Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 39: Rewrite chap 15: The void tree

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Lily and Yen stood before a truly gigantic tree. Just the roots will take 30 normal trees to match the size.

The tree grows on a massive hole with darkness at the bottom, the support of its roots helped it stay at the top and not fall. Its bark is bluish and almost crystalline in texture. The cracks between the barks glow a fiery blue and the leaves have a fire at the tip. They can't see the top just by standing at the bottom.

"At this point, just taking a seed from it will be much easier, or maybe a cutting to grow a tree from"

Lily said with a sigh, it's simply too big for them.

"Let's search it first and see if it have any fruits, if not, then we don't have any choice"

Yen agreed with him, even if she wants precious materials, this one is too big and they will have to waste a lot of time.

"Still the wood is of high quality and you too can make high-quality potions from the leaves and sap"

She pointed out, but they still don't know how the tree will respond to them cutting some roots and branches.

"If only we can take it with us, sadly we can't.

Let's just take some woods "

Lily can feel his heart bleeding too, he can make a variety of potions from it.

Yen nodded.

After that, they return to the system space to ask for their only source of information, the black orb. Its soul might not be in a perfect state because of time degradation, but it should be able to answer a question or two.

Yen then took Marlyn to the top Island in the game to roast some food and have fun.

The black orb stays in front of Lily and he warmly pats it.

"Do you know anything about something called a void tree?"

The orb stopped for a moment when it heard that and it replies

"Tree...tree...delicious sap can make you explode...good taste"

Its speech is still as broken as usual. Something might have happened when they took it from that place.

"I'll treat you some roasted chicken if you tell me more about the tree"

Lily said and the black orb becomes excited, this time its voice is more clear.

"Tree!...the tree, origin of at the top, I want...delicious"

It shivered at the last part as if remembering something horrifying.

"Alright little guy, you can go now"

A skewer of chicken appeared on his hand and he gave it to the black orb who happily swallow it.

He then went to give a visit to his daughter with the black orb before going out. Yen is taking care of Marlyn and so he has to go alone.

He sneaked near a root and attempted to cut it, the sharp end of his rake easily went in, and blue sap spilled out. He's careful not to touch it and he carefully stores every sap that comes out. 

The sap stopped after a while.

"The sap should be its protective measure"

He murmurs to himself.

He then proceeded to cut it further. His rake changed and the handle becomes shorter while the blades lengthened. Overall, the rake is still the same length as before.

More blue sap spilled out and the plants that get touched turned into ashes. Lily can feel his spine running cold, it's good that he didn't directly touch it. He then stored every sap that leak out. After a while, he finally managed to cut the root. Its inside is completely blue and blue sap continuously leaks from the wound.

Overall nothing strange is happening, other than the strong presence of both fire and wind energy since he started cutting the root.

"This should be enough"

He said. With enough effort, he took the root into his inventory. Still, he doesn't want to touch it out of caution. Fortunately, his rake is strong enough, it is made from a rare material in the afterlife called the soul's vein. A metal that grew along the river where souls pass before they can enter the afterlife and so it is of good quality. Originally this rake is just meant to be, uh, well, a rake, but it becomes his weapon over time because he like the way it looks.

Seeing the sap still overflowing, he welcomes himself to take as much as he wants. Eventually, he have to stop since he noticed a big wave of aura approaching his location.

He just smiled and goes into the forest for his next objective, to find what is on the top of the tree.

After he left, some disciples discovered the cut root, and it start chaos.

"Wind essence! Someone cut the root!"

"I can't believe it, real wind essence!"

"Hey! Don't touch it!"

"It's mine!"

And so a big fight happened. 

Lily stared at the scene from afar and sighed.

"There is enough for everyone, why are they fighting?"

He just shakes his head and continues on his journey.

Not far away from him, a young lady watches his every move.

"I can't believe that creature has such a treasure to even dare to cut and harvest a tree root"

She murmured and lay low.

As far as she knows, tree roots from the void tree are precious for pill making and treasures. Bit the problem lies in that most treasures melt when cutting a root and that is why it is precious.

For her tho, she is higher up the level of seniority so it is not a part of her problem. She always gets sap from the main root itself which is more precious.

But still, it is a surprise for her, these two creatures are not as simple as she thinks. The cultivation techniques they use are something that she saw before and they don't look like they cultivate at all. All she can feel when she scans their bodies are weird energies that her earthy energy rejects to be with and so it is hard for her to know their level of strength.

What's more, is that they seem to know spatial techniques which are rare. Their items are weird too.

Meanwhile completely unaware of a watcher, Lily carefully treads the roots of the big tree. It didn't take much before he got near the tree itself. The abyss below him is tempting him and it has a similar aura to that black orb. There are also interesting materials on the side of the hole, but that is a risk none of them dare to take.

Using the same rake, he slashed the bark, but unlike the root, it is much harder. The rake just got deflected easily, not good for sharp weapons.

He then checked if his rake got any chips or damage.


He said after seeing none. He then enchanted his rake and this time stabbed the tree. With the enchantment, the rake went in for a good amount before being stopped by the hardwood.

Slightly golden sap slowly leak from the tree and he quickly collected them. He can tell that this one is much higher in quality than the one on the root.

After pulling it out, more sap spilled out which he happily collected.

He can learn about their information later when he went back to the system, but they are planning to read everything about their harvest when they go out from this place, something they will do to sort everything before they add them to the game, also to surprise themselves.

Satisfies with the amount, he started climbing and take some pause when he arrived on branches to take saps and rest a little.

Walking around the branch, he plucked some big leaves, they are as big as an entire human. Of course, he just took the old leaves and some new leaves on occasion. 

"I wonder what will happen if I cut a branch"

He murmured before cutting a rather small branch cleanly. Nothing happened to him, but the branch oozes a lot of sap.

This went on for some time and he's still midway to the top.

While resting on a branch, Yen appeared next to him.

"How high are we?"

She asked

"I don't know, but we are still far from the top."

He replied plainly after fixing his robe.

Yen turned around and then saw some disciples knocked down on the branch

"They spotted me and so I have to put them on sleep, not as efficient as you, but it worked"

He said with self-admiration.

"Let's go, we still have a long journey ahead"

She said as she was ready to fly

They continued going up in search of any fruit. They do it sneakily since it will be troublesome if people saw them.

After a while of climbing, they then encountered some disciples fighting over a fruit. Of course, it got the two excited.

They hide behind the thick branches and want an opportunity. But after a while, they decided to just let it go and go up.

Sometimes later.

"Now, this is troublesome"

Lily looked up ahead and their path is covered by sticky bluish gold sap. They also can't fly since the wind is so strong.

"Let's go there"

Yen then pointed on a thick branch going up, this one doesn't have any sap, but the wind is strong, they will have to hold tight to the brand.

"Let's go"

Using his rake as a hook, they continue up the branch until...

"So many!"

Lily said

Their eyes glitter with happiness, in front of them are clusters of fruits in different stages of maturity, those matured enough are too far ahead.

"Be quiet, look"

Yen then pointed not too far where there are nests after nests full of eggs. The birds residing here are almost the size of a house, their body feathers are semi-transparent and they have long necks with golden lines going from their head up to their feet. Their head is similar to that of a goose and their eyes emit intelligence.

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

" two don't seem to belong to this world..."

A much bigger bird flew from the nest and it have a feather crown with more golden lines on its body.

Once it landed in front of them, the harsh wind disappeared.

The two know they invaded their territory and should probably show respect.

"Many thanks, senior"

They both said with respectful gestures, they learned this from Lui Fen and others.

"No need, you two are not humans, so we don't mind your presence.

You two are interesting, the world rejects you and your body reject the world and yet you can exist, how interesting"

The bird lowers its head to look at both of them. They can feel that this bird is stronger than anyone they have seen and can probably pinch them to death without effort

"Don't worry, we are not humans, we don't need your secrets"

As if seeing their worries, the bird eased their worries.

"Thanks, senior"

Lily replied

"I don't think you two climbed here for no reason, come, friends, let us talk about this inside"

The bird then invited them to ride his back

"Is this just fine, senior?"

Yen asked, from Lui Fen they learned that one can't easily ride the back of a sentient beast unless you want it to kill you.

"Worry not, child, our race doesn't hold the same honors as humans"

It warmly replies

"Then please pardon us, senior"

Lily replied

With some slight hesitation, they rode on his back which as they expected, was soft.

"What are you two doing in this place? Drop the titles, we of the beast clan are not the same as humans"

While flying to the clusters of nests that are surprisingly neat and clean, the big bird asked. The term "senior" also makes them feel a bit uncomfortable and so it helped.

"We are just some merchants from a faraway land selling some goods"

Yen replied

"A merchant, then young friends can I try your products?"

The bird asked, he never met a merchant for a long time now.

"Gladly, we will assure you of the quality of our products"

They looked at each other with a happy expression and Lily happily replied.

They also received a screen from Marlyn saying "Mom, Da, the capsules have been modified into a headgear to suit our customers"

Unfortunately, they can't reply right now so they will make it up to her later.

After flying for a while, they reached a giant nest made from high-quality wood and trees. The woods are even connected using the sap of the void tree.

"Before we talked about what you want, young friends can you show us what your products are"

The bird then sat in the middle of the nest while they go down.

The two looked at each other before taking out a headgear that is similar to modern VR headgear but for birds.

The bird looked at it with interest.

"Young friends, I saw an armor piece with such a unique appearance"

It stated

The two chuckled for a moment, but the bird didn't seem to mind it and joined them

After coughing a bit, Lily then explained its function.

"It is our latest product, a headgear that can let you experience another world.

Wearing it will let you access a world where the world doesn't follow the rules of cultivation.

It provides a surreal experience for anyone who uses it, the chance to live another life in another identity.

Of course due to the risk of people disregarding the outside world and using our product without a break, one can only enter for 8 hours.

The benefit of using our product is that it can purify your energy. 

The bad effect is that people can have an addiction so that's why we put a limit to how long one can play "

He then went back to the side of Yen

"Young friends, you do know it is a treasure

Greed is not limited to human beings"

The bird warns them, he already lived long enough to see betrayals because of treasures and he's afraid such fate might fall to these youngsters 

"Thank you for the concern sir, but we are capable of protecting ourselves "

Yen warmly replied

"But still be careful, demons might not be the enemy you hate, but the one closest to you

Very well then, if you are brave enough to show such treasure, you might have more

I want 3000 of them, what can we trade for? You want something from this place, don't you? You wouldn't climb without wanting something"

The bird took the headgear and put it to his side.

"This is, sure, we want to trade for treasures that can be found on this tree, we'll be fine with 2000 as long as we can have a seed from this tree"

They were shocked, but Yen immediately replied

They didn't question why this bird trust them so much

"I see, I see, no one has been successful with growing the seed, even those greedy monsters from that so-called sect alliance 

We have a lot of seeds, alas they won't grow"

He then tossed about 30 or so seeds at them, he seems to also possess the ability to store things. Make sense why he's not surprised at them taking things from anywhere.

The seeds are of the size of a bowling bowl with blue lines on them and cracks where yellow lines can be seen.

"This is more than we asked for"

Lily checked the seeds and found a tremendous amount of wind and fire energy inside.

"Take them, we don't need them and considered them as gifts from us. But be careful of humans, they see those seeds as a priceless treasure. For us? We don't have uses for them, but you might have use for them"

The bird simply laugh

"Why do you trust us so much?"

Yen asked and the bird just stared at her

"I have lived for thousands of years, I already know who to trust. If you live for more, I'm sure you will learn how to see if someone is trustworthy too

And unlike humans who always kill each other, we sentient beasts are more of a family"

Hearing the reply, she gave it some thoughts before nodding.

The bird then took out more stuff like some sap, wood, fruits, and lastly an egg

"This egg is from a family where its parents were killed by humans for rare materials

I hope you can take care of it"

He passed it to them and they carefully received it. Instead of taking it to their inventory, they just hold it.

After that, they then gave the right amount of headgears and stayed for a while for the testing before they left.

Inside the game, the bird has its humanoid form now and he is flexing his body. Behind him are many of his kind and they all looked similar other than their name which goes by Wind Bird1 up to Wind Bird 200.

Their characters have a lot of feathery features, and they don't even look like a human. They have bird heads, feathers from their torso to their feet which looked like human feet and their hands look like talons. 

Basically, just replace the human head with a bird head and put feathers on every part of their bodies, turn their hands into something similar to birds' feet and that's how they looked like. Their feathers are also blue in color.

"This feels great, those youngsters are truly mysterious"

The one leading the birds, Wind Bird1 murmured to himself.

The crowds looked at the newcomers with interest and strange looks. But they ignored them and they proudly marched on the street to the leveling area with all of them carrying bows. They also all put their points in speed because their leader said "We are the king of the wind!"

"Where did those two go to meet such strange people?"

Lui Fen stared at the marching bird people.

The game lobby is also filled with talks about the new players.

Looks like something interesting is coming

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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