Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title)

Chapter 41: Rewrite chap 17: Another trade

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After sorting everything out, Lily and Yen felt tired.

"What is my sweetie doing?"

Lily gently carry Marlyn into his arms

Marlyn stared at him with her cute big eyes now more full of emotions.

"I'm feeding big blacky and Berry"

She replied while hugging the chicken and the black orb taking the form of a fluffy black fur ball atop her head like a hat.

Hearing itself being called, the black orb wriggles a bit, and a pair of red dots appear on its surface as if resembling eyes.

The chicken also just stayed there with its fat body.

"Hehe, so cute"

Lily pinched her cheeks while laughing a bit.

"Alright, do you want to go for a walk?"

Hearing those words, she feels happy and nodded.

Yen looked at them warmly with a smile on her face.

"How can you two enjoy without me?"

She joined the prey and took their daughter back to the game lobby. 

The game lobby is not just a simple room with lights. It's an entire building in the middle of a park full of beautiful flowers where people can relax.

There is also an artificial sky like the game and the time there is whatever time it is outside.

"Stay with your Mom a bit, I'm gonna get food for us"

Lily said as he passed her to Yen and goes to the side where there is something similar to a machine made from wood, he pressed some buttons on it and a tray appeared. A screen also appeared showing some food they cooked and now this machine recreate them. 

After a while, he returned with a tray of hot foods.

"Let's find a good place to eat"

He said and there they go outside where some people are having fun

Seeing Marlyn wanting to eat, Yen took a piece of fruit and gave it to her. 

Marlyn took it and looked at her with expectations

"Go ahead"

Yen warmly replied and a smile can't help but form on her face.

Soon they found a table and some chairs to sit on. There are also chairs for the two pets and they also have food for themselves.

Berry the chicken doesn't like meat and it got a serving of a fruit salad. As for Blacky, he will eat whatever is served to him, even the chair is permitted. It happily wriggles when it saw the food. Unlike before where it will eat everything quickly, this time it is eating slowly and savoring every flavor. Berry is also eating cleanly, unwilling to dirt its feathers.

Unwilling to be left behind by her two pets, Marlyn started eating her food, albeit a bit faster.

Lily and Yen got a hard time teaching table manners to Marlyn, but they both enjoyed it.

The two only watched the scene, it's enough for them.

"Mom, Dad, Eat"

Marlyn stared at them, she won't want to eat alone.

Yen just giggle and a beat and Lily just laughed.

"Alright, alright"

Lily said before they started eating.

"Too bad there is no cheese or ice cream "

Yen said 

"We might get some, but I don't think there will be cows here. If not, we might have to use another milk"

Lily sighed

Yen just nodded and agreed to him.

They continue eating until they are full.

After that, Marlyn took her friend to play around.

"I wonder if we can make sugar from the sap or maybe a syrup"

Yen said while wiping her lips a bit.

"I don't think we can make sugars from it, it will most likely create another type of seasoning.

But creating a syrup is a good idea"

Lily then took an egg out of his inventory and clean it. It is the same egg they got.

"We won't find out if we don't try"

Yen replied

She then took out a cup of sap and split it into two, one for her and one for Lily.

Lily received his cup and tasted it. He turned silent for a while before drinking the whole thing. It is not as sticky as others so it is easy to drink.

"How is it?"

Yen asked, curiously.

"Taste like diarrhea, very sweet"

He replied after filling up his cup with more sap. The sap they are drinking is from the roots since the others higher up the quality chain are too thick and sticky, frankly impossible to Drink.

"Alright, let's put it on the list, I don't think they will know what diarrhea is"

Yen chuckled and then drink her share before letting out a satisfied sigh.

They stayed there for some time, accompanying Marlyn whenever she wants and having some quality time together.

After a while, she got tired and wanted to sleep

"Sleep, well sweetie"

Lily said before pulling up the blanket to cover her body.

Yen gently caress her head before kissing her forehead. Marlyn smiled and after that, she closed her eyes and turned into motes of light.

They both stayed in the room for a while before leaving. As for the two pets, they are having fun in the game lobby.

While walking on the flower garden in the corner of the park, Yen looked at a screen*

*Next upgrade

400/10000 players*

"Still a long journey up ahead"

Lily leaned over and looked at it

"But we will always achieve it"

Yen replied before plucking a flower and admiring its beauty.


Lily nodded

After some enjoyment, they go out to gather more sap before they leave this place.

They slowly manifested outside, but the moment they appeared outside Yen pushed both of them to the side, and at their previous place some blades whistled by and stabbed a man right in the head pinning his dead body on the tree.

They both immediately turned serious.

"Look! Those two should be valuable!"

Their appearance caught the attention of some disciples nearby and they goes for them.

"What a warm invitation"

Yen said as she prepare to launch a curse. Lily is also casting an enchantment on her to strengthen her curse.

Magic circles arose into the air and covered the two. The magic circles from them then proceeded to fuse and make a larger magic circle more than enough to cover all their attackers.

"Shit, stop them!"

The disciple in red leading the disciples shouted and she pick up her speed to stop them.

"What are they doing!?"

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They looked alarmed at the appearance of the magic circles and even more alarmed when they merged.


Such voices echo around and the groups of disciples crumbled apart. 

The lady leading them looked back in furry, but it was too late for them.

The magic circle flared up and covered all of them and all their energy circulation shut down and they all started falling downwards like flies. Lucky for them there are branches below to catch them, but still, they can't use their cultivations for a while.

"Too much mana consumption, that was a terrible idea"

Lily said before drinking a mana potion

Yen also drank some.

"But it is effective"

Yen replied

"I mean, you're not wrong, let's visit our new friends and not waste our time here"

Lily said before taking a leaf for both of them and they flew away higher up the tree to trade with the big bird since it will be troublesome to collect sap from the root at this time.

Looking downwards they can see blood and fighting everywhere. Most of them for treasures, some for grudges, and a few that is just for the thrill of it.

"Now I understand why those birds hate them"

Yen sighed as they continue going upwards. She then took two cups from her inventory and poured sap for two of them.

Lily received the cup with question marks on top of his head

After a moment of silence, both of them break into laughter, and Lily has to awkwardly suck the sap using his roots, something that gives him some tingly and funny feeling on his woody body.

Meanwhile, the disciples were still sprawled all over the branches, and most of them were unconscious from the sudden block on their energy flow, but some hardy and resistant ones managed to stay awake.

It's the one leading them, she never felt this humiliated before. She gritted her teeth and stood up. Still, the technique used by the two intrigued her.

"I swear I'm going to catch them"

Begrudgingly she took a pill and sat in meditation to recover her energy. Once she opened her eyes, she was still filled with desires to catch those two.

About the two, they arrived at the best after some troublesome wind attacking the leaf they are using.

They then landed on a thick branch and saw that the way up is still covered with sap and strong wind.

They then freely ride their leaf towards the biggest nest where the big bird is having a pot of unknown soup.

He looked at them and said

"You didn't come for a simple conversation, did you"

He then drank the soup and let out a satisfied groan.

The two took their sit

Lily then said

"The situation below is troublesome, we can't harvest some sap or wind essence that those people below call"

Yen then added

"So we decided to just trade stuff with you since we have a surplus of products"

Yen then took some for example.

The bird looks curious and said

"A trade? As long as its something good"

He then drank another pot of the weirdly aromatic soup.

The things on the surface are papers that have blueprints of some stuff inscribed on them. They thought that simple trinkets will not be of much use to these birds so they decided something that they can use how they want and can be upgraded with ingredients. Overall there are 4 papers.

Lily picked some of them and explained them.

"This one in words of the people below are called formations. But ours is different from formations.

This is something you can inscribe on your nest and it will purify and make the energies in the nest much gentle.

This one here is for the body, painting it on your body using whatever materials you have will make your body absorb energy faster

About this, this one needs blood, it is to nourish young offspring's or in your case eggs. Writing it on the nest using blood and pleasing the eggs in the middle will use the energy in the blood to nourish the blood of the embryo inside. I recommend using your blood for your offspring if you want the best result but adding blood from dragons and such higher existence will make the egg stronger, but it will make some changes to the embryo and will most likely come out with a different appearance than normal.

As for the last one, it is a recipe for a potion. This one doesn't need a fixed formula as long as you follow the way it should be prepared you can add as many herbs and materials that you want. Just be wary as the result doesn't rely on materials alone. You can have good materials, but if you don't do it well you will most likely end up with just a mixture with no effects"

After the explanation, the bird turned silent and said seriously. He also finds it interesting that they use the word energy instead of qi.

" I need to test it out before I can trust both of you

Is it just fine?"

The two are perfectly fine with it, but they have one problem.

"Of course, but we might have to leave soon"

Yen said with a smile

"No need for that, if it's the rift you are worried about, we are the ones responsible for taking those greedy humans out.

Don't ask, it dated back in our history"

After saying that, the bird waved his wings and a rift appeared on the side.

"Test it"

He said.

Hesitantly, Lily extended one of his roots into the rift and he found himself looking back on the ruins and the ships still floating in a circular manner.

He retracted back his root and nodded at Yen.

"Good, then please take us to test our products"

Yen smiled at the big bird.

They then talked about more random stuff and here comes what they want for the trade.

"We want more sap of all quality, and also we want something quite interesting"

Yen said and the Bird looked at her as if waiting for an answer

Yen looked at Lily who then smiled and said what it is that they want.

"We want some of those things in the hole, those black crystals"

After hearing those words, the bird turned serious

"I rather have you change your request. Those things are beyond your control, even our control"

He just turned back to normal when he drank another pot.

Before the tel can speak anything, it went ahead of them and stated.

"We can't give you those, it is our mission to keep things that belong below the earth to stay there"

Seeing that the conversation will not come to any conclusions, the two just changed their request. It is obvious that it is uncomfortable for the bird to talk about that hole and they are not gonna pressure a new friend just for a material

"I see, then we would just want rare materials related to souls if you have some, if not then we're fine with branches from the top of the tree"

Yen replied

The bird thought for a while before taking out a blue crystal with fiery lines

"According to our legend, this is supposed to be great for soul-related entities, but we don't know if it's true. It grows in abundance on the top of the tree, but I'm not gonna bring you there

We can't find a use for it other than cooking, so we just let them grow"

Lily and Yen took the crystal and were amazed. As former citizens of the afterlife, they are sensitive to the soul aura. This one contains a very tiny amount, but there is also something else inside that they can't identify.

"Do you have a crystal like this that has more of this chilling aura?

We will add more to our trade if needed"

Lily asked 

The bird then just took out a crystal with triple the amount of soul aura, but still too small. Still, it is abundant in that weird energy


Lily happily replied

And so they talked more after that.

The bird is also confused about why people outside value these things that are useless to them. Now the bird added another note to never give those things to humans, but if it is another sentient beast body that has no malice like these two he will welcome them. For him, it's like getting benefits from nothing, and as for the, as for the two, it is a good harvest.

You can find story with these keywords: Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Read Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title), Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) novel, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) book, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) story, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) full, Virtual reality in cultivation world(might change for a better title) Latest Chapter

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