What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 18: Extras IX-XI

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One of the better-dressed bandits approached Lily. She watched the man carefully as he approached, while readying a spell just in case he attacked her. The bandit stopped about half a meter in front of her and crouched down to eye level before speaking. The bandit was a muscular man, with greasy hair and an unshaven face. His armor was clearly well used, it was mostly leather, but reinforced with steel plates, the plates were dented here and there, while the leather showed signs of repair. On his belt, he had a sword in a worn leather sheath, the handle showing the signs of years of use.

“What’s a young one like you doing in the middle of the forest? It’s dangerous out here you know,” said the bandit.

Lily was a bit surprised at how friendly he was being, since she could clearly see the slaves locked up in a cage. Some of them were not much older than her. Not seeing any advantage to lying she decided to be honest, but she didn’t want to say too much either so she kept it short.

“I have somewhere I am trying to get to,” said Lily.

“All alone? Aren’t you an adventurous one? So where are you going? If we’re going the same way perhaps we could travel together. It is safer to travel in groups,” replied the bandit. At the same time, her sharp elven ears picked up what one of the decidedly dumber bandits was saying.

“She’s a pretty one, I’d like to play with her,” said the dumb bandit. Then the bandit next to him picked up a branch and whacked him over the head with it and said.

“What are you, stupid? She’s far too young maybe in ten years, but certainly not now,” said the violent bandit.

“Ah, but she so pretty, age no matter,” replied the dumb bandit as he rubbed his head, only for it to be whacked again. The first bandit who noticed her attention had wandered to the idiot said, “Ignore the idiot, he’s harmless, anyway where are you going.”

Refocusing her attention on the first bandit she replied, “A dungeon town, near a dungeon with no name yet.”

“Oh, could you show me on a map,” said the bandit as he pulled out an old map. She looked at the map and then pointed at a spot near the center of the map.

“Ah, we're going by that town ourselves, the dungeon supposedly turns men who fail it into girls. We wanted to know if that's true, so we were going to send the idiot into the dungeon,” replied the bandit. Not sure if she should accept the bandits offer or leave she tried consulting her patron Erosi. Fortunately, he was listening and replied.

“The bandit in front of you is quite sincere, he appraised you the moment he saw you. He may be a bandit, but he isn’t stupid. Enslaving a champion of a god is a good way to earn that god’s ire. He wants to help you, hoping to gain my favor,” said Erosi.

“Do you normally endorse bandits?” asked Lily of Erosi.

“I’m a god of pleasure, in all its forms. Many from all walks of life seek my favor, even bandits, but I only favor the smart ones that will follow rules. Other than that one fool, I am willing to endorse these bandits if they do me sufficient favors,” replied Erosi.

So after listening to Erosi, she decided to go with the bandits. However she didn’t trust the one idiot, so she decided she would avoid him.

“Okay, I’ll come with,” said Lily.

“Great, I’ll set up an extra partition in my tent for you. By the way, my name is Eric and you are?” said Eric.

“Lily,” replied Lily as she followed Eric to the biggest tent. Inside she found it to be divided into several partitions, he led her to one of the rear partitions and she watched setup another curtain and lay down an extra bedroll for her. After he left she inspected the bedroll to find it surprisingly clean. He came back a few minutes later with some food. After enjoying a warm meal she then climbed into the bed and slept. The next morning the bandits made breakfast, then struck camp and she followed them as they headed west.

Meanwhile, her mom, dad and three other Elves from the village had found her trail. Her mother concerned for her, urged them to follow.

Traveling with bandits was quickly proving to be an interesting experience. Not long after, they had packed up the camp, they ran into a goblin camp. Of course with goblins being as weak as they are, the bandits easily defeated them. The rest of the day was peaceful until they set up camp. After setting up the camp, the idiot tried to sample the merchandise, only to be beaten up by the others.

“Hey, I just want to play with a pretty one,” said the dumb bandit.

“I’m not going to let you ruin the merchandise,” said the violent bandit as he whacked the idiot over the head again. Lily was watching this and found herself wondering if this happened often. Then she heard footsteps behind her and looked to see Eric.

“Does this happen often?” asked Lily.

“Only when we get very young merchandise, that idiot likes them young. Just he doesn’t really know restraint and if we let him touch the merchandise he ruins it, so Mark makes sure he doesn’t touch the merchandise,” replied Eric.

Lily found it odd, to think of people as merchandise, but this was a different world with different rules who was she to judge their laws. In this world, slavery was common, and legal in most countries. Even in her village, there were slaves, most of them were crime slaves, they had been enslaved for crimes they had committed and then sold to the village as labor. She knew most of these women and girls would be bought as either servants or sex slaves. Her thoughts on slavery were interrupted by Eric.

“Dinner is ready if you would like to eat,” said Eric. Lily turned and followed him to get a plate.

Meanwhile, her parents were setting up their own camp. Her mother was putting up a ward, while her father and the three other elves were setting up three tents. One for the girls, one for the single man with them and the last for him and his wife. As the tent was going up, he spoke about the tracks they had found shortly before they started setting the camp up.

“Given all the tracks it looks like she ran into someone,” said Mr Thorn. His wife picked up an object up and then replied, “looks like slavers, this is a slave collar,” She then tossed the collar so he could look at. It was clearly quite new, just a little dirty.

“If those slavers touched my daughter, I’ll kill them slowly and painfully,” said Mr Thorn.

“Well, there doesn’t appear to have been a struggle, so they may not have seen her,” said one the other elves. She was a younger girl, who they had brought along because of her skills as a tracker. She was just under one hundred and sixty centimeters tall, with the typical slim build of an elf. She had green hair and eyes. She was wearing some light leather armor. She had a bow slung across her back and a pair of daggers at her waist.

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“I hope you’re right, Ally,” replied Mr Thorn.

Michael was not very happy, she had gotten rid of that annoying title she never wanted, only for her party member to use their favor to make her a pet. Fortunately, she still had her free will, but this new title sucked just as much as the last one just in new ways.

Title Mira’s Pet: You are the pet of the individual Mira. You can’t harm your master. Can no longer equip items without the master’s permission. +50% to learning skills and spells when taught by master. Your master always knows your location. Warning being more than 200 meters from your master without permission will brand you with the runaway pet title.

She had also been able to appraise that runaway pet title and she didn’t like it, either. In fact, she decided she would rather avoid gaining the title.

Title Runaway pet: The holder of this title is a runaway pet. -50% to physical stats. All others who see a holder of the title will know they are a runaway. Anyone who catches them may claim them as a pet or slave of their own. They can also return them to their masters for a bounty.

That title would make getting rid of this title difficult. She was still trying to figure out how to get rid of it, when Mira who she had been ignoring suddenly smacked her. Out of impulse, she tried to hit back only to be hit with mind-numbing pain. Which was followed by a blue box reminding her she wasn’t allowed to harm Mira. Next thing she knew, both herself and Delilah were being treated as dress-up dolls. She didn’t know when, but Mira had bought a bunch of outfits for the two of them to try on. She had assumed it was sometime yesterday when they had free time. The first item, Michael was made to wear was a red dress, it looked great on her. She, however, didn’t care for the dress. Especially since as a former guy she wasn’t entirely comfortable with wearing skirts and dresses.

Michael and Delilah spent most of the night being treated as dress-up dolls. They had tried resisting at first, but to no avail. The outfits had been fine at first, they merely tried to reject them on principle. But as time went on Mira got more bold with what she was putting them in. And after awhile they simply grew too tired to care. Fortunately, Mira eventually grew bored and let them sleep.

After waking up as a girl and being given a quest to find the culprits, Philip wanted to head down to the guild as many adventurers were gathered there, and the attached tavern would be a good place to start. He or rather she needed some information to narrow the list down. Of course her new size, meant she didn’t have anything to wear. So instead the first thing Philip did, was use the telepathy skill she had. It was a common skill available to all classes, however magic classes got it faster. Philip had a hybrid class, so she got it around the same time as a magic class at level 40.

An hour later, her aide showed up, and the next thing she knew she was being cuddled. She struggled a bit, but she couldn’t break free from her aide’s iron grip. Of course she was restraining herself, since she didn’t want to hurt the young woman.

“Oh, you're so cute. Those ugly baggy nightclothes don’t do you justice,” her aide said.

“Melisa let me go, stop that,” complained Philip, somewhat confused about what was happening.

“Oh, yes we need to put you in something appropriate,” she said before pulling out some tools and measuring Philip. Once she had those she rushed out the door. Philip was glad she was gone, but had a strong feeling she wasn’t going to like what Melisa was going to bring back.

A couple of hours later, Melisa was back and Philip found she was right. She didn’t like what Melisa brought back. It was a lovely dress, that fell to her knees with a simple cut. The dress was a light blue. Melisa had also brought some white panties and a matching children’s bra. For footwear, she had brought a pair of cute, but sturdy leather sandals that had been matched colorwise with the dress. Despite Philip’s protests, she ended up, going to the guild in it.

As soon as she entered the guild, all the woman in the guild cried out “So cute!” and rushed to embrace her. Before she knew it she was, being petted and hugged by all the woman in the room. Her sharp hearing also picked up the jealous outbursts of several men in the room. She wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but by the time things calmed down she was sitting in the receptionist’s lap and being petted. The receptionist was also not letting her leave, so Philip was stuck unable to find any information on who turned her into a girl.

“Maybe, coming to the guild wasn’t the best of ideas. Ah, that feels good. No focus you need to find those culprits,” thought Philip. “Hmm, since I can’t seem to get anywhere without someone fawning over me or trying to pet me, is there someone I can ask, that might know and won’t pet me,” wondered Philip than she suddenly remembered, that she had noticed the dungeon had spread its influence over the entirety of the town.

“The dungeon! If anyone saw what happened it would be the dungeon. It may be young, but this one is more than likely intelligent enough to answer questions. I’ll just reach the final floor and talk to its avatar. I should be fine on my own, as long as I don’t get careless,” thought Philip as a plan formed in her mind, while trying to ignore the receptionist petting her. Although not very well.

Meanwhile, in the divine realm, Tina was facing the consequences of her actions. She was trying her best to ignore Dewari’s lecture, and the fact she was naked bent over Dewari’s knee and being spanked. Of course, this wasn’t an ordinary spanking, but one done by a hand wreathed in divine magic. As a result, her poor butt was beginning to feel like it was on fire. Finally, when she was sure her butt was actually on fire, Dewari released her. She moved away and rubbed her poor butt, and then Dewari asked her a question.

“So what do you have to say for yourself?” said Dewari, with a hint of anger in her voice.

“Um, I’m sorry” replied Tina hopefully. This however proved to be the wrong answer.

“Clearly I’m not getting through to you. Until you learn, how to act like a proper goddess, I’m going to restrict your powers,” said Dewari before slapping a collar on Tina’s neck. Causing a blue screen to appear before her.

Your powers have been restricted!

You can no longer use divine magic.

You can no longer grant quests.

You can no longer grant divine favors.

Just as Tina was digesting, the fact that Dewari had restricted her powers Dewari said something else.

“Well, I’m a bit too busy to keep an eye on you 24/7, but I know someone who can so I’ll leave you with them. Be a good girl and maybe I’ll give you your powers back,” said Dewari moments before another blue box filled Tina’s vision.

New title gained!

Dungeon Bound Goddess!

Title Dungeon Bound Goddess: You have been bound to a dungeon by another goddess. You can’t enter the divine realm without the permission of the Goddess Dewari. You cannot leave the dungeon you have been bound to. The dungeon has been granted a list of rules you must follow. Your dungeon may punish you for breaking any rule on said list. You cannot harm the dungeon you have been bound too. This title will remain in effect until you repent.

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