What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 19: Special Chapter Milith Appears!

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Meanwhile, in another universe, a young girl, well young for her race anyway, was feeling a rush of pleasure. In front of her in big floating words was a message telling her victory. She had been trying to beat this particular scenario for over a decade now. The scenario was practically impossible and for a human it is impossible. The words then vanished and then the surrounding space distorted to reveal a barren room with polished black walls. She headed for the sole exit and stepped out into the corridor, almost crashing into her mother who was standing right outside the simulator room.

“I did it, I beat your challenge, and I still have ten years left from your deadline,” the girl said, excitedly.

“Calm down Milith. I’m glad you passed the challenge. Anyway, I have a task for you,” said her mother.

“Really! What do you want me to do? Am I going to fight in the upcoming war? Do I get...” Milith asked excitedly.

“You’re still a child, there is no way you will be participating in a war. No, you are going to visit one of your grandfather’s game worlds. Something strange is happening there, and I want you to find out what is going on there. Also, please try not to interfere. I’m not going to clean up your mess, again. Got that? No starting holy wars,” said her mother. Milith groaned, she hated it when mom brought that up. With the best of intentions, she had descended on a primitive world, and removed an evil, corrupt church. The result was the locals proclaimed her a god, and before she knew it she was being worshiped and holy wars were being waged in her name. “Mom, that was three hundred years ago, I’m an adult now. I’m not going to make that mistake again,” complained Milith.

“Just because you have celebrated your five hundredth birthday, last month doesn’t make you an adult. You’re still young and therefore a child,” replied her mother. Milith responded by manifesting her secondary racial characteristics. Milith had went from looking like a black-haired human with silver eyes to a half-human reptilian avian appearance. She still had black hair and silver eyes, but now she had a pair of wings with a span of nearly five meters extended and covered with scale-feathers. Her scales were various shades blue-green in color, she had scales on her cheeks, that made her look cuter. If she had been naked you could have seen, the scales on her underboobs and thighs. The scales on her stomach and arms were visible, however. She was 142cm tall, making her slightly tall for the average female member of her race. She had a shapely figure with c cup boobs and toned muscles, but she wasn’t overly fit. Her bare feet had arched and grown powerful-looking talons that marked her as a predator, her hands remaining unchanged. As for what she was wearing, she was wearing a simple white top, that covered her breasts, but left her shoulders and stomach bare and a short grey skirt.

“I’m five hundred years old, and my body has matured. I’m an adult!” shouted Milith wanting to assert that she was grown.

“Not, until I say so. No arguing, now come you have a task to do, and put those away. I don’t want your talons scratching the floor,” her mother said.

“Yes, Mom,” said Milith as she complied with her mom’s demand. Milith then followed her mother, while wondering what it would take to get her mother to recognize her as an adult. She also listened to her mother giving her the rundown on the world. The world apparently had an RPG system, it was a large world home to dozens of sentient races and ruled by a collection of gods her grandfather had created. As she was listening her thought moved to wondering what her grandfather was like, since she hadn’t met him. Her grandfather was a bit of a myth, since no one has seen him in eight hundred thousand years. His feats though were legendary, he apparently founded the empire, created the elder council, sealed the Fallen, eradicated the Darkatian Hives, and even built Sanctuary an artificial pocket reality which the empire used to survive when its enemies nearly toppled it. Of course, the only reason those foes could even threaten the empire was because of the Fallen destroying 90% of its military might.

After a while, they came to a room with a giant gate dominating its center. This gate was a powerful fusion of magic and technology, able to transfer individuals between any two of them almost instantaneously. Her mother activated the gate causing it to glow, then a portal appeared inside the arch.

“The gate will take you to Solkira’s entrance. Good luck,” her mother said before leaving the room. Milith headed for the portal, her mom’s talk of this world had piqued her interest. Her desire to explore it made her head through the portal. Once there she found herself in another gate room, with a strange portal in the floor before her. She saw no exit to the room and guessed this to be the entrance her mother spoke of, so she stepped through. At first she was greeted with blackness then a blue screen appeared in front of her.

Welcome to Solkira!

Initializing System

Retrieving race

Race found Solean Lord

Replacing Level with Rank

Calculating rank

Rank lord

Calculating stats

Status calculated

Calculating skills

Skill list created

Initializing materialization phase

Error world gate not found

Draining user mana for alternative gate

Selecting new location

Location selected

Would you like to materialize now?

Yes | No

Milith stared at the screen, not quite used to this with no idea how to respond to this, while trying to steady herself after suddenly losing half her mana. That really sucked, since as a Solean Lord she can’t regenerate her mana normally. Then she thought “I wonder what this status of mine looks like?” Then a blue screen appeared showing her status, while a burst of info entered her mind which, after a quick processing of the info turned out to be the user’s manual for the system.

Name: Milith of Clan Countryman

Gender: Female

Race: Solean Lord (subrace: Cyberlord)

Class: Shadow Lord

Age: 500

Subclass: Cybermage

Rank: Lord


Health(HP): 2500/2500

Mana(MP): 2,570,232/9,000,000

HP (Regen): 200/sec

Mana Recovery: -250/day

ER: 20,000/20,000

ER regen: 850/hour

Stamina (SP): 2500/2500

Shields: 100,000/100,000

Shield Recovery: 25000/hour

Phy Attack: 500

Magic Attack: 25000

Armor: 0

Resist: 5000

Dex: 2500

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Agility: 7000

Condition: Non-Corporeal

Curious about what the system would say about her kind, she appraised her own race.

Solean lord: A powerful and extraordinarily rare race from the primordial era believed to be related to primordial dragons. This race does not grow stronger in the traditional sense and never gains levels. The older these beings the more powerful an existence they become. While extremely powerful and long-lived, their reliance on mana is their greatest weakness. No members of this race have been seen in millennia and scholars believe the modern mana density is too low to sustain any members of this race and is therefore believed to be extinct. Scholars have been unable to rank this race, but believe it to have been at least SSS rank in strength, some believe it was strong enough to have been a Special Catastrophe rank existence. Inherent traits: True Physical Immunity, Primordial Magic Affinity, Ancestral Magic Affinity, Ancient Magic Affinity, Mana sustained immortality, Photoregeneration, Self-Controlled Fertility, Genetic Shapeshifter, Natural Flight, Natural Space Flight, Wanderer, Greater Resist Magic, Draconic Magic Affinity, Life Magic Affinity, Hyper intelligent, Electromagnetic Discharge, and Unique Metabolism.

She took a moment to look up the ranking system, and thought, “it really depends on the person, an elder could qualify for the that Special Catastrophe rank, but I sure don’t.” Then simply curious about what these traits say she appraised some of them. She didn’t really expect to learn something, but it is always interesting to hear others describe things.

True Physical Immunity: this species naturally bends reality around it in such a way, that mundane physical attacks fail to hit it. However, as a result, this race has no protection against physical attacks that can bypass its immunity.

Ancient Magic Affinity: This race has an affinity for ancient magic. Ancient magic is the precursor to modern magic, its use of symbology makes it stronger and more efficient than modern magic, but it takes significantly longer to cast. Its modern counterpart is called ritual magic. This affinity eliminates the need for symbology, allowing for rapid casting. 

Mana sustained immortality: This race is sustained by magic itself and effectively immortal as long as it has a supply of magic. Vastly increased mana pool. Negative Mana Regeneration. Does not age after reaching maturity, as long as it has mana.

Photoregeneration: This species derives some of its nutritional requirements from the sun. While exposed to sunlight, this race will recover from wounds rapidly. Overexposure to sunlight causes a condition called Cellular Poisoning or more commonly called sun sickness.

Genetic Shapeshifter: Members of this species can learn the genetic codes of others and use them as a guide for altering their shape. Requires prolonged physical contact to learn. More skilled members of the race can literally change their race and gender to another using this ability. 

Wanderer: This species is naturally nomadic and driven to explore and seek new things. They never stay in one place for long, always interested in seeing new things.

Greater Resist Magic: This race is highly resistant to magic, their skin acts as a natural armor against magic. Magic attacks reduced by 60%.

Draconic Magic Affinity: This race has an affinity for the natural magics of the dragon race. Allows the use of draconic magic. Can use dragon breath.

Life Magic Affinity: This race has a natural affinity for life creating magic, granting it incredible healing abilities. Members of this race with enough skill, can even raise the dead or create new life from scratch.

Hyper intelligent: This race is incredibly intelligent, a consequence of a highly evolved brain. Members of this race are born with powerful mental abilities. Including advanced telepathy, limited future sight, and telekinesis. These abilities grow stronger with age and they can gain more as they get older. 

Unique Metabolism: This race has a very different metabolism from other races. In this particular case, the race is virtually immune to the diseases that afflict most mortal races. However, it has become vulnerable to afflictions that are far worse, if rarer in return. The race is a natural predator, and typically hunts large prey every few months. After eating, this race will slowly digest its prey over several months.

Electromagnetic Discharge: This race has an innate store of electromagnetic energy that it can unleash as magical lightning for self-defense. When discharged it drains their Electromagnetic reserve instead of mana.

Milith had found reading those interesting, she didn’t learn much that she didn’t already know, but some of her innate abilities had changed slightly. Nothing that would hurt her, but it could have been a problem if she didn’t know. Done playing with the windows she finally decided to manifest, wherever the system had decided to place the world gate. She was not happy that the system just took her magic without asking to build it, though. Moments later she materialized inside a room. Large polished marble blocks, built the surrounding walls, intricate pillars, and expensive-looking statues lined the walls. Along with murals depicting gods and their messengers. Along with the clearly shocked priests milling about, she was pretty sure she was dumped in a temple of some sort. A plumb greasy man came from an adjoining room and ordered the priests to surround her using an unfamiliar tongue.

Fortunately, her telepathic powers allowed her to glean their language from them almost instantly. Speaking it was another matter, one that would take time. Fortunately she could use her telepathy to make up for any errors she makes with the language. She wasn’t particularly worried about being surrounded and started to listen. The greasy man then started speaking with a nearby priest, one he seemed to trust.

“The gods, smile on us today. Look they just gifted us a young one to train. How much do think she would sell for on the slave market, once properly trained?” asked the greasy man.

“She’s a beauty and still growing so a few hundred thousand gold I’d say,” replied the priest.

Milith, didn’t like that conversation and felt a bit insulted by them. Between the pair implying she was a child and deciding she was a slave, she quickly lost her temper, and then cried out in her native tongue. Her telepathic powers linking with their minds translating the meaning and relaying her rage.

“Sell me!!!? Train me!!? I’m not some lowly servant or slave to be trained to your will. I’m a ruler of the skies, your kind are meant to serve me you insolent insect!” shouted Milith in a bit of a rage as she released her aura. One of the priests cried out “dragon” as soon as he felt the aura. Which while not accurate, it was close to the truth as her kind were related to dragons. Although they were closer to the ancient primordial dragons than modern dragons which are degenerated descendants of the original primordial dragons.

“You idiot, you angered a dragon,” yelled someone.

“Don’t worry, she can’t assume her true form in this temple the rooms are too small. And a dragon can’t use its most potent weapons in human form,” said the greasy man as he readied a spell. Milith already pissed, read his mind and got angrier. The man was utter filth, and had ideas about her that disgusted her. Especially since she had the same natural pride dragons had, which meant she refused to submit to anyone weaker than her, then she laughed.

“What kind of silly idea is that?” asked Milith moments before manifesting her secondary racial characteristics, then she used her own dragon breath attack, which manifested as blue-green flames, on the poor greasy man. The man and the priests next to him were incinerated. The other priests than ran in terror some crying out about the impossible happening, and Milith felt better now that the greasy man who had insulted her pride was dead. Not caring for the temple’s marble floors she started exploring leaving scratches and the occasional gash where she walked.

Every once in awhile a foolish priest tried to attack her as she went looking for an exit. Not feeling like wasting her magic, she slashed them with her talons often disemboweling them in the process. She had been exploring for about an hour when she stumbled on a room full of young girls. Most of them were naked, or poorly clothed, they all were wearing slave collars and there was a man guarding the room. He was wearing full plate armor, not that it helped much against her talons. Out of curiosity she had checked her status earlier, and discovered that manifesting her talons, boosted her physical attack by 2500, but only when using them. Apparently they counted as a high-level natural weapon, which made sense, her talons were made of toughest organic material commonly called dragon bone, and they could slice through steel like a sharp knife through warm butter. Her scales though did nothing for her armor rating, but they did boost her resist.

Looking around she noticed most of these girls, were either beastkin or elves. Not a single one was human. Speaking with the girls, she learned most were being trained as sex slaves. Some of the older ones had even been sterilized, to ensure they didn’t get pregnant while being used. Milith didn’t approve of this one bit, she also didn’t understand why the human priests were doing this. So she used a small portion of her magic to heal, their sterility and other wounds the priests had inflicted before erasing the slave collars with an application of primordial magic.

Freeing the slave proved useful, since the beastkin were able to lead her to the exit. Apparently they were able to remember the path by smell. Milith was slightly envious her kind often hunted from the air so powerful vision was more useful than any other sense. As a result, she could smell hardly better than the average human. The moment she was outside she looked around they were in the middle of a large city. Most of the buildings were made of cobblestone and wood. The streets and buildings from what she could see were laid out seemingly at random. She was just about to take flight and look around when one of the former slaves spoke up. Acting a bit shy and squirming a bit she asked, “um, miss harpy? You wouldn’t happen to have something we can wear do you?”

Milith blinked she had forgotten briefly that most other races had this concept called modesty, being shapeshifters and highly telepathic her kind didn’t really care much about being naked in public. To them, the mind was more sacred than the body, especially since if they weren’t satisfied with their height or their boob size, for example, they could change it on a whim. Unfortunately for the former slaves, she had packed light and only brought a single change of clothes. She didn’t pack any food either since she just ate last week and it would be a few months before she would need to eat again. She figured if she got hungry she would just hunt something for herself anyway. She did pack some gemstones in her spatial storage capsule to trade for anything she might need, however.

“Do I look like a harpy to you? Harpies have their arms and wings merged, mine are separate. Also, harpies have feathers, I have scales. See the difference? And no I don’t have any extra clothes,” replied Milith.

“None?” asked one girl.

“Didn’t pack any extra. I’ll just buy some from the market,” replied Milith as the first girl asked, “um miss, if your not a harpy what are you?”

“I’m a Solean lord,” said Milith pride clear in her voice. Before taking to the air to find the market, the girls, however, had no idea what a Solean was. It didn’t take Milith long to find the local market, she traded one of her gemstones for some gold. The merchant tried to cheat her, but she easily read his mind and then convinced him to pay her fair price. Once she had the gold she bought some light outfits, that she liked for the girls. Most of the merchants were frightened of her which allowed her to buy them cheap. She secured her purchases in her spatial capsule and then flew back to the girls, and found several priests trying to subdue the girls. But the priests weren’t doing very well being outnumbered actually hurt them. 

Milith landed near the priests and slashed one with her talons, causing the others to run. With the priests gone, Milith escorted the girls out of the city and into the forest that was north of the town. It didn’t take long for the group to reach the forest, Milith wanted to check out the large lake nearby, but wanted to make sure the girls were safe first. Once they reached the forest she stayed with them for a while and eventually they found a nice clearing.

“Think you will be alright if I leave you here?”

“Yes, we will be fine. We will just follow the lake and before long we will be in Bluewood territory,” said one of the girls. Milith gave a brief look at the weapons they had and took flight. Her powerful wings, easily propelled her at speeds most other flyers could only dream of. Before long she was over the lake and from the air, it was absolutely majestic in the light of the setting sun. The lake was huge, easily big enough to be called an inland sea. It even had some small islands dotting it. To properly see the lake before sunset, she decided to break the speed of sound. Superheating her plasma sacs she started generating the heat normal used to propel her kind in space. Soon she was generating pulse waves, she then started using her wings to alter and control her course as the waves propelled her. Within seconds she had generated a sonic boom, her magical shields automatically reshaping themselves to aid in supersonic flight.

She made three laps of the lake before she started feeling tired and was forced to land. She wasn’t surprised since using her biodrive in the atmosphere was quite exhausting. It was much easier to use in space since, you used less energy propelling yourself around up there, then down here. The island she landed on was nice, it was mostly bare beach, with a few scattered trees and a small cave. Milith headed to the cave, sensing magic coming from it which piqued her curiosity.

It turned out the cave was a small dungeon. It was only two floors deep, with no traps and defended by kobolds. The strongest kobold in the dungeon was only level 14 and no match for Milith. As a result, it didn’t take very long to reach the core room. The moment Milith entered the room, a panicked looking avatar materialized in the middle of the room.

The dungeon’s avatar was a female kobold, which looked more human than the males. She was about one hundred and seventy centimeters tall, with large breasts. Her hair fell just past her shoulders and was a silver-gray color. Her eyes a piercing ruby and her body was covered in light silver-gray fur. A fluffy tail could be seen behind her and a pair of sharp triangular ears dotted her head. The avatar was also entirely naked.

“Please don’t kill me! I’ll do anything,” said the dungeons avatar a bit panicked.

“I’m not going to kill you,” said Milith as she used her senses to probe the area and too her delight found she was right above an intersection of three major ley lines. The dungeon was already tapping into it, but barely. This place would be perfect, once properly tapped she could use this site to recover her magic and if she was forced to hibernate this spot would be perfect.

“What’s your name?” asked Milith.

“I don’t have one. No one has given me one, and I’m only ever visited by fishmen, and they’re too stupid to give names. You’re the first to visit me who can actually speak,” replied the dungeon.

“How would you like to be the guardian of my tomb? I’ll also give you a name,” said Milith wanting to mold this one into someone useful.

“A name sounds nice, but what do you mean by tomb? I could be wrong, but I don’t think any sentient race wants their final resting place to be a dungeon,” replied the dungeon.

“Sorry, that is the closest word in your tongue. My race chooses places with strong magic to build a stronghold where we can rest and replenish our magic, while hibernating. We will often sleep for several millennia before our magic fully recovers so we chose a guardian to protect us while we sleep, our guardians, in turn, are granted a portion of the magic we process while hibernating, among other benefits” said Milith. The dungeon seemed to think it over a bit, before finally saying, “I accept.”

You have tamed a dungeon!

You influence has evolved the dungeon into a Sky Lord’s Lair

New Title: Lair Master

Lair Master: you are the master of a special kind of advanced dungeon. Lair dungeons belong to a dragon class race. As the master, you can guide how your dungeon grows. It cannot harm or disobey you, but the dungeon is still free to make its own decisions if the need arises. Provides boosted mana recovery while in your lair.

After appraising the new title, Milith spoke to the dungeon who was surprised about its evolution, since dungeons normally evolve after reaching level one hundred. The dungeon though was absolutely ecstatic when Milith gave her a name. She named the dungeon, Elly. After naming Elly she started guiding Elly on the dungeon. Fortunately, the evolution rewarded Elly with a large amount of DP which was quickly used to expand the dungeon and properly tap the ley lines below. Once that was done Milith was happy to see, her new lair as the system called it was starting to feel comfortable. Now that it had a proper entrance. She had also made sure all ten floors of the expanded had enough space for her to fly. The now properly tapped ley lines resulted in a mana density high enough for her to actually recover mana. The sun was already set, so Milith entered the bedroom she had Elly build and then took human form before sleeping.

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