Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 17: Meeting a Pervert?

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Finishing my business at the mansion, I return to the inn and apologize profusely to the innkeeper. She said it was fine and accepted my payment for the broken door. I'll have to sell some more materials to that merchant. 

I go to my new room and spread myself out on the bed again. Hopefully, those people wise up and leave me the hell alone. They know the force they are messing with now. There might be underhanded methods they will try. Ha can't let my guard down for a second eh? 

I create couple traps at the door and windows of my room.they are all lethal. I already gave a warning. They can only blame themselves if they die. 

Grabbing the blanket I wrap myself up like a burrito with only my ears poking out. I start to laugh.

"Can't believe they let themselves get scared of a ten year old girl though! They didn't even speak to me like a little girl at all. Now that I think of about it no one has. I wonder why that is?" I voice my thoughts out loud. I shouldn't worry about it in fact I should get my mind off it. Hmm. Ah yes, magic weapons!

A handheld laser pistol sounds cool but that would require a lot of testing. I need something with a fast fire rate in case I have to deal with multiple enemies. It also needs to pack enough punch to pierce through metal armor. I could lift an assault rifle but wielding it would be a different story. Unfortunately, I'm still short and the measurements I've memorized would make it too awkward for me to use effectively. A pistol would be the best choice, but reloading would be an issue....

Wait I can create metal from thin air couldn't I just refill the clip instantly? There's something else I need to test fucking hell.

That will have to wait till later though for now I want to go see that merchant again. I have to pray he's still in contact with that researcher lady. My memory is a bit fuzzy about what she needed. Did I accept her request? Ahh I'll just ask him the next time I see him.

First, I need a bath, don't wanna violate the poor dude. I've been neglecting my hygiene for awhile and that two weeks of darkness didn't help it either. The innkeeper mentioned that they had an outdoor one. I head downstairs to look for the bath. It doesn't take long for me to find it though. I find two doors marked with this worlds language, it probably separates the sexes. Still can't read though. Peaking into the right door I hear mens voices. Guess it's the other door. Looking around, I can't help but admire the craftsmanship of the place. There are lockers, well not really lockers as much as an oversized cabinets lining one of the walls. There are seats for every locker separating them. I pick the one closest to the bath. The bath itself reminds me of a hot spring. 

The innkeeper said that the water was enchanted. It would purify your skin without the need to scrub yourself. I found that to be pretty fancy. Stripping down, I take the time to examine my body. The red lines are not pulsing on my skin every now and again. It makes me feel like I'm some kind of bomb counting down until I explode. Besides that my skin looks like it hasn't been damaged in the slightest. If I had to describe it, it's very princess-like.

Heading to the bath, I take a second to examine it. As far as the design goes, the area around it has stones giving a natural feel to it. I can feel the heat coming off it. There is also some kind of power emanating from it, probably the enchantment. It's similar to my cloak and staff albeit, much weaker. Putting my big toe in the water, I can feel my body suddenly feels ticklish, so much so, I couldn't help but giggle a bit. Stepping the rest of the way in, I can feel something lift off my skin everywhere my body touches. It's very relaxing though. I sink to where only my head and nose are above the water. I can tell I have a stupid look on my face. 

"Pleasant isn't it?" Shocked at the sudden voice I let out a shriek I would have never lived down if I was on Earth. Looking around I see no one though nor can I sense them.

"Y-yeah? Who are you?" Why is this guy in the girls bath? Is he a pervert?

"I didn't mean to startle you. I just want to discuss something with you. That is if you don't mind" Exasperated, I let out sigh resignation. 

"I guess if your willing to go this far I may as well hear you out", I don't think he's malicious, considering his tone at least.

"Well let's start with introductions. I'm the master of this city's guild. I've been having people keep a close eye on you ever since you first arrived. The city guard told me about your rather..... unique entry" they said I passed I don't see the issue. I must have let my confusion show because he immediately addressed the subject.

"Well your result wasn't exactly good or bad. Ill explain. That skill, Truth Revealed? Well it usually only has two results. Either it tells the user your lying or not. But there is a third result. A result that has shown up in years" he pauses as if he's thinking about something then continues.

"The third result is complicated but for now let's just say it was enough for the city guard to ask me to keep an eye on you" he finishes.

"What are they worried about?" I'm just going to be direct as possible with this guy. I'm not worried about who he is right now. If he wants to spout off information that would be useful to me, why stop him just to ask for his name?

"Doesn't matter. What does is that they aren't worried about you anymore. Just play by the rules and you won't be bothered" Evading, huh? Guess it can't be helped.

"Anything else? I would like to get back to my business" he doesn't respond right away.

"I'll leave you to it then" he says after a moment. The eyes that I felt on me disappeared and I'm left alone in the bath.

I sink back into the water and enjoy the bath for a little while longer. What the hell?! They don't stop coming do they? I slam my fist on the side of the bath causing it to crack. I immediately fix it with earth magic though. Rubbing my forehead I can already tell that I'm gonna have a tough time while I'm here.

 I haven't rested my mind all that much. I have had three days total of contact and it's already gone to shit. Guess lady luck ain't on my side. I sigh and get out of the water. Instantly, I feel the cold and rush over to my clothes. They don't smell which is odd considering the time they haven't been washed. I think I should stop questioning things and just chalk it up to magic.

I throw on my clothes, don my cloak, and take out my staff. I create a mirror to check myself. The red lines on my arms and neck seem to be taking to a deeper red becoming more noticeable. I don't know if I should be concerned about that. I decide to check my status to be sure but, nothing is out of the ordinary. I shrug and head out of the dressing room.

Now, what will be my explanation for being gone so long? I think I'll pretend like nothing happened at the guild. If people come to me about the bounty I'll simply say that someone appears to be looking out for me. Ill also say that I decided to take a trip somewhere nearby and got sidetracked.

With that in mind, I heard out of the inn, I find the merchant outside. Is it me or does his bald head look polished? That shit looks like it could blind someone.  He walks up to me. 

"You got to have some good stuff after that long trip", guess he found out where I was staying huh?

"Stalker.." I mutter playfully in case he catches it.

"What?" He asks

"Nothing. Did you need anything in particular?" He shakes head.

"Nah, I just want to buy stuff of yah. I was able to sell your materials ten percent cheaper and still make a good profit. I just need more stuff to sell. If your willing to do business that is", this guy's all about the money. I smile.

"Yeah I've got plenty, but what about the researcher lady? Is that request closed?" I still cant remember what she wanted.

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"Oh yeah. Did you keep an out for some herbs?" He asks. So that's what it was? I did collect a lot of plants while running on my initial trip here. I only collected those that had a strong power coming from them. It was only to pass the time while my stamina replenished though.

"I have a few plants that were interesting to me, but I have no knowledge of herbs so I couldn't tell you of they are valuable or not" I tell him.

"Hmm. Let's take this to my stall, shall we?" He gestures for me to follow him and I oblige.

We get a few odd looks as my hood is down and walking side by side with him. Nothing I can't handle though. A few adventurers seems surprised. I give them a cold glare which scares them off quite easily. Is my face really that scary?

"That's quite a bit of killing intent you got there", the merchant breaks the silent walk with that.

"Killing in-what now?" What is he talking about?

"Killing intent? You don't know?" He seems surprised and stops walking.

"Yeah? What is that? I mean I don't have the intent to kill right now", he gives me a wierd look then he takes me to the side of the street by the arm. The guy has a pretty strong grip too. Nothing I couldn't break out of, of course. It was gentle but firm. He begins to speak again in a hushed manner.

"You've been directing it all over the place like a monster would. It may not be intentional since you didn't know you were doing it" he stops to think about something then continues.

"Killing intent is something we are all born with. You can direct it in fights to throw your opponent off or intimidate people" He pauses thinks for a moment then takes a deep breath.

"People have different reactions to killing intent. People become either can hostile or scared. The amount of killing intent you through at people is well.." he trails off.

"What?" I ask, wanting him to finish.

He grimaces. "Your killing intent would be equivalent to a wyvern. And I'm guessing in a fight it's the pressure is probably like fighting a dragon".


Authors Note:

I'm so sorry about the wait on this chapter I've been busy with other stuff. I'll get back to posting ????

You can find story with these keywords: Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?, Read Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? novel, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? book, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? story, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? full, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? Latest Chapter

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