Wanting in Paradise

Chapter 7: Chapter 8: Rude Awakening

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“Mother? Wake up.” Mia climbed on top of her mother’s bed, giving her a gentle shake. Her mother groaned waking up slowly.

Lisa sat up in bed and stretched with a yawn before smiling towards her daughter “Hey sweety, is your father home yet?”

Mia nodded, pointing towards the kitchen “Woke up, told to get, breakfast.”

Lisa picked her small daughter up and scooted off the bed “Well, we better go and join them.” She giggled, then walked out in her nightgown and down into the hall.

Mia snuggled up against her mother in her arms, smiling when they entered the kitchen. Seeing her father and sister setting the table, her sister talking to someone she did not recognize.

Her mother had stopped, gasping she quickly hid behind the door frame “Ah! If they told me you were here I would of gotten better dressed.” Mia heard the figure talking but couldn’t make any of it out. As her mother continued, coming out from behind the door frame with a nervous laugh “I guess that is true, still it is a very rude prank” Her mother gave a angry pout that Mia could tell was fake.

Again, the figure spoke, but Mia couldn’t hear her. Understanding something was wrong Mia took a closer look at the figure. The figure was grayed out and blurry, the only details Mia could gather was that it was female and something large was constantly waving behind her. “Mom, who is that?” Mia asked, but as if she did not hear her, Lisa spoke.

“Oh, I guess you haven’t gotten a chance to officially meet.” Lisa held Mia up higher, as if presenting her to the woman “This is Mia, she just turned 4. Mia this issss …a…re…pla….ne..sh…”

Mia could no longer understand her mother, she looked to her mother and her eyes went wide. Her mother was greyed out and even worse then the woman she was fading “Mom?!” Mia panicked, reaching out she tried to grasp her but her arms went through her. With nothing to support her she fell to the wood floor of her house.

This was my house, right?

Mia looked up into the black void, her house gone, nothing but the wooden planks remaining below her. “What is… where am I?” she stood up and clutched her neck, an electric shock running through it “Oh, right… the collar.” She gave it a slight tug, noticing she was no longer her younger self but her current 11 years of age.

She looked around “Weird dream…” She said to no one in particular, not remembering the last time she had a dream. She breathed in deeply, taking in what she saw. It was obviously a past memory when… someone… came over. Someone her mother knew and was ok with seeing her in her underdressed. Bigger question was why she was having this dream now, because she blacked out?


Mia’s ear twitched and she turned around. Looming above her was the female figure from before. Still unrecognizable “Who… who are you?” The figure spoke, but unfortunately Mia still couldn’t understand her. Mia could somehow tell she was frowning, disappointed. She raised her open palm towards Mia, Mia reflex ably taking a step back as a warm light enveloped her and she began rising into the void “W-wait! Who are you?!”

The woman smiled, said something once more, then raised her other hand. Mia could tell they were making a of gesture but couldn’t make it out as the warmth consumed her.

“-ke up.”

Mia shook in her sleep, and then a tightness around her throat as she realized what was going on. She shot up, the tightness around her neck vanishing. She took in her surroundings, finding herself in a small dirt field surrounded by stone walls. Looking further up into the sky she could make out the walls of the castle.

“Oh good, you are finally awake.”

Mia turned towards the voice, seeing john who appeared to be holding back a laugh. Noticing his gaze he coughed “Sorry, I was worried. Athena said you were fine but…”

Jerk, I nearly died and you make some joke? Mia sighed, getting angry and saying something might get her shocked via her collar so she didn’t bother. She looked past him, noticing there was two other people in the outdoor area. One she recognized as Athena wielding a golden staff that had a slight glow to it, the other she didn’t recognize.

It was a tall thin man dressed in a dark leather armor, with black hair, and some sort of scarf covering half his face.

“Oh him?” John said, following Mia’s gaze and pointing towards the man “That’s your teacher, The princess said we should start your training as soon as possible.”

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“Which we will be doing so now.” Athena stepped up “There John, you have seen her and confirmed she is alright. I can handle the introductions; your own teacher awaits.”

Nodding, John stood up “Got it, it might be a bit hard, but do your best Mia. The fate of the world is at state!” He then brough both fists up to his chest, bumping them against the metal to pump himself up then turned to the princess “Good luck, and don’t be to hard on her.” He then ran towards a wooden door across the field and left.

I am eleven years old… Mia glanced between the two remaining people, the princess and the one she had yet to be introduced to “Who is-“

“Silence!” Athena snapped at Mia, covering her own mouth with her hand as she groaned into it, muffling the sound.

“Te new hero sure is something” The man spoke “Buying up a slave, I tought te rumors were making a big deal out of noting.”

“It is a waste of time, that is what it is.” Athena replied “While not entirely true, taking this one off the market before she was discovered by an upstart is a plus. And the hero seems to be convinced he can trust her on some weird level.”

“Te hero tinks he can trust her? Is tis more of his odd knowledge?”

Athena nodded “Yes, it appeared to be right this time. I will inform the others that we need to take them more seriously while keeping an eye on him with this one.” She then walked over to Mia “Speaking of, The matters discussed here will not be spoken towards the hero, if he asks all you did was simple training with Rowan, understand?”

“Yes.” Mia replied with a nod.

“Good, Rowan, take it from here. Mia you are to listen to Rowan until I say otherwise. Do not be afraid to be too rough, I will just heal her. Beat some sense into her so she does not pull another stunt like on the carriage.”

Rowan nodded “Aye, will do. What is her con at? Healt?”

“three, health is 30. And before you ask, Dex is at 5.” Athena then took a seat on a wooden bench that was propped up against one of the stone walls.

Rowan whistled “Pretty low healt tere lass.” He then positioned himself over the young girl “C’mon, get up.”

Mia slowly stood up, knowing by the pace of things she was about to get beat.

“You are training as a rouge, a sneak tief, a scout for te hero’s party. A position tat was meant to go to me.” He then reeled back, lifting his foot in the air behind him.

Ah, here it is. Mia braced herself, not moving to block it but preparing to take the hit. She watched as the kick came winding down, connecting to the pit of her stomach and sending her flying a few feet back and bouncing off the ground before skidding to a stop. She silently gasped for air, trying not to make much noise.

Rowan whistled again “I won’t be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit cross wit tis turn of events, being replaced by a brat, a beast no less.” He started walking towards her, taking long strides as he did “But it’s all for the sake of te hero, for te country, so best play nice and make sure you don’t get the guy killed.”

Mia gripped her stomach, the pain subsiding a bit but in it’s place nausea took hold. She clamped her mouth shut, not wanting to part with her earlier meal. She was surprised when she felt warm, noticing a warm light envelope her she turned her head to see Athena who had her staff held high. With her pain gone, the light stopped, and Athena lowered her staff.

So, she’s healing me… Mia looked up at the man, who brandished two daggers. He tossed one to the ground, it landed blade stuck in the ground in front of her.

“Tese are your main weapons. Daggers or short swords, what ever you prefer.” He then walked to the opposite end of the field “Pick it up, try your best to kill me you fuckin beast.”

Mia looked at the dagger, then up towards Rowan. “Gladly.” She mumbled, gripping the daggers hilt as she broke out into a reckless charge, dagger pointed towards him.

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