Werewolf huntress tribe

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

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I studied the billboard. It depicted two men on each side looking towards the camera and a big VS between them. In the back, there was what looked like an octagon with fences all around. It resembled the old boxing ring I had seen in the picture. It didn't resemble anything I knew in my own world.

Obviously, without magic, they didn't require a kilometer-wide ring and couldn't make zero gravity soccer. I tried imagining what magicless sport would look like, and I couldn't help but pity the inhabitant of this world.

I had found a way to become famous, maybe. The only problem was that the sign didn't have an address or contact information. Only date and link for tickets.

I guess my best bet was to go to the stadium mentioned. I looked around and went toward the road, leaving the small pedestrian road. A car passed before me as soon as I arrived, making me cough again.


Yeah, viva magic.

I had to find something to cover my mouth, but I had too little clothing to simultaneously cover my mouth and my boobs. I couldn't even close the jacket, not that I wanted to. Oh, yeah, my jacket. I removed it and tied it around my mouth.

I now needed to find the stadium. I asked another pedestrian.

¨Excuse me, sir, could you tell me where the John Bullet stadium is?¨

¨The stadium? Yeah, it's in this direction. Though it's a little far to do on foot. I would suggest you take the bus, there's a stop right in front of it.¨


I quickly located what I thought to be the correct bus station, and I waited. I wasn't alone, but I didn't interact with them except for the odd look at seeing someone with a jacket tied around their mouth.

After around ten minutes, the bus finally appeared, and people began to board. I then realized that I didn't have any money or bus passes. I was gonna leave since there wasn't much I could do when I saw that the coin collector was broken. I thanked my luck and boarded for free.

The bus was so slow. I didn't really have the opportunity to take public transport in a while, but the one we have in our world is much better. Instead of slow busses that move with the traffic, which has become even worse than here since rural areas didn't exist anymore, we had flying railing and pods that can stop pretty much anywhere there is a designated spot on the ground. It goes really fast and has never had any accidents. There is also the equivalent underground but for a longer distance between stops. I heard this system is only in major cities since it's crazy expensive to implement, but the maintenance and fuel cost is nearly nonexistent, making it a good option.

The more I experienced this world, the more I was happy that I didn't have to live here. Houses were small because of the constraint of physics; the air wasn't filtered by magic, and phones were much less performant and were limited to touch screens. I hadn't tried, but I knew using one here would be very hard. I had to change mine for one with many more magic captors so I wouldn't destroy it with my claw. Oof, I wish my claws were retractable like one of a cat. Not that I would exchange my form for any other.

Well, enough complaining about this.

While on the bus, I tried using gale's favor since it was pretty much my only active ability. I kinda expected it, but it did not work, and a window appeared.

^Active use of magic is prohibited.^

I'm lucky it is only active ability, considering I only have 2, which are not very useful in a fight. Oh, but wait. I can't go around fighting normal humans with 160-rated claws. Even if I try to pay attention to my claws, it would be very easy to accidentally cut my opponent. It's fine in the bedroom or everyday life but in a fight...?

I looked at my hands. Ok, I know wolves don't have retractables claw, but please, for the love of god, retract!!

I stare hard at my hand for a few seconds before I start to feel weird, and my claws disappear.


I quickly covered my mouth. I was still on the bus, after all. I went back to examining my paws; the claws were gone! Are they, in fact, retractables?! But then a window appeared.

^Your plea has been heard and answered.^
As this dungeon was made with human participants in mind, it was determined that your concern were valid. We've temporarily removed your claws, and you will get them back at the end of the dungeon. After further examination, it was determined that none of your other skills were detrimental to your dungeon experience.

We thank you for your comprehension,

The dungeon management team
^ ^

They really aren't trying to make this thing mystical. I mean, come on, put some mysteries and secrets instead of being so... corporate. Another window appeared.

^We tried that^

We tried that, and after a while, it was determined that playing an active role would be more effective in filming better content.

Also, it's fucking hard to alter the adventure in any way if your action needs to be secret.

We thank you for your comprehension,

The dungeon management team.
^ ^

Eeeeh... ok. Sure, why not.

I finally arrived at the stadium. It was.... how can I say it? Small? Yeah, and ugly. It was only a few acres and well-maintained, but it had such an old design, and there was nothing flashy about it. That surely was because there was nothing in the program for it, right? In my world, stadiums were dozens of acres, and every time a big event happened, there would be a light show, a magic show, and so on. One time, they fucking made it float, like the whole stadium suddenly flew away. I have no idea how they did it, but oh my god, do I wish I could've been there.

I strolled in. The door was unlocked, but there was practically no one inside. I explored until I found the octagonal shape arena that was on the billboard. The room was quite big with many seats but also totally empty. After searching the room, I went back to the corridor defeated. But as I made my way towards the exit, my eye caught a pamphlet.

Are you interested in becoming the next MMA champion?
Then you're in luck!
Charleston Golda, One of the best MMA fighters, is offering to train someone to take his place after his recent retirement announcement.

This Monday, the 18 of April 2022, at 11h00 A.M, Join us at the John Bullet stadium to discover if you have what it takes.

~Golda will only take one disciple~
{ }

The 18? That guy said we were the 17! Lucky~~! Now I just need to wait for tomorrow..... Alone... In an empty stadium.... without a phone..... What time is it?

I went to the counter and found a clock.


Still early. I got around... 21h and a half hours? Mmmmmm. Soooo, I could go outside and explore, or I could just sit there and wait. I think it's obvious what I should do. But even if I go outside, what will I do? I don't have any money. Pfff. Let's... Let's just go; who knows what will happen.

I make my way outside, and when the door close, I hear a click that I didn't hear when I entered. I tried to open it again, and it's locked. It seems the door wasn't properly closed when I entered, that is why it wasn't locked. Now, it is. I've lost my place of sleep for tonight.

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I start walking towards... somewhere. I don't know the place, so I'll just go in a random direction. Oh, but wait, I should ensure I don't lose my way back.

After a quick piss on the side of the road, I continue walking. And I walk, again and again, until...

A random dude comes stumbling out of a building in nothing but boxers. The guy was clearly drunk, and another was helping or escorting him out. The helper said:

¨Hey, don't drive, ok? Tell Martha I said hi¨

The drunk nodded and started walking away. Then with a sigh, the helper started looking around when he found me.

¨Hey you! Lady! Interested in some poker? With this one leaving, we lack someone.¨

Then a window appeared.

^Quest: Poker night^

Description: You have been invited to play a game(s) of poker. Get inside and win your way to glory!

Fame: Depends on how much you win.
Extra: Depends on what you win.

Type of fame possible: good

Quest qualification: stumble onto it.
^ ^

¨Uh, yeah, sure! I just don't have any cash on me right now.¨

^Quest accepted.^

¨No worries! We'll give you a couple of chips to get started.¨

I get dragged inside. The place is a simple bar with little clientele. In the center was a large poker table. There were 6 people around it, with only one being a girl.

I sat next to her, and the dude who brought me went to the dealer position.

¨ ok. Dave is on his way home, and I've found a new player. Since she's new here, I'll introduce you to everyone. Starting from the left, we got Vincent, Gary, Thomas, Jeremy, Charles, and Emilie. As for me, I am Doris.¨

They each made some kind of gesture when their name got called. Since it seemed he was finished, I said.

¨Well, My name is Natasha. Thanks for having me.¨

¨Since that's dealt with, let's start playing! Since our miss here wasn't supposed to be here, I'll give her some chips. This is a pretty high stake game as we are all well off, so we operate with the same color code as a casino. Here, I'll give you a thousand.¨

I give a little whistle.

¨Anyway, let's start.¨

As Doris started the game, I bent toward Emilie and asked.

¨Does he always just give a thousand dollars to a random stranger?¨

She chuckles.

¨Yeah, well, we aren't well-off. We're rich. I am probably the poorest here except you, and I'm a millionaire. But for some reason, Doris always finds a random person to play with once some of us have left.¨

¨Holy christ.¨

¨Yeah, and right now, the stake is pretty low. Just wait until we get drunk.¨

¨Just you've just started?¨

¨Yup, and if you're wondering about dave, he's just got dumped, so he got drunk fast.¨


And just like that, I started playing poker.


¨Sho, Tom, I zink you have nothin.¨

There was only me and Thomas left in this round.

¨Zont, don't be sho sure. I got, euuuuuugh, a seven!¨

We were all fucking drunk. I had never drank so much in my entire life, but since my constitution changed, I could handle it. We were all slurring our words, and I was on the biggest winning spree of my life, which I think is because of... euuh, I don't remember. Anyway, I was up, like, 50 thousand.

¨All in¨

We revealed the card, and I won.


I grabbed Emilie, who was leaning on my shoulder, and french kissed her. I took another swing at the bottle I had in hand, and I blacked out.

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