What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 42: XXIII Gods and Rewards

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Lily had been talking with Misaki, when suddenly she got a notification. Misaki was already starting to get more comfortable as a girl, but it turned out that she had some issues with the idea of being pregnant. In her past life, she had been pregnant once before thanks to a mistake she had made when she was fourteen. She had been grounded because of that for two years, as for her baby a beautiful baby girl, her mother was raising it. When she had died to that rollercoaster the girl was already eight years old and had grown to be a cute, bubbly girl that loved to have fun. Thanks to this experience, she was able to alleviate some of her concerns. Something that surprised that Elf receptionist, who was petting the only human in the room, A young woman who was apparently named Emily.


You have accepted a minor divine quest. Reach the dungeon Misaki and help teach her to accept her new gender. Fail and you will displease your god. 

After a long journey through the forest and a short jaunt in the dungeon. You met Misaki and helped teach her about an aspect of her gender. Which has alleviated some of her concerns. Erosi is pleased with your work so far. However, he desires you teach her further.




Free Attribute points

The Legendary Panties


New Trait: Erosi’s Lash


You have been awarded a large boost to EXP.

You are now level twenty-five!

You have been awarded 20 gold coins

You have been awarded 20 free attribute points

You have been awarded the Legendary Panties

Item: The Legendary Panties

Traits: Indestructible: can’t be destroyed by normal means

Divinely Soul bound: can’t be lost or stolen by any means. Can be traded or passed down, new owner will gain soul bind.

Self Cleaning: These panties automatically clean themselves of all dirt.

Self Repair: This item automatically regenerates lost durability and restores itself to perfect condition

Sight Charm: Men who see your panties will have an instant erection and may suffer from a nosebleed, while women will have an irresistible urge to pet the wearer.

Cursed Touch: any male that tries to take the wearer without her permission is cursed to be a girl for the rest of their life.

Adaptable: the wearer can change the appearance of the panties.

Form Fitting: These panties automatically reshape themselves to fit the wearer.

Divine Material: The divine materials used to make this makes them highly comfortable, and boost agility and dexterity by ten percent.

Requires: Female Gender

Congrats on your first Free Attribute Points. These can be used to permanently boost your base stats and increase your abilities.


New spell learned: Angelic Shockwave (Lust)

The user unleashes a blast wave of pure lust aligned celestial magic from their skin. This wave inflicts massive hp damage to the undead. Heavy damage to most demons, but heals lust aligned demons due to similar alignments. Moderate damage to all others. Except for plants, including monster plants, which are left mostly unaffected, secondary effects still apply if applicable. Destroys all equipment in radius of effect including the users, unless it has either the indestructible trait or magic immunity trait. Inflicts the status condition: Extremely Horny on everyone but the user in the radius of effect. The shockwave also causes all living things in its radius to experience extreme pleasure.

Radius of effect is determined by the amount of magic put into the spell. For every hundred points of mana used radius increase by one meter


Erosi your patron god, has granted you a minor divine quest. Fully teach the dungeon Misaki about her gender. 

Note: This quest has a hidden clear requirement that if cleared will instantly grant you its reward.




You are reading story What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!? at novel35.com

Free Attribute Points

The Legendary Bra


Erosi’s Lash

Lily had not expected the quest to end so easily, but she suspected it had something to do about this second quest. Which she felt like a part two for the first. With the notification, a bag materialized in her hand. As she read the long list of notifications, she decided the panties were a good item. The new spell, however, was one she immediately decided she would never cast. She didn’t relish the idea of being basically naked after casting a spell. Before she had a chance to fully process the list of notifications. Milith came over and spoke to Misaki introducing herself first and then tell her to do something.

“Go get your bond mate, I have something the two of you will need to know,” said Milith.

“That is an odd term,” commented Misaki.

“The term bondmate refers to a pair of individuals that are bonded by a magical bond, which in my culture is referred to as a bonded pair. In fact, I think you made a good choice for your life long mate,” said Milith. Misaki didn’t know how to respond to that and simply left the room to get Phyllis. After she left Milith turned towards Emily and took a step closer. Milith had noticed she seemed familiar, so she wanted to find out why. She pulled Emily out of Sarah’s lap and then kissed her. Emily was so surprised that she just stood there her mind blank for a moment. The kiss didn’t last long before Milith broke it, then she smiled.

“I thought, you seemed familiar turns out I have met one of your kids,” said Milith. Emily didn’t need long to guess who, the only child it could be was Chloe. Left with a question she asked, “What does that do with kissing me?”

“I did that to make sure. Anyway she is an intelligent girl lots of potential, you should be proud,” said Milith.

“Thanks, I guess” replied Emily as Misaki and Phyllis walked into the room. Carol and Melisa didn’t follow them into the room. As soon as they did, Millith waved her hand and the doors. Milith having just cast a privacy spell that sealed the doors and prevented sound from leaving the room. It also blocked teleport spells, portal spells, scrying and listening devices making a room completely secure from even divine eavesdropping.

“Alright what do you know about the gods and their role in the world?” asked Milith.

“The gods created the world, and maintain its balance and laws,” replied Phyllis.

“That is only partially right, no god in any realm has ever created a world. Gods are the keepers of a world’s law and balance, while deities are similar, but focus on the laws of nature and tend to rule over much smaller areas such as a mountain or a forest. They do however create life, nature gods are well known for creating living things. Anyway, you got the important part right. Now can you tell me what happens when a god steps out of line and starts doing things not of their mandate?” said Milith

“Wait if the gods didn’t create the world, who did!!!?” said everyone else in near-perfect sync.

“If you must know it was my grandfather. Now will you answer the question?” said Milith.

“Stepping out of their mandate? I’m not sure, but I don’t think it is a good thing,” replied Phyllis.

“Well, one god has stepped out of their mandate. As such their church has become corrupted which in turn further fuels the corruption of the god. Right now the effects of this are minor, but if left alone problems can occur. The current division in the ranks of the gods is part of the problem, most of the division in their ranks comes from the light side of the Human and Elven Pantheons. I don’t know why, but for some reason, many races tend to associate light with good, and dark with evil. My race, however, knows that this is not true. Anyway gods are sensitive to their followers, and beliefs like that tend to corrupt a god, it takes time but eventually, the god becomes corrupted. Especially if their followers are using such a viewpoint to justify atrocities. Anyway, my mother tasked me with finding what was going wrong in this world and try to fix it,” said Milith while using magic to form something.

“What does that mean?” asked Misaki.

“It means I’m going to challenge and try to destroy Aurous the current head god of the Human Church of Light. I’m not going to lie to you, but I might not succeed which is why I’m giving you this book. I can’t use it, but the spell in it will allow you to summon my grandfather. Assuming he listens to your call he will appear before you. I must warn you that enlisting his aid will be costly though, but he is far more powerful than I,” said Milith as she handed the finished book to Phyllis.

“Why can’t you use this spell?” ask Phyllis.

“Because it is a blood contract summoning spell. I am of the same blood, so we cannot form a blood contract. Which is why it won’t summon him if I cast it,” said Milith, then she continued, “Now I’m going to be leaving, so I want you two to look after Lily. Her parents should arrive in town before too long, but she needs both guidance and protection to grow into who she is meant to be. I sense she will be of great import in the future, but it will be decades until then.”

“Why would she be of great import?” asked Emily who was once again stuck in Sarah’s lap getting a petting session.

“She is among the first of the heroes that are destined to fight the Demon Lord in a centuries time to appear, only four others have appeared so far. Some of the new dungeons were born to aid the mortal races as well. Oh and before I forget let me do something for you,” said Milith. Then her skin began to glow and a wave of light hit everyone in the room. They all started feeling a little odd after being hit by the spell.

“What was that spell?” asked Phyllis.

“A simple protection spell, it granted your bloodline with the ability to produce a type of pheromones that marks you as friends of the Swarm. As such the Swarm will not harm you, and their queens will be inclined to help you. Just don’t be surprised if they look down on you a bit, they tend to view races that lack telepathy as lesser. They will, however, respect you if you prove your strength, just be careful if you do that. Since they are drawn to the strong, and will do anything to mate with the strong,” said Milith.

“What exactly is this Swarm you speak of?” said Misaki asking the question that was on everyone’s mind. Milith gave her a quick answer before releasing her privacy spell and leaving the building. Lily was happy to see her go, but what she was told about this Swarm concerned her a bit. At the same moment, Misaki had Dewari speaking into her head.

“What happen? I suddenly couldn’t sense you. I could feel your dungeon, but your soul vanished,” said Dewari.

“I just had an odd chat, with a small woman named Milith,” said Misaki.

“Will you tell me about this odd encounter,” said Dewari. Misaki recounted the encounter, leaving some of the parts out.

“Oh, the Swarm. I have heard about it if it is in our world that is a good thing. As strange as Swarm creatures may be they are good creatures. They also reproduce quickly and have a distaste for the undead. I’ll have to make sure the nations leave them alone, they will probably spread through the forest and some of its surroundings, but they won’t harm the races in what they consider their territory unless provoked. They will consider those peoples their property, and therefore will protect them from outside threats. They will enslave members of the populace, but they tend to treat them well,” said Dewari leaving somethings about their nature out.

“You’re not worried, they will spread across the continent?” asked Misaki.

“No, they don’t do as well in cold regions, they will stick mostly to the warmer coastal regions, but will also spread throughout any warm forest they find. They tend to build their nests underground, with entrances near where people or animals gather, which means they will spread to the underground lands, where some races make their home. However, even there they will stick to the warmer lands. That doesn’t mean they won’t go into the cold regions though, they can adapt to the cold if they want to, but they prefer warm climates,” said Dewari before breaking the link, not giving Misaki a chance to respond.

Meanwhile, at the church of light the Head Priest, was not having a fun day. Aurous was displeased with their recent failures, and was making his day harder as a result. Which is why he was redoubling his efforts to find that girl he wanted brought to him. He had not expected to find her to be so difficult, but she was not an easy individual to find. He had his subordinates search dozens of towns, and even looked in the neighboring lands. There had been no sign of her until recently, when he received reports of a flying winged woman being spotted. The reports though gave him another problem, the sightings indicated she was fast, those who saw her often saying she disappeared into the distance in seconds. He had the force equipped to deal with her here at the main church. His original plan had been to send them out to her location, the moment she was found, but with her speed, that plan was out the window. Now he guess he would need to find her lair.

Of course, the girl wasn’t his only problem. The monthly report on church-sponsored business had come in. In a number of neighboring towns, their profits had diminished greatly when one of their rivals suddenly rose in popularity. The brothels were the most hit by this, but he saw the same with some of the inns. All of these sudden shifts, left him baffled since he had no idea why it had happened. Which is why he was currently ordering an investigation to determine what was happening. Of course, his day was about to get even worse, since the gate to Aurous’s personal domain was hidden somewhere on the grounds of the main church.

A couple hours after Milith ran off to fight a god, Misaki, Phyllis, and Emily entered Phyllis’s house. As soon as they got in the couple left her at the door and went to the office. Where they began to write that letter they needed to send together. A letter they would send a few hours later when they finished it. While Emily decided that she was going to be careful about going out from now on. She locked the door and then went to check on her kids.

Milith enjoyed her flight towards the church, she had materialized in. She had known the moment she arrived that most of the local pantheon had placed the gates to their domains in that church. She didn’t tell them when she was talking to them how difficult fighting a god was, or how high that chance of her losing the fight was. She actually feared that possibility, but now that she was aware of what was happening here, the fear of what would happen if she did nothing drove her to act. As she was flying, she double-checked the cybernetic half of her heritage. From the spell focus implanted in her brain to the defense cannon, she had hidden in her right arm. She never used it, but she had a feeling she would need it here. A feeling telling her that this god knew exactly how to fight her kind, which meant she might actually need the weapon. 

Crushing a corrupted church was far easier than fighting a god, and it also weakened the god. So she was planning on destroying this church before she entered his domain. That way she would have the best advantage for the upcoming battle.

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