What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 25: Extra Scene XIV and XV

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Milith used her link with the Swarm to watch the actions of her first princess. Ari had found a town, she felt was suitable for use as a nest. She was now building a nest and was effectively nesting which meant it would not be long before Ari evolved into a queen. Satisfied with what she had seen she turned her attention elsewhere. Like most members of her race, she was naturally adventurous. Which meant she wanted to stretch her wings and do some exploring. Leaving her room she quickly encountered Elly, who had a question to ask

“Hey are you eating enough, I haven’t seen you since you got here, and what do you eat anyway?” asked Elly.

“We’re omnivores, but we have a preference for a diet of meat, fish and some fruits. Just we don’t eat very often, I like fish most and usually eat once every three to four months,” said Milith answering the question just as the energy washed over her.

“What is with this strange energy,” said Elly.

“I don’t know, but I think my grandfather did something,” replied Milith.

“What does that mean?” asked Elly only to be answered with silence. Milith started to think about how to contact her mother, since she was certain her mom could give her an answer. She knew how to do it with magic, but knowing the theory and doing it were two very different things. It also required a vast amount of magical energy, more than she had, but she was sitting on top of a source of magical energy that was vast enough to supply it. Problem was that when working with that much energy the slightest mistake would lead to a massive explosion in the best-case scenario, she didn’t want to even consider the worst-case scenario. She could physically leave to talk to her mother, but mom got mad at her the last time she abandoned a task. So the only way by process of elimination was to build a comm array, while she didn’t understand all the theory behind it, she did know how to build a simple Transdimensional Hyperwarp Comm array. Her mom had her bring the plans with her so that she could send reports, later. She just wasn’t planning to build it so soon. It would take a while to build, and wouldn’t be able to send or receive complex messages, but it could reach across realms.

Finally, after a few minutes of deliberation, she answered the question, “I am not entirely certain myself, but I know how to find out,” said Milith as she used her telepathy to send Elly the blueprints.

“What is this?” asked Elly.

“A comm system for reaching across realms, it can only send simple signals but that will be enough. Help me build it,” said Milith.

“I’ll try, but I have no idea how to create some of the materials this thing needs,” replied Elly.

“Fortunately I know how to make these materials, and where to look for a few of them. I’m going to go out for a bit, see you later,” said Milith as she manifested her wings and talons, before flying towards the exit. She had to change her flight direction several times on the way out, and once out she accelerated to the best speed her wings alone could carry her at. Heading west, she wasn’t in a hurry so she saw no reason to use her biodrive.

She was only around halfway to the shore when she encountered a few wyverns, that tried to eat her. Being a sub dragon species that were not much of a threat to her, especially in the air where she could easily outrun and outmaneuver them. The wyverns came at her from the front, she easily dodged the first wyvern as it tried to take a bite out of her. After dodging another wyvern came from her left and tried to bite her as well. She dived under it and then slashed its neck with her talons as she passed under. Her talons sliced through the scales and the thick hide of its neck with ease. Blood spurted from the creature's neck, and the creature started to drop like a stone. She changed direction and lined herself up with one of the Wyverns and used her dragon breath. Blue-green flames spread out in an arc in front of her two unlucky wyverns were caught in her breath. Reducing their bodies to ash that rain down on the lake below. Another Wyvern tried to come at her from behind but she noticed it before it could get in striking range she used one of her abilities. Lightning arced across her wings and then a lightning bolt arced from her left-wing tip and struck the wyvern. The wyvern screamed in pain as its large body was cooked by the lightning. The wyvern died within seconds of being hit and its body dropped like a stone.

The remaining wyverns seeing four of their brethren rapidly and easily dispatched, fled. Milith let them run seeing no point in chasing down eight already beaten enemies. While not much of a challenge she thanked the wyverns for the workout and continued on her way. She saw a few other wyvern packs as she flew, but none engaged her. Around noon, she reached her destination a small town on the border of the Theocracy and the Rosewood Empire. She landed a few hours walk south of the town and assumed human form. She then started walking to the town, with the natural ground eating pace she had learned to help get around her home. Her home was a massive city-ship the size of a small planet, and while there were devices to help people get around, you still had to do a fair amount of walking.

Her walk to town was mostly uneventful, a couple caravans passed her on the road. One person though questioned her clothing and assumed that since she was barefoot that she was an escaped slave. She had promptly morphed her forearm into claws before disemboweling the idiot. Then she left his corpse lying on the side of the road, looking like an animal had mauled it. The town is a minor trading outpost, so she was not surprised to find a line in front of the gates when she reached it. Being in no hurry to enter the town she took up a spot near the end of the line and waited. It was getting close to sundown when she finally reached the head of the line and approached the guard.

The guard was a handsome man with a strong fit body. The magic she sensed from him was also a few levels above his peers, probably from the demon blood, she sensed in him. As she approached she noticed him looking her over, she smiled and said hello.

“Why hello, aren’t you a pretty one. Why don’t you come with me I can show you the town and we could have some fun together,” said the guard. His intentions with that statement were entirely open to her. He was going to try and impress her with his knowledge of the town and then get her in bed. She was certainly up for that sort of fun, but she wouldn’t carry his child. He wasn’t strong enough in her opinion to be worthy of that right. The fact he was a womanizing bastard didn’t matter to her, something she knew because he was thinking of adding her to his list of conquests.

“Why that does, sound like fun. But we can skip the sightseeing and you can bring your other girls and I can show you what real sex is like,” replied Milith with sincere voice, her statement was one she entirely meant. Her race was naturally polyamorous and very open about sex. Her kind would regularly form and dissolve groups they called mating circles, with their only permanent mates being their bond partner or partners. The bond was their closest equivalent to marriage and involved a special telepathic link between the members of the bond, which often formed early in life and as result usually with a sibling of the same gender who is more often than not also their twin. This also affects the structure of Solean mating circles, which are usually composed of five to ten bonded pairs with up to two males who must belong to the same pair. The guard, on the other hand, turned red and panicked.

“What do you know about that?” asked the panicked guard with a slight stutter.

“Why you practically told me with the way you are shouting your thoughts. If you didn’t want me to know you should have shielded your thoughts,” replied Milith.

“Don’t tell anyone about it, my girls would kill me,” said the guard looking around and pleased that no one so far seemed to have heard their conversation. Not noticing that Milith had been kind enough to block the sounds of their conversation from reaching more than a couple meters from them.

“So your not, interested in true fun. Such a shame, and no girl would turn down a strong man,” said Milith slightly disappointed and with a bit of a pout.

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“I am, but my girls would kill me if they knew,” replied the guard.

“That’s a minor issue, and it doesn’t have to be all of them, just get the two you think would be most interested in a foursome, and meet me at the inn,” replied Milith. A few minutes later she convinced the guard, who she learned was named Azar, to get a pair of his girlfriends and meet her at the inn. She met them outside the inn and led them to the room she had booked. He introduced his girls to her as Phoebe and Chloe. Phoebe was a pretty girl with long blue hair, that fell down to her butt. She was a little taller than average for a human girl, her figure was firm and she had a well-developed chest. Chloe, on the other hand, was short around one hundred forty centimeters tall, and with a small chest. She wasn’t completely flat, however. Her figure was slim and she didn’t have much muscle either, but Milith found her to be very intelligent. Milith could hear the girl's thoughts and found she was entirely aware of Azar’s little harem, she just didn’t care. While Phoebe had no idea and was a little peeved no one had told her, but she wasn’t against being in a harem or having a foursome.

It took little effort to convince these two to join her for some fun. As soon as she entered the room she removed the simple clothes she had been wearing. She turned around proudly without a hint of being shy, modesty was not a common trait in her race, then urged the other two to strip as well. Azar didn’t bother to hide his looking her naked body over, his gaze lingering on her boobs and pussy.

She let him look and watched the other two strip, they weren’t as comfortable being naked in front of others, but they did a good job hiding it. Milith only noticed because she could pick up their emotions. Smiling she moved close to Chloe, and traced her naked flesh from the nape of her neck down to her pussy, a mild charge built on her fingertips added to the stimulation. By the time her finger reached the girl’s pussy, soft moans were escaping her mouth. At the same time, Azar approached Milith from behind and began to massage and knead her breasts. He started from the edge, avoiding her nipples, his technique wasn’t bad but could be better. She used her shapeshifting skills to create a tail and wrapped it around his penis, stroking gently to stimulate him. Using very low voltage, discharges at random to provide extra stimulation. While also using her free hand to bring Phoebe into a kiss.

Azar moaned from the stimulation and then asked a question, “not that I’m complaining, but when did you get a tail?” Still locked in a kiss with Phoebe, she replied telepathically.

“I never said I was human, I just grew it. Feels good doesn’t it,” said Milith. Azar didn’t want to admit it but it felt so good it was all he could do to keep from cumming right there. Milith after rubbing Chloe's bare pussy a couple times gauged her ready and she slipped a couple fingers inside. She was already wet so they entered easily, making it easy to stimulate her g spot. Chloe wasn’t idle either and had been tracing Miliths naked form, using her own techniques she tried stimulating her clit, but stopped when the sudden stimulation to her g spot caused her to climax. As she climaxed Millith broke her kiss with the dazed Phoebe and pulled her around, and guided Azar to insert into the other girl’s pussy. Azar came almost the instant his shaft, pounded into the girl's womb, just as Milith used a small shock to give the girl an orgasm.

Milith gave the others only a couple minutes to recover from being brought to orgasm in less than five minutes, before starting round two, this time she manifested a few tentacles so she could add to the stimulation. By morning her partners had only managed to make Milith cum twice, but they had lost track of how many times they had cum. All of them were covered in fluids each other's fluids, Milith had even cast a few simple spells to help with their stamina and to dampen the noise.

Chloe blinked the sun out of her eyes, surprised to see it streaming through the window. She had just recovered from her latest orgasm and was mildly surprised to find Milith wasn’t immediately driving her to another orgasm. She also hadn’t thought they had been at it that long. Looking around the room was a mess, the furniture was ruined, and she could even see cracks running along the walls. She also found herself sticky and covered in cum, some of it was even in her hair. As for Milith, she was also covered in body fluids and was stretched out in the middle of the room with a pair of beautiful scaled wings extending from one wall to the other, basking in the morning sun.

In the corner, Phoebe was still dazed and she could see Azar still on top of the other girl and clearly already asleep. He must have fallen asleep the moment Milith let him, she really wasn’t sure what to make of last night. On the one hand, it was the best sex she ever had, but on the other hand it was terrifying and in a way addictive. Thinking back on Milith, she found she had no idea what Milith was. She had met shapeshifters before but none as versatile and adept at it. Milith was also very skilled at sex with multiple partners, and knew how to treat each of them without letting anyone feel left out.

“What are you?” ask Chloe finding her voice and curious as to what Milith was.

“I’m a Solean Lord,” replied Milith. Chloe being a bit of a bookworm recognized the name, from an old book. It was a treatise on the primordial races, she had read a little over a year ago. She didn’t remember everything it said about Solean lords, but she knew enough. According to what she remembered the race, was powerful, related to dragons, and believed extinct.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that a primordial race?” said Chloe.

“Yeah, my race is quite old. We aren’t extinct though like your kind think, we aren’t bound to any, one world. Our home realm is called Oricala, there we can be found in numbers beyond your reckoning,” replied Milith.

“What do you mean numbers beyond reckoning, as I recall your species is supposed to reproduce slowly. Shouldn’t your numbers be small?” asked Chloe. Milith chuckled folded her wings and turned to look at Chloe.

“No, you’re forgetting that we are very long-lived race with an extremely low yearly death rate. We can also reproduce far quicker than we do. For us, we can’t have children until we decide we want a child. This means once we want a child we are highly fertile, but until we want a child we are completely infertile,” replied Milith.

“How is that possible?” asked Chloe wondering how wanting a child makes them fertile.

“Well, for us sex is merely a step in the process. Before I can conceive I must first prepare my eggs. Anyway it is about time I cleaned this up,” said Milith. She then waved her hand and four spheres flew out of her skirt. Each sphere took up place floating in the corners, of the room and began emitting a pulsating light. Chloe watched in wonder and barely noticed when a fifth object floated out of the skirt to land in her hand. As the light touched surfaces and skin, dirt and the fluids covering everyone began to vanish. What shocked Chloe was the lack of magic she felt coming from these artifacts.

"Press the second button in the blue row, and run that over the cracks for me,” said Milith. Chloe looked at the object nestled in her hand, it had a handle and a wide spot at one end. A panel covered with bumps each with colored rows and strange symbols on them she had never seen before. Guessing the bumps were the buttons mentioned she pushed the one she thought Milith wanted. Instantly the wide end started glowing, and a sphere of light appeared in front of it. She tried to touch it, but her arm froze like she was trying to push it through solid rock.

“Don’t touch the sphere, unless you want your fingers fused together,” said Milith. Chloe decided it best to not touch the sphere and used it as Milith wanted and watched as every crack she ran it over vanish. Milith helped her a bit with repairing the furniture and by the time the other two started stirring the room was fixed, and you couldn’t tell it had been broken to begin with. As Milith was putting her tools away, and getting dressed Chloe asked a question.

“What was that tool, I couldn’t feel any magic from it and yet it could fix all this damage like magic?” asked Chloe.

“It’s called a Molecular Fuser and don’t ask me how it works. Since I have no idea how it works, just how to use it and a vague idea of what it does,” replied Milith. A small amount of conversation later Milith left the room smiling, while the three were far from strong enough to be true mates. They had potential so she had marked them in that special way her species often did. Of course, she didn’t go as far as a soul pact, or the more sacred bond. Just a mark that would let her easily keep track of these three. Leaving the inn she went to the market, which is why she came here in the first place. The market of a trading town was a great place to gather information.

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