What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 52: XXXII Bonding

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Phyllis woke as the sun was filtering into her window, and a weight on her chest. She was also feeling oddly comfortable with a bit of heat in her abdomen. Trying to move she suddenly realized that everything below her neck was paralyzed, looking around she found the cause. A nude Eris was wrapped around her and she could clearly see even if she couldn’t feel it that the girl had bit her left boob. It looked like she did it in her sleep, and was still sleeping. She stared at the girl for a moment finding the way she was sucking on her boob cute before she realized that she was abnormally hungry. Instead of the normal morning hunger pangs, she was feeling like she hadn’t eaten in days. Which as a former adventurer was a sensation she had experienced before. It was not something she enjoyed, which is why she had always made sure to have plenty of supplies on hand when going on adventures.

She then started to wake the girl. It took Eris a couple of minutes to wake, and Phyllis found her behavior as she woke quite cute. Eris moved around slowly and then looked around her sight constantly shifting between Phyllis’s boob and her face. “So how long does your venom last?” asked Phyllis wondering how long this paralysis would last.

“Not long, and sorry about that,” said Eris with a pout. Phyllis found she was right a couple minutes later when the paralysis started to fade. She knew what Eris had been doing in her sleep, but she was wondering why she was feeling so hungry. With vampires, people typically felt a little weak after a feeding session not hungry. “So why am I feeling hungry and not weak?” asked Phyllis.

“Hmm, well we don’t take your blood the way vampires do, we just filter it for what we need. The body knows when it is lacking in nutrients, so you feel hungry with cravings for what you need most,” answered Eris. Suddenly Phyllis found herself worried about her unborn child.

“You know I’m pregnant right? How will this affect my baby,” said Phyllis.

“Your babies are fine. I didn’t take enough to harm them,” answered Eris as she helped Phyllis out of bed.

“Huh? You say that as if your certain I have more than one child in me,” commented Phyllis.

“Because you do. I’m not sure how many, but I am certain you are carrying at least two,” replied Eris. Phyllis just stood there for a minute or two trying to process it before her grumbling stomach led her to hurry to the kitchen. While one of the maids was preparing breakfast she asked Eris how she was so certain. Who for some reason didn’t get dressed when she followed Phyllis to the kitchen Only to receive a rather cryptic answer about sensing their spark of life. Phyllis just wasn’t sure if she was right, and ultimately decided to treat her statement as a guess. After breakfast, she and Eris went down to the basement before Melisa got here to make her do the paperwork. She doubted very much that she would be able to get out of it, but she was going to put it off until later. Besides she had things that were far more important to do in the dungeon. As they were heading to the basement Phyllis asked a question that was bothering her.

“Why are you naked?” asked Phyllis.

“I don’t like clothes, none of us do. We only wear em to fit in, but we don’t really need them. Which is why we took our clothes off as soon as we didn’t need them,” said Eris.

“Wait you are not saying that you are all naked right, now? Are you?” asked Phyllis as she opened the door to the basement.

“Of course we are,” said Eris as she followed her into the basement. Where sure enough the other swarmlings were also naked. One of them was breastfeeding the injured Milith an act that no longer surprised Phyllis. Even if she still found the idea of breastfeeding a grown woman odd. The Swarmling finished up and a few minutes later a group of them picked up Milith and her carrying bed. While Phyllis opened the tunnel, before leading them into the dungeon. It wasn’t long before they encountered a glowing blue barrier that Misaki had figured out how to erect, by studying Phyllis’s magical security system. Fortunately, the barrier allowed the group to pass. It wasn’t the only obstacle the group encounter, they also found a number of puzzle doors which were trapped if answered incorrectly. Good thing they all asked questions she knew the answers to, since half of them were taken from things she told Misaki about herself. While the other half were things Misaki had told her about herself.

It was pretty clear that Misaki was making sure that only they would be able to get through the tunnel. A few of the questions though required her standing there to think a bit before she could answer. It took about an hour to reach the fifth-floor castle via the tunnel, which deposited them in the courtyard next to the gate. Phyllis stepped out of the tunnel and conferred briefly with the boss, before heading into the castle. Where several demon maids in their typical skimpy outfits moved to aid them. Leading her to the hidden side paths that the dungeon used to move monsters around quickly, but also served as a shortcut to the lower floors. Of course, you needed to be a dungeon creature or be affiliated with the dungeon in some way to actually open the doors. These kinds of passages were well known to exist in dungeons. Often with far deadlier traps than the normal route for those who entered without permission. Even worse those traps were known to inflict lingering curses that were worse than normal. Which is why most adventurers don’t bother looking for them.

Some of the more desperate adventurers might look for them, but finding them was hard. Since these were special passages hidden by extraordinary means, they had to be found by hand. Magic would not locate them for you. Of course, some dungeons placed their own shortcuts for lucky adventurers that would allow someone to skip a floor or two, but these routes were often harder or came with special rules. Following the maids, they quickly made their way to Misaki’s castle on the tenth floor. They came out of the tunnel outside the castle town walls on the final floating island of the tenth floor. The swarmlings looked around with a fair amount of awe at the floating islands. Which reminded Phyliss how odd the shortcuts were in relation to various floors. Then again dungeons had quirks that some claimed even the gods didn’t understand. She had dismissed them before, but now she wasn’t so sure. Now that she knew that there was someone above the gods, and that it was them, not the gods, who created this world.

She joined the Swarmlings in looking around as she hadn’t been here often. They were on a small floating island, having just come out of a small house. Have exited the building from a hidden side door. There weren't very many buildings on the island, a handful of houses and orderly streets. Near the center of the island was an open-air market square with a handful of stalls. Easily visible from their location. As they walked towards the castletown the harbor came into view. Long wooden piers extended into the sky, and a number of skyships could be seen leisurely docked, while half-naked demon girls walked around performing various tasks. This small island was part of a safe zone, and so was the castle town. Only those who beat the final boss of the floor could enter the castle town, but the castle itself is an off-limits area. Phyllis, however, had special permission to enter the castle, so she could pass the boss without a fight.

The castle town was actually on a different island from the one they were on, and the two islands were linked by an elaborate bridge made from black stone and metal. With the metal parts painted a beautiful shade of red. The castle town island itself was quite large and surrounded by massive walls made of huge blocks of black stone. All around the walls enchanted ballistas were placed, that would automatically attack anyone that tried to enter and bypass the boss. Of course, if an adventurer was strong enough they could pass anyway, but if they were that strong they could just beat the boss instead. In fact, that would be the easier route, so most would just take the boss route. The gatehouse began with a huge and very impressive portcullis made of demonic steel and fifty meters behind it was the gate itself. The gates were also made out of demonic steel and laminated with a decorative layer of wood. Lines of metal inlaid into wood formed intricate patterns that made them look incredible. In front of the gatehouse was a small pedestal with five slots in it. The slots were shaped, to form a completed shape when the five key fragments were placed in it. The floor was designed to change on a weekly basis, so the shape would change every time the floor changed.

Phyllis didn’t need a key, and approached the pedestal and touched it with her hand. Instantly the massive portcullis began to rumble and slowly rose into the ceiling and the heavy gates also swung outward at an even slower pace. They waited several minutes for the gates to open before proceeding inside. On the other side of the gatehouse was an arena. High walls of stone surrounded a stone courtyard. To the left and right were stone seating, which only rose to half the height of the walls and was separated from the arena, by a glowing barrier of smokey greenish-blue light. Standing about five meters in front of the other gate was the boss. She was a Dragon Girl with beautiful golden scales that covered her legs, arms, and tail. Some thinner and lighter scales were on the underside of her boobs, and a few were on her cheeks. She wasn’t as big as the first-floor boss, and was in fact slightly shorter than Phyllis. Her modest breasts were on full display, while her crotch was covered by the only thing she was wearing a rather cute pair of white panties that had a short and frilly looking half skirt attached to the rear. She had a cute face, with beautiful pair of ruby red eyes, and framed by long silver hair.

Phyllis walked towards the boss girl and ignored the fact she was topless. She was getting used to the demon idea of clothing, and as such seeing a girl walking around topless didn’t bother her as much as it would have before she came to the dungeon. “Hello, I’m escorting these girls to the castle. I believe Misaki told you to expect me,” said Phyllis. The demon smiled and looked at the naked swarmlings.

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“She did mention you would be passing through with someone, she didn’t say you would bring a bunch of naked servants though,” said the demon boss.

“Don’t get any funny ideas, they just like being naked. Care to let us through the gate?” responded Phyllis.

“Sure, and if any of you are up for some fun, stick around or come back any time,” said the boss before waving her hand. Behind her, the second set of gates began to open, just as slow as the first ones did. Which had slammed shut behind them after they had entered the arena. She gave the demon girl a quick peck and thanked her for opening the gate before heading into the castle town.

The castle town was a well-developed town, divided into districts by internal walls with paved and orderly streets. They passed row after row of stone houses. Passing through one of the internal gatehouses led them to market district. Dozens of demons in various states of dress were milling about here. The streets were lined with elaborate stalls. Some had high-end equipment on display that was some of the best someone could use at level sixty. They didn’t stay in the market for long and headed straight for the castle.

The castle was surrounded by thick and fortified black stone walls and surrounded by a moat. The castle itself was located at the top of a hill allowing it to tower over the rest of the town. The drawbridge was down when they reached the gate, a couple of guards waiting for them. Another brief conversation later and they were on their way to the castle.

Phyllis found Misaki in her core room and playing with Reiko who seemed to be enjoying the attention. Judging by the pool under her. Phyllis waited by the door for a minute or two until they were finished. As Reiko was leaving the room she came up to say hello. Misaki replied in kind and summoned a pair of guards to lead the swarmlings to the room she had prepared for Milith. Eris was the only one who stayed and before Phyllis could even bring the subject up spoke to Misaki.

“That does sound interesting,” said Misaki as she closed on Eris, before kissing her deeply while pressing her hand against the other girl’s chest. A glowing mark formed on her chest right between her two mounds. It was mark Phyllis recognized as she had seen it on herself. She had found it while taking a bath the day after she had been marked as a mate. She had been to busy to ask about it, but now she was certain that it was a dungeon’s mate mark. Which meant that as she had guessed Misaki had accepted her offer. Honestly, she wasn’t surprised Misaki was a lust dungeon and as such naturally desired to have multiple mates. As a bonus, Eris was extremely cute. Then Misaki broke the kiss and walked around Eris taking a closer look at her features.

“You definitely look like a beastkin version of a certain yellow mouse,” said Misaki.

“From an old anime on your old homeworld. I know or more accurately Milith knew, I know through our link,” said Eris.

“Has Milith been there? Does that mean I could go back?” asked Misaki.

“No, but your world and hers are one and the same. Just she is from a point far into a possible future for you. In fact her kind, recreated their homeworld thousands of times as part of some grand experiment, and I think yours is one of those recreations. Don’t ask what they were studying, because Milith doesn’t know,” replied Eris.

“So Milith has just been telling you all of this?” asked Misaki.

“Not exactly. In her current state, she has been reliving her life, and thanks to our link we have also been forced to live through it. Not fun at all, especially the ‘change’ that sucked and she is going through it for the seventeenth time right now,” said Eris. Clearly not happy with whatever she was experiencing through this link.

“What is this ‘change’?” asked Misaki.

“It is something that Soleans go through after puberty. Around fifteen years of age is the average for them. During the ‘change’ a Solean’s powers begin to awaken, and they have little control over them when they awaken. It is often a painful experience for them, and their out of control powers often damage their surroundings. Which is why they are forced to wear training collars during this period of their life,” replied Eris shuddering as she felt a phantom pain through the link. It almost felt like every nerve in her body was on fire. They didn’t stay on the topic much longer, and a couple minutes later Misaki dragged the other two to her room. As soon as they entered the door Eris pushed Phyllis down and stripped her. Before giving her a deep kiss, while Misaki slipped out of her rather revealing dress. 

She then started massaging Eris’s boobs from behind. She started with the nipples, rolling them between her fingers. The nipples stiffened and swelled under her touch. While Eris gave Phyllis a deep kiss, and dry-rubbed her pussy against the girl’s thigh. Her tongue twined around the other girls as she probed her mouth. As their saliva mixed, Phyllis moaned into the kiss. Clearly enjoying the attention. Each movement sending jolts of pleasure up her nerves.

Eris herself was enjoying the way Misaki was playing with her nipples. Her pussy was already starting to get wet, proof of how she was feeling. At the base of her tail, a second one was beginning to extend from her butt, this one is purely intended for reproduction. As a Swarmling infiltrator breed, she used it when mating with other females.  Misaki was already wet and purely in the mood so she slipped her previously hidden tail into the demon girl’s pussy. Thrusting in long slow thrusts, that elicited a moan with each slam of the tail. At the same moment, she broke the kiss with Phyllis letting her come up for air. While Phyllis was catching her breath, Eris gave her nipples a couple of light nibbles. Sending spikes of pleasure up her nerves and causing her to pant with heated breaths. Sensing that her other partner was ready, Eris pushed out another copy of the tail she was using to pleasure Misaki. Something that Misaki noticed and as she was using it to tease Phyllis’s entrance. In heated breathes she said, “How many of those do you have?”

“Three,” said Eris before thrusting deep into Phyllis who came instantly. Her undulating pussy walls clamped tightly on the tail. The sensation of the tight pussy clamping down on her tail sent spikes of pleasure up her spine and she orgasmed herself. Spraying sticky fluids onto Phyllis thigh as her vision went white and the bulbs at the ends of her tails opened. Several small pulse down the length seemed to be pulling something into her body.

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