We Got Transported Into A Novel, Mother!

We Got Transported Into A Novel, Mother!

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We Got Transported Into A Novel, Mother!

Review: 8.8/10 from 20 ratings

It was just like any unusual protagonists' lives, Ron and Elisa were famous for their natural beauty and for being the top scorers in college...

Students consider them celebrities...

A bus suddenly crashed into the siblings while they were on their way to school.

They were suddenly brought back to consciousness to find themselves being 3-year-old children...

Later on, they realized they have been transported into a novel...

What's worse is that they became the twin two-faced villains, who stayed by the main character's side for their enjoyment in seeing her struggles to reach her goal and shatter her hope.

They got themselves killed by the male lead's close person's hands, their blood-related brother...

In addition, they have to help their mother who is in a deep unknown slumber keep her position stable and watch their brother in check, not raising any of their red flags...



"Let's survive this life and save our mother while we are at it!"

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