What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 20: XII Phillip’s Dungeon Dive

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Misaki was relaxing in her room, looking through the store again, she had just found an interesting item when she suddenly heard some angry shouting in her dungeon. She actually didn’t really like it when gods just added things to her dungeon.

 The message that popped up in front of her just after she closed the store window told her a god just added something else to her dungeon. “Great! Now I have a goddess to look after. Can’t I just build my dungeon in peace without something new happening every day?” wondered Misaki to herself as she pushed herself out of her chair, and headed for the door.

She walked down the hall, and entered her core room to find a young-looking goddess, shouting into the air. Clearly not happy about the whole dungeon bound thing. Misaki waited for her to calm down a bit before speaking.

“You know she has already left, right?” asked Misaki.

“Huh?” replied Tina a bit surprised since she had been too focused on venting her frustrations to notice Misaki enter the room.

“Dewari, she’s not here,” clarified Misaki. Tina looked around and realized Misaki was right. Then she cursed Dewari, and insulted her for just dumping her here and running.

“You know that's your fault right?” asked Misaki.

“What do you know about it!?” asked Tina a bit saltily. Misaki opened and looked at the message that told her about Tina being dumped on her.

“Well, apparently you violated a couple rules involving quests. Also, it seems Dewari is quite mad that you were up to mischief in her domain without permission. She said something about that being against divine law and plain rude,” replied Misaki.

“Well, those rules are just silly, and get in the way of my fun,” said Tina with a smug look on her face. Misaki briefly wondered if this goddess even understood what breaking those rules meant. Misaki also knew that this goddess would be nothing but trouble. Not sure what she was to do with this trouble making goddess, she decided to show Tina to a room. It was late so she decided she would figure it out in the morning.

Misaki had just finished putting the mischievous goddess in her room. When something else happened. She sensed the strongest presence in the town, enter her dungeon. “Can’t I have a few hours peace?” thought Misaki as she headed back to her core room, and refocused her attention on Philip. As she did she remembered watching what happened to her last night, it had been funny to watch. Although if the security system she had seen in the one box, well crate actually, had been installed things might have gone differently. A part of her wanted to meet Philip, since they both had been turned into girls against their will, through no fault of their own. 

Philip entered the dungeon and felt a bit of a rush she had not felt in years. It had taken hours just to get away from the receptionist. Philip had also decided that being petted was dangerous, but that wasn’t the worst part of her day. During the afternoon Melisa and the receptionist dragged her to the local tailor shop, where she was treated as a dress-up doll. They made her wear so many different cute dresses she lost track of them all. Even the tailor joined in on treating her as a dress-up doll. After she finally got home, she had went looking through the crates for her old set of armor, it was magic armor. Which meant it would resize itself to fit the wearer.

Of course, when she put it on her cursed ring flashed and her armor morphed into something embarrassing to wear. It was now a silver bra, instead of a full chest plate with chainmail, and a mini-skirt instead of her plate mail pants. On the plus side as magic armor, it provides its full bonus regardless of where the hit landed and blocks criticals, but there was no way she was going to wear it in public. However, she didn’t have another suit of armor to wear, and if she asked someone to make her something, she dreaded what they would come up with for her to wear. So she grabbed her sword and snuck out of the house and down to the dungeon.

The first room was exactly as described and Philip was through it in just ten seconds. Her speed and strength meant the demons were down with just one strike each. Neither of the demons managed to launch an attack. With the demons down she made her way down the corridor, while not a rogue herself, she had from years in the field picked up the spot trap skill. So when she came across the first pitfall trap, she spotted it and skirted the trap. The first floor was a breeze, not even the boss was much of a challenge for her. Once on the second floor, she thought back on the reports. The reports mentioned an alternative route to the third floor, but she decided to try her hand at seriously trying to solve the puzzles. Taking a left first she headed down the left path.

It didn’t take her long to reach, the puzzle, none of the demons who challenged her could take more than a hit, and she was able to spot most of the traps. The only one she failed to spot, was a cleverly hidden pitfall, that one broke her leg, forcing her to use a potion. 

After reading the puzzle, it took her only a minute, to come up with an answer. Inputting her answers, she was rewarded with a click, then a wall panel retracted to reveal a switch. She pulled the switch and then headed back. Once she reached the first room, she then took the right path. As she was going, she also started to understand what the other adventurers were saying about the pheromones being distracting. They were quite strong for a young dungeon, but not impossible to ignore, especially after every girl she met spent the entire day petting her.

The second puzzle was just as easy for her to solve. She placed her answer after a minute’s thought and was once again rewarded with a click and a wall panel moved aside to reveal a switch. After flipping the switch, she went back to the first room and took the path to the boss room. The boss was a party identical in composition to the first-floor boss. Although stronger at level fifteen instead of ten. The level was still too low to provide much of a challenge and she breezed through the boss. Taking the stairs, she came out in the first room of the third floor. On her left, she saw the barred doors to the cell blocks, and in front of her was the path to the floor proper.

Remembering what Michael's report on the floor said, Philip headed to the first puzzle. The demons on this floor, where actually a bit of a challenge. They were too weak to harm her, but they were strong enough that if she wasn’t careful they would cause her to lose her balance and fall. She had a couple of close calls, but she managed to reach the first puzzle without falling. She found it great practice though for getting used to her smaller frame. The first puzzle was a bit harder than the ones on the second floor.

Leaving the cave with the first puzzle, she made her way across the cavern to the next puzzle. She had to fight off a couple groups of harpies, one of which managed to make her stumble, but she caught herself before she fell off the sky path. The second puzzle turned out to be more of a physical challenge than a mental one. She actually enjoyed that challenge, and then moved on to the next. Of course not all the puzzles were up near the sky paths, a few were down in the labyrinth. The labyrinth was the most challenging part of the floor. Dealing with the Lesser Arachnid demons was annoying, since they liked to ambush people, and if you weren’t careful they would have you wrapped up in their silk. Something she avoided, since she wasn’t going to risk getting tied up down here. She wasn’t quite sure, how long it took her to finish all the puzzles, but she was able to solve them all without making a mistake.  The boss room wasn’t much of a challenge for her. Once done with the boss fight, she headed down the stairs to the fourth floor.

She found herself genuinely impressed with the work that went into the fourth floor. It was larger and more detailed than most floors, young dungeons build. It clearly showed an attention to detail that most young dungeons lack. The fourth floor opened up into a jungle after exiting the entrance room, which resembles a small stone hut when seen from the outside. The jungle forced her to watch her surroundings more carefully, as she searched for clues on how to reach the next floor. While the monsters weren’t much of a threat, the ambushes were annoying. Especially since their attacks occasionally inflicted some rather annoying status conditions. Her magic armor may have negated their attacks, but it doesn’t stop the status conditions they may inflict. She really hated it when she got hit with a stun spell, or a paralysis spell. Fortunately, she didn’t have to worry about the Lamia demons paralytic bite, since it had to pierce the skin to have an effect.

Unlike the previous floor on this one, the clues for the puzzles were spread throughout the jungle, and split in several pieces. She found the first clue not far from the entrance, just after she had been hit by a paralysis spell from behind. Unfortunately, she had failed to resist it, and she had been forced to sit there while the Demon girl, who cast it raped her. The worst part was the fact that she couldn’t do anything but sit there until the spell wore off. When the demon came up to her first thing it did was start working on the fastenings to her armor. Unable to resist it didn’t take the demon long to strip her. The moment she was naked the demon, then started to massage her breasts. Between the effects of the pheromones, and the demons ministrations she quickly got wet. Something she tried to pretend wasn’t happening, so she tried to distract herself, but her body betrayed her. As soon as she was wet the demon, pushed her down and began to lick at her pussy. She didn’t want to admit it, but the way the demon was licking her felt good. The demon was licking around her clit, teasing but never quite touching her. Then suddenly the demon slipped its tongue, into her pussy flicking at her g spot. Which caused her a small orgasm, which she tried to suppress and ignore.

However, Philip had not been a girl long, and it was hard to resist the pleasure when the sensations were entirely new to her. As the small orgasm passed through, she saw that she still had ten minutes left on the timer, before the spell wore off.  She inwardly cursed about that, too. She had let herself get careless, she had been too busy with the monsters in front of her to notice the one behind her. She had just finished with them, and was about to cast a simple reveal life spell, when the demon’s spell hit her. Then she was suddenly pulled from the past, when the demon suddenly attacked her clit, causing her to orgasm. As she orgasmed she tried to hold on to her thoughts and pretend this wasn’t happening. However, she lost all sense of what she was doing when the demon causes her, a second orgasm.

Around the same time Misaki, was sitting in her core room, watching Philip get raped. A scenario she had not expected. She thought Philip too strong and experienced to let this happen, but apparently even veteran adventures make mistakes. After the first orgasm, she watched the demon easily bring her to a second and then a third. Around when Philip got her fourth, she decided to help her out and pulled the demon off her. She then decided to temporarily remove it from the level, so that she could give it a name and make it a roaming mini-boss later. It took Philip a few minutes after that to recover, once she had recovered Philip then put her armor back on and looked around for the demon that raped her, but didn’t see it.

After being raped Philip was much more cautious and kept her eyes on the trees. Because of this, she found the first clue, sticking out of a tree. It was a partial map with some writing on it, but it was clearly incomplete. The next clue she found near the chasm on the floor, it was a small monument with another piece of the map, and more writing.  Of course to her luck, it wasn’t a complete clue, so she had to go back and scour the jungle, for the next clue. She found the final clue, for the floor, in the hollow of some roots under a tree.

Heading back to the monument, she then worked out the puzzle locations. The writing turned out to be a riddle. It turned out she had to solve twelve different puzzles and in a specific order. The first puzzle to solve was apparently in the labyrinth at the bottom of the chasm. Reaching it wasn’t easy, the path down to the labyrinth was narrow and treacherous. While harpies would occasionally attack from above. While in the labyrinth she also had to keep an eye out for Arachnid demons which the labyrinths were crawling with, but she didn’t make the mistake of underestimating them especially since if they got her with their silk it would prove problematic. After fighting her way through the Arachnids she found the first puzzle, which was a physical challenge. The next puzzle, whose location made her think it was placed just to spite her, was back in the jungle.

She grumbled about internally as she made the difficult climb up the chasm and back into the jungle area. Once in the jungle area finding the puzzle, wasn’t too hard, but she found all the back and forth and the climbing was beginning to tire her. The second puzzle was a game, to be specific it was a game of chess. The rules were that she had three moves to checkmate the opponent or she loses. It wasn’t easy, but she managed to do it in three moves.

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The next puzzle was nearby, but the fourth puzzle was on the sky paths. She also found each puzzle getting progressively harder as she moved on. Eventually, she managed, to find and answer all the puzzles in the correct order. This allowed her to challenged the floor boss. The fourth-floor boss, was the once again a party of five demons. This time they were all evolved level 25 demons. She was faced with two Lamia Demons, an Arachnid, and a pair of Demon Girls. The moment the battle began, she sliced through the Arachnid, and while the Demon Girls were still chanting their spells charged them. Ending one just before the other cast its spell, which she dodged just second before slicing them in two as well. The Lamias slashed at her, but she parried and then cut them both down in a single strike.

Done with the boss, she went down the stairs, and came to the fifth floor. From the starting site of the fifth floor, she was surrounded by towering trees, that seemed to stretch forever. Following the trail nearby, she quickly came across a small village. As she passed the village’s perimeter she was greeted with a welcome blue screen, especially since she had been up hours longer than she was used to, and all the back and forth was tiring even to veteran adventures.

You have entered a safe zone!

No combat may take place here, any attempt will kick you out of the dungeon

Monsters in zone may render services

All recovery boosted by 50%

Damaging dungeon effects have been canceled

Happy to have found a safe zone, she picked up the pace and headed into the village. As she entered the village she noticed it had a number of demons as its residents, most of them Demon Girls. Some were of the lesser variety, while others had evolved. Since this was a safe zone and monsters are supposed to be friendly she spoke with a nearby demon and asked if there was an inn. The demon was friendly enough, if sexually aggressive she turned down its offer for sex and quickly learned that there was an inn, in the village square.

The inn was a small building with only a single floor, but it had an attached tavern. The receptionist for the inn wasn’t a Demon Girl, but a Lamia Demon. Who was friendly, and also made a few sexual hints as Philip booked a room for the night, wanting to be rested before tackling the floor. After all, poor rest leads to mistakes and Philip had already made one to many for her tastes. After booking a room, she was lead down a hall to a small room on the left side of the inn. The room was simple, and not much better in quality to those found in other inns. There was a small wooden bed against the wall. With a cheap-looking nightstand next to it, and a small dresser on the opposite wall from the bed. Wary against being raped, she locked the door and set a simple detection ward to warn her if someone entered the room. Of course, any mage worth her salt could dispel a detection ward without alerting the caster, the more complex the ward the longer it takes, but this one will have to do. She had never bothered to learn a better ward, she usually left the wards to the pure mage classes since they were better at it. After all, while combat can’t take place in a safe zone, rape isn’t always considered combat something as a former adventurer she was aware of. Even if she didn’t agree with that assessment, but what is and isn’t combat was decided by the gods and no amount of protesting will change it. Little did Philip know, that the gods couldn’t change it since they didn’t create the system. The system actually predated the gods, and was made by the same individual who made the gods.

After setting the ward, she checked the window and made sure the shutters were firmly sealed shut and locked. Then she stripped out of her armor, before crawling into the bed and going to sleep. 

Meanwhile, back in the core room, Misaki pushed herself out of her throne and headed to bed. She briefly checked in on the others. Most of her new pets were asleep, except the slime girl who was trying to get her enchanted collar off again. She entered her room only to be knocked over by an excited Reiko. She remembered she hadn’t given Reiko much attention today, and so she played with Reiko a bit before going to bed herself. That night passed peacefully, she was woken abruptly when a new party of adventurers entered the dungeon. It was a group of four muscle-bound idiots and all four of them got themselves killed by the traps. For some reason, they didn’t hire a rogue, so it cost them. The first one died to a pitfall, the next two died to a spike trap and the last one got killed by the rockfall trap they had missed on their way in when he tried to retreat. 

After watching the four idiots and getting a good laugh at their misfortune.  She turned her attention to Philip. Philip was just now stirring and moaning a bit sensually. Of course the moment her consciousness came back to her she tried to suppress those moans.

Phillip woke up to find herself, quite horny and unusually sensitive. She tried to suppress the moans and ignore the pleasurable feeling of the blanket rubbing against her skin. Unfortunately being as horny as she was, it was a losing battle and before she knew it, she was masturbating. She started with her left boob, gently massaging it while moving slowly toward the nipple. She moved her other hand slowly down toward her pussy. Once she started touching her pussy, she rubbed it gently and slowly over the top of her panties. Then her other hand reached her nipple which she started to pull and knead. Causing her to moan, lightly.  Getting bolder, she removed her panties and began to rub her pussy directly. She started by rubbing her twitching labia and then moved inward toward her clit. She also moved her other hand to tease and play with her other nipple. Moaning in pleasure, she then touched her clit. The stimulation proved too much and her vision went white. 

 After reaching orgasm, she lay there for a few minutes trying to come to terms with what just happened. After awhile she decided to pretend it didn’t happen and got out of the bed.  Looking around the bed and her panties were soaked with her juices. She used a simple clean spell, which was so simple anyone could learn it, to remove the evidence and then got dressed before leaving the room. Then she headed to the front desk so she could check out, since this was a dungeon gold coins were useless, but precious gems and mana were acceptable. She hadn’t brought any gems so she planned to pay with mana. 

“Oh, you know it is so much more fun, playing with a partner than doing it yourself,” said the innkeeper the moment she reached the desk. Philip went red, a bit embarrassed about her moment of indiscretion that she wanted to pretend, didn’t happen.

“I’d like to check out,” replied Philip trying her best to ignore the innkeeper’s statement.

“You don’t know what you’re missing until you try. Come on have some fun with me, you won’t regret it,” replied the innkeeper trying to get her to have sex with her. Philip decided to ignore the innkeeper’s advances.

“I’ll be paying in mana,” said Philip. The innkeeper pouted and said, “You sure you don’t want any fun? Fine 240, but you should really loosen up and have a little fun.” Philip quickly paid and hurried out of the inn.

After checking out of the inn, she initially wanted to hurry out of the village, but she decided to talk to the villagers first and see if she couldn’t learn something. So she walked around the village talking to the villagers. While she had to regularly shrug off their sexual advances this proved a good idea. She was able to learn a bit about the floor. Like the last floor, she would have to solve the puzzles in a specific order. None of the villagers could tell her the exact order, well one of the villagers offered her info on a shortcut in exchange for sex, an offer she turned down. So armed with some new info she searched the floor for hints while keeping an eye out for traps and ambushes.

Like the last floor, she was able to find the hints in the jungle. The first hint she found on a broken stone tablet, half-buried under an overgrown bush not far from the first village. The second hint was the other half of the tablet, which was hidden among three other half broken stone tablets in a ruin near the center of the jungle. Of course that finished tablet, was a puzzle, she spent a good half hour working out its riddle, before searching the floor for the first puzzle. She found it hidden another ruin on the east side of the floor. It was another riddle that she had to solve.

Like the previous puzzles, when she solved the puzzle she was rewarded with a click and a panel rolled back from a nearby wall to reveal a switch. She pulled the switch and then started looking for the next puzzle to solve. Which involved dodging ballista bolts while balancing on narrow rock paths over a chasm to reach. Something she didn’t enjoy, especially when the Demonic Harpies were constantly attacking from the air. One of which nearly managed to knock her off the sky path. Fortunately, she was able to recover from the hit and a quick spell got rid of the harpy. Pulling herself up she then continued down the path towards the next puzzle site. The second puzzle was in a small cave on the west side of the floor. The second puzzle was guarded by a lamia demon that was classed as a mini-boss which proved to be the first monster that managed to take more than one hit, albeit barely. The mini-boss health and defense bonuses were just barely large enough that her simple slash attack left it with one hp. If she had used a skill it would have been a one-hit affair.

The puzzle itself was contained was another riddle. She didn’t have too much trouble with the riddle, but finding the next one was difficult. She found the third puzzle behind the waterfall in the labyrinth in the chasm. This one was a physical challenge, involving moving platforms and flipping eight switches before a ten-minute timer expired. With her physical abilities, she was able to complete the challenge in three minutes, but she made a mental note that it would be difficult for lower rank adventures. She guessed you would need to be at least D rank to complete the challenge, anyone lower would be too slow, unless they had a class that specialized in agility and dexterity.

Several puzzles later, she stood before the castle’s massive gates as they slowly opened. She had just pulled the nearby switch that had been revealed by solving the floor’s puzzles. When the gate finally finished opening she stepped through and watched as a magic barrier sprang up behind her. Which was fairly normal as boss fights go, this time she was facing a Demon Girl, a Beastkin Demon, a Demonic Harpy, a Lamia Demon, and an Arachnid Demon. She charged the mage first, striking it down, with a skill. Her blade sliced through the demon easily, knocking it out of the fight. The Arachnid tried to stop her with, some demonic spider silk. Fortunately, she managed to evade that attack, since demonic spider silk was legendary for its strength it could stop even dragons in their tracks. She then took care of the Arachnid Demon with prejudice, not wanting to let it try again. The harpy slashed at her from above, she dodged and then struck harp with a horizontal slash that caught the harpy just below the wing, killing it. Then the Lamia tried to bite her from behind, but her armor’s magical effect prevented the bite from piercing her skin. Which is fortunate since Lamia demons are well known for their paralytic bite, she responded by spinning and catching the lamia demon with a slash to the neck.

With the lamia demon down there was only the beastkin demon, who tried to hit her with a triple claw skill, which she parried and then she split the demon in two with a diagonal strike. As the last demon fell to the ground the magical barrier around her vanished allowing her to proceed. Crossing the courtyard, she approached the doors leading into the castle proper. Two demons opened the door and spoke. She listened, but kept her weapon ready as she approached.

“The master congratulates you on being the first to reach her castle,” said the demon guard on the left. She stood to the side and made no move to ready a weapon. Then the other demon spoke.

“The master will speak to you in her throne room,” said the other demon. Philip wasn’t entirely surprised since dungeons often allowed one to speak with them after beating the final boss. Especially the intelligent ones, so she said lead the way, and kept an eye on them as they led her to Misaki’s core room. It was a beautiful room, and sitting on the throne was a young female demon.

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