Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 16: Lava Queen’s Arrival

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When I spotted the city from leaving the forest, the entire gate was destroyed with a crater in the ground. Reconstruction had already begun with wooden structures sorroundings it. None of the guards noticed me watching from afar. It was still the afternoon of the day I woke up. I have no idea how long I've been asleep, I don't think it's been too long though. I decided to enter through the west entrance as to not to disturb repairs or get recognized before I enter. 

The guards didn't seem to recognize me at all. Well, I guess this is a different entrance after all. Walking through the gate I immediately recognize a change in the people. 

Listening to thier conversations, there was an explosion two weeks ago. The people who were close to the epicenter somehow managed to survive. Albeit, with some minor injuries. None of the survivors are talking about it. People seem to think that they fought of some powerful demon with that explosion being it's demise. The governor is said to be looking into the matter but nothing has been said since then. The more shocking thing is that there's a bounty on a G rank adventurer at the guild for five hundred gold coins. The request is to bring the adventurer in alive.

That surprised me and when I heard that I immediately put my hood up.

If I show up at the guild, the bounty would be void right? There could be conflicts with the adventurers though. Can't I just be left alone? I sigh in frustration and make my way to the inn I used earlier. I have picked up a tail, which was to be expected. They can follow me if they like. As long as I'm in public I should be okay.

When I get to the inn I pay for a room and head to my room. 

I can't hide my strength anymore since the governor already knows about me apparently. Judging that I'm being stalked I can expect a confrontation here or as soon as I leave.

Jumping on the bed , let out a large sigh and lay in a snow angle position.

I find myself more relaxed about the situation. I guess I can attribute that to the effect of my staff.

I sit up, deciding I want to try something with my magic.

Burning certain compounds can cause fire to turn certain colors.

Let's see if i imagine burning copper sulfate...

A green flame appears in my hand. It dances because of the breeze from the window. I catch myself getting lost in the flame. 

Perhaps I can use this some how to give an rocket explosions different colors. Making monsters explode in a rainbow of colors and gore would be absolutely hilarious! Would something like that be in the realm of enchantment?

To test it I'd need to make a some kind of gun. The question is what? I've already exposed that I'm an oddity so why not? I won't go overboard ill start with a pistol. I'm still a kid so I don't want to damage my hearing before I'm fully grown, so a silencer is a must. I will also immediately destroy it when I'm not in combat so it can't be stolen god forbid. 

I think I have the perfect weapon in mind. While I was working for the U.S government, I worked with other scientists and weapons engineers to create the first handheld railgun. The designs we came up with were either one use or completely theoretical. We eventually stopped the project after three years of getting nowhere. The main problem was the durability of the materials. The force of the projectile would damage the inside of the weapon so one would constantly have to replace parts. What about magic metal. Magic steel? Perhaps I can use magic to force the metal to keep it's integrity?

My thoughts are interrupted with a knock at the door.

"Go away", I say. Half hopeful that would be end of it.

"Sorry to bother you but, the governor seems to have some business with you." It's the girl who recived me at this inn.

"Tell him to piss off. I'm resting after my trip", it's somewhat true and I have no intention of going. I hear someone coming down the hall though. The girl says something about the person not being allowed up here. Then another knock, this time louder comes from the door.

"This is an emergency summons from the governor you have no choice. If you don't comply you will be jailed", a loud angry voice says from behind the door.

"Hmm. Sounds like a threat. Meaningless to me, but still a threat nonetheless" I responded. Suddenly, the door is thrown off it's hinges and into the room. Surprised, I jump a little at the noise, but i quickly regain my composure.  

"You've got a lot a nerve for a brat", a tall man clad in armor stands in the doorway where the door once stood. I hold my hand to my head in exasperation.

"Now I'll have to change my room. My deepest apology to you. I'll pay for the door this brute broke", I say to the poor girl that was knocked over by him.

"You will come with me to the governor's mansion", he looks like he won't have it any other way.

"Hmm. If I can quell his infuriating curiosity in me, then I'll gladly go. Just stop making a scene", as much as I'd like to burn this entire town to the ground, I won't do that unless there's truly no other option.

"Lead the way brute. I'll slice your hand off if you touch me", I stare at him threateningly. 

"You-- Just follow me", he's about as red as a tomato now.

As we exit, I see one of the people responsible for my near death experience waiting.

"Still kicking eh? I guess a roach is pretty resilient", I say to her giving her a cold look. 

"I'm only here to protect the governor from you if you get violent", she says.

"Tch. Sure", even if she's B rank, but based on the battle at the gate, I could beat her one on one. She probably won't admit that though, people are prideful after all.

I've seen the governor's mansion before when I explored the town so, the large mansion didn't surprise me.

The mansion wasn't particularly decorated, in fact it just looked like a larger house with a gate around it. 

The metal man lead me to the gate where guard in similar guard received us. They simply nodded to each other and I was passed off.

I was led into the building. We immediately made are way to the third floor where double doors awaited.

"I've brought her", he says.

"Let her in", a hoarse voice replies. 

The guard opens the two double doors and motions for me to step through. Stepping inside, there are several people waiting.

The marquis I refused to help on the road, what looks like a male adventurer, three men clad head to toe in armor, and a mage.

As for the adventurer, he was tall with blond hair. His face was dignified, his skin was that of a typical white guy. He all together, looked like the hero type. For his weapons he had two katanas, which surprised me. Everyone I had seen were using European swords.

One of the three men in armor 

The mage had a cloak that covered thier face. Their staff was had a mysterious power coming from it as well.

"Please sit", my attention was drawn to the man who was in the center of all of them. A man, who seemed to be in his later forties or early fifties. The man had bags under his eyes. I guess that's the reason for his hoarseness in his voice.

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"Mmm", I reply sitting on a chair across from him.

"My name is Hark and I'm the governor of this town", he introduced himself. First person to do that besides hammer dude.

I just nod in response.

"I would first like to apologize for your rough treatment in the city so far. We have a lot of curious individuals here", the governor says.

I still say nothing.

There is an awkward silence as we was waiting for a reply. Apparently realizing I wasn't going to give one he clears his throat.

"I'm going to be frank, we don't believe that a ten year old can have so much power. That stunt you pulled at the gate caused these royal guards to be sent from the capital to investigate you" he pauses before continuing.

"We think you are using a disguise skill. This can be an indication that you are a spy. We would like you to lift our susp-", before he can finish I disable my appraisal block skill.

A flush of hot air and dust flush around the room. Apparently, I give off an aura that reveals my specialties in magic. Appraisal Block reduces this aura by quite a bit. All of them have their hands on their weapons now.

"I am no spy. The reason you brought me here was to appraise me yes? Then do it" I say giving everyone a cold stare. They all look at each other and nod. The governor looks at the mage. The mage takes a step forward and looks at me. The hood still covers her eyes. I can feel the appraisal in the form of a shiver down my spine.

"Now that is finished-" I use my Appraisal Block skill to get rid of the uncomfortable temperature I created. 

"Let me get one thing clear, your people attacked me, not the other way around. That explosion was a desperate attempt to save my own life. The damage caused to your gate is from your own inability to control the people in these walls", I give the governor a murderous stare, daring him to challenge me on this.

"I-Im well aware of the facts regarding the incident. You will not be punished in that. However, the royal family wants to invite whoever created that explosion to come to the royal capital" he looks toward the fancily dressed guards.

"An invite? Not a summons?" I turn toward the guards as well.

"Yes, her Majesty-" he starts.

"I decline the invitation then. It's probably a ploy to get me to join your ranks", I won't be dragged into some a faction or some war.

"You cant just-" the oldest knight starts but I interrupt him.

"I can and I just did. I dare you to try and hurt a potential guest of her majesty", a give the old knight a challenging look. He thinks for a moment then clenches his fist in frustration.

"I highly suggest you reconsider", a new voice joins the conversation. It's the blonde haired adventurer. I raise an eyebrow.

"Why?" I turn to him. 

"Because even if your right about that, there is a benefit for you to join their ranks", he says.

"There are benefits in not joining as well. What benefits would it bring for me?" I ask him.

"For one, having such a powerful mage like yourself in the army would improve the standing of beastmen in this country", he offers.

"That benefits others, not me. Try again", he has a dumbfounded look on his face. It's not only him, two of the knights have are similarly dumbfounded. 

"You don't care about being a symbol for your people?" It's a sentence but it has a questioning tone.

"You can call me selfish. I care about myself first. I'll help others if it benefits me, not the other way around", I turn to the governor.

"Are we done here?" I ask.

"Yes, but-" I already turned around to leave.

I look back for a final warning. "I may be young, but starting now I'll start killing people who try to harm me or do anything malicious to me. I suggest everyone here and those they represent tread carefully. Good day", I say, pushing the doors open and leaving.

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