Wanting in Paradise

Chapter 6: Chapter 7: Oh it’s That Type of Chapter.

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Back on the horse drawn carriage John spoke “Now that I think of it, Mia, Do you know your own stats?”

Mia didn’t even know what he was talking about, only a vague idea that it was important from how people kept bringing it up “No, what are stats?”

“Hrm, then I guess we can start there…” He said, ignoring when Athena gave a heavy sigh “Everyone in this world has stats and skills, all of them can be seen on their status page that they can view at any time.”

Mia crooked her head to the side “Status page?”

“Dear lord you have to start from there!” Athena yelled.

“Athena, please. She has had a tough life under the Demon Lord I’m sure.”

Yeah, about that… Mia sighed.

Athena just crossed her arms and huffed, turning away from the two.

Returning his attention to Mia, John tried his best warm smile “Now, to see your status page all you have to do is think about it, and it will appear before you. Only you will be able to see it.”

Mia thought back to a blue panel that she hasn’t seen in years, that’s my status page? She thought about it, wishing her status to appear before her and much to her surprise a white, transparent page appeared in front of her. While a different color then what she was first thinking of, this one shared the same problem. What she could only describe as scribbles dotted the page, causing her to tilt her head in confusion.

“What’s wrong? Did it not show up?”

Mia shook her head “It showed… Can’t read it.”

John raised an eyebrow “Can’t read it? Athena, do you need to be able to read to see the status you are born with?”

Athena sighed, straightening herself back up in her seat “No, it should come naturally to you right af…oh.” Athena gave another sigh “John, your appraisal is high enough to see her skills, correct?”

He nodded

“Does she not have a [Common Language] skill?”

John glanced towards Mia, staring at her for a moment and then shaking his head “No, she’s missing it.”

Athena sat silently for a moment before mumbling “Fucking incompetents…” She then coughed, straightened herself up “That is the issue then, when humans reach 3 years of age, they are taken to a baptism service at their local church. During which they are granted knowledge of their skills and status, along with being granted that skill from god.”

Mia’s ear twitched, she vaguely remembered something similar happened with beastmen, but it had been so long.

‘So, she just needs to get that skill…wait, she doesn’t need it to talk and understand our language?”

Athena shook her head “No, A child can start talking before 3.”

John crossed his arms, looking at Mia “So we can teach her to read… or get her bap-HMPF?!” He was forced to stop as Athena rushed out of her seat and covered his mouth.

“Do not even SUGGEST what you were about to say, that is considered high blasphemy. Do.You.Under.Stand?” She waited for him to nod then withdrew her hand. She took out a small handkerchief, cleaned off her hand, and then sat down “Forgive me hero, but saying something like that might get you beheaded. I will find a teacher for the girl.”

Mia had an idea of it at first but now she was sure, the church didn’t like beastmen. Noted.

John sat wide eyed for a moment, trying to comprehend what had just happened. He brought a hand to his chin in a thinking manner, before casting his eyes downward. From Mia’s position next to him, she could make out that he had a slight smile, as if stifling a laugh. He then nodded to himself “Ok, sounds like a plan.’

Mia wondered what that was about but dismissed it as more of his odd behavior.

“Continuing where we left off… Even though you cannot see your status I’ll do my best to explain. The Status page shows your name, race, level, status, hp and mp values, stats, skills, and titles. Sometimes it even has hidden titles that, no matter what, can’t be seen by anyone but you. They are granted by the gods and are for your eyes only.”

Mia listened, watching him stare at her before nodding.

“I’ll be using yours as an example, but in order of what these are. Your name is, obviously, your name, Mia. Your race is fox beastmen, Your level is 1, Status is [Sealed],HP is 30, MP is 100, your stats are… strength 3, constitution 3, dexterity 5, intelligence 50, mind 10, and luck is…1. “ He looked sorry for her for a moment before continuing “Your skills are, well…” He looked towards Athena.

She waved him off “Don’t mind me. Please, I’ve already seen up to her stats and I’m pretty sure you’ve already made her biggest secret known. “

John sighed and continued “Your skills are [Ice Magic: 1], [Early Riser: Max], and [Packer: 2].” He then shook his head “Unfortunately my [Appraisal] skill is too low to see titles, any questions?”

Lots, Mia nodded. That was a lot of information just dumped on her. Things she has not even heard about “Lots.” She said.

“Well, lets hear them.” John laughed nervously.

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Let’s get the big one out of the way. “What is Status, [Sealed], mean?”

Athena chuckled “Means you cannot use magic.”

John shot her a glance, but then nodded “She is… correct. Sorry.”

Not like I ever used it. “What is level?”

“Your level is, well, your level. You can raise it by defeating monsters or doing specific tasks to gain experiences…frankly it’s amazing you are still level one… From what I was told during my hero lectures most kids reach level 3 by your age just by living.” Shrugging, he continued “But when you level up you get stat points to distribute how you like to your stats. How many you get depends on a lot of factors… the average person gets about 5, some nobles get around 15, I get around 50 because I’m a hero, or so they say.”

Mia had to keep herself from frowning. Wondering how many she would get, and why such important details were never brought up in her village. “Stats?”

“Oh, yes. Stats determine a bunch of things depending on what it is, for the basics. Strength is how much you can carry and dish out melee damage, constitution determines your health and defense. Dexterity determines your flexibility and speed. Intelligence determines magic damage. Mind is magic defense, and luck is how lucky you are.”

“There are other unknown effects and misconceptions, having high intelligence doesn’t instantly make you smart. A 99 strength commoner would still lose in an arm wrestling match to a trained knight with 50 strength.” She chuckled to herself “a 50 intelligent beast with no proper schooling would lose out to a princess with 30”

Mia laughed inside her head, somehow knowing that the princess was annoyed at her over stats she found funny.

“Unnecessary, but true.” John sighed “Just having the high stat means nothing.” He then shrugged “That is where skills come in, you earn skills by doing different things or they are granted to you by a god. Like when I first got summoned, I got a bunch of skills. Skills also have levels, from 1 to 5, and can even be evolved if you meet certain criteria.”

Mia nodded “Titles?” she asked, now more invested.

“Titles are… random… They are granted completely by gods and have different effects. If you could read your status you’d be able to get more information by focusing on it. But for example, my [Hero] Title grants boosts to my skills, while also doubling the skill points it get.”

Wait, he is getting 100 skill points per level?! Her expression broke, her eyes going wide as the realization hit her. Who ever decided to grant this guy 100 skill points has a poor sense of humor.

John, surprised by Mia’s sudden expression, laughed “Oh, no. I think you misunderstood. The 50 from earlier was with the double included. I get 50 skill points.”

Oh, better… Her expression returned to normal.

John nodded, assuming he guessed correctly “Same with hidden titles, but turned up to eleven. Apparently, some hidden titles can even be leveled up like a skill.”

Athena chuckled “Few even know about them, be grateful beast for us granting you this knowledge.”

Mia frowned and opened her status page, she still found herself unable to read it but at least now she had an idea of what it was. “I want to read this.” She said “Soon”

John nodded “We will have to make you understand the basics, otherwise you wont be able to level up properly and distribute your stats.”

Athena sighed, glancing out the window “We will start that as soon as possible, I will make arrangements when we arrive, speaking of… we are here.”

Mia glanced out the window herself, having to look up as they approached the castle walls and were being led by armed horse riding knights through the gates. Uninterested, Mia turned her attention to her status page and thought to herself. He said in order so… if this is my name, level, status, all the stats, and titles…

Mia mentally pointed to each section, going through John’s lecture in her head and lining everything up in an attempt to understand it. Her head tilted to the side, unable to line up the scribbles at the bottom. If the ones above these are titles… then the one below is… Mia found herself smirking. She focused on it, while not knowing what it was she could at least see it, she focused on the small group of scribbles on the bottom of her status page.


Her status page closed, and in its place popped up a blue, translucent panel. Which immediately greyed itself out, and was covered by a giant red ‘X’. She frowned, reaching out to touch the familiar panel, but when she made contact with it her collar suddenly blasted her with a full force of electricity ‘aaAAAAAAAAA!!!” She screamed, the panel closing and herself dropping to the floor.

“M-mia!?” John left his seat “W-what happened?!” He asked, lifting her stunned body.

Athena stared before chuckling “She tried to use magic, and was punished accordingly.” She smirked

Mia’s body was wracked with electricity, her limbs shaking violently in John’s arms “Can’t we turn it off?! She might die!” He stared at her, his eyes going wide “Athena she might actually die!”

Athen sighed, then her smirk returned “she will not die, what good would it do if a slave dies for one stupid mistake. It will stop.”

Mia could barely hear them as she started to lose consciousness, the last thing she heard was John pleading, something about her health getting dangerously low, but then nothing. Her world went black.


In the floating darkness a greyed out blue screen with a giant red X covering it appeared. “go away…got me into this mess, made it worse.” Mia said, the screen vanishing into the abyss. “…” her consciousness floated there in the void, waiting for when she would be awakened.

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