Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 12: The Barbecue and an annoying interruption.

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I run at top speed through the forest for about thirty minutes. I suspect that my top speed is around thirty miles an hour. I reach a meadow that's just right and start preparing everything.

First is the grill because of how large this slab of ribs is I need to use a large one. It didn't take me too long as I had seen many large ones in the past. I create some plastic chairs as well. Earth magic is incredibly useful.

I pull out the slab of ribs and inspect it. I find it odd that the poison is concentrated in the ribs. 

"Perhaps the way they killed the animal has something to do with it?" I question.

It would make sense if the gland responsible for producing and storing the poison was to burst the meat could become inenough,. I sigh. I can't remove the poison, but since I'm immune anyway, I'll just have to eat it as is.

I light up the grill and wait for it to heat up. I didn't buy any seasonings while in town because I didn't expect this world to have the correct ones. Although, salt would have sufficed.

After the grill gets hot enough, I toss the slab of ribs on it. Immediately, a smell that's nostalgic, yet unfamiliar hits my nose. I giggle to myself. 

"It's been so long old friend? Where have you been these last ten years?" The meat continues to cook while I relax in my chair only getting up to flip the ribs occasionally.

When it's finished I can't wait to taste it. I take a big bite. It's a little spicy, which is probably the poison. It's a welcome flavor though. I get through half of it when my ears catch something moving near me.

I immediately dispell the magic grill and chair. I store the treasured ribs as well.

I take out my staff and take a defensive stance.

"Just a fellow adventurer. No need to be alarmed." The voice is female. However, I can't pinpoint the voice as it seems to come from everywhere.

"Even if that's true it's rude to spy on someone" I counter. I'm already using my enhanced senses to pinpoint where there seems to be no presence. I eventually find her hiding spot.

I smile, "Found you".

I create liquid-like metal that wrap around her legs in less than second. I then create barbs in the metal that give her superficial wounds. I do the same with her arms.

"What the hell?!" She shouts. I smile. 

"Now. Care to have a normal conversation for a bit? Being the object of your attention surely means I've done something that's caught it", I say while walking towards her. I conjure my guardian spears.

"I just smelt something delicious and came in this direction I meant no harm!" She defends herself.

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Hmm. Ribs do smell delicious. Valid point.

"Okay, but using your stealth skill like that isn't going to be very effective on someone like me", I fought twin-headed bears in the forest. These bears seemed to have a good grasp of their surroundings and would find me out pretty quickly if I tried to sneak up on them. I tried training myself to do the same. I couldn't exactly replicate them , but if I focus hard enough I can feel slight changes in the area around me. Although my stealth skill was high, the damn things seemed to always know where I was. At first, I thought they might have had some kind of detection skill. I tried learning something similar using body heat. Nothing worked though. I decided that it had to be instinct or now maybe an innate Skill like that innkeeper mentioned. I shrug off my inner thoughts and return my attention to the conversation.

"Don't come near me again. If you do I'll tear you apart like I did that meat from earlier. Got it?" I dispell the restraints and jump backwards away from her. I immediately dash deeper into the forest. 

"Glad I decided to keep my hood on the whole time", I mutter to myself while running. 

Once I get far enough in the forest, I climb up the tallest tree and relax for a bit. Who was that girl and why was she so far in the forest. When listening to the other adventurers, I learned that only C or B rank adventures could go this far in the forest and not die. However, there is an adventurer that fits that description. Beatrice. She's an apparent B rank with power closer to A rank. She supposed to be talented in close combat and in magic, much like myself. The other adventurers said she has a goal for herself, but no one knows what it is except the guild master. It was said she was out on an important quest, but she was to return sometime soon. So, the most logical conclusion is that girl was her.

"Problems, Problems, and... more problems", I mutter while taking out the remaining ribs.

The next day I head back to the city. I just realized I never use the name of it even though I know it. The city's name is Frema. The name seemed to come from the first lord who ruled it. That information is useless to me though. When I get to the gates the examiner from the other day and a smaller, but similar built, older man standing there as well. They seem to be looking for someone. Don't look at me. Why are you walking towards me.

The older man throws something in the air. It explodes and I immediately feel something is missing from me.

Warning all mana has been drained from the immediate area and from your body. 

"So you've chosen a fight huh? I'll kill you before you make your first move", I announce coldly while pulling my bow from my magic bag.

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