What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter 16: Chapter Thirteen First Boss!

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Misaki felt a wave of excitement. She was finally going to summon her first real boss, the other one was actually a group of five demons that she had promoted to boss status. Not a proper boss, but good enough for her first floor. She might change that later, it depends on how well they actually do but right now she hasn’t had anything to actually test them. That also reminded her that their levels were still low for the floor. She made a mental note to fix that. Misaki could spend some AE to boost their levels.

In the meantime, she brought up the saved template she had created earlier. A status page blinked into her mind. 

Thanks to her high level, she was also going to be Misaki’s first evolved monster. She was of a higher tier, and it showed with her abilities as well. Meifa would have mostly novice, and apprentice rank skills. Novice was a step up from initiate and beginner, and apprentice was a step above Novice. In other words her dragon girl was going to have some decent skills. With a thought she projected the skills, and traits menu.


This was an expensive status, but Misaki looked over it with a bit of pride. She had put a lot of work into designing the perfect boss. This girl was going to dominate anything in her path, Misaki was sure of it. Misaki had even found a few interesting traits that helped remove the need for equipment. In fact she picked some of them for their synergy. Draconic Demon Skin and Draconic Armor both provided powerful natural armor, and resistance against magic, and they further synergized with Nature’s Embrace to boost that natural protection while naked or to a lesser degree when barely clothed. The bonus grew the longer one was naked or nearly so, and it further paired with natural armor. The result was an incredibly beefy monster that was effectively a walking tank. One made even more resilient by the final trait of Hardened Scales, physical attacks would just slide off her, and magic could barely scratch her. Unless it happened to be of an element she was weak against, such as Celestial Magic.

Natural Warrior, Improved Strength, Improved Focus, Draconic Strength, and Improved Claws all had synergy with each other as well. Improved Focus was special since it not only helped her abilities as warrior, but a mage as well.  All of these traits made her a beast in close combat. She also had a few skills for close combat. Misaki could just imagine what her claws would do to someone in battle, most likely rip them apart even if they did have solid plate armor to protect them.

At range she had some potent magical abilities, thanks to the synergy between Born Mage, Improved Focus, Enhanced Mana Pool, Greater Potent Mana, Enhanced Shields, and Greater Magic Affinity. To a certain degree those traits also paired with Dragon Breath which allowed to unleash a breath of attributed primal magic. It was a powerful natural attack, and effectively the dragon girl’s trump card. Combined with her magical skills, she was a real threat. One that would take a well-coordinated, and equipped party with a plan to take down.

Even with such plans, she could disrupt them, since she was going to be incredibly beautiful, and her traits would synergize to allow her to more easily seduce challengers, male or female. Regardless of whether or not they liked girls, they would have a hard time resisting her charms.

Misaki may have consulted Dewari a bit on this build. She was assured it was strong, and she had a hard time finding anything wrong with it. Perhaps it wasn’t specialized enough? Still it looked and felt strong, so with a final breath she mentally started the process. A circle flared to life, and glowed. In a moment a dragon girl appeared in her second floor boss room, and she was absolutely stunning.

She stood around a hundred and fifty centimeters tall. Her build was athletic and lithe, with just the right amount of curves and muscle. Her body was protected by gorgeous red and silver scales that decorated her body in a fashion that seemed to resemble clothing. The pattern gave the impression that she was wearing long gloves that ended at the elbow, and knee length socks, her hands and feet ended in claws that somehow seemed elegant. Across her chest her scales seemed to cup the underside of her breasts, stopping just below the nipple. Down below, a dotting of thin scales framed her pussy. The entirety of her back was dotted with scales, and from between her shoulders emerged a set of gorgeous draconic wings, protected by long loose scales that gave the impression of feathers. Her skin was smooth, creamy and pale, which suited her wonderfully.

Her face was well formed, and the beauty it held was hard to describe with words. She had pinchable cheeks, large expressive eyes, a cute little nose, a smatter of scales, and delectable lips. She had a pair of pointed elfin ears and two dark black horns forming a crown that sat upon her head of fiery red hair that fell just past her shoulders. She was perfect, there was no other way to describe her, and Misaki felt a sudden pang as she remembered her lack of a dick. How was she to properly enjoy this beauty without a dick? She knew girls did it without one, but she wanted her dick.

That thought caught in her mind, and she just couldn’t focus on the task at hand. Her vision drifted away from the boss room, and she felt a lump form in her belly. Unlike before she didn’t cry, but she felt the surge and waves of emotions as her mind roiled with thoughts. On one hand she just wanted to play, she wanted to have fun with the girls around them, but she didn’t know how. She wanted her dick back! She needed it back. Unfortunately her only hope was a skill far out of her reach. This wasn’t fair! Why do they all have to be so temptingly cute?!

Reiko watched her mistress from the corner of the room not knowing what to do. She could tell her mistress was in turmoil, but she didn’t know why. This turmoil bothered her.

Emotions welled up within her, and her belly flipped as she let out a breath. She wanted mistress to pay more attention to her. Reiko needed her to pay more attention, to play with her. Her pussy twitched at the thought. Reiko blinked, no this is bad don’t give in to the silly trait. But it was just so tempting to walk in there, ignore her mistresses words, and rub pussies. Oh, that sounded like so much fun.

She slapped herself, bad thoughts, don’t do it. With a force of will, she turned her gaze away. It helped a bit, but before she could focus herself, she suddenly felt fingers playfully teasing her folds. Reiko blushed, and looked back to be greeted with the cute face of one of Misaki’s demons, a catgirl to be specific.

The catgirl smiled, and leaned into Reiko. “Quite the eager one to please aren’t we?”

Reiko looked away, choosing not to answer. The demoness suddenly teased her little clit, causing her to gasp. Then gave her a bit of a push, “Go on, be a good girl and please your mistress.”

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Reiko stumbled a bit, recovered, and then protested, “but she’ll just turn me away again.”

The demoness sighed, “With words maybe, but she wants you. Needs you, sometimes you have to ignore your mistress to be a good pet. This is one of those times. Go, show her you care.”

Reiko glanced between the two, as she stood there frozen. Unsure of what to do. On one hand, what the demon was telling her to do was very tempting, but it was wrong. What if her mistress really didn’t want to do it? She blinked, when she realized why she felt it was wrong. Bad girl, don’t listen to the trait. 

The demoness closed the distance, and began teasing her down there again, “If you are this ready, why the hesitation?”

Reiko blinked with a frown, and the demoness responded by pulling her hand away, sticky with fluids, and shoving her fingers into Reiko’s mouth. A sweet tangy flavor suddenly spread across her tongue, and it took her a second to realize she was tasting herself.

“See, ready. Why hesitate? Go have fun.”

“I can’t!” Reiko shouted.

“Why not?”

Reiko blushed and looked away, quietly she muttered, “...I’ve never been the aggressor.”

She blinked, not sure why she said that, but Reiko honestly could not say it wasn’t true. She had never been the aggressor. By the infernal plains, she didn’t really have much experience with sex. Outside of her own fingers, and a couple of... escapades with her sister. Ones that involved a couple of hot local boys back at the castle. None of which ever got quite as far as she would have liked. She was embarrassed to say it, but the best sex she had ever had was at the hands of these demons.

“Really? Did your mother never teach you how to go on the attack?”

Reiko refused to look in the demon’s direction as blood rushed to her face. “What!?”

The demon reached around, and turned Reiko around with a bit of gentle prodding, “Your mom did at least let you watch once or twice right?”

Reiko frowned, and the demon sighed, “So your mother taught you nothing about sex. Great, guess I’ll have to teach you then. Can’t please the mistress if you are clueless.”

Next thing she knew Reiko found herself being dragged down the hall. Yet for some reason, she had a hard time bringing herself to resist this demon. Her pussy even twitched a little in anticipation.

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