What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 36: XXII Everyday life in a Dungeon Part I

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Susan woke up in her room and got out of bed. Heading for the door it suddenly occurred to her that she had been here a full month. Being turned into a slime girl had turned out to not be as bad as she had feared. Her new diet was a bit of a problem, though. She had the urge to eat any clothing she saw, which often led to her getting shocked. She also found herself missing meat, but the one time she had tried to eat meat she had gotten sick. She knew some slime variants could eat meat, but she wasn’t one of them. Wearing clothes also came with a set of issues she hadn’t had as a human. Most of which were caused by her diet, and some by her new instincts which had all led to her giving up on wearing clothes anytime soon. Fortunately, she had found a solution to the problem. Unfortunately, her skill was too low to implement it.

The solution was to take advantage of her amorphous nature and form clothes out of her own flesh. Creating the illusion that she was wearing clothes. The problem was her skill at shapeshifting was too low and the resulting clothes would melt back into normal slime flesh after a few minutes. Which was something she didn’t really understand, despite knowing this was due to her other shape-changing skill Form Change, which was a very limited shapeshift skill that was innate. As for her shapeshifting skill the only thing she could form with it reliably are tentacles, but anything else and it took effort like trying to mold really wet mud. She could get the shape but it would fall apart in a matter of seconds, unless she tried to maintain it. Then she got a few minutes. She was beginning to understand why Mimic Slimes were so rare. The most embarrassing part about this was that she was still at level one in shapeshifting, in other words, the effort ranks where mere practice should have been enough to get further in the skill. However, no matter how much she tried she had made no progress in the skill. These problems had led her to start researching slimes in the dungeon’s library. The maids told her that master had bought it from something called the dungeon store. Most of the books in there were on the races of the world from monsters to the civilized races. There were also a few books on magic, but they only covered the basics.

Before becoming a slime she had never thought much about slimes. Turns out they were more interesting than she had thought. Apparently there are two different families of slime. The first branch the one people are more familiar with is the monster family. These slimes live in regions in which the ambient magic is thin and are highly aggressive. Often attacking people to get their magic. She belongs to the other family of slimes that lives solely on plant fibers and magic. Her family of slimes are often kept as pets by the civilized races and are normally found in regions rich in ambient mana. Because of her family's eating habits, they were often called Herbivorous slimes. She had chosen to focus much of her research on her branch of slimes. To her shock, she had found that her species was a specialized evolution of Mimic Slimes which made her even more confused about why she couldn’t assume other forms.

That, of course, is why she had finally worked up the courage to ask the one person in the dungeon she knew could help her with her shapeshifting. So unlike every other day instead of going right to head for the library, she went left after leaving her room. After a few minutes of navigating the halls of the castle, she came to another bedroom in the living quarters. A bout of nervous energy made her hesitate before she knocked on the door. Her clear blue flesh jiggling on contact with the door. After her third knock, she heard a voice telling her to come in. Entering the room she was met with a young-looking girl in her underwear. The room was identical to Susan’s own room apart from the nightgown lying in the corner. She had pink hair that was freely falling behind her. It was unkempt and clearly unbrushed briefly reminding Susan of the morning pains she had with her long hair before becoming a slime. The girl had a cute round face with heterochromatic eyes, one pink the other blue. The girl wasn’t wearing a bra so her modest bare boobs were exposed to the air. Of course, while she looked young she most certainly was not, as she was a goddess.

Tina smiled as she saw Susan come in and patted a spot on the bed saying, “Do sit down and tell me what brings you here.” As Susan walked to the bed Tina reached into a drawer in the dresser and pulled a well-used dress out and slipped it on over her head before pulling a brush out and sitting on the bed. Susan watching her brush her hair asked, “I thought gods didn’t get bed hair?”

“I wish that was true, but unfortunately we do. Normally we just use magic to prevent it and to do our personal grooming,” said Tina in response.

“Then why are you using a brush?” asked Susan.

“Because one of the stupid rules I’m forced to follow is that I’m not allowed to use magic without permission. Anyway I don’t think you’re here to listen to my problems. Tell me what do you need?” replied Tina. Susan deciding it best not to ask about her problems, nervously told Tina about her shapeshifting problem.

“Alright let’s see what you are doing wrong. Try forming a pair of panties,” said Tina in a commanding tone. Susan complied and formed a pair of panties that melted about ten seconds after she made them. Tina stared at her for a few seconds and then commented while emphasizing certain words, “Well no wonder you haven’t figured it out. Look you are a slime, that means your flesh is liquid, you don’t force liquids to take a shape you guide them. The same applies to shapeshifting. Instead of forcing your flesh to take a shape, shift your membrane into the desired shape and let your flesh flow into the new shape. Now try forming a pair of panties again.”

Susan hearing what Tina said felt like an idiot and couldn’t believe that the solution to her problem was so simple. Sure enough though when she tried to do it the way Tina suggested, it worked and she was even greeted with a lovely blue box telling her that her shapeshift skill had improved. 


Your shapeshifting is now level two!

“I’m an idiot,” muttered Susan under her breath, embarrassed that the solution to her problem was that simple.

“Oh don’t feel so bad, most slimes never get past the first level. Anyway let's go have some fun,” said Tina. Susan already knowing what her idea of fun was thought it better to decline saying, “Sorry maybe some other time.” While slowly trying to back out of the room. Pouting with a light stomp of her foot Tina replied, “Oh don’t be like that. Come on it will be fun and I’ll even feed you some high-quality cloth.”

Susan stopped in her tracks, almost drooling at the mention of cloth. She didn’t know why but while most plants tasted better to her, now that she was a slime, those used in clothes tasted unlike anything she had ever tasted before. They were incredibly delicious and a bit addictive. The best, of course, were those used in the more expensive clothes, in fact, clothes could be compared to catnip for slimes. So like a cat being tempted with catnip, she turned around and agreed before she had even though it through. Next thing she knew Tina was dragging her through the halls and several secret passages to reach the fifth floor. A winding route through the forest and she soon found herself in one of the safe zones. A small town near the cliff edge with an excellent view of the floor castle and one of the sky paths nearby.

This town was the largest safe zone on the floor, and as a consequence had the largest selection of goods and services available to adventurers. The two entered the town on the east side and made straight for the market. The dungeon had put a lot of effort in this particular town and it showed. The street they were walking down was paved in large smooth cobblestones, each one polished to sparkle in the early morning light. The buildings were built with a mix of sturdy wood and cobblestone. No two buildings were identical each with their own subtle differences, making it feel like a real town. As they walked they passed a number of locals all of which were female, some looked like children while others young women. Only about half of those who looked like children actually were children.

Random Young Female Adventurer’s POV:

Walking past a stall the young woman sighed. Yesterday had been terrible, their rogue had taken a hit to the face making her useless. Then after that, she felt like she had somehow triggered every single nonlethal trap between the safe zone and the floor entrance. Fortunately, the safe zone provided a healing service so they were able to save their rogue’s sight. Downside was they were going to be stuck here a few days until they paid off the debt that had incurred. Unfortunately they didn’t really have a different choice, since their own healer wasn’t skilled enough to regenerate damaged eyes. Sure they could have waited for another party to come by and rescue them. Problem was that crippling wounds like a damaged pair of eyes are easier to heal when fresh, so with that approach, they risked her being permanently blind. Of course, the problem that led her to sigh was the available selection of armor.

She was in the market wearing a set of regular clothes looking for armor since her own set of armor had been ruined. Most of the damage happened when she had set off a monster ambush trap. Unfortunately for her, a lust demons idea of armor was a little too revealing for her tastes. Sure all of it was enchanted and provided better protection than her old armor ever did. That didn’t mean she would be caught wearing any of this, especially that one set she had seen on display at the last stall. It was basically a bikini with a slit in the crotch section. The top would only cover the bottom half of her boobs and was cut so that her nipples would be left exposed. Sure it had an incredible enchantment providing a massive amount of armor and magic resistance but it was way too embarrassing to wear. In fact, she couldn’t imagine anyone willing to wear that in public. Walking past yet another stall full of armor she was too engrossed in her thoughts to notice the drooling slime girl next to the stall.

Suddenly she felt something hit her from behind knocking her over. Something that felt wet and slimy. Using her arms she stopped her fall and then rolled over. Rolling over she found herself face to face with a young-looking girl. She wasn’t very big, around a hundred and thirty-five centimeters tall. Her skin was a semi-transparent blue, long semi-transparent pink hair fell to her waist. The girl’s cute round face was marred only by drool, with beautiful pink eyes. But what really drew the adventurer’s attention was the girl’s chest. It was quite large and she found herself quite jealous of what looked like a pair of D cups. The slime girl was wearing a translucent light blue dress that did a remarkable job at both concealing and enhancing her assets.

 She didn’t consider herself all that impressive. She was a hundred and seventy-three centimeters tall, with long red hair that she kept in a braid. She had a cute pair of brown eyes, her face still had a bit of her baby fat which gave her a cute look and one of her canines could be seen just peeking out of her lip on the left side. Her skin was a lovely tan from spending many days outdoors, and she actually had nice curves with B cup boobs and a well develop butt with firm thigh muscles. A cute red tail stuck out and curled behind her denoting her half-human heritage. While a cute pair of cat ears peeked out on her head. She was currently wearing a lovely dress that stopped just above her knees. Along with a pair of gloves to cover her hands and a cute hat that had fallen onto the ground when she got knocked over. The result made her far cuter than she thought she did. Suddenly the slime girl wrapped the adventurer in slime began to move.

It took the adventurer a couple of seconds to realize her clothes were being eaten. Panicking she tried to push the slime girl off her. Only for her arm to go right through the slime girl. Each movement of the slime felt like a gentle caress, which she barely noticed in her panic. That was until her ring lubricated by slime slipped off her finger and went flying in one of her panicked movements. Almost instantly she was exposed to the full effects of the dungeons pheromones and started getting horny. The slime was getting under her clothes and she could feel it shifting as it dissolves her clothes. The resulting movements made it look as if her boobs were bouncing on their own. Each movement of her boobs sent electric tingles of pleasure through her body. As her panic ebbed, she suddenly realized that she was not just in danger of losing her clothes but getting raped as well. Something that normally would have been terrifying to her, but under the effects of the dungeon pheromones the prospect actually excited her a bit. Which had the effect of terrifying her even more than under normal circumstances. This made her try to get away from the slime even harder, this time trying to crawl away rather than just push her off. While also wishing she had learned at least some magic.

The slime though matched her movements and stayed with her despite her attempts to crawl away. Her crawling caused the slime coiled around her to rub her sensitive spots in just the right way to trigger a small orgasm. A small amount of love juice leaking from her pussy to be absorbed by her half dissolved panties and the slime. The slime losing herself to her instincts suddenly solidified enough to push the adventurer on to her back and kissed the girl. Startled she froze for a few seconds, while the Slime Girl twined her tongue around hers while gently sucking. Regaining her senses she tried to push the slime of her, only for her arms to sink right through her large breasts and to peak out the other side. Then the slime broke the kiss, and she decided to call for help. Only to be met with giggling, from the demons around her. All of which were now either masturbating or having sex with each other. Even the goddess who was watching was giggling at her predicament, although she did stand out in the crowd since she was the only one not either masturbating or having sex. She also the only one still fully dressed.

Then the slime began to nibble on her left ear while using a tentacle she formed on instinct to stroke the girls tail. Whose panicked mind was now trying to deny this was happening while her body was feeling the pleasure. Especially when the slime girl began to knead her boobs, first with slow gentle movements, then fast and rough alternating seemly at random. Making it hard for her to get used to the stimulation. Before long heated breaths were escaping her mouth, but she didn’t notice as she was to busy trying to pretend that she wasn’t being raped by a slime. Judging her sufficiently wet, the Slime girl suddenly formed another tentacle and penetrated her with it. The tentacle went in deep on the first thrust sending a bolt of pleasure through her that made her moan and triggered another small orgasm. Each thrust of the tentacle sent electric jolts of pleasure through her. At first, the thrusts were long and slow. Then suddenly they were hard and fast. The tentacle swelled with each thrust and smaller tentacles wiggled along its length stimualting her vaginal walls. Then suddenly the slime girl stopped nibbling on her ear and started sucking on her left boob. The hand that had been playing with that boob now being used to massage her ear, while the other began to focus on her swollen and hard nipple. While a new tentacle formed and suddenly penetrated her exposed ass. The new stimulation driving her to climax. Her vision going white, while her back arched and her pussy walls clamping down on the tentacle in her driving it further into her.

While she basked in the afterglow of that climax, the slime continued to pleasure her. Not giving her the presence of mind to deny the pleasure her body was feeling. By this point, she was now completely naked as the slime had finished dissolving her clothes. Using a new tentacle to snatch her previously discarded hat, but the adventurer’s mind was too clouded to notice her hat being pulled into the Slime Girl’s body. Then suddenly just after one of her orgasms, the tentacle in her pussy suddenly swelled to three times its previous size as it slammed against her womb’s entrance. Her pussy walls being stretched to their limits will the tentacle pulsed like a cock, and a warm liquid flowed into her womb. Then finally the Slime Girl released her and ran up to a pink haired girl who was watching the whole thing from street corner.

The adventurer just lay there for a few seconds while her mind tried to catch up with what happened. Once she recovered she looked around to find that the Slime Girl was now gone. All of her clothing was also gone, even her shoes. Her coins and some gems now lay scattered around her. Then she noticed the blueish fluid leaking from her pussy, and started to cry. Her mood grew worse when the blue screen popped up with an unwelcome notification. Suddenly she felt a presence comforting her. After awhile she calmed down and looked up to find a half-naked and topless catkin demon holding her against her chest.

The demon was incredibly cute, and not very tall. The girl’s boobs were not very big, being practically flat. A lovely red tail extended from her small butt. She was wearing her long light red hair in a cute side tail. While a mischievous expression dominated her cute face while she stared back with her large expressive red eyes. Moving back the adventurer discovered that the only thing the girl was wearing is a black miniskirt, that was currently upturned leaving her pussy exposed. Which was gaping slightly revealing the soft pink flesh within. She found herself staring at the girls pussy, overcome with an almost irresistible urge to touch it.

“I'm Aki, and you are?” asked the demon girl.

“Maron,” replied the adventurer absentmindedly. Her eyes still fixed on Aki’s pussy while she was struggling internally between her desires and her rationality.

“Well, Maron want to touch it?” asked Aki while using her fingers to spread her pussy further in a slow erotic fashion. Her tone carefully measured to incite lust while the demon girl released a small amount of pheromones of her own. The combination was just enough of a push for Maron to reach out and touch the demon girl’s pussy. She stroked gently enjoying its feel on her finger. Aki then grabbed her head and brought her down. Guiding her to lick it. For the next few minutes, she completely lost herself. She would have kept going, but then the demon girl suddenly stopped her.

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“Alright, that’s all you get. Let's get you cleaned up,” said Aki. The sudden interruption brought her back to her senses. Making her realize that she was still coated in a thin layer of slime, and completely naked.

“What about clothes? I can’t go back to the inn dressed like this,” said Maron.

“I don’t see the problem with that. There’s nothing wrong with walking about naked, but I’ll get you something to wear just pay me later when you get your mana back,” said Aki. It took Maron a couple seconds to process that statement and a couple more to realize that she was like Aki said out of mana. Despite the fact her mana pool had been half full just a little while ago. Her depleted mana was also making her significantly more vulnerable to the demon’s charms. A fact that she had yet to notice.

“All right, just nothing too embarrassing,” said Maron while getting to her feet. She then followed the Aki to one of the bathhouses in the town. During the bath, she once again found her eyes being drawn to Aki’s bare pussy. This time however the demon didn’t tempt her into touching her. The bath proved to be nice and relaxing, giving her time to come to terms with what happened. After the bath she dried off and followed the demon back out the streets while trying her best to cover her own private parts.

“You know that doing that makes you stand out more, right?” said Aki.


“Look around your not the only naked girl on the street, but you are the only one trying to cover herself,” replied Aki. Looking around she noticed that Aki was right, and that trying to cover herself was also drawing attention to herself. A fact that reminded her of how different lust demons were from the other races. Dropping her hands while still flushed red she continued to follow Aki. Aki led her to a small house off the main streets. Aki opened the door and led her into a cozy first room. On the left was a small sitting area, and on the right was nice looking kitchen area. Aki led her to a door on the left side that opened on a hallway, and led her into a small room. The room had a small bed in the corner, a dresser with a built-in mirror on the left, and a workbench on the right. Sitting at the workbench was a young blue-haired demon. Aki conferred with the other demon briefly, before beckoning Maron to come in. A couple of hours of being a dress-up doll later she was standing in front of the mirror looking at the latest outfit.

Finding something, that wasn’t revealing in town run by demons was seeming to be an impossible task. Even though she had been brought straight to a tailor. She was currently wearing a simple white tank top that ended with a frilly bottom edge and only covered the top half of her boobs. The bottom edge being frill shifted with her movements to give tantalizing glimpses of her bare nipples. For her bottoms, it was a short black mini skirt without panties that was so short that every time she moved someone would be given a glimpse of the bare flesh beneath. Overall the outfit was a lot like Aki’s but somehow came off as more erotic.

“This is just as bad as the last one,” said Maron.

“But you look great in it, and it suits you,” replied Aki a bit of magic tinged in her voice.

“I do? No wait, that isn’t the point I want something that doesn’t show my privates when I move,” said Maron.

“Really? But you have such lovely privates, they deserve to be shown off,” said Aki lacing her voice with even more magic, while lifting her skirt slightly when she saw Maron looking her way. She had been working on corrupting her for the last couple of hours not wanting to waste the opportunity her mana depleted state had created and the cloudiness in the girl's eyes showed that it was working, and that she needed just one last push. Staring at demon’s pussy again and feeling an urge to touch it she replied, “I guess so. No wait let’s try one last outfit.”

“Tell you what, wear that one and I’ll let you play with my pussy again,” said Aki. Maron hesitated only briefly before agreeing. Rushing to touch the treat she saw before her, and ignoring the blue screen in front of her.


Trait earned: Corrupted by Lust

Title Earned: Aki’s Thrall

New title set to hidden, due to your master Aki’s preferences.

Susan’s POV:

After pulling away from the girl, Susan confused by what she had just done ran over to Tina. Tina, however, was to amused by her actions to answer her questions right away. So she just followed her down the street for a while waiting for Tina to calm down again. When Tina finally did, she noticed the look on Susan’s face and asked her what's bothering her.

“I don’t understand what just happened. I don’t know why, but I was just overcome with a powerful urge to mate with her while I was eating her clothes,” said Susan.

“Oh, that well you’re a Slime Girl. Your instincts were telling you that she was a good vessel for the eggs you had recently prepared and you listened implanting her with your eggs,” replied Tina. Susan who hadn’t gotten to the reproduction part for her specific species of slime was left confused.

“Wait what do you mean implanted with my eggs?” asked Susan.

“Oh, you don’t know? Well, once a month Slime Girls produce a number of eggs which they either fertilize themselves or have a male from a different species fertilize before implanting them in the womb of another female. You just fertilized your own eggs and implanted that girl with your young. She’s going to give birth to a clutch of slimes in about a month,” said Tina.

“Wait I did what? Is she going to be fine?” asked Susan both embarrassed about what she did and concerned since she knew that rapid pregnancies could hurt the mother.

“You impregnated her, and yes. Her mana won’t regenerate at all for the next month thanks to the baby slimes in her stomach but other than that she will be fine. Oh and since you ate all her stored mana she is going to be very vulnerable to demonic corruption,” said Tina.

“Crap, I need to go find her then,” said Susan.

“No, leave her be. If she is corrupted by the demons here it will only help then dungeon. Remember you are a dungeon pet now, so anything that benefits the dungeon will benefit you too,” replied Tina.

“All right, fine. So what are we going to do next?” asked Susan.

Meanwhile, back in the dungeon town Michael, Mira, and Delilah were in the guild building. Michael was sitting at one of the tables, while watching Mira look over the notices on the job board. This was actually quite normal, since the three of them had been doing tasks in and around the dungeon town for the last month. Well, when Mira wasn’t “training” her and Delilah that is. In fact they had not gone back in the dungeon during the last month. The last month had been hard on both of them. In fact, recently she had noticed Delilah’s resistance to being treated as a pet was beginning to break. She also found herself slipping sometimes as well, which worried her. She was pretty sure if she didn’t escape Mira’s clutches soon she never would. Michael was then pulled from her thoughts when Mira suddenly grabbed a paper and started coming over. Mira sat down across from her and showed her the paper. A quick read and Michael’s expression darkened. It was an urgent quest notice, and like all urgent quests the reward was quite high for the listed rank, but she wasn’t particularly thrilled with the monster they would have to fight.

“We’ll be doing this quest,” said Mira in a tone that said she had already made up her mind. “This is going to suck,” thought Michael not even bothering to protest since she knew there was no point. Especially when Mira had already made up her mind.

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