What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 37: XXII Everyday Life in a Dungeon Part II

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In the dungeon town Michael, Mira, and Delilah were in the guild building. Michael was sitting at one of the tables, while watching Mira look over the notices on the job board. This was actually quite normal, since the three of them had been doing tasks in and around the dungeon town for the last month. Well, when Mira wasn’t “training” her and Delilah that is. In fact they had not gone back in the dungeon during the last month. The last month had been hard on both of them. In fact, recently she had noticed Delilah’s resistance to being treated as a pet was beginning to break. She also found herself slipping sometimes as well, which worried her. She was pretty sure if she didn’t escape Mira’s clutches soon she never would. Michael was then pulled from her thoughts when Mira suddenly grabbed one of the more prominently displayed papers and started coming over. Mira sat down across from her and showed her the paper. A quick read and Michael’s expression darkened. It was an urgent quest notice, and like all urgent quests the reward was quite high for the listed rank, but she wasn’t particularly thrilled with the monster they would have to fight. Slime Kings were fortunately rare, but she knew enough to not want anything to do with them.
“We’ll be doing this quest,” said Mira in a tone that said she had already made up her mind. “This is going to suck,” thought Michael not even bothering to protest since she knew there was no point. Especially when Mira had already made up her mind. Sighing she and Delilah got up and followed her toward the counter to register as part of the Slime King subjugation force. As they passed the notice board, she took a quick peek at the more prominent notices. They were several, such as a giant rat infestation subjugation, a dragon sighting investigation, and a crazed mage subjugation. However, the one that drew her eye the most was the Soul Snatcher subjugation. Soul Snatchers were a type of demonic plant that often popped up in regions thick in demonic energy. Demonic dungeons were a prime site for such things, which is why the church is supposed to set up holy wards around such sites to prevent them from appearing. Honestly the plants weren’t as strong as their rating would imply. Sure they had high vitality, vines strong enough to ensnare B rank adventurers with ease, and enough regeneration and resistance to shrug off most attacks. Being a demonic plant though they were highly susceptible to fire and celestial magic. The real danger of a soul snatcher lay in its minions, which it creates by stealing souls. The abilities of its minions and its one particular traits depend on the type of demonic energy that formed it.
When a Soul Snatcher uses its soul steal ability the person whose soul is stolen becomes a minion of the plant. In fact, the plant’s most terrifying ability is its soul snatch ability. Something she was glad she wasn’t going to have to deal with. The other options not really registering since she spotted the Soul Snatcher quest. Remembering the traits of those soul stealing plants she thought, “maybe a slime king subjugation isn’t all that bad. Who am I kidding knowing my luck the thing will probably rape me.” She then winced as the thought reminded her of a title she got last week. She knew why she got it, since basically every other quest someone or something tried to rape her. They didn’t always succeed but it happened often enough that the system gave her title that represents that. The title she got was called ‘rape prone’, it was basically a more specialized version of the title ‘accident prone’ that clumsy people get.
Rape Prone: Some people are more likely to get into accidents or drop things. In your case something about you makes others want you sexually whether you want them or not. Sometimes they get forceful. You are more likely to be raped, +50 to seduction.
Then they got to the counter and Mira showed the paper to the receptionist. The receptionist took a glance and pulled out a paper along with a magic crystal.
“You three are registering for the Slime King Subjugation, correct?” said the Receptionist following procedure
“Yes,” replied Mira.
“Alright, can I have your guild cards?” said the receptionist. Mira smiled and then handed over their guild cards. With practiced ease, the receptionist ran the crystal she had pull out earlier over each card. Which was really a metal plate with mana crystals embedded in it and coated with layer of enchanted crystal that showed a guild member's name, gender, age, image, rank, three display titles, and number of completed quests. After running the crystal over the cards she ran the crystal over the paper she pulled out, which was a registration form for the quest. In seconds all the required fields were filled out and she placed the form over an enchanted plate on her left. The plate glowed and the paper vanished, a second later three blue flashes were emitted by the plate. The receptionist then handed the cards back to Mira, and said, “okay you're all set your party has been registered. Now if you will follow Tom, he will lead you to the other parties that have registered for the quest have gathered.”

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A young man clearly in his mid to late teens came through a door and gestured that they should follow him. Mira gave one look and snorted before moving to follow him. Michael and Delilah followed after her. The group was led to the field behind the guild building. Waiting for them were three other parties of adventurers that unlike other areas were predominantly female. Something that wasn’t surprising since most male adventurers didn’t want to take the risks of diving into this dungeon. As a result, most of the adventurers in these parts were female, something that Michael was glad about since she wasn’t comfortable around men anymore. Of course, predominately didn’t mean entirely female. As there were two males in the group gathered before them. Something that took her a couple of moments to realize since the one looked like a girl. He looked to be a girl of about sixteen years of age, although the pointed ears indicated he might be older. He had short green hair that fell to his shoulders and a lovely pair of green eyes framed by a feminine face. He had a nicely curved figure, if you ignored the chest, that most girls would kill for and the other girls were teasing him about.
The other guy in the group was standing off in a corner of the field trying to ignore what was going on in the middle of the field, while surrounded by four beautiful girls. He was a tall man with a thick muscular build, wearing some fancy plate armor that looked like it was made of gold. He was wielding a comically large battle-ax in one hand and had a demeanor that screamed noble that bought his rank. One look and she was sure he was going to die. Battle axes that large may seem impressive, but they were utterly useless in battle. As for the armor, she suspected it really was gold, and only a fool wears gold armor into battle. The metal looks good, but it is way too soft to be effective as armor. Although gold does hold enchantments quite well, but she could tell at a glance that the armor wasn’t enchanted. Something that wasn’t surprising since enchanters charge an arm and a leg to enchant full plate armor.
Each of the four girls around him were different. The first was a catgirl, a little on the short side and flat-chested, but she had a firm but and firm muscular but not overly so legs. She wasn’t wearing much armor, but what she was wearing was well-made leather armor that covered all the vitals. Clearly designed for ease of movement over protection. She was also wearing leather gloves and some sturdy leather gloves. She was quite clearly the scout of the party and she had a pair of daggers at her hip and a bow over her shoulder. Of course, Michael noticed the slave mark on her exposed upper arm indicating the poor girl was a slave.
The second girl was a green-haired elf, she a little on the tall side for an elf and like the catgirl she was as flat as a cutting board. Still, she had excellent curves that could be seen even through her mage robes. Her skin though was hidden so Michael couldn’t see if the girl was a slave or not. Standing next to her was a rather busty half celestial girl. A pair of lovely grey feathered wings were folded behind her. Long flowing black hair fell to her hips. She was clearly a healer and was wearing a rather revealing version of a priestess attire. In plain view on her half-covered bust was a slave mark identical to the one that the catgirl had.
The last girl was a little hard to identify. At first glance, she seemed human, but her skin was a tad too pale and she had red eyes. The cute little fang that was poking out of her mouth on the left side was the biggest hint. She was about a hundred and fifty centimeters tall, with a modest chest that was at least a B. She was wearing a rather revealing leather outfit, however Michael did feel the sensation of magic from it so it was probably enchanted. At her hip was a rapier style blade, and on her exposed abdomen, just peeking out from her skirt was a slave mark. The girl was a vampire, which was a bit surprising for several reasons. The biggest being that vampires were a proud race preferring death over enslavement. Vampires being nocturnal creatures also dislike the sun, and have been known to suffer sunburn easily. So the outfit or an item on her was probably enchanted with sun protection. However contrary to popular belief, they are not undead and sunlight doesn’t make them burst into flames. Nor are they weak to Celestial magic like so many rumors claim, they are however weak to fire their bodies do not handle the heat very well. Not surprising since they lack sweat glands, on the flip side they handle the cold very well. Being resistant to ice magic, and the rumors of them being perfectly fine after a naked walk in the snow are not far from the truth. They still needed some protection from the cold, but for the most part, they could walk around outside during winter in summer clothing. 
Seeing the slave girls with him, Michael felt that he was a dangerous man and that it would be best to avoid him as much as possible. Unfortunately, it seems he had already noticed the three enter the field and was moving over to greet them. He stopped in front of her and gave her a charming seductive smile that would have had most girls swooning. Then he said, “He there lovely. Want to have some fun after we crush this lowly slime,” in the most seductive voice he could manage and with a tinge of magic. Magic that Michael easily picked up on, the damn bastard was using a charm spell. It was weak most wouldn’t pick up on it if the bastard had been disguising it right, but he wasn’t. She bristled she hated how every man she met tried to get in her pants. Replying with as much venom as she could manage, “I’m taken, buzz off.”
A look of surprise appeared on the man’s face followed by several other emotions including what look suspiciously like rage before he schooled his features. Then he replied in a charming tone, “Really now, who’s the lucky man?”

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