What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 51: XXXI Arrival

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Maron stared at the naked dragon girl for a moment or two before she started removing her equipment. Normally removing your equipment in a boss room would be a terrible idea, but in a lust dungeon, the rules changed. Thanks to her time in the safe zone she had managed to learn that beating the boss in combat wasn’t the only way to advance. The other way to pass would be to sexually satisfy the boss. Which wasn’t as easy as you might think, demons especially lust demons had exceptional skills in bed. Along with a higher tolerance for pleasure, which made them harder to satisfy. Fortunately, Maron and her party members had a lot of experience having sex with demons. The dragon girl watched her and her party members strip, and then with a confident movements, she approached them. Her boobs swaying with each step, as her tail swayed in a seductive manner.

She was completely naked by the time the boss had gotten close to her. She half expected the boss to push her down, but instead she leaned forward a sniffed a few times. A lustful smile spread on her face before she spoke. “I must be lucky, for my first challengers to be such cuties. Regardless of how this goes, I would love it if you visited regularly,” said the boss as she pushed Maron down. Her tongue pushed Maron's lips apart as she probed the girl’s mouth. Maron savored the sensations as the demon skillfully kissed her. While she started rubbing herself against the demons scaly skin. Robert came up behind the dragon girl and began to finger her pussy. Robert rubbed it gently over the labia with just enough force to tease the girl and avoiding the sensitive sweet spot. Erin and Fira pushed themselves against either side of the demon and began to rub their breasts against the demon. Fira’s larger breasts and Erin’s modest ones gave contrasting stimulation to demon that she downright enjoyed. Of to the side, Aki and Yui began to play with each other, starting with a deep kiss, while Yui used her tail to also tease her partners pussy.

As she continued the deep kiss, the boss used a free hand to start fingering Maron’s pussy, and the cast a spell that created a pair of mana tentacles. The spell was a simple spell that formed mana into shapes, and be used to manipulate physical objects. Any beginner level mage could learn the spell, but most didn’t bother learning it. Mostly because it wasn’t considered to be the most useful of spells. Primarily due to the level of control required for the spell to actually be useful. Using the mana tentacles she penetrated the two girls rubbing themselves against her. The tentacles penetrate deeply on the first thrust and the two moaned out loud. Then they were pulled back and thrust again sending sparks of pleasure up their nerves. The pair orgasming lightly from the stimulation. The two began to pair their rubbing with light kissing to the dragon girls’ skin. At the same time Robert stopped fingering the girl, and then while rubbing the underside of the girl’s tail inserted his penis into her pussy.

He thrust deeply into her warm hole, the folds of flesh hugging his flesh tightly with each thrust. The dragon girl was thoroughly enjoying herself by this point, and broke the kiss with Maron and moaned. Maron was also moaning lightly, as the demons fingers entered her pussy. Small mana tentacles extending from the tips, to stimulate her weak points. One of the tentacles was even being used to tease her clit. The tentacle gently pulling and rubbing the small little nub. Suddenly the dragon girl used the tentacle to flick the girl’s clit. A strong surge of pleasure ripped through Maron as she came, much earlier than she expected. A gush of her fluids squirted out from her pussy onto both Robert and the dragon girl boss.

The dragon girl tightened her pussy, increasing the stimulation to Robert’s penis, and it grew a bit bigger as precum began to leak from the tip and into the girl. Fira pushed her large tits into the dragon girl’s skin and nibbled softly on her right ear. While using her tongue to probe the crevices. At the same time, Erin began to use her fingers to stimulate the sensitive area where the wings met the back. Something she hadn’t known about until she had become a thrall and started playing around with demons. The Stimulation gave the dragon girl a surge of pleasure and she moaned loudly as she orgasmed lightly. Her pussy walls undulated and gave Robert just the stimulation her need to be sent over the edge and cum. Just as he thrust deep into the girl’s womb. Thick and hot fluid filled her womb with each beat of their hearts. Maron who had just recovered from her own orgasm proceeded to kiss the demon again. That little bit of stimulation was just enough to send the girl over the edge and the demon orgasmed.

The fivesome proceeded to continue for several more rounds before the boss was finally satisfied. Smiling she said, “You four are not just cute, but pretty good as well. You should definitely come back again for more fun.”

Then the glowing barrier around the courtyard vanished and notification came up. That included an achievement that boosted sex skills by one level. The party chatted with the boss amicably for a few minutes while they got dressed and then they proceeded into the castle. Where they were met by maids that offered them food and a chance to rest before proceeding to the next floor. The group took up the offer and rested while they divided the loot from the boss encounter.

A few days later, a wagon surrounded by a handful of guards entered Bordertown. Phyllis was sitting in the back of the wagon and watching Eris as she gave Milith another sponge bath. She was still feeling a bit nervous about introducing her to Misaki, the girl was incredibly cute and she knew that Misaki would accept her easily enough which having had a few days to think about it was exactly the problem she was worried about. She had been imagining the Swarm cause her problems with one of them sharing her status as Misaki’s mate, but having had more time to think she had realized that she just didn’t want to share her. However, it was actually Eris who had made her realize that. In fact, she hadn’t been aware of, but it had been one of the reasons she had initially protested including her sister in a round of sex. Her other worries had been lesser to this one that she hadn’t been aware of at the time.

Eris finished up, and came over to her and sat down. “Don’t be so nervous, I’m not going to steal her from you. This marriage concept you humans have is so silly, neither us nor our creator’s race marry. We share our mates, and choose mates that will give us strong healthy offspring,” said Eris as she snuggled up next to her.

“I can’t help it. Humans don’t normally share their mates, some people of high status have their little harems, but I never thought of having one myself. Much less being a member of one, hell until the change I barely had time for girls. I was always too busy,” said Phyllis.

“I see, your nervous because you're uncertain how this will change your relationship. Don’t worry so much, you are her first mate. No one can take that from you. There is nothing that can harm your relationship, more people merely add to it, and make it more fun,” replied Eris.

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“I guess, well we are almost there,” said Phyllis. A few minutes more of navigating the town’s streets, they parked in front of her house. Fortunately, her fan club wasn’t around. So they could move Milith into the house without any interference. She was a bit surprised to find that the only people there were the monster maids that Misaki had summoned. Talking with the maids, allowed her to learn that her mother had gone home, hitching a ride with a wagon going the same way. As for Emily she hadn’t left yet, but had followed Misaki back to the dungeon along with her two girls. Her sister had apparently been interested in that ritual book Milith had given them, and Misaki had went back to her dungeon so that she could use her library as a reference. A fact that had Phyllis worried, she knew both her sister and the dungeon. The dungeon was no place for children, worse she knew her sister got easily distracted when magic was involved. So it wouldn’t have surprised her if those two had been exposed to something they shouldn’t have. Phyllis decided that if she learned that the two wandered off at any point during the stay, that she would take them aside for a talk. The kind you normally wait a few more years for, of course. In this case though it would be damage control. Not that she expected it to help much.

She was just about to lead them downstairs to the tunnel that Misaki told her she was making to sneak the girl into the dungeon with. It was also made as an easy shortcut for them to use when they wanted to see each other. When there was a knock on her door, looking out the peephole she saw her dreaded aide Melisa. On one hand she was glad to see her arms weren’t filled with girly dress. Problem was she had a massive stack of paperwork in her arms, and several more in a small wooden wagon that she was pulling behind her. Phyllis decided that it was best to pretend she wasn’t home and was starting to walk away. She wasn’t worried about her coming in, since she had remembered to lock the door and turn on her security system after the swarmlings had come in with Milith. She quietly told the swarmlings to ignore the door and started walking towards the basement door.

Having barely taken a step, she heard Melisa shouting through the door. Telling her that she knew she was in the house. “I know you are in there, Phyllis. You have a lot of paperwork to catch up on! Don’t make me come in there and get you!” yelled Melisa through the door. Phyllis wasn’t worried about her coming in, even if she had managed to get a key for the door with the security system on there was no way for her to enter the building. At least that was what she thought, but Melisa wasn’t very patient. She was halfway to the basement door, when she heard the clinking a of a key, and then the door swung open. Followed by her barrier blinking out. Phyllis was shocked, but she didn’t let that bother her for long and ran for the stairs.

Melisa was a bit faster than her, but she didn’t have to go far to lose the girl. Melisa, however, caught her, before she even got down the stairs, the door having slowed her down. Her arm caught in her aide’s grip, she looked over her shoulder with a wry smile and asked, “How did you get in?”

“Your mom gave me a key. You have a lot of work to do, young girl. You can play with your new friends later,” said Melisa as she pulled out a set of enchanted handcuffs attaching one to Phyllis’s arm and pulling her to her office before linking the other cuff to the desk. Then she went back to grab the paperwork she dropped earlier. Phyllis as she sat there stared at the cuffs wondering where her aide had gotten them, as they had a rather expensive enchantment on them. Then she noticed a box on her desk that wasn’t there the last time. Picking it up and opening it she found a letter left in it by her mate Misaki. A brief read of the letter explained to her what the other item in the box was for. It was a magic crystal that showed the holder a recording of any boss battle in the dungeon. Picking up the crystal she found there was only one battle recorded on it. She was halfway through it her expression a mixture of feelings, while her panties had gotten a little wet. She was actually turned on, watching that, she had paid extra attention to the one demon in the recording that she recognized as being the demon that raped her when she got careless and ended up paralyzed.

Melisa suddenly ripped the crystal from her hand, looked at it for a moment and pocketed it before saying, “You can watch you little porn after you have caught up with your paperwork missy.” While layering stacks of the stuff on the desk. Phyllis had the distinct impression that she was being treated as a child and protested.

“If you want to be treated as an adult, act like one. Shirking your responsibilities and disappearing without a word. An adult wouldn’t have done that,” said Melisa. Eris watched quietly from the door, she had kept the woman from noticing Milith using her telepathy and had her moved to the basement. As the argument began to get more heated, she finally stepped in. Managing to end the argument fairly swiftly. Eris settled down next to Phyllis as Melisa ran out saying she had more paperwork to retrieve. Something she proved she wasn’t kidding about when it took her three trips to bring back all the paperwork that needs to be done. By the time the sun was setting Phyllis was exhausted and falling asleep at her desk.

Pulling yet another document from the massive stacks, that had barely diminished she looked up at Melisa, “Can’t I leave yet? I just want to sleep now. At very least can you let me out of these cuffs? Where did you get them anyway?”

Melisa merely smiled and said, “No, and before you yell at me, this is your fault for shirking your responsibilities. I need you to finish four more of those stacks, today. As for the cuffs, I got them from your mother and no I’m not taking them off.” That answer left Phyllis with more questions than she had before. So she decided not to question it, and looked at the form. It was a request to establish a sub-office in one of the fifth floor safe zones. It wasn’t all that odd a request at first glance, so without giving it much thought she approved it and moved on. If she had been more awake, her answer may have been different, considering the extra print, and the source of the request. The request wasn’t from the typical sources, but the dungeon and had even specified what the employee dress code will be. The following requests were normal and she barely managed to get through them before falling asleep at her desk. In fact, the only reason she got through them was because Melisa didn’t let her go to bed. Eris took her to her bed as soon as Melisa unlocked the cuffs. 

She was so out of things, that Eris was able to bathe and change her into nightclothes without her really noticing what was going on. Eris even snuggled up against her in bed afterward. While Melisa took the completed paperwork back to the guild, giving most of it a once over.

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