Werewolf huntress tribe

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

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I don't wait for the end of Golda's speech, and I exit the stadium. I need to go back to Emilie's place and find a way to gain fame, I can't stay at zero!

Wait, wasn't I rewarded some fame for the poker night? How do I see it? Fame points?

^Current fame point:^
Good: 0
Bad: 0
^ ^
What was the quest? Quest list?

^Quest list^
Active quest:
Pending quest: Poker night
^ ^

Ah! So the quest is considered pending. Let's see...

^Quest: Poker night^
Description: You have been invited to play a game(s) of poker. Get inside and win your way to glory!

Fame: 15 Good
Extra: 15,000$, Relation with special NPC Emilie

Do you wish to accept the reward?
^ ^

Wait, I won 15,000$ yesterday!? Way to go drunk me! And Emilie is categorized as a special NPC, whatever that means. Maybe it means that there is a unique quest linked to her? Anyway, ACCEPT!

^Good fame + 15^

Mmm? What about the money? I don't have anything in my pocket. Wait, maybe it is at Emilie's place? Since I actually got that money by myself. Well, one more reason to go back.

Right before I started walking again, a voice called me.


I turn around. Emilie was walking up to me.

¨Emilie? What are you doing here? I was just going to go back to your place!¨

¨Oh, so you didn't just abandon me this morning?¨

¨Well... no?¨

¨Yeah, it can't be because you left your earnings from yesterday at my place right?¨

¨No way! I was already on my way when I remembered that!¨

¨Sure. Anyway, I saw you fight, and you totally won that fight.¨

¨I know right! But he still chooses that guy!¨

¨Yeah, Golda is known to be a little sexist.¨

¨Well then, they'll go well together!¨

¨Yep, but this is actually great for me!¨

¨What do you mean?¨

¨Because now, I can have you!¨

Have me? Just now, I notice the female manager trailing behind her.

¨Wait, are you the other coach I heard about?¨

¨Yep! And just so you know, you don't really have a choice.¨

¨And why is that?¨

¨Well, for once, there is no way I'm gonna let go of talent like you, and second, you're the reason I arrived more than an hour late! It took me nearly an hour just to be able to walk normally!¨

¨How is it my fault! Anyway, that doesn't matter, it's not like I have a lot of options if I want to do MMA.¨

¨Great, then let's go. There's a cafe across the street where we can talk.¨

We made our way across the street and into a simple cafe. We sat and ordered drinks.

¨So, first of all, Natasha this is my manager Sarah, Sarah this is Natasha our new charge.¨

¨Hi! nice to meet you. Quick question, what happened between you two that made you unable to walk for an hour.¨

I look at Emilie, unsure how to respond.

¨She railed me.¨

Well, that's blunt. And judging by Sarah's unperturbed expression, this is not the first time. Actually, I'm kind of impressed that she only took an hour to recover.

¨Yeah... Anyway, How does this work? Do I sign a contract?¨

¨Calm down a little, there is a contract but let's discuss things a little. First and foremost, what's your goal?¨

¨Well, I want to become famous, and quickly.¨

¨You certainly have the skill for that. If you are diligent enough you could join the big leagues in less than six months!¨

¨Six months!! That's WAY too long, I only got a month!¨

¨A month? Why is that?¨

¨It's complicated...¨

¨Well, there is a way for a shortcut, but I require a lot of strength, technique, showmanship and fund.¨

¨Really? And what is it?¨

¨In a couple of days, there is a charity tournament for the Canarican blue cross with some big names participating. If we donate enough, we should be able to organize a match against one of them. If you manage to make a big enough impression, then you should skip a big part of the ladder.¨

¨That sounds great! How big should the donation be?¨

¨Around 50,000$.¨

¨Ah. I don't suppose you could help me with that? ¨

¨I could, but I need some sort of guarantee.¨

¨Yeah. Um... How about I give you 90% of all my future money until I've reimbursed you with 10% interest?¨

Both girls give me a strange look.

¨What? It's not like I'll lose that fight, so It probably won't even take 90% of my pay to make it.¨

¨Well, confidence is good. Sure, let's do it. Don't come crying to me when you don't have any money to live with.¨

¨ Don't worry, even without money, I'll just do like yesterday, and I won't lack housing.¨

¨Yeah, no, I won't let you bamboozle me like that again, I thought I was gonna die. Also, I'm charging you for the tip I left for the cleaning lady. Anyway, what's your address, phone number, and all that?¨

¨Well... It's to be determined?¨

¨What do you mean?¨

¨I don't have a phone, and I am currently homeless.¨

Emilie gives me an incredulous look.

¨What even was your plan!?¨

¨Well, you're assuming I had one.¨

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She sighs with her head in her hands.

¨Ok, you can stay with me for tonight since you already need to go get your money, but tomorrow we are finding you a place. How much money do you have?¨


She closes her eyes with another sigh.

¨So let me get this straight, you came here with no money, nowhere to live, and no reliable source of income?¨


¨I don't think I help you with the donation in the end.¨

¨Oh come on! It's not that bad! I've been here only for a day, and I already have 15,000$! And I'll totally repay you!¨

She thinks for several seconds before replying.

¨Fine, I'll do it. Sarah, please get what we discussed here in the contract. Contact me when it's ready. Now let's go, I'm still sore in the legs.¨

We parted ways with Sarah, and I followed Emilie to the parking lot. We went back to her place, and we spent the rest of the day watching shows. Later in the evening, Sarah sent the contract which I signed. Even though I tried all day, I didn't manage to get into Emilie's pants.


The next morning, I woke up on the couch and stopped to think.

[So, I need to find a place to live. Then, I also need to find a phone, and after that, I'll just need to pass the time until the day after tomorrow for the charity event. I guess I'll just roam the street, who knows? Maybe I'll find another random event.]

I get up and change. I go into the kitchen where Emilie was eating breakfast.

¨Hey, what's your number? I'll go buy a phone and then look for a place to live.¨

With a grunt, she scribbles her number on a piece of paper and gives it to me.

¨Ok... great! I'll text you when I get my phone, bye!¨

With another grunt from Emilie, I exited her apartment. I go down the street and look around. First, I need to find a phone shop. I wander around aimlessly for 1 and a half hours until I find a mall.


I quickly go in, enter the closet phone shop and get out with a 500$ phone. I add Emilie's number and text her that I'm now looking for a place.

I tour the mall to see if they don't have a realtor or something when I stumble upon a flyer.

^Apartment to rent^
19 XXX Street, East Montario, OC, XXX XXX
Room number 304

2 bedrooms
Bathroom with shower and bath
Kitchen with induction stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher
Both washing machine and dryer included
Fully furnished
Rent: 500$
Includes internet, heat, water, and electricity
For more information, please reach us at this number:
Thank you
Granite Real Estate
^ ^
Well, that seems perfect! I don't really know if 500$ is a lot or not, but I'm only staying for a month, so that doesn't matter. I pull out my phone and contact the number.

¨Hi, you've reached Granite Real Estate, how may we help you today?¨

¨Hi, yes, I've found one of your ads for an apartment, and I wanted to know if it was still available.¨

¨Yes, of course, could you inform me of the address marked on the ad?¨

¨Yeah, it says 19 XXX Street, East Montario, room 304.¨

¨Perfect, please wait for a moment while I check for availability.¨


I get put on hold. A minute later, she's back.

¨Great, thank you for waiting. The unit is still available and we currently have an available agent close by, would you like to set up a meeting?¨

¨Yes! That would be great!¨

¨Perfect, the agent will make its way there in around 30 minutes. Is there anything else I can help you with?¨

¨No, that's all, thank you.¨

¨Then, thank you for contacting Granite Real Estate, we wish you a pleasant day.¨

Perfect, now I just need to go there. I pull out the map app on my phone.

[Ok... so the place is... 15 minutes from here! That's perfect! Oh, wait no, that's when in a car. On foot, it's around 45 minutes. Guess I better start running!]

I follow the map and sprint. I arrive 25 minutes later, and I enter the building.

The complex looks old and somewhat deserted, but I cast my worries aside and approach the man looking around the lobby.

¨Hi, I'm here for the room?¨

¨Ah, yes, follow me.¨

We make our way toward the elevator.

¨Before we begin, I must inform you of the past of this building. See, there is a total of 50 rooms, but only 8 are currently occupied. This apartment complex is rumoured to be haunted, and more than one death has occurred here, some suicide and some unexplained. Room 304 is one of the few spared from bad rumours, but since the building in itself is considered cursed, the rent is very low. Will any of this be a problem?¨

¨Not at all¨

[Yeah, ghosts aren't real, and I can beat the shit out of anyone trying to harm me.]

¨Great, and for your information, all the other occupied rooms are on the fifth floor.¨

¨Why is that?¨

¨I don't really know.¨

We exited the elevator on the third floor and walk up to a door.

¨Here we are, let me just find the key.¨

He rummages through his pocket and pulls out a bundle of keys. After examining a few, he picks one out and unlocks the door.

¨So, the room is fully furnished, and all commodities are ready to be activated at a moment's notice. Over here is the kitchen, and there is the bathroom. In the corridor, there is a door leading to the washing machine and dryer, and the other is the bedrooms. Any question?¨

I quickly tour the place and check out the bedrooms.

¨Uhhh, No. I don't have any. I'll take it!¨

¨Great, so the lease requires a down payment for three months, other than that, you just have to read and sign.

They clearly want to rent the place quickly, but I don't care. I don't even read the contract since any consequence will disappear when I get out.

I pull out 1,500$ of the money I won and give it.

¨Perfect! Here are the keys, the water, electricity, and internet should be activated in a couple of hours. If you have any questions, please contact the agency, or you can also go see the tenant of room 501, that is the supervisor.¨


He closes the door, and I hear him start running.

I chuckled and sit on the couch in the living room.

I guess I'll live here for a month.

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