Werewolf huntress tribe

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

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I woke up with a yawn and sleepily looked around. I wasn't in the bar where I was playing poker but in a room on a bed. The first thing that I notice is the mess. There are condoms EVERYWHERE! Like WTF! I know I was drunk, but how did I go from the bar to this nympho who hadn't cleaned in months. I then heard a grunt, looked next to me, and saw Emilie sleeping while covered in cum.

This is Emilie's place? I do remember kissing her last night. Does that mean I followed her back home? Still, she didn't strike me as someone who would let their room in such a state... mmm... Wait a minute...

I removed the sheets and found that I was naked and with a not-clean cock.

Oh... Does that mean I came that much? I know I have a great capacity, but there must be around 40 close-to-bursting condoms! Great job, drunk me! Anyway, what time is it?

I look at my phone clock.


Oh shit! The recruitment starts at eleven! Well, maybe it's not too bad, but how far am I?

I open my map app.

So, at least 15 minutes with a car and 50 minutes on foot. Ok, my oh shit was justified. Let's go!

I jump out of bed and try to find my clothes. After dressing up, I was about to leave the room when Emilie woke up and asked.

¨Natasha? is that you? What happened? Where are you going?¨

¨Yeah, it's me; I don't remember yesterday night, so I don't know what happened, and as for where I am going, I have something to do at the uhh... something bullet stadium at eleven, so I really need to go.¨

¨Uh? what?¨

¨Like I said, no time to explain. It was fun meeting you!¨

With those words, I closed the door and exited the apartment. I make my way toward the elevator, and as I wait for it, I can't help but be amazed by the place, marble hallway, pillar, and all that cool stuff. She did say that she was a millionaire.

As soon as the elevator finished its long descent, I put my around my mouth and bolted. I didn't care if people saw me and ran on all four toward the stadium by following the scent I put there.


¨I did it!! *pant* *pant*¨

I exclaim as I try to regain my breath. I managed to arrive five minutes before eleven by running all the way.

It didn't take long for my stamina to return, and I made my way toward the entrance. I registered and got a number, now, all I had to do is wait for my number to be called. There was various waiting room for candidates, but I instead made my way toward the stage.

Since I didn't know what I was getting into, I thought I should at least see how it goes. The room that I explored yesterday was now full to the brim. In the middle, two men were fighting inside the octagonal arena. On the side were 4 chairs with only 3 of them filled. One was a tall, tanned, and bald man with a very muscular physique while still being very lean. Next to him was a man in a suit that I guessed was the baldy manager. On the last chair was a nervous woman who was looking around in a semi-panic. While I had no idea who the other two were, I guessed the bald one was Golda, the one we are supposed to impress.

The current fight seemed to come to a close and based on the utter lack of reaction by pretty much anyone, they weren't very impressive. The two quickly exited the ring, and others took their place and started fighting as soon as the referee brought his arm down.

After two other matches, I pretty much got the gist of it and made my way toward a waiting room. So all I had to do is show my skill while beating someone. Easy.

In the waiting room, monitors were displaying the current numbers, which are 34 and 39. I looked at mine, 183. Well, I'll be here for a while.
I passed the time observing the others, learning about the rules, and flirting with the rare other female participants.

When I was on the verge to convince one of them for a blowjob in the bathroom to blow off some stress, a commotion occurred at the entrance causing my victim to slip away. A little irritated, I went to see what ruined my blowjob chance.

Since I was pretty tall, I could see that everyone was hustling around a tall, blonde hair, blue eyes guy. Since I had no idea who this fucker was, I asked a guy close to me.

¨Hey you, who's this fucker?¨

The guy looked at me, a little shocked.

¨You came here, and you don't know him? That's James Hudson! That guy is a rising star in the industry and is currently the favorite to get the position. I also heard that the success got to his head and that he's somewhat of an ass.¨

Another one chipped in.

¨Yeah, it's not the first time I see him. Last time he pretty much spent half his time laughing at other participants and the other at flirting with girls.¨

¨Ah, yeah, I get the picture.¨

So, he's an arrogant ass whose success got to his head. I really hope I get to fight him.

I look back at him and see the girl I was on the verge of convincing openly flirting with him.

Ok, now, he's dead no matter what. First, let's attack his pride a little.

I move through the slowly dispersing crowd and get close to him. He noticed me and say with a big smile

¨Are you another one of my fans? Come here, and I'll sign you an autograph.¨

Heh, he almost makes this too easy. I control my expression and put my best confused and disgusted face, at least I think, facial expression with a snout is quite different than without, and if they just don't register me as weird or if they just see a human face.

¨Huh? No, I was just going to the bathroom, I don't even know you, weirdo.¨

He laughed a little and with a smirk said.

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¨Well, if you don't know me, how about we get to know each other?¨

Urgh, even worse.

¨I'm sorry, I don't mingle with weaker guys than me.¨

He bitterly laughed and with a slightly angry smile said.

¨Ah ah. Well, then you are in luck cause I'm one of the participants and also the favorite for winning!¨

¨Really? Wow then if I kick your ass, I have a high chance to win? ¨

¨Tsk, tsk. I'm sorry, but there's no way I'll lose to someone like you. Still, good luck, I heard another coach was looking for a pupil, maybe you'll catch their attention, not that it's likely.¨

With those words, he walks away with a girl under his arm.

What does he mean ¨someone like me¨. Is it because I'm a girl? *Grit* Yeah, like I said, dead.

I spent the next hour or so praying that I fight him and planning on how to ¨ accidentally ¨ slice his dick off when my number was finally called.

[183 & 199]

FINALLY. I quickly made my way toward the closest clerks and was redirected to the entrance on the other side. I waited another 10 minutes for the current fight to end and made my way toward the stage. As I climbed, I looked at the observer. Golda still looked bored, and the female manager seemed to finally find was she was looking for and left Golda alone, whose male manager was gone.

My opponent took some time coming, but when I saw that it was James, I couldn't help but grin. It seems like my prayer were answered.

¨Well, well, looks like I'll be able to make you back on your words!¨

He looked at me and then at the referee with a blank face.

¨Couldn't I have a better opponent? I don't think I would be able to show my capabilities against her.¨

That son of a...

The referee responded.

¨I'm sorry, but once your opponent is chosen you can't change it, that's the rule.¨


He looks really disappointed too. I don't think this was even a taunt and that he truly thought that he couldn't show off if it was against a girl. Well, even if this is not for the same reason, he's right he won't get to show off.

We stood face to face and waited for the fight to start. As soon as it starts, James rushes toward me while guarding his face and launch a left hook. I crouch and dodge the strike and counter with an uppercut. He deflect it with his hand but wasn't expecting my level of strength, and my punch launched his hand on his chin.

He quickly retreats and looks.

¨Well, I didn't expect you to be this strong!¨

¨Likewise, I didn't expect you to have technique.¨

I also didn't expect him to be able to keep up with me, but I guess the admin wouldn't let fight like those be one-sided.

This time, I took the initiative and dashed forward. I fainted a dash to the left, but he didn't fall for it and cut me off by closing the distance. Since I was slightly taller than him, he went for a low kick but I jumped to dodge. He continued with a straight punch, but I use my hand to push his hand down, using the momentum to front flip behind him. I tried it because I thought it would look cool, but when it actually worked, I couldn't help but be impressed by myself.

I quickly followed my landing with a sweeping kick and made him trip. He caught himself with his hand before I could follow up and somersaulted away. I'm having fun now. We circled each other for a bit and simultaneously charged. He went for a kick, but I went for a grab, so when he raised his leg, I caught it and pulled him toward me. I then grab his shirt and judo-throw him on the ground with all my strength.

He gasped in pain but still tried to get up. I waited for him to do so, but then, the bell rang, and the match was over. With a smirk, I walked to him and said.

¨Well, it seems you lost to someone like me, ex-favorite.¨

He greeted his teeth, and I got off the stage and back towards the waiting room. Now, I just have to wait for Golda's decision.

It only took 30 more minutes for an announcement to be made.

¨The selection has been made, please go back inside to hear the result.¨

I followed everyone and got to the stage, where Golda was standing with a mic.

He cleared his throat and started.

¨First of all, I want to thank you all for coming here, I got to see some great fights, and I'm happy to see that so many people want to learn under me. Also, I'm sorry to all of you who didn't get the chance to fight. Now, the one I've chosen to become my disciple is.......¨

He takes a long pause and makes the motion of a drum roll.

¨Number 199! James Hudson!¨

WHAT! Yeah, he was good, but I beat the hell out of him! I look around for James, and our eyes cross. Then with a smirk, he makes a little wave. This fucker...

Shit, Now what do I do? Should I try and find another way inside the industry? I can't go for the normal route, that must take months! What else could I do to get fame? Should I conquer rich women with my dick and gain fame with all the scandal? I also already got started since Emilie is a millionaire. Maybe I can ask her and see if she has an idea? Yeah, I'll do that, I don't have a lot of choice after all.

Fuck, this dungeon is actually quite hard.

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