Weak Hero: Samuel Han

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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[Bridge Underpass]

Jack Kang, Harper Ha (Helmet), and three other Yoosun High students entered the bridge underpass and sat down to wait for their target; Ben Park.

After getting tipped by Philip Kim about Ben Park's 'scheme' to bring down Jimmy Bae, the teen sent his followers to confront the Eunjang student. However, they arrived a little early and had to wait for their target to appear.

The smell of smoke soon filled the air as the teenagers lit their cigarettes.

"Fuck. Where the hell's Ben Park's ass at? We've been waiting here for so long," one of the group complained.

Helmet snickered, "Maybe he took a hint and made a run for it."

Jack Kang didn't say anything but silently disagreed with them.

'There's no way Ben Park would run away.'

A couple of minutes passed and eventually, the Eunjang students began exiting the school to go home. A number of them headed for the underpass but quickly turned away after noticing the Yoosun High students sitting around there.

Gray Yeon had also come out of the school and was about to go through the underpass as it was the fastest way home but took note of the Yoosun students. After doing a quick calculation in his head, he knew he wouldn't be able to take them all on and figured the smarter option would be to avoid confrontation by taking a different path.

However, Harper Ha, nickname Helmet, caught sight of the teen and instantly wanted to use Gray to kill time while waiting for Ben Park.

"Hey, you! Lil' bitch over there!!"

Gray turned his head slightly toward the direction of the voice.

"Bring your goofy ass over here!" Harper Ha shouted.

Gray let out a sigh and tilted his head up showing a condescending expression. He couldn't see a way out of this situation unscathed.


"The infamous Eunjang High really must be as nasty as they say! For even a fucking twig like that to be acting all tough! HAHA!" Harper Ha said in a loud mocking voice. "Aye Jack, did you catch the look on his face just now?"

Jack Kang watched the scene from the side without any visible emotion. He didn't really care about anything else other than Ben Park.

Helmet dragged Gray by his collar over to the rest of them while laughing.

From a distance away, Samuel Han had exited the school gate and like many other students, headed straight towards the underpass to take the shorter route. However, he came to a stop after seeing Gray and the Yoosun High students there.

'Ah shit. Should I just turn back? I don't really want to get involved,' Samuel thought. 'I mean, Gerard Jin should be coming soon - oh, there he is. And Ben Park with Alex Go - there they are. So, maybe I'll just wait until they beat their asses.'

Standing a few meters away from the underpass, Samuel Han watched as the two groups glared at each other.

He was going to just watch and wait but suddenly remembered.

'My part-time job!'

Samuel quickly took out his phone to check the time.

3:30 PM.

His job started in ten minutes.


Samuel slapped his forehead and groaned, "Dammit!"

With no other choice, he grudgingly walked over to the underpass.


A minute earlier.

"Oh wow! All of the most sorry-ass losers in one place!" Ben Park shouted gleefully entering the underpass.

"Ben Park!" Jack Kang exclaimed angrily.

"You bastard!" Helmet growled. His hand and head were both injured thanks to the scrawny boy he aggravated and naturally, his pride was hurt.

"You look overly excited to see me. Could it be that you came here to get me?" Ben Park asked with a vicious smile. "Anywho, de todos modos, back to business. Looks like I'm on this side, right?"

He was standing between Gray Yeon and Alex Go. Gerard Jin was on the far right next to Gray.

"On the gutsy kid's team."

Ben was referring to Gray.

"We're only here for you Ben," Jack Kang glared.

"Yeah, sure. So tell me…Why the hell should I listen to what Jimmy Bae's minion has to say?"

Jack Kang gnashed his teeth in anger.

Ben Park grinned and was about to say something else when another voice cut in.

"Hey, so like, are you guys gonna fight or what? I really need to leave, and I'd like to pass through."

Everyone blinked and paused before turning to the source of the voice standing at the entrance of the underpass.

They saw a tall black-haired boy around Gerard Jin's height with a good-looking face. He was leaning against the wall looking at them with boredom. Gray Yeon and the three around him recognized the boy instantly.

"Samuel Han, Class 5?" Gerard asked.

You are reading story Weak Hero: Samuel Han at novel35.com

Samuel nodded, "Yup."

The boy then turned to the Yoosun High students and said, "Can I pass or not?"

"Haha! Look at this bitch!" one of the Yoosun students jeered. "Are you mocking us?!"

Samuel just blinked and turned toward his schoolmates, "Was I mocking him?"

"Pfft!" Ben Park let out a laugh. "You're a funny guy Sam!"


Jack Kang couldn't stand this any longer. How dare these bastards look down on them and Jimmy Bae?!

"Shut the fuck up Ben! Unless you want me to destroy that other arm of yours as I did on that day!" Jack Kang spat with a contorted face.

At his words, Alex lost his cool and immediately pounced.

"You bastard!"

He delivered a right hook to Jack Kang's face.

"What did you say? Destroy what?" Alex pulled back his arm and threw it forward in anger, "Huh?! You scumbag!"

Alex's punches were very fast. Jack Kang crossed his arms to block them before countering with his own attack that hit Alex's face.

"Argh, that idiot…" Ben Park face-palmed.

Samuel Han let out a sigh and dropped his school bag.

"Eh?" Gerard and Gray noticed his action.

"Look, I'm really late for my part-time job so don't take this personally," Samuel cracked his neck.

His voice wasn't very loud but everyone heard it and looked at him in confusion (Ben Park's gang) and anger (Yoosun).

"Huh?!" Harper Ha exclaimed.

The fat bastard reached out to grab Samuel's shirt but Samuel clamped his hand around Harper's wrist.

"Once again, don't take this personally," Samuel muttered. With this, he tightened his grip around the other boy's wrist and a crack was heard.

"ARRGHHH!!" Harper Ha let out a bone-chilling screech that shocked the group. It was even worse than when Gray stabbed the center of his palm with a pen.

Samuel was unperturbed and grabbed the front of Helmet's uniform before lifting him in the air with ease. This action caused the surrounding area to go silent from shock.

He could lift him so high that easily?! With one hand at that!

'What terrifying strength!' Ben Park thought.

Gray couldn't believe his eyes. He had seen this person do the same thing in the classroom earlier today but he couldn't believe how strong he was.


Samuel threw, yes, THREW Harper Ha in the direction of the three other Yoosun extras who had nowhere to dodge due to the limited space.

Harper Ha let out a terrified shout as his body flew in the air. The three extras watched in horror as the massive body came flying toward them. Harper's body slammed into the three boys which in turn, made their own bodies fly back and hit the wall like some comic strip action scene.

And then it was silent aside from the various groans of pain coming from the extras.

"Oops," Samuel shook his wrist. He looked at Harper Ha and said, "You should really lose some weight dude. You were heavier than I thought."

'Bullshit!' Everyone thought.

Glancing at Jack Kang who was staring at his crewmates in shock and fear, he said, "Just so you know, Ben Park wasn't planning to scheme against Jimmy Bae."


Ben Park and the others blinked in confusion while Jack looked angry.

Samuel turned around and picked up his school bag dusting it off. In a calm voice, he continued, "You shouldn't believe everything that Philip Kim tells you. That guy only knows how to bullshit most of the time. He called you, didn't he? To say that Ben Park was scheming against Jimmy Bae."

"What?!" Ben Park and Alex Go exclaimed together. "That bastard!"

"How do you know that?" Jack asked with gritted teeth.

Samuel replied dryly, "Overheard him speaking on the phone. I don't know Ben Park very well but he's definitely not the type to 'scheme' things. He seems more like the type to confront things head-on without a proper plan."

Ben blanched, "Is that a compliment or…"

Samuel waved his hand dismissively, "Take it as you will." Turning back to Jack Kang, he said, "You seem like a smart guy. You should know that Philip Kim is only pitting the two, Jimmy Bae and Ben Park, against each other. As for his end goal…"

Samuel shrugged, "Who knows."

With that, he waved and began running through to the other side of the underpass before disappearing in a distance.


A/N: Support me here; [https://ko -fi.com/honeyseeto] Donate to this poor soul.

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