What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 26: XV Becoming a Pet the Fun Way

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Misaki lay in her bed, watching the priests gather in front of her dungeon. However her mind wasn’t really on them, but last night. She kept thinking back to her draw on the erotic clothes, and what she did to Philip. She had noticed that she had this irresistible urge to wear erotic clothes, that and while she managed to hold back she wanted to have sex with Philip. Over the last few days, her sexual impulses had been getting stronger, something she was sure had to do with her nature as a lust demon. The only thing she was glad of, was that she didn’t have any urges to mate with a man.

Which brought her thoughts back to last night and what she was doing. She turned a bit red embarrassed at what she had done, last night. She had spent half the time teasing, Philip anyway she could. Her interest in Philip was one of the reasons why she had given her such a big hint, even though she wasn’t supposed to. She had been prepared for Dewari punishing her for that, but something happened that was keeping Dewari busy. Which meant Misaki had more freedom than she had before, and like a young child she found herself wanting to test her limits.

Daniel POV:

Daniel after making one last internal debate made her choice which felt like a weight disappearing from her shoulders. Being a pet wouldn’t be so bad, and she would be hurting this corrupt church in the process. She then followed the group into the first floor.

The first floor went by easily, they already knew the path and where the traps were. Their group was also too high in level, for the demons to stop them. During the boss fight, one of the acolytes a boy dreaming of being a paladin got cocky. He charged a demon without any support, an enchanted blade in hand. The demon parried the blade with her claws and then slashed him from below. The resulting slash dealt fatal amounts of damage and almost split the boy in two. Leaving a gaping wound from his crotch to halfway up his chest. Fortunately for him, the main healer was able to save him after a pair of acolytes managed to get him away from the demon that nearly killed him, but he was left with a rather nasty scar. After that engagement, the one full paladin they had with them gave the cocky acolyte a lecture.

The second floor was a bit harder and contrary to her plan, they went to the fatal trap first. Heading along the right side path they dodged several traps and engaged a few parties of demons on the way to the puzzle room. The acolytes were more cautious than earlier and not one was seriously hurt a few incurred minor scratches that were easily healed by a minor heal spell. Reaching the puzzle, Daniel found it her responsibility to solve the puzzle. Fortunately the puzzle this time around was one she had seen before. She managed to answer all three riddles before her time ran out revealing the switch in the room. One of the acolytes was standing near the panel when it retracted and pulled the switch.

“That’s one down, no we need to go to the other puzzle,” said Daniel, while thinking “so I can finally drop you into the cells.” The group turned back and made their way towards the second puzzle. They only encounter one group of demons that had respawned, on the way back. Reaching the second puzzle wasn’t too difficult. The acolytes already knew what to expect from the demons and how to counter them, so they avoided serious injury. While between Michael and the rogues they were able to avoid the traps. Once in the puzzle room, Michael found that the riddles chosen this time around was a set she hadn’t seen before. Which didn’t matter since she wasn’t going to answer seriously.

One of the rogues came up behind her and looked at the puzzle. She looked around and made sure all twenty members of the group were in the room. Then she gave an answer she was certain was wrong and sure enough she heard the click and a blue screen appeared in front of her before the floor dropped out from under them.

You have answered incorrectly

Floor transfer trap activated

Just like she had heard, the group went sliding down a stone slide to be dropped in different cells. She ended up in the same cell, as one of the two rogues in the group, the other rogue was in the adjacent cell to the left of the door. She noticed the rogue in her cell, looking at her with a lustful look and while she was horny from the pheromones she wasn’t interested in the slightest. Just because she had been turned into a girl didn’t make her interested in men automatically. Suddenly the rogue, rushed at her. She jumped back and cast a quick spell, at him in response. Being the quickest spell in her arsenal, it did little more than stun the target for a few seconds, but that gave her enough time to cast a cleansing spell.

The instant the cleanse spell, hit the man the lust vanished from his eyes. Daniel would have preferred killing him, but now wasn’t the time. She kept her distance, to make sure he had been brought to his senses.

“Well, if you have your head back try unlocking the door so we can get out of here,” said Daniel. 

“Sure, I’ll get the door open, but you don’t know what your missing,” said the rogue as he headed to try his hand at the door. Unfortunately, she wasn’t lucky enough to have the better rogue in her cell, and the other rogue opened his cell before hers.  By the time, her rogue got the door open, the other had opened his cell and another cell, that three of the priests had been in. Deciding now wasn’t the time to try anything funny she waited, and cast a spell to support the priests who were engaging the demons guarding the fourth-floor exit to the cells.

Once the group was out of the cells, she took up a position near the rear of the group, while keeping a spell ready. Not finding a mana key to get the exit door open, they left the block via the other exit. The passage quickly came to a fork in the road, picking to go left they continued past empty cells, and broken bones. One of the rogues missed a trap, that caught one of the healers. A blade swung out of the wall, and caught the poor man in the chest. Due to its weight and sharpness, it went right through his flesh and bones like tissue paper. The blow killed him instantly and his body slumped to the floor while his head and shoulders went flying past Daniel’s position. By the time they found his head the two minute respawn timer expired and the man was teleported to his cell as a girl.

Unfortunately, the trap didn’t give Daniel enough of a distraction to carry out her plan. After a quick debate, the group decided to go back, while a couple didn’t want to go back for the healer the majority did for various reasons. On the way back to the cells they ran into a patrol of demons that provided the perfect distraction, as the front line engaged the lamia demons in hand to hand, she unleashed the spell she had been keeping at the ready. A bolt of pure celestial magic ripped across the space and struck one of the rogues in the head. The man collapsed to the ground, his head an unrecognizable lump. One of the priest, cursed her and told her to pay attention to where she was shooting, she had expected that and readied a second spell.

Her second spell sent a lance of light, that pierce right through one of the acolytes who got in the way and continued into the chest of the rogue. Both collapsed to the ground, their hp hitting zero before they even reached the ground, due to the massive amount of blood leaking from the gaping wounds in their bodies. The priest who cursed her moments earlier, yelled, “you did that on purpose didn’t you?” as he turned and unleashed a spell at her. She jumped to the left dodging it, while chanting a quick spell. At the same moment, another acolyte was cut down, by the lamia demon he was fighting, his body being flung into the priest behind, the acolyte. The priest momentarily knock off balance was unable to avoid the lamia demon and its blade made contact with his flesh cutting him open and his organs spilled out. The priest cast a quick spell, that put his organs back, but the damage was clearly done. Before he could ready a second spell he was cut down. Daniel managed to get another spell off, which struck the main healer dealing fatal amounts of damage, his body slumping to the ground. However, she failed to dodge the blade of the one full paladin they brought with them, when he turned on her. The blade caught her in the chest.

The pain was worse than the last time, she had been killed. The paladin said something to her, but she couldn’t focus on it due to the pain, then the world blacked out and she was greeted with a blue box. One she had seen before, but this time it didn’t seem as bad.

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Fatal hit! You have been decapitated!

You have died!

Realm of False Death effect will activate in 2:00 minutes.

Warning: if you are not resurrected in two minutes the effects of Curse of Lost Manhood will become permanent.

She honestly didn’t care that the curse would be permanent, once the timer expired, she had already done what she wanted to do. She had managed to get both rogues and the only healer with a resurrection spell in those brief moments before the paladin killed her. The result though was that the church’s party was doomed to fail now.

Around the same moment that Daniel was staring at a death screen, Misaki was facing a certain god’s ire. She had decided to test her limits by breaking a minor rule involving traps. You see dungeons are forbidden from adding traps while adventurers are challenging the floor. Of course, since it is the dungeon’s patron god that is supposed to enforce the rule, she decided to see if she could get away with it. It didn’t go so well, the moment she added the trap, Dewari manifested in her core room. Which is why she is currently naked and bent over Dewari’s knee receiving a spanking, which hurt worse than any her parents gave her back when she was a human boy. Her butt felt like it was on fire and to make matters worse, she was aware of the miscreant Goddess Tina hiding in the corner laughing at her. In addition, Dewari had also penalized her ripping away the mana and experience gained from the trap’s one kill, something she found was not very pleasant.

Finally, after one last smack Dewari, let her go. Misaki tried to rub her poor butt only to regret it. Her butt was sore from the punishment Dewari inflicted on it, and merely touching it made the pain worse.

“I’ll let you off with this, but next time I won’t be so lenient,” said Dewari moments before she vanished from the room. Misaki also decided not to try testing her limits again, since she didn’t want to know how this goddess would punish a second offense. Paying a small amount of attention to the intruders in the cells, she noticed that most of them were not doing very well. Some of them had even been returned to their cells as naked girls. While this was surprising, she didn’t think much of it and headed to bed to lie down, hoping the pain would go away if she slept. Not noticing Reiko follow her to the bedroom.

Daniel found herself materializing in her cell, with a confused rogue. The rogue was no longer the muscular, yet lithe and small silver-haired man he had been the last time she had seen him. Now he was a small girl, with silver hair that fell halfway down her back, a modest chest and a pair of cute round eyes. The muscles were mostly gone but her figure was still, lithe and toned with creamy skin. While staring at the rogue, the dungeon’s pheromones hit her all at once again. Without the protection of her spells, and the enchanted ring she had been wearing, she succumbed almost instantly and pushed the poor rogue down. Who didn’t resist much since she was just as horny.

Pushing the rogue down she started with a kiss, intertwining her tongue with the girls. She felt the rogue's fingers rubbing against her pussy, causing her to moan lightly into the kiss. She then pressed herself more tightly against the other girl, trapping the girl’s fingers between her genitals and the other girl's thigh. She broke the kiss and began rubbing against the girl’s thigh, her trapped fingers providing an extra bit of stimulation. She also began kissing the other girl down, the side of her neck, and stopping at her right boob. She sucked on the nipple a bit and then bit lightly, eliciting a moan from the girl.

The other girl used her free hand to massage one of Daniel’s breasts. Starting by simply tracing the boob, in slow circles moving inward, then flicking the nipple. After reaching it, then giving it a light tug before kneading it between her fingers. Both girls were plenty wet by this point, making it easier for Daniel to slide her pussy against the rogue’s thigh. Daniel using her one free hand began to rub the girl's pussy gently, before teasing her clit. The resulting stimulus was too much for the rogue and she orgasmed. Spurting sticky love juice all over, Daniel’s hand, who stopped rubbing against the girl and then started kissing down the girls, boob and across her stomach, before reaching her pussy.

Licking around the soft flesh in small circles, eliciting several moans, Daniel moved steadily inward, before slipping her tongue inside, flicking the g spot. Which in turn gave the girl another small orgasm, squirting her honey right into Daniel’s mouth. The other girl somehow finding the strength pushed Daniel away from her pussy and onto her back. The rogue traced Daniel’s flesh, and before assaulting her breasts, unlike earlier, she began to knead them more roughly, while she rubbed her thigh against Daniel’s pussy. Daniel moaned from the new attentions, slightly surprised that it didn’t hurt like she thought it would. Not one to take the attention without doing something, Daniel caught her boobs when she got closer and began to knead them, eliciting another series of small moans from the rogue. The rogue moved her thigh and released one of Daniel’s boobs and then gave her clit a small flick. Sending Daniel into her first full orgasm of the day.

Daniel wasn’t sure how long she had sex with the rogue, but eventually she got tired of it and curled up on what passed for a bed in the cell, before sleeping. When she woke up hours later, she looked around to see nineteen other girls in the cells. Something she was quite happy about since it meant her plan had worked and the others weren’t able to recover from her sabotage. The rogue who she had sex with was still sleeping, next to her so she chose not to move and simply waited. There really wasn’t much to do, so as she waited she took amount to pay attention to what the other girls, were doing.

Half of the other girls were asleep, most of those who were awake were masturbating. One of the girls was crying, while another was yelling at the walls clearly not happy about what was going on. The remaining girls though were merely waiting, calmly watching the cell doors, either waiting for a second chance to escape, or having given up Daniel wasn’t sure which.

Misaki woke up to find Reiko snuggled up next to her. She woke Reiko up and gave her a little attention, before heading to the bath with Reiko in tow. While in the bath she was happy to find that her butt didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as yesterday. She spent some time in the bath playing with Reiko, while checking in on her dungeon to find that she had twenty adventurers trapped in the cells, with the timer about to expire. Fortunately, she already knew what she would do with twenty new pets, press them all into service as maids. After a nice, bath she dress Reiko in a simple mini dress, this time she chose a green one, and then she got dress herself in one of the revealing dresses she got from the tailor. Once dressed she went to her core room, while making a mental note to ask them what happened since she wasn’t paying attention.

Daniel’s waiting eventually came to end and she was greeted with a lovely blue box telling her she was a dungeon pet, while most of the others freaked out because of the box, she had already made peace with being a pet and remained calm. Not long after the box, appeared a number of demons mostly Lamia Demons filed into the room. A couple of them were Harpy Demons, along with an Arachnid Demon or two. The demons began opening cells, to lead them elsewhere. A few of the other girls tried attacking the demons, only to find themselves on the ground screaming in pain. The pair of demons that open her cell, was a Harpy and an Arachnid who told her that they were to take her to her new master. Having no reason not to, she followed them out of the cell and out of the cells.

Following them, she was taken past the fourth-floor boss room, and through the jungle of the fifth floor, before the demons led her over the narrow rock paths over the chasm that led to the gates of the castle. She watched the massive gates open slowly to allow them entrance, before crossing a large courtyard to enter the castle proper. She paused briefly to admire the walls, as she was led through the grand hall to the throne room, where a beautiful young demon girl was sitting on the throne. She was wearing a light blue dress, that was rather revealing and fell to her thighs with a large diamond revealing her stomach and cut so it only covered the bottom half of her boobs. Her long light blue hair that ended in silver, was allowed to flow free adorned only with a silver tiara with three rubies embedded in it. Daniel found the look suited her perfectly, and just stood there admiring the girl.

She was only vaguely aware of her new master’s little speech, it wasn’t until her new master started asking her questions did she respond. Apparently her new master had not been paying attention and wanted to know how a group that had been doing well, ended up as her newest pets. Having no reason to lie she told the truth and recounted yesterday's events. After answering her master’s question, a Demon Girl in a rather erotic maid outfit came in and rather forcefully dressed the girls in similar outfits.

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