Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 23: Magic lesson and Fantasy Black ops

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I can't help but notice this woman's unease about something, but I decide not to point it out. 

"First, I will start with the basics. Every living thing in this world is born with an attribute for a certain type of magic. However, the problem is not everyone can channel thier magic", I might want her to elaborate on that last part.

"Is there a way to force an attribute to manifest it doesn't manifest the normal way?" I ask. I would like to get my white magic to work. Getting crippled in battle without anyway to heal could be dangerous.

"Yes. However, most would either leave you scarred or mentally broken. For example, for the fire attribute, the tried and true way of getting it to manifest is by setting yourself on fire", Yeesh. I would like to know how the same can happen with white magic though.

"What about white magic?" She gives me a grave look.

"Only one person has successfully forced it to manifest and the method wasn't pretty. He had has comrades chop his limbs off and heal them with potions over and over. The reason they used potions was because it made him feel pain", then never mind about forcing it to manifest then. She continues.

"To use spells the first thing to learn is their incantations. For example, a simple water ball",  she holds out her hands and starts to chant.

Droplets of rain, heed my call! Water Ball!

A large bubble of water appears in her hand. Yup. That's some fantasy shit.

"I've memorized the basic chants for all spells even though I can't use them. If you don't mind telling me an attribute you can use, I can tell you the basic incantation for it", although I don't need it, it's good practice.

"Sure. I can use fire magic", she thinks for a moment then speaks again.

"Fire magic is a very offensive magic I'm so jealous! Anyway the incantation is Sear through and burn them to ashes! Fire spear!" Interesting and embarrassing. I'll give it a try though.

"Sear through and burn them to ashes! Fire spear!" A huge spear appears in my right hand. I can feel the pulses on my arms getting faster. The fire is wrapping itself around my arm. It's still growing and I don't want to burn down her shop. I look at her.

"I'm going to dispell this", she nods. I dispell the spear instantly and dust off my hands.

"Such power! You should participate in the Mages' Duel Tournament this year!" She seems excited. A tournament huh? It'd be a fun way to blow off steam.

"What's the prize?" I ask curious.

"Well if the winner is a commoner they get to attend the Royal Academy. The winner is usually a noble though. You could be the first with that magic of yours!" Hmm. A magic academy huh? Sounds like a school fully dedicated to magic. It'd be a perfect guise to find information on or study something similar to dimensional magic. I've deemed the magic necessary to cross back into my own world as such. Such a place could tell me once and for all if I'm stuck in this shit hole of a world.

"I might just do that then", I twirl a bit of fire around my finger in confirmation of just that.

"I'll be rooting for you then!" She gives me a warm smile. Adorable.

"I think I've got my money's worth. I'll be taking my leave now. Thanks for your business", I go to the door and leave. I stand outside the shop for a bit.

What did that innkeeper want with me? She said she has something for me. She seems like a nice person. Even when I caused her a bit of trouble with that knight, she didn't blame me for it and gave me another room. I can't sense any malice from her at all either. Whatever. I'm sure she doesn't have any bad intentions.

I make my way back to the inn. It looks like people are starting to timidly leave their homes. Even an asteroid takes time to end the world you fools. I just roll my eyes at the sight.

When I finally make it close to the inn another annoyance appears. Its the guild master. He's standing in front of the inn. Tch. Walking toward the entrance without acknowledging his existence. He calls my name.

"Karla-", nope.

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"No", I answer heading into the building he follows me in though. Thankfully, I don't have to tell him off again.

"The guests of this inn shall not be disturbed", it's the innkeeper.

"Martha...", He says as she glares at him. She obviously wants him to leave. I can't help but feel there's something else besides me disturbing her that's putting her in that mood.

"Your family is always causing us trouble. Tch", he clicks his tongue and leaves.

"Friend of yours?" I ask while giving a playful smile. She smiles wryly in response.

"Just some family business", she replies. I won't pry.

"How was your trip Ms. Karla", she says back in her polite tone.

"Quite educational, though it might be bad news in regards to how long I'll be staying here", I reply. I'm definitely going to the royal capital soon.

"Oh? Will you be leaving the city?" She asks. I can indulge in some idle chat. After all since I have nothing to do for the next six days,  I'll just be in my room considering weapons designs and coming up with spell ideas.

"Yes. I'll be heading for the royal capital. I heard there's a competition to get in some magic academy. I've taken an interest in learning!" She frowns at this. What? Are you disappointed you won't be receiving my money?

"Ms. Karla, that's not your real name is it?" W-What?! Apparently, I couldn't hide my shock. Her smile turns a bit devious.

"Don't be alarmed. I've already inferred you take your privacy quite seriously. I don't have any idea what your skills are. Your appraisal block skill prevented me from seeing such", how does she know? She never appraised me. At least I never felt it. She read me like a book though and continued.

"It's a special skill called Gods Eye. It allows me to see information about a target even if they have Appraisal Block. Though, such information is limited. You've somehow managed to get it where I can only see your name. You're quite the mystery!" She explains. I have my guard up now. Taking a step back from the desk.

"Now, now. Let me explain further before you damage my inn okay?" Saying that, she snaps her fingers and a pink ball of light shoots toward me landing in my chest.

Contrary to my fears, I begin to calm down immediately after it hits me.

"I work for an "organization" and we've taken a great interest in you. Especially since yesterday. Those antics of yours in the forest made my co-worker run in fear", she laughs seemingly remembering the event.

"You act similar to our agents, trying to keep a low profile and squirming your way out of difficult situations. Because of this we've come to the conclusion since observing you that you won't accept joining us. However, the higher ups still want to give you a trail period should you chose to accept", what the fuck is this some kind of black ops? Though, it might be these are the exact kind of people I can work with.

"You've got my curiosity. What is this "organization" of yours about?" She smiles and begins to explain.

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