What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter 17: Chapter Fourteen A Crash Course on Demons

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The demoness pushed Reiko against a nice bed in one of the other rooms, and pressed herself against the Elven girl. “Sounds like you weren’t taught much about sex. Guess your mom left you to learn on your own?”

Reiko blushed, just making her seem cuter, but said nothing. The demoness felt herself responding, and her tail extended. Not her cat-like tail that came from her beastkin heritage, but the other one. It was long, thin, and ended in a fleshy bulb. All demons had one like it, well lust demons did in any case. The entire tail was an instrument of pleasure, the tip was supremely sensitive, and oh so versatile. It could open and be penetrated, or be used for penetration. The tail was also used for reproduction, corruption, and mana feeding, but none of those uses apply right now.

The demoness moved her tail, bringing it around to slip into Reiko’s dress, and press against a bare breast. The bulb bloomed at her will and latched onto a nipple. Almost instantly Reiko began to gasp, “now the first thing you need to know about being the aggressor is you need to take the initiative, make the other party want it. I recommend using any tool at your disposal for it.”

“Any tool?”

The demoness gave a smile, and then channeled mana into her tail forming a mana coat. Almost instantly Reiko came, her body shuddering lightly as her pussy gushed filling the air with her scent. The demoness waited until Rieko was able to pay attention again, “As a mage your best tool is your magic, a simple mana coat can enhance the experience for both parties. Especially if you are skilled enough with it to have the related skills. I don’t yet, but I think I’m close. I did manage to get the sexual techniques skill not that long ago. It's one of the weird non magic skills that starts with an initiate grade instead of beginner. I recommend you work on getting that skill as well. It will be very useful for pleasing your mistress.”

Reiko frowned, “A prostitute’s skill? Why would I...”

The demoness slapped her, “Correction, a highly respected skill, used by courtesans, queens, and demons for a long time. Even a few celestials practice the skill. Now why don’t we help you learn it?”

Reiko gulped, “I guess, I'll take the lesson then.”

“Good girl, now pay attention to everything I do. It will be your turn next.”

Reiko stretched, and slipped off the demon. How long she had been having fun under the tutelage of this demon she wasn’t sure. Long enough for a few orgasms, and she had certainly learned a few things. Quite a few little tricks, and it seemed the system agreed since she was now staring at a new notification.

She’d learned it, and the very sight of it made her blush a little. Reiko just hoped her mom never saw it, that would be embarrassing. She might just die if that was the case. A part of her could just imagine the conversation. Perhaps not dissimilar to those days she spent with her tutors. Mom would send her off to the library with a couple of tutors and always asked her what she learned when she got back. Reiko could just see the same sort of thing happening if she ever got home. Still,  she had to admit if the skill helped her please her mistress it would be worth learning.

She blinked, no, bad girl, don’t let that trait win. Then she sighed, although maybe she already had. Reiko did have to admit that she had allowed the demoness to teach her this skill. Crap, she had definitely let the trait win. Reiko made a mental note to be more careful in the future.

“So did you learn it?”

Reiko nodded, “...I uh, did.”

“Great! Maybe next time Mistress needs you, you will be able to actually please her?”

“...I guess.”

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Misaki shifted, it had been awhile since she had made her boss, and she had just finished checking in on her. It seemed, Meifa had managed to get settled in on her own, and even found the hidden residence that Misaki had prepared for her. It was a great residence with a nice foyer, a living room, a kitchen, and several fully furnished bedrooms, and a large master suite. Misaki had even given her a giant bed perfect for an orgy.

One Meifa had already found, and put to use for just such a purpose. Having found the few demons she already summoned, and pulled them in for some fun. In fact that was just what Misaki had caught her doing when she checked in. Misaki had felt a surge of jealousy and was very tempted to join in, even if she didn’t have her dick.

Before she could, her attention was drawn to her entrance. Since Reiko had left the door open, and she had never bothered to close it, it seemed the local life was investigating her dungeon. This time it was a single monster, level six, and it wasn’t a very intimidating one either.


Afterall how intimidating was a little chicken with a horn? It wasn’t very big, as it was smaller than most chickens from earth, and that horn was tiny, stubby even. It didn’t look like a credible threat. Not by any measure. Those wolves had looked tougher. Although maybe the chicken would surprise her?

It did not, it reached her first room a minute later, and died instantly. The warrior on station slit its little throat with a single swipe of her claws. It wasn’t even worth much to kill, she got six dp from that thing. Only six, that was the lowest dp she had gotten from anything so far. She didn’t even get any from it being in her dungeon either, only it being killed. It was one sad chicken.

Apparently it was also very stupid, as the first thing it did was to go back into her dungeon after respawning, and die to the warrior again. It couldn’t even put up a fight. What kind of creature willingly marches to its death? Once was forgivable since it didn’t know, the second time made her wonder. When it did so a third time a couple hours later, Misaki just didn’t know what to say. Does it even have a brain? If it does so a fourth time, she figured that would answer the question

Ivy surveyed the path ahead. So far the trip had been going well, too well. So perhaps it was no surprise that their luck wasn’t going to hold. She dropped from the tree, it was time for the adventurers to earn their keep it seemed. There was a goblin camp right in their path. Ivy counted about sixty goblins between levels ten and twenty, and a couple evolved goblins over level twenty.

She glanced at her daughter, a war mage’s spells would be useful here. Just perhaps not something quite as flashy as the one Lily decided to drop on the lake. She had little doubt that could have been seen from the other side of the great lake. Ivy had never learned the name of the lake in question, despite living on its shore, but she did know it was a vast lake with a number of islands, and it represented a major trade route between the Bluewood, and the Theocracy, at least it used to. Relations had been... rocky lately. There were even rumors of skirmishes out on the lake between the two. Not that she had seen any such sign of that.

In any case, she was more worried about the goblins ahead at the moment. As they would need to be dealt with. Ivy didn’t want to leave a large camp undisturbed. Goblins were something the local guilds always kept an eye on. For good reason, Goblins have the parasitic brood trait, and since female goblins are rare. Well they tend to launch raids on villages, and rape any poor girl they can catch, which usually ends up being low level village girls. Tribes that have their own females tend to be less aggressive, but the guilds still want to keep an eye on them.

From the look of things this camp didn’t, but she wasn’t comfortable having Goblins so close to her daughter. She wasn’t going to let them have a chance to touch Lily. She already had a bit of a plan in mind, two of them in fact, depending on what spells Lily knew. If Lily knew a smaller-scale war spell like lightning storm it would be so much easier, and that was plan A. Plan B was her back up option, and if things really went bad she would fall back on the cursed skills of her class. The ones she wasn’t comfortable with and hadn’t used since she gained the class. Something that Ivy pointedly avoided thinking about. Oftentimes she caught herself wishing she had not been so foolish as to trust that dragon. Although to be fair, she had been not much older than Lily, and learning magic from a dragon sounded like a really good deal to the naive and impressionable young girl she had been.

At least until she had ended up with the class she was now stuck with. Worse was what Zemoria had wanted her to do with this class, and Ivy didn’t quite agree. Especially after what happened to her boyfriend of the time. In fact that was perhaps one of the most pivotal moments of her life. If it had not happened, maybe she wouldn’t have rebelled against Zemoria. She would not have run, and certainly never would have met Thanton. Never would have had Lily. 

Thinking back on those days, she was reminded that there was a certain note of irony going on in her life. A note of irony she was reminded of when she thought of her old flame. She had not seen them in years, not since she ran from Zemoria, from her old village. To think she was once again leaving behind her village. Although this time it was to protect her daughter, and not just because she was scared. Nobility aside, she hadn’t run to protect the world. Even if by doing so she had in effect done just that.

Ivy put all thoughts of the past aside, and focused on the task at hand. Dealing with the goblins up ahead. Approaching their group's wagon, she called a halt. It was time to discuss her plan regarding the goblins, and ask her daughter what spells she happened to know. That would determine how things went.

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