. 

A colorful bird came to the front of the cave and chirp. A much bigger colorful bird came out and chirp, they chirp at each other before the bigger bird nodded and let everyone in.

Inside the cave, there are all sorts of birds with arms, some even hold items familiar to them.

One shadowy figure in dark robes noticed one of the daggers on the hand of one of the birds.

Then a sudden realization hit them, these birds are sentient. 

That's something Lily and Yen decided since they need to increase their defense.

Quickly every item on their bodies was stripped, even the clothes.

"Stop!  Stop!! I won't accept this!!" 

She screamed, but it is of no use. 

What appeared from the dark robes is a woman with a large scar on her face. 

"Nooo!! Please not my clothes!!!" 

Everyone, we're slowly stripped. The only thing covering them are their undergarments which the birds also planned to remove.

On the house, Lily and Yen have dark expressions and black clouds can be imagined rising from their heads

Before the birds can do anything, Lily and Yen appeared and stopped them.

Cloaks appeared out of the air and covered the group. 

The birds started complaining, but Yen just gave them cold glares enough to shut them up.

"Follow me"

Lily said to the group before walking to a portal on the wall

As for the birds, let's just say that Yen is gonna teach them some proper manners

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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