Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?

Chapter 3: Magic and growth

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We leave the church with my father in a good mood. We head straight home. My father returns me to my crib once more and talks to my mother in the doorway. She soon gets excited just like father. They both talk for awhile until my father leaves again to go somewhere. My mother looks at me for awhile and then comes toward me to feed me again. She then looks at me and seemingly gets an idea. She closes her eyes and says something. The words seemingly echo when they didn't before.

Suddenly, a ball of water appears before us. Magic? She seems to be able to control it and moves it close to me. Curious, I reach out and touch the ball with my left hand. Definitely water. 

My grandson always liked the idea of magic. He would always tell me simplified versions of the novels he read. He'd go into detail about how it worked in each novel. Thanks to the fact my memory never deteriorated even in my old age I can recall some of the mechanics he told me about. 

This book says that magic power comes from the soul and that it circulates like your blood does. 

I remember hearing him say something along those lines when he explained how magic worked.

In the midst of my thoughts, my mother puts me down and the ball of water is dispelled. She then leaves the room leaving me with my thoughts only. 

I guess I can try to feel my magic power. I probably don't have much since I'm a baby so I need to be careful. Thinking that, I focus on the area near my heart and sure enough I feel something fluffy there's not a lot of it as expected. I take about ten percent of what's there and try and circulate it through my body like blood.

Skill: Magic Circulation Lvl. 1 has been acquired.

Startled, I look around to find no one around me. The voice sounded robotic and female in nature. Does this world work like a video game? I'm not too familiar with them, but I do know about them having levels and skills similar to this. I continue to circulate my mana for awhile but don't get anymore messages about it.

Skill: Mana Regeneration Lvl. 1 has been acquired. 

I guess I'm still burning through my mana even though I'm only circulating it. I don't have any way to to tell how much mana I have left besides feeling the fluff near my soul. It seems like there should be a way to see it but I'm starting to feel tired again. It's already dark so I sink into sleep again.

When I wake up I'm being held by mother again. She feeds me and plays with me before putting me down again. 

I want to figure out what that voice was earlier. I likely won't know until I'm older so for now I circulate my mana to curb my boredom. I circulate it for a couple hours. Hmm. It seems that gaining the skill is easy but leveling it up is much harder. Let me see.. obviously I need to my mana to exit my body so I'll try that. I feel for the mana inside my body I take ten percent of it outside my body.

Skill: Mana Manipulation Lvl. 1 has been acquired. 

Hmm. These three skills might be essential for casting spells. Of course, I won't cast any at this point because using magic before I'm even a week old would be foolish. However, I'll still be practicing these skills to curb my boredom for the time being. 

The days continue to pass with me practicing those three skills. I made sure to practice them evenly so I have the same amount of experience in each skill. 

I begin to learn the language of this world or at least in this village pretty quickly by the time of my first birthday rolled around. I had  picked up eighty percent of it. Nothing changes in my first 5 years of life, besides learning how to walk again. 

One question still remains for me though. Why was I reincarnated? It doesn't make any sense. Stories of reincarnated people were treated as mere conspiracies. So, why out of all people, me? How could I, the one who created killing machines and bombs to kill people, be allowed to reincarnate? Only one logical solution is possible. Pure luck. I don't believe I deserve to reincarnate so how could any god take pity on me? I even died content with my actions. 

Perhaps I'll find out the reason with this new life. I will continue to pursue my hobby of making and designing new weaponry for my own personal use. There are monsters in this world so why the hell shouldn't I? 

I wake up on my fifth birthday with a new message from the system.

Title skill gained: True Prodigy

True Prodigy Title Skill effect:

Passive effects:

2% Mana Regeneration Speed upon skill related level up.

2% Max Magic Power upon related skill level up.

It is easier for those around you to level up Mana Regeneration and Mana Circulation skills

Battle effect: Your opponent(s) casting speed is increased by 2%. Your party members casting speed is reduced by 2%.

I didn't catch all of that but it seems I've unlocked a new skill. I haven't heard the voice for a couple years so it's a nice surprise gift I guess.

Ability to see your status has been unlocked. To look at your status simply think about seeing it and it will appear.

Hmm. I guess I should look at it to get a grasp on my current abilities.

Name: Xena

Sex: Female

Race: Fox-kin

Age: 5

Level: 1


Earth: High 

Fire: Medium

Light: Medium

STR: 5

INT: 300

AGI: 2

Combat Capability:

MP: 100,000/100,000

MATK: 20

MDEF: 10



SPD: 1


Martial arts Lvl. 3  Sniper Lvl. 10  Mana Circulation Lvl. 1 Mana Regeneration Lvl.1 Mana Manipulation Lvl. 1

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Title skills:

True Prodigy Lvl 

It seems just like a game but there are still several questions unanswered. Why is my Magical Power so high?

Due to the hidden effect of the Title Skill: True Prodigy, there is a 10,000 percent increase in Magical Power.

The skill itself is pretty good then huh? Wait did the voice just answer me? It didn't do that before. 

The system can only answer questions related to skills. Only when a species who reaches the required age can the system answer questions.

For beastmen it must be the age of 5 then. The can you tell me why I earned True Prodigy just now?

The individual learned the three basic skills required to use magic at an early age. This happened before the individual should have known what magic was.

Guess I really am an oddity then huh? So maybe the system doesn't even know why I'm here either? That's pretty frustrating. I guess I can level up my skills now.

"Xena! Breakfast!" I hear my mother call me to eat. 

"That'll have to wait then", I let out a small sigh and head to the kitchen. The the entire house is wooden so practically nothing goes unheard in this house. My room is farthest from the kitchen with my mom's room in between them. 

"Morning mommy", I give my mother a warm smile when she turns to look at me. 

"Good morning honey me and your dad have something to talk to you about this morning. So, hurry and eat your breakfast." She has a serious tone right now so it must be important. I eat my breakfast a little faster than average as requested. My father walks in just as I take my last bite of meat. 

My father and mother nod to each other and face me. I look back giving a timid expression as a normal child would in this situation. My father speaks first.

"You've noticed that daddy hasn't been home lately right?" he says, I nod in response.

"Well, daddy will have to go away for awhile now so while I'm gone you need to be good." I nod vigorously. 

"Daddy will be back soon right? Like always?" I feigned ignorance. I already knew what was happening already. A country simply refered to by my parents as "the Empire" has been invading the beastmen nations for about a decade. Now with the help of a summoned hero they are pushing back the beastman armies. My father is volunteering to help this country fight them. 

My father winces at my question, but quickly recovers and continues, "I'll be gone a little longer then usual this time but father will come back soon don't you worry" my father gives a forced smile at me. If I was a normal child I would have been convinced so I'll play the part. 

"Make sure to bring back something for making me wait longer then usual dad", I give a convincing warm smile. My father, satisfied with my answer pats my head, "Naturally. Now it's your birthday right? You got a message from the world this morning right?" I nod.

"What does it mean daddy?", I asked once again feigning ignorance.

"It means you can see how strong you are! Try saying status", my mom says, not wanting to be left out at this important conversation. 

"Nobody can see your status but you", my father adds.

Relieved because of father's statement I take in a big breath and say in a loud voice, "Status!" 

My stats once again appear in front of me. I pretend to be amazed by what I'm seeing. My parents let out a laugh while watching me act this way.

"Your father brought back something tasty for your birthday, honey", my father proclaims as reaches into his bag and pulls out an odd piece of meat. For some reason, my mouth begins to immediately water at the smell of it. It smells similar to bison meat from my past life. But it has a stronger smell. My father laughs at my reaction.

"Haha. I had the same reaction when I first smelt it too" my father said while placing the meat on a large plate. The meat looks like it was just cooked as there is steam coming off it still.

He grabs a cutting knife out of his bag and slices a piece off in one quick motion. I couldn't even follow my eyes. My father, seeing the surprised look on my face laughs again. 

"Your father is quite the skilled hunter", my mother says while getting more plates from a shelf. My father serves the meat relatively quickly. We all get an equally large piece out of it.

After we finish eating the meat I feel like a balloon ready to burst. My father let's out a large burp completely silencing the house. We sit there for a second before we all start laughing. Once we all calm down the mood becomes serious again. 

"I'll be leaving in a week so we can spend the remaining together before I go, ok" father said walking up to me and stroking my head. I knew that my father was definitely going to be gone for the next couple of years at the very least. So, I'm going to spend as much time with him as I can with him. 

Over the next week me and my father played together mostly playing children's games. He also thought of teaching me how to use a dagger I caught on quickly and soon enough I got a notification.

Skill: Knife Arts Lvl. 1 has been acquired.

When I told him I acquired this he was happy and told me to practice a little every day to raise the level. Our time soon came to an end though. It was the last day and my father was ready to leave. 

"Come back safe okay", my mother said while smiling.

"I will", my father said while turning towards me. 

He gives me a big hug before saying, "Be good okay?"

"Yes dad", I said while giving my dad a genuinely sad smile.

He turns to leave down the road leading to the southern exit of the village me and my mother watch him until he disappears beyond the horizon.

You can find story with these keywords: Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?, Read Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby?, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? novel, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? book, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? story, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? full, Weaponologist won’t give up his…now her hobby? Latest Chapter

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