Wake up, beast girl: Surviving in a cursed world!

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Midnight Summoning

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“Where are you, daddy’s little girl? Come on, pumpkin. I only wish to teach you about the importance of listening to grown-ups.”

Behind the bed, trembling in the corner of her room, the girl was praying that a miracle will save her.

The killer tried the door leading to the girl’s room, but it didn’t open. She obviously locked it, “Tsk. When did she find that freaking key?”

-Knock-Knock-Knock- The man gently knocked on the door a few times hoping for an answer, but nothing. Little time passed and he tried it again. Still nothing.

“Please, God, someone… anyone… help me. I only wanted to make sure my dad was fine.”

-THUD-THUD-THUD- The knocking was much louder now. It felt like the man was trying to break the door with something.

“Aaaaaaa!” She screamed. Scared beyond measure, the girl thought that she was going to lose it completely.

“Open that fucking door, annoying scum! I shouldn’t have taken you off the streets. Why didn’t I just leave you in the rain that day to get abused and die a miserable death?” He was shouting and kicking the door.

How did he build all this hate for her? What led to such a thing? She did her best to be a good girl and listen because she was extremely grateful to him for saving her life.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” As the girl screamed in despair, someone tapped her head gently, “Daddyyyy, pleaseee s-s-stoooop!”

“It’s okay. Pray for your dad, not for yourself.” It was the soothing warm voice of a young tall man.

The newcomer was well-built and strong. A blond-haired man wearing black clothes and a chain at the neck. His white eyes were missing their sparkling color, betraying the fact that he was blind. He had scars on his face and chest and was missing an arm. His name was Ashura and he was one of the most feared people on the continent.

Finally managing to break the door, the girl’s father barged in with the broom held in front, but immediately tripped over Ashura’s leg and fell. He didn’t stumble to the floor because he was grabbed mid-fall by the collar and thrown back outside on the corridor as if he was a bin bag.

Ashura followed him and shut the door, leaving the girl alone in her room.

“Who are you and how dare you interfere in a family matter?” The father shouted angrily.

Without bothering to reply, Ashura lifted the man up by the neck with his only arm. His blank eyes were cold and his expression gave away no emotions.

A letter fell off the strangled man’s pocket.

Interested to find out what was written inside, the newcomer hit the father in the ribs with one knee, pushed him down the stairs, then picked it up.

“Ghaaa!” the man rolled down the stairs and crashed into the main door.

“Come out, girl!” Ashura opened the door to the girl’s room, “Get away from here as soon as you can. Go to the adventurer’s guild and talk to Leyla. Ask for shelter for one night. You will be fine, just be brave.”

The girl grabbed her teddy bear and ran past the two men just as she’s been told, “Please don’t kill him!”

“I promise nothing,” Ashura answered quietly so she won’t hear him.

The adoptive father tried to stand up, but he was pushed back down against the door forcefully by the newcomer.

Ashura unfolded the wet letter and turned on the light, while at the same time using one foot to hold the maniac in one place.

“Now let’s see why you became like this.”

Congratulations, stranger!

You have been selected to become one with the Great Devouring Witch, Dragnya. The honor is all yours and you should be extremely grateful.

You will do as specified below, otherwise, this can lead to severe consequences:

- You will pray every day at midnight for a week to her majesty, Dragnya. Make sure to thank her for everything you had in life and for being selected.

- You will eat only meat until the magic day comes.

- You will kill someone every night and bring their corpses to your home, gathering them all in one room.

- You will peel their skin off and eat it raw.

- On the seventh day, you will draw a circle using the blood of the deceased and their limbs.

- Finally, you will use your own blood to write my name on the wall, then you will set the summoning circle on fire. If you are extremely lucky, I will honor you with my presence, if not, my son, Grevick, will come.

Why so generous? You had a hard time with all the work you did. You deserve a prize. You also saved that little girl, but she didn’t cooperate. What did she offer you in exchange for saving her life and feeding her every day? Nothing. Your work simply tripled since that day. The more she grew, the needier she became. Sometimes she was even naughty answering back and shouting at you. You lost your place at work one day because she dared to get sick, so you had to leave suddenly and come take care of her. Unacceptable! All these things build up and eventually make you lose your mind. Do as the letter says and if the girl gets in the way, let all your frustration out on her. Take care of her as you should’ve done a long time ago.”

Please enjoy this last week of your pointless life to the fullest. It will be exciting!

“GIVE MY LETTER BACK NOW!!! How dare you defy Dragnya? You should be ashamed of yourself!” The man was constantly punching and kicking Ashura however he could, but with no results.

After fully reading it, the famous mercenary stuck two fingers through his chest and into his heart, killing the man who was pointlessly struggling to free himself.

“Let’s say hi to Dragnya or Grevick or to whatever thing comes out of this. I already have the blood.”

He went to the wall, wrote the witch’s name on it, and whispered to himself: “Let this be my redeeming path for the sins I committed.”

Ashura grabbed a cigarette from the dead man’s pocket, lit it up, and threw it in the middle of the summoning circle. The fire spread quickly as if the blood was gasoline.

“Interesting how magic can do things that otherwise seem impossible.”

He was standing there waiting for something terrible to happen with his left hand in his pocket. “It’s limit testing time.”



The human-eating machine, Dragnya, was heading back to the forest after her short nighttime visit to the village. The rain had not stopped for a second, which ruined her dress. She stepped in mud and several puddles along the way.

“Freaking annoying rain, if only I had powers that would allow me to control the weather.”

Just as she thought she had enough, the witch felt a jolt of pain in the palm of her right hand. After checking to see what it was, Dragnya saw the letter “S”. Her skin was forced away to give place to this letter as the summoning was calling her.

“Shit. I am starving. Son, get the hell out of me, answer the call of the ritual and bring me some food. I’ll go snack on what’s left in the meantime.”

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After bending forward, she began to vomit. Her throat swelled to unnatural standards. It was growing larger and larger with every second. She coughed several times, and eventually, her mouth started to increase in size too.

Her son, Grevick, who had similar proportions to his mother, finally managed to get out of her.

At first sight, one would say he was just an overweight mulatto-skinned young adult with muscular shoulders, strong arms, and a big chest. Most of his head was bald, except for a ponytail at the center. His teeth were yellow and his face had immature features. Both the earrings and the collar had several small, but sharp teeth attached to them. The only thing he wore was a Tarzan-style skirt.

“Off you go.”



As he was using the portal set on fire to travel straight to the destination, the huge man heard someone whistling. It was weird. He heard people laughing for losing their minds, crying in sadness, and screaming in fear, but never until now had he heard someone whistling while waiting for him to come out.

“What could it be?”

Halfway out through the summoning circle, someone stepped on his head, which made his advancement really slow. The effort he had to put in to slowly come out was outstanding. Someone with such courage to defy him and the power to slow him down was unprecedented. He tried to look up, but the other guy’s foot pushed his head down again.

“Mamaaaaaaaaa!” The monstrous rough voice of the baby-face man made the whole building shake.

“That’s something new even to me,” Ashura said to himself and used the other foot to kick Grevick in the face with all his might. He was sent out from the circle and through the wall of the house that shattered. The kick was so well executed that his nose broke and started bleeding.

The witch’s son wanted to stand up, but he didn’t have time to. The other guy was already above him ready to punch his face.

“He is fast and he has the eyes of a killer.” He tried to defend his head by quickly positioning his arms to form an X in front. Apparently, he was mistaken, the punch hit his stomach, and the impact was tremendous as it made the ground instantly crack underneath him.

Ahura was repeatedly punching him with one hand.

“He only has one hand, yet his punches are so fast that it’s hard for me to stop him. SCREW YOUUUUUUUUUUU!”

Grevick managed to approximate correctly, caught the blind man’s arm, twisted it to the back, and tried to head butt his face. Unfortunately for him, Ashura predicted his move and smashed his face with his forehead, the pain forcing him to let go of the blond man’s hand.

Before realizing it, Ashura was punched in the ribs from the side as he had no right arm to defend himself with. He put distance between them and took a fighting stance with his left arm in front.

“Maaaamaaaaaa.” Grevick’s voice was hoarse and deep.

The two incredibly powerful men started fighting with a speed impossible to match by most. Their punches were reverberating throughout the village and the drops of rain were pushed away every time the two of them clashed.

Grevick seemed to have the upper hand, but Ashura was calm and had a plan, unlike the witch’s son who was fighting out of rage. The blind man was constantly pushed back.

After a good ten minutes of nonstop combat at an incredibly fast pace, Ashura had his opponent exactly where he wanted. He let go of his black vest and dodged a punch by squatting. As his vest was blown by the wind into the face of the cannibal, blinding him, Ashura hit his legs with all his might kicking them off the ground.

“Thanks, Saori.” This was a move that he learned from the girl during their fight. It quickly let him get the upper hand in the battle.

Grevick found himself in a stupefying situation. He was in mid-air, slowly spinning with his head down and blind. Something that only a complete professional would be able to do, one who had been training his whole life and had unimaginable strength.

“Incredible. Until now, all people who punched me broke their hands, while I didn’t feel a thing. Yet this guy’s punches are something else…. and his kicks… feel as if they reach my bones straight away completely ignoring the exterior layout of muscles and fat. How is he so strong and how is the impact reaching so deep?!”

His thoughts were interrupted by an overwhelming pain in the lower back. A second later he found himself laying on the ground in his own pool of blood.

Ashura had taken his fair share of punches during the fight, but the difference in experience spoke for itself.

“You probably haven’t realized, but you lost the fight the moment I stepped on you in the beginning. I had crushed a small portion of your skull, which made you unable to fight properly. I’m extremely surprised you survived this long, though.”

“Huuuuuuh? Mamaaaaaaa.” Grevick was able to understand his opponent, but he didn’t know how to talk.

It made no sense what he was saying. He was nowhere close to being defeated, even more, by eating any of the teeth he had on his collar he could bring his mama, the feared devouring witch herself, right here.

The cannibal tried to stand up, but his legs were not answering, he was also pushing harder in one arm than the other as a result of the skull crush that he didn’t even notice. The control he had over his body was not the same anymore. Not to even mention that his spine had also been cracked during the last hit he took.

“Only if my father was a wizard too… I am weaker than I thought. But maybe… I can survive. Only if...” He grabbed his collar and slowly brought it to his mouth.

“Adamante, come forth!” After calling the name of the protective spirit he had in possession, Ashura’s missing arm started to grow, but it didn’t look the same anymore. It was shining white from the elbow to the tip and one could see through it as if it was a ghost hand. The spirit had lent him its arm. As a result, his eyes and tattoos were also glowing.

“Props to you for making me use this power.” An invisible hand pressed on Grevick’s head making him bite his tongue.

Ashura could only invoke his spirit by using the blood of his opponent to draw some symbols, and even then the power would only be useful against that individual, not anyone else. During this fight, he managed to do it without the cannibal even noticing.

Ashura waited for a few minutes, grabbed his wet vest, canceled his power, and left. The divine entity vanished into the air like fairy dust blown away by the wind. Some would say that this spirit was a protective angel that came down to earth to guide him as a response to his dark past. Was it true? What was the story behind it? No one knew apart from him.

“I finally saved a life instead of taking it.” The man said to himself. “Due to my past, I became a monster and made people suffer for so many years while wearing the mercenary’s hat. Something about that girl, Saori, made me change. I’m glad I met her. Back then, I almost killed the only one who will ever be able to put an end to this witch apocalypse.”

The rain stopped and the wind started to calm down. The blanket of clouds in the sky was slowly pushed away, making room for the light of the moon to reach the village.

The sudden barking of some dogs broke the silence of the night.

“Knock, knock, knoooooock!” Dragnya came from a dark alley between two houses. She was smiling as if nothing happened. At the same time, something was constantly moving underneath her dress, making disturbing sounds.

“Oh. You came to revenge your son?” While he was both shocked and surprised to see her right away, he did his best to hide it.

“Pretty brave, aren’t we? It depends. He is alive and he is chewing on a tooth like the good boy he is.”

The witch used her fingers to delicately lift her dress up as if she was a young beautiful princess about to get married. Several tentacles came out from underneath.

“I am not into men, but you see… you are special. I might just make an exception here. You have such strong genes and you are so big and gorgeous… in one word PERFECT! Why don’t you willingly become my man? We will raise the strongest children together and maybe even defeat Emer one day.”

“I’ll kindly refuse your generous offer.”

“That’s too bad.”

The tentacles grew in size as the witch got closer to Ashura. She was smiling, she was happy. She found a new toy to play with, after all.

He was injured. The fight he had against Grevick was not easy, but neither was enough to exhaust him completely. He was going to fight anything that gets in his way. Ashura was not going to go down without a fight, and even more, he was not planning to lose.

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