What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 41: XXII Everyday life in a Dungeon Part VI

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Reiko woke up to a typical morning in the dungeon. Well, mostly typical since Misaki was on the surface today with her chosen mate Philip. Something not all that unusual. She had been spending a lot of time lately with Philip. Which gave Reiko more time to herself. She had spent a great deal of it trying to sort out her feelings. Thanks to her titles, her master not spending time with her was something that irked her, but she had also found that she was happy for her master.
Right now, her feelings on the matter hadn’t even entered her mind. Instead, she crawled out of her bed and made her way to the bath. While she preferred taking a bath with her master, she was in the habit of taking a bath every day. Entering the bathroom, she found the water already drawn and ready for her. Not surprising, since Misaki had the maids draw the bath daily. Also waiting for her was one of the demon maids, that had been assigned to take care of her. Today it was one of the catgirl demons. The catgirl was one of the younger-looking maids, and she was already naked and holding a brush in her right hand. The catgirl maid was a little taller than Reiko, with soft and smooth looking skin. Her chest was a little on the small side with cute little nipples that drew the eye. From her small butt extended a long black and grey tail. Similarly, shaded hair hung loosely to about her waist. She had a heart-shaped face with a pair of gorgeous red eyes that just took in the room.
The maid slipped the mini dress that Reiko was wearing off her, and started brushing her hair first. Nice long strokes made quick work of the tangles that formed during the night. As soon as it was straight enough, the maid rinsed Reiko’s hair with warm water and then worked in some soap. While the maid was working on her hair, Reiko was thinking about having sex with her. It was one of the consequences of being simple-minded and constantly horny. Something all the maids were aware of. She was quite suddenly brought out of the sexual fantasy she was dreaming up, when the maid suddenly rinsed her hair out. The maid gave her a knowing smile, before grabbing a rag and some soap. The maid started applying the soap to Reiko’s stomach and working in circles. To Reiko this felt pretty good, sending jolts of pleasure up her nerves. Then the maid moved on to her legs, working her way down gently. Then she worked her way back up, in an equally gentle fashion. The maid was especially gentle with her chest.
Reiko being quite sensitive due to her being constantly horny came twice, during the brief period the maid was washing her. As they were getting out of the bath, she leaned over towards the maid and kissed her. “Let’s play a bit before we leave,” said Reiko as she broke the kiss. The maid smiled playfully and replied, “Maybe later, when we have time.”
Reiko was a bit disappointed that she was turned down. Normally the maids were quite agreeable to the kind of play she had been proposing. The fact she was turned down, meant something was up. So she asked a few questions while the maid was drying her off. Turned out that Amy was finally going after her sister, and the maid wanted to be there for the juicy details as soon as they were available. Reiko wasn’t as interested in that, however. So after the maid dressed her in a clean mini dress, she left the bath and headed to the passages. Today she was thinking of wandering the fifth floor to play with the adventurers.
Reiko came out of the passages in the jungle part of the fifth floor. One of the advantages of being a dungeon pet was that she was highly aware of the locations of traps and adventurers in the dungeon. So she easily skirted the trap near the hidden passage entrance, and started walking towards the party she sensed not far from her position. She passed a few large trees, and skirted a puddle before reaching her destination. It was a set of ruins containing one of the puzzle traps that adventurers needed to solve in order to advance further in the dungeon. The party she had approached had four members. Three young men and a single female made up the party. The girl looked to be in her late teens or early twenties and was wearing a set of torn leather armor. She was a catkin with a height of about one hundred sixty centimeters. Her hair was a mix of brown and red shades and fell about halfway down her back which she had tied up into a ponytail. At her waist was a pair of rapiers. 
The nearest of the men to Reiko’s position was wearing the robes of a priest. It was torn in a few places and had a few burn spots in other places. The next man was a muscular person in full plate armor that was melted in a few places. His helmet had a large hole melted into the side and was currently hanging from his belt alongside a sheathed sword. He was currently sitting on a rock looking the other way and using a rag to clean his greatsword, the empty sheath strapped to his waist opposite the smaller sword he had in its sheath. The last man was wearing some light leather armor and like everyone else, it was torn in a few places, presumably from various battles they had fought in the dungeon. Slung on his back was a bow and a half-empty quiver of arrows. On his waist was a pair of long daggers. The man was crouched in front of the puzzle and was trying to solve it. Although Reiko could tell he was going about it the wrong way. Not that she would tell him. Instead, she stayed hidden in the foliage and watched while she quietly prepared a spell that she had learned from Misaki. It didn’t take long for the man to trigger the trap hidden in the puzzle. She was only about halfway through readying her spell when a series of sharpened wooden stakes erupted from the ground and skewered the poor archer. His leather armor doing little to protect him from the sharpened wood. Still, his armor did manage to deflect a couple of the stakes, but the rest penetrated deep into his flesh. One of which punctured his left lung and stopping mere centimeters from his heart. The priest cursed and ran up to the man while chanting a quick healing spell. Trying to stop the bleeding before it drained the rest of his hp.
The priest never finished his spell. Reiko finished her spell and unleashed a bolt of demonic magic at the priest. The dark bolt slammed into the back of the priest and he cried out in pain as he lost a third of his hp and half his mana in an instant from the mana draining spell she had cast. The spell left the priest temporarily stunned as well and also alerted the party to Reiko’s presence. The other two instantly readied their weapons and turned to face her. The woman charged her, and Reiko quickly cast a stoneskin spell followed by an agility boost spell. Both spells that Misaki had taught her in one of their magic lesson sessions. The catgirl attacked with her rapier slashing in rapid succession. Reiko stopped each strike with her forearms her shields and magically reinforced skin absorbed the force of each strike. Then Reiko struck her with a punch to the stomach, while casting a quick lightning spell. The lightning bolt enhanced the force of the punch, doing internal damage to the girl. While also causing her to stumble backward.
The adventurer was an experienced combatant and recovered quickly from the stumble. While Reiko took the opportunity to gain some distance, while chanting another spell. The catgirl charged again, while the swordsman was taking up a position to defend the priest from another spell from Reiko. The catgirl while quite agile was only able to cross half the distance before Reiko unleashed her next spell. A series of ice spikes flew across the field of battle. The catgirl managed to dodge a few of them but several of them managed to hit her. One of which buried itself in her right thigh penetrating the bone. She stumbled and fell to the ground immobilized and bleeding. Reiko turned to the others and cast another demonic spell.

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The spell flew towards the swordsman, then his blade glowed and he slashed the spell. His enchanted blade disrupting the demonic bolt, the glow of his blade dimmed somewhat the spell partially draining the enchantment. At the same moment, the priest finally recovered from being stunned and he immediately went back to healing the archer who was in worse shape than the catgirl. His hp having dropped below a hundred thanks to the bleeding. While the catgirl was also bleeding most of her wounds weren’t serious and she still had a third of her hp. She was also conscious enough that she was able to start some first aid. Applying a potion to her wounds and bandaging her leg with some of the bandages in her pack.
The swordsman quickly found himself hard-pressed to keep the priest and archer safe from Reiko’s spell barrage. Her status as a wandering boss meant her spells were hitting harder and faster than was normal for her level. Each bolt that struck his blade also further weakened the enchantment on his blade. A fact that had the swordsman worried.
“Hurry up, I can’t keep her off you much longer,” said the swordsman as he blocked yet another spell the glow of the enchantment almost completely gone. At the same moment, the catgirl was pushing herself off the ground, the potion having fixed her leg enough that she could move again. Reiko while keeping an eye on the catgirl, cast another spell at the swordsman. This time his enchanted blade failed to hold up and shattered when the spell slammed into it. The shards flying everywhere making small cuts to his exposed flesh, while other shards bounced harmlessly of his plate armor. 
The catgirl having gotten back to her feet charged at Reiko again. This time she managed to reach her before Reiko could cast another spell, and unleashed a flurry of rapid sword strikes. Her fast blades rapidly drained Reiko’s shields with each strike. Her previous agility spell had already expired so she was only able to block about half of the strikes. The catgirl was also ready for Reiko’s punches and danced out of reach of each punch. However, she wasn’t able to prevent Reiko from completing her next spell. Reiko unleash a mana draining bolt of demonic magic at close range the catgirl barely had time to react before the bolt slammed into her. In an instant, her entire mana pool was forcibly ripped from her along with a sizeable chunk of her remaining health. The catgirl blacked out and slumped to the ground unconscious, seconds before Reiko was forced to jump back to evade a swing from the swordsman who had drawn his back up weapon and closed the distance.
Having evaded his swing she started to cast a quick spell and attempting to increase the distance between her and the swordsman. At the same moment, the priest had finished patching up the archer, and was running to check on the unconscious catgirl. As for the archer, he may of been patched up and extracted from the trap. but he wasn’t quite yet ready to fight. Having lost a lot of blood, it would be a while before he could fight especially given the penalties that he had incurred thanks to blood loss. The swordsman was not about to let Reiko gain distance on him, and did his best to keep her at close range. Swinging his blade with deadly accuracy at every opportunity. Forcing her to evade or block his strikes. Being slower than the catgirl, Reiko had a much easier time evading his blade and she slowly managed to increase the distance between them. Making it harder for him to score a hit.
Then Reiko finally finished chanting her spell. While a lightning spell might seem to be a good idea against someone in full plate armor, it usually wasn’t all that effective. So she had chosen to use an ice spell. A barrage of magically hardened ice spikes flew through the air to strike at the armored swordsman. His heavy armor did a good job at deflecting most of them. Still a few managed to punch through his armor, but they lost a fair amount of energy inflicting only shallow wounds. Still it was enough to stagger the swordsman, which allowed Reiko to escape the range of his blade. The swordsman recovered quickly and charged Reiko as quickly as he could given his heavy armor slowing him down.
Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t fast enough to close the distance again before Reiko cast her next spell. This time Reiko used one of her favorite spells, while not very effective against demons with their high magic resistance. It was remarkably effective against someone in full plate armor. A barrage of flaming bolts sailed out from her palm and slammed into the swordsman. His armor melted where the bolts struck as his suit was rapidly heated up. His hp draining rapidly as he was cooked in his suit. Before even half the bolts had hit him his hp hit zero and he fell to the ground. The priest had just reached the catgirl when he heard the sound of an armored man hitting the ground. While some of the remaining bolts sailed past the downed swordsman and into the foliage setting it aflame. The priest did a quick check of the catgirl and determining she was fine started to cast a resurrection spell. Unfortunately for him, Reiko’s next spell was faster than his. A powerful bolt of blue lightning crackled and struck the priest. His robes blackened at the point of impact and his flesh charred. The bolt overwhelmed the resistance of his robes, and his hp dropped to zero. With the priest down, and no one able to fight Reiko had effectively won. It took her mere moments to finish off the archer, and then she put out the spreading flames with a water spell, before turning her attention to the unconscious catgirl.
Approaching the catgirl, she got her first good look at the catgirl. She was quite cute, with a round face, a small cute nose. She was quite busty for a catgirl with what appeared to be a pair of D cup boobs. She had long lithe legs and a small cute butt with a long cute tail extending from her butt. Her ears were cute and fluffy. She hadn’t noticed earlier, but the rips in the girl’s armor were dangerously close to exposing the girl’s modesty. One of the rips left the underside of her left boob exposed. Another rip in the side of the armor allowed one to see her nipple if the girl raised her arm. Her own ice spike had torn the girl’s skirt and panties allowing Reiko to see the girl’s partially hidden pussy. Reiko proceed to strip the girl of her damaged armor and weapons before proceeding to pick the girl up. The girl weighed enough that it wasn’t easy for Reiko to carry her, but she could manage. Reiko felt that this girl would be a great gift for her master, and made her way back to the hidden passage while daydreaming some sexual fantasies involving her master.
The girl was still unconscious when she emerged from the tunnels in the lower levels of Misaki’s tenth-floor castle. She ran into one of the demon maids, after rounding a corner down the hall. The maid was more than happy to help Reiko carry the unfortunate catgirl the rest of the way to the castle’s dungeon. They dropped the unconscious and naked catgirl onto a wooden bed and then locked the cell. The maid told a couple of guards to guard the cell, while Reiko left the cells heading for the dining hall. The fight having made her hungry.

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