Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 21: Real Magic

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"Shit, shit, shit!" I can't see very well but I can hear just fine. A very tall dark figure hovers above me. It's human shaped but I can make out the outline of wings.

"That damn god is supposed to be sealed how did he...?"

The voice slowly stopsI open my eyes from my dream and stretch out on my bed letting out what I've come to deen as purawn. Or a yawn and a purr mixed together. However, jump as the system's sudden voice.

The master swordsman Troy has slain the Fallen Hero Tiara.

The Demon King has appeared!

Interesting sight to wake up to I must say. Though a bit worrying. The Demon King is obviously going to get in my way at one point. I just didn't expect the hero to be killed before even fighting it. And killed by another human no less! Its just one thing after another huh? Cant wait to find a way out of this headache.

I stretch out on the bed and begin to think about what I should do for the next six days. My first choice is more testing. However, higher ranked adventurers will go farther into the forest. Someone is bound to notice my antics. Going deeper will make the trip back longer. Hmm. 

I decide to close my eyes and think about what Ive seen so far since coming to this city. 

One of the things that comes into mind is magic. Besides the wind blade that crippled my right arm, the only other magic related thing I've seen is a shop I saw while walking around town. Perhaps thats what i should look into! If I could learn how magic is supposed to be casted, i could make my own magic stronger or learn to exploit a mage's weakness.

Excited, I hurry to get dressed. However, before I leave the inn, the innkeeper calls me. 

"Ms. Karla! While I don't doubt you can handle yourself. I feel that i must inform you the city will probably be in chaos due to death of the hero", now that's a reasonable assumption to make. The hero is supposed to defeat a being thats supposed be humanity's greatest enemy after all. Without them, people would become anxious or feel that there is no hope. In fact I would expect some rioting in such a situation. Just as I think this the innkeeper speaks up again.

"Don't worry the family that owns this inn is also known for barrier magic items! This inn is equipped with one that prevents sound spells and anything that might disturb your experience at our inn", she explains with a smile. That explains why I can instantly fall asleep here. Well at least I can expect my bed to be there when I return.

"Ill be fine I dont think many of these blockheads can hurt me. Also, if that is the case, you might want to consider closing the inn off to new guests until things calm down", I decide to give a suggestion. She's a nice lady i dont want some dumbass coming in here and wrecking the place.

"Of course. When you get back I have something for you. You get back here safely, you hear?", Ooo is she making a move on m-- oh wait I'm I girl now. I keep forgetting even after ten years in this body.... 

"Ill look forward to it see yah", I hurry out the inn before she can notice my confusion. Sure enough the tension out here is high. People are talking about the world notification. Hmm.. this demon king sure is no joke. I guess taking care of him might be an envibility it seems. I sigh at the thought. There are many problems with that. Firstly, if I remember correctly, such a being has "boss" level stats. I can only guess that means it's much stronger than a normal monster. Second, it's out of the way of my objective I need to get back to earth. I have a bone to pick with my government. Tch.

Clicking my tongue, I put that out of my mind for the time being. I return to walking to the shop I made sure to memorize points of interest for myself. Things that might have either info or knowledge I'm generally lacking. Though there's not much interesting in this city. Not even a library and apparently only two other cities in this country have one, the royal capital of Restia and the merchant city of Vadmier. Those will be my next destinations after I finish my education by this researcher.

Soon, the shop comes into view. A shabby outside, but it several items I could see from the window that looked like typical mage gear. Still can't read the sign so I'm not a hundred percent sure.

Walking inside, my nose is greeted by the smell of lavender which I find to be quite pleasant. The inside is also at a comfortable temperature. The place is quite well kept on the inside too. From what I can see, bottles, which I presume to be potions are lined up perfectly on the shelves. I walk over and string my finger a long them. The surfaces have no dust on them. 

"Immaculate", I can't help but compliment the tidiness of this place. Back on Earth I was one to be very organized with my work. I had always made sure my things were left undistrurbed in my research area.

"Oh a customer! How lovely!" A warm voice comes from the side of me. 

I turn my head to see an equally immaculate lady standing there. Her purple hair went down to the bottom of her chest. I could get lost in her golden eyes. Before I get caught staring though I greet her.

"Yes, and your shop is equally so", I reply pulling my hand from the bottles.

"Thank you for saying so. Were you looking for anything in particular?" She asks. 

"Well that depends. I'm looking for information mostly", I reply. 

"Well we have books on magic here. If that's what you're looking for", close but not quite.

"Well I don't know how to read yet, but I do consider myself to be capable when it comes to magic", she has a skeptical look on her face. Hey that's rude to your costumer! 

"Even if you say that mages usually learn from someone or through magical totems", thats an old tradition. Passing down knowledge by mouth decreased with the increase in the availability of books and even more so when the internet came around.

"This might be hard to believe, but I'm self taught", saying so, I reach into my one of my bags and pull out my staff. 

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"Oh my!" She takes a step back before leaning to get a better look.

"This staff where did you get it?" Judging by her reaction it's a rare sight. It wouldn't be a very good idea to tell her I made this right?

"It was my father's he was killed five years ago", I lied.

"I-I see. I can tell the staff is very strong from the magical energy coming from it. Have you wielded it in battle?" Odd question. 

"Yes plenty of times it's a good staff", I said while storing it away. 

"What kind of information were you looking for?", She asks.

"Well, since I was self taught, I would like to know how mages normally cast spells. I'm willing to pay of course", this is a business after all.

"Well I'll charge you two silvers for this. Is that alright?" Reasonable I guess I'm not really pressed for money.

"Sure", I reply taking out two from my bag. I hand them over and she begins to explain.

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