Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 38: Rewrite chap 14: New pet for Marlyn

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1 day later.

Lily and Yen are in front of a massive door with disciples from various sects sleeping on the ground.

Yen looked at the map and then looked at the door.

"It should be here"

She said 

Lily then inspect the door and smiled at her (I used the word "smiled" a lot ln him, but I don't mean a literal smile since he doesn't have a mouth)

"This door looks like a treasure"

When she heard that, she already knows what was in his mind and she was in for it.

"How will we remove it?"

That's the question she has

"The energy in this world don't like our mana, so it should be easy if we use that to our advantage"

He replied and applied a bit of his mana on the center of the door and it opened a bit.

She then remembered what happened in the cave and she smiled

Along with him, they applied their mana on some point of the door to destroy the balance of energy and then


The door came crashing down and revealed a dark cave with engravings on the wall.

Yen then stored the door with a happy face, another treasure on her collection.

"Those symbols look useful, can we also bring them?"

She then stared at the symbols on the cave walls.

"The harvest this time is abundant"

Lily took his rake and they both start carving stones from the wall.

"Hey, stop that!'

One disciple from the outside shouted at them, he just arrived.

The two didn't look at him and he then fell asleep together with the others.

Their carving work took time and now there are a bunch of sleeping disciples outside.

They don't see symbols on the walls, they see possible contents to add to their product.

After a while, they removed all stones near the entrance.

"This is tiring"

Lily said as he is cutting a pillar full of symbols.

Yen is far off on the side, removing some important-looking symbols.

"Should we stop for now? We already took enough"

Lily said before stretching his arms

Yen then gave it some thoughts and agreed.

"Let's explore the inside first, there should be something valuable inside"

Yen said after dropping down and cleaning her feathers.

They then stored back their tools and cautiously went deeper into the cave.

As they progress, the more they encounter weird things like some green corrosive liquid all over the ground which explode when it meets their energy. 

"Let's store them, I can make some explosives with them"

Yen is curious about the liquid and it will be useful for them if they want to chess an enemy.


Lily replied before taking every green liquid they can find.

After a good amount of walking, they soon found another door which they also took. They might have already had enough data, but Yen can make good use of them.

Beyond the door is a big lake with an altar in the middle and a bridge connecting the door to the temple. Growing on the surroundings are all sort of lotus, there are some

Deep inside the temple, a big black orb float, and around it linger a sinister aura

"Food, I want more, feed me"

It speaks as it eyed the two, but it found out it can't control them.


It asked itself, but it decided to stay silent for the moment

The moment the two stepped in, some character appeared in front of them that reads "Ancient evil sealed within, please stay back"

"Oh dang, we stepped in, what now? Anyways I will get the herbs and you can get the temple"

Lily said before jumping on the water taking all the mature plants he see and sparing the young plants.

Yen also just continued and started taking parts from the bridge. Her crown transformed into 3 blades which she used to take parts of the bridge apart, but soon she found out that the materials used to build the bridge is hard

A screen then popped up in front of her

"Mom, you can use the systems ability to absorb things into data to take it apart"

She smiled and replied

"Hmmm, my sweet girl always helping mama, I'll cook some grilled chicken for you later"

She's starting to worry about her, she doesn't have any friends other than that chicken. Yen is thinking of ways to make Marlyn happier.

Inside the system, Marlyn looked happy, but the chicken on her lap shivered in fear

"Don't worry, mom will not cook you"

She said before hugging the chicken and taking it to play with her again.

Back to the two, huge chunks of the bridge keep disappearing into a portal and turning into data, and then the original is sent to the inventory.

This took a while before she reached the altar.

The black orb inside is rejoicing

"Destroy! Free me.."

It speaks

Yen then walked on the temple and walked inside, there are black chains all around. 

"The one being sealed here must be precious"

She can already recognize the craftsmanship and quality of the chains and everything else. There are also powerful sealing runes everywhere.

'If I am right, the moment I take away the entity being sealed, this place will self destruct

I have to get around this mechanism if I take anything from here it will also self destruct'

She thought it was giving her some headache.

On the side of Lily, he found something interesting. Below the lake is a giant body of a spider all covered in chains and symbols.

Some of the chains are broken, but most are still functioning.

He went back up and looked for Yen as to which he found her inspecting the outside of the altar.

He shouted

"There is something here that you must see"

She looked over and asked

"What is it?'

He just swam under and said

"Just follow me"

She then followed and looked at the giant spider body covered in chains.

"That should be the one sealed here, but it's missing a soul"

Yen said

Lily just smiled and said

You are reading story Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) at

"Look above"

She looked up and there it is, a cage containing a squirming dark orb trying hard to escape. It oozes unsettling dark liquid that slowly drips below.

"We should be able to create a dark attribute level or dungeon if we took them"

Yen said in happiness and satisfaction

"Plus a guard to our soon new shop if we managed to tame it"

Lily added

Their only concern now is how to take it or tame it.

Now they are forced to make a hard decisions.

Take the soul and body and let the place explode thus losing the valuable data in the altar or take the altar and risk the entity escaping.

"Let's just take the entity, this place will explode whatever we choose"

Yen said

"Let's go with that"

He said

And with that, they made their plan and on their plan, they will try to take a piece of the altar when an opportunity arises.

They plan that Lily will store the corpse in the inventory together with some chains. Yen will take the soul and the cage in the inventory and they both will do it at the same time.

They nodded at each other before moving.

Yen took her position near the soul which is speaking some things.

"Free me, free me!!"

It repeats

After taking their position, they then made their moves.

The chains rattled and turned bright the moment the spider body disappeared, they turned extremely unstable as if ready to explode. Yen also made her move quickly. The cage and soul disappeared right after the body disappeared and ended with the soul screaming.


Its scream was cut short.

The two also disappeared.

Panic arises outside and the disciples are all running away. Those still sleeping got a rude awakening from the intense energy brewing inside the cave.

"What's happening?" 

A young lady standing far away from the cave can feel the ground shaking a bit and then suddenly a beam of light tears from under the ground and into the sky.

"Is that...who freed it?"

Horror encroach her face as she stumbles backward.

She's that same lady with the old man, Li Yawen. 

She immediately took a jade slip and record everything with it and with that, she speeds away

The light didn't last for long, but it obliterated the temple and the lake and a clean hole up the mountain.

No disciples perished since they all managed to go away in time and the explosion is focused on one entity.

Two figures appeared from the area and immediately run away before others arrive.

Once they reached a secluded cave, they can finally take a sigh of relief

"That was dangerous"

Lily lay down on the ground

"But very rewarding"

Yen replied.

After a while of resting, Lily took out the map and looked at then, then he paused.

"Aren't we forgetting something?"

He looked at her


She tilts her head and then remembered something

"Oh the tree, how can we forget that? " 

She sighed

"Let's go for it after this"

Lily continue laying down to rest a bit before deciding to have some good time with his daughter

Yen just chuckled and joined him.

Inside, Marlyn and her chicken are playing with a black ball.

The orb seems to be afraid of Marlyn and just let itself be played as a ball.

"Mom, Dad, this black ball is hungry, can we feed it?"

She feels happy when she found them and immediately jumped at his Mom who happily carry her.

For some reason, the black ball is afraid of Marlyn, but it is still repeating words like


Or phrase like

"Feed me" and "I want moreeee"

Seeing that the black orb is just staying there and repeating phrases, they just let it be. But the two have their eyes sharp for it.


Lily pinch her cheeks and laugh

"Why not?"

Yen also agreed

After that, she put her down and they all sat on the white platform and a bonfire appeared.

Marlyn happily sat in the middle of her parents.

This warmth the hearts of the two. Some skewered chicken appeared on the bonfire.

"What do you want for the sauce?"

Lily who is preparing the dipping sauce, asked his precious child.

"I want this, and this, that..."

She picked a lot of stuff

Lily is all so happy to add everything she wants to the sauce.

Soon the chickens are cooked, there are more than enough for them, and of course, the pet chicken is not left out of the fun, it has a variety of grains and grass for itself.

The black orb on the other hand is like a hungry soul, it eats and eats until it is satisfied.

In the middle of eating, Marlyn looked at them and asked.

"Mom, Dad, can I keep it as a pet?"

She pointed at the black ball

Lily rubbed her hair and replied

"As long as it remains good"

The orb shivered for a moment before saying

" it delicious?"

This made the two laugh

Yen also agreed, but it still needs some watch to guarantee.

Just from that question from the orb, they realized that it might have been sealed because it is always hungry and wants to eat to satisfy its hunger, still, they don't know why it is scared of Marlyn

And so they spent the time having fun

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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