What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 60: XXXVIII Emily’s Moving Day

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Emily watched the road move by. She found herself thinking about the last time she had been going down this road. That time she had been with her mother, and she was going to see her brother. Who had been changed into her sister. This time she wasn’t going for a visit, but instead, she was moving her entire business to Bordertown. It had taken a couple of months to get things wrapped up, but she was finally on her way back to Bordertown.

She was still afraid of Sarah, and her petting sessions. That wasn’t going to stop her from moving to the town. Her main reason was that she wanted to be close to Phyllis, and help her with the child she had on the way. A part of her was even secretly hoping to have more fun with Ruby. Behind her, she could hear her two daughters playing in the back of the wagon. She knew she was going to have to keep a closer eye on them. She was afraid of them sneaking into the dungeon again. Speaking of the dungeon, she needed to have a talking with Misaki. In the days since she had left the town, she had discovered her daughters had a knowledge of things she didn’t want them to know at their age.

Another new problem to develop was that they had a tendency to take their clothes off indoors now. Being so young they had been easily influenced by the demons and thought it acceptable. At least they didn’t do it while they had guests, but it did make life harder for her. She snuck a look back, and sure enough, Megan was wearing her sister’s panties on her head again. Other than that they were wearing their clothes properly, and quietly playing a game.

She decided to ignore it this time, and looked up at the checkpoint up ahead. She had already made the arrangements for the move in town. It had taken some doing, but she had managed to get those done without Phyllis knowing. Mostly since she wanted to surprise her sister, but she was pretty sure that Misaki knew that she was moving to town. The guard this time was a short young looking girl. She was, maybe, in her early teens, and judging by the other guard looking over her shoulder she was a trainee still learning the ropes.

“Welcome to Bordertown! Do you have a guild card?” asked the guard girl. Without a word, Emily pulled out her card. She was registered with the Alchemists guild, and like all guild cards, it served as her main identification. She was also registered with the adventurers guild as a recommended alchemist for getting potions. She often worked with adventurers and high-class ladies. She was glad to be getting away from the high-class ladies. Sure they paid well, but a few of them had rotten personalities that were a pain to deal with.

“Looks like things are in order here. So what’s your purpose in Bordertown?” asked the guard as she handed the card back.

“I’m moving into town. My sister is expecting her first child, and I want to be here to support her,” said Emily.

“Oh, that’s nice. I’m sure your sister will be happy for the help,” said the guard.

“Oh, yes I’m sure she will. She is a very busy girl,” said Emily.

“Well, you can pass and good luck with your sister,” said the guard. She smiled and started moving the cart forward again. Unlike this time she knew the streets, and had no problem navigating them to her destination. A small house she had built for her not far from Phyllis’s house. The building was made from the same materials as Phyllis’s, and was actually a little bigger than her sisters.

“All right girls! We’re here,” said Emily as she moved into the back. The girls were still playing their game, and annoyingly enough Megan was still wearing her sister’s panties on her head. She couldn’t ignore it any longer, and said, “Megan! How many times have I told you not to wear your sister’s panties on your head?”

“I don’t know,” responded Megan.

“Give them back to your sister,” said Emily to which Megan complied. Celine didn’t just put them on, however, and stuffed them into her pack. A moment later they left the wagon, and Emily showed the girls to their room and gave them some toys. Before heading back to the wagon. She had a number of crates that she needed to unload. Fortunately, that didn’t include furniture since she had that taken care of by the builders. It was a convenient service, that helped her a lot. Especially since she couldn’t really move her old furniture without a helper. She would have brought her husband if he was still around, but he had an unfortunate accident before she even knew she was pregnant with Megan.

She reached the wagon to find a skimpily dressed cat girl waiting for her. She was a very cute girl, and a little on the short side. She had a lithe, modest figure, that her clothes showed off. Her top was so small that her areola could be seen peeking out of the top, and as she moved Emily was rewarded with a brief glimpse of her nipples. She had long auburn hair that she kept in a side tail. A small pair of horns and red eyes marked her as a demon. Emily also noticed the short skirt she was wearing that did nothing to hide her panties.

“Hello, I’m Crystal. You must be Emily,” said Crystal.

“Misaki send you or something?” asked Emily.

“Master thought you might need help. She wanted to come out here herself, but she is a little busy. Can’t very well postpone a meeting with a queen, that you already set up in advance now can you,” responded Crystal. Suddenly this girl’s presence made sense to Emily. She had expected Misaki to show up and greet her personally. She had actually enjoyed her conversations with Misaki. Even if they had distracted her to the point that she hadn’t noticed her little girls sneak off into the dungeon.

“Guess I could use the help, but can I trouble you to wear a little more,” said Emily.

“Why would I put something on, when you seem to like what I’m already wearing?” said Crystal carefully watching her expression and gaze.

“Fine, help me bring these crates in, and then we can discuss proper attire,” said Emily. The next few hours were spent bringing the crates in and unpacking them. By the time they were done the sun was setting and the girls had gone to bed. Emily wasn’t sure when, but at some point, Crystal had shed the pair of panties she was wearing. 

This leads to the fact that she was now sitting in a chair while staring at the demoness standing in front of her. Her gaze locked on her poorly concealed pussy. She hadn’t realized she had been staring for over five minutes, as she was still trying to figure out how she didn’t notice when this girl removed her panties. Suddenly Crystal lifted her skirt, giving her a better view of the soft pink flesh beneath.

“Like what you see?” asked Crystal. She almost gave an affirmative and then with a stutter she answered, “No, uh course not. Can you please put your panties on?”

“Someone isn’t very honest. It won't hurt to admit your desires. Anyway, it’s probably about time you said hello to your sister,” said Crystal as she dropped her skirt. Then she walked towards the door. Emily just stood there not sure what happened. From the door, Crystal prompted her to follow more firmly than before, and startled she followed.

As they were leaving the house, she asked a question that was bothering her, “Where is Misaki? I thought she might have showed up by now?”

“Contrary to popular belief dungeons aren’t hiveminds. I don’t know where she is,” replied Crystal.

“Surely she must have communicated something to you,” commented Emily. She got nothing but a giggle. The rest of the walk to her sister’s place was silent. Crystal was the one to knock on the door, and when it was opened to Emily’s surprise Misaki was there with Phyllis.

“Emily! I didn’t misplace a letter from you did I?” asked Phyllis clearly surprised to see her.

“No, I wanted to surprise you. I just finished moving into town,” replied Emily as Misaki came forth and gave her a hug.

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“I can’t believe no one told me you were moving into town. Misaki did you know?” asked Phyllis.

“I suspected, but wasn’t sure until today,” said Misaki. Moments before Phyllis invited the other two in. Emily followed Phyllis into the kitchen, but her gaze kept drifting to Crystal. An idle memory of what happened with Ruby surfacing in her mind. She shook her head to clear the image, but not before the demoness noticed.

“I’m kind of glad to see you. How did you ever put up with being pregnant three times?” asked Phyllis.

“The first time was the worst, but the next two were much better. Anything I can help with?” responded Emily.

“I have something for the morning sickness, but I was hoping you might have something stronger,” said Phyllis.

“So what do you have?” asked Emily. Having anticipated this Misaki handed over the remedy. Having taken some from a cabinet. Emily looked it over, and noted the grade, “Not really, this should stop it completely. Unless!” Then Emily came over and placed a hand on Phyllis’s belly and began probing her mana flow.

“Your mana flow as all messed up! How could you let it get this bad!?” asked Emily shocked at what she was finding. Then she looked towards Misaki, and asked, “You wouldn’t happen to be having problems too? Would you?”

“I don’t get morning sickness. Just constant aches and pains, but Eriko gave me some advice that seems to be helping. She even showed me how to adjust my mana flow. Which helped a lot with the pains,” replied Misaki. Emily still checked her flow anyway, and found it wasn’t anywhere close to as messed up as Phyllis’s.

“Didn’t this Eriko stress the importance of your mana flow?” asked Emily of Phyllis.

“She did, but as a spellsword, I thought my flow was fine,” said Phyllis in a small voice. Emily took up a position behind Phyllis and said, “I’ll try to fix this mess for you, but you really should have listened to Eriko. She seems to have helped Misaki well enough.”

“If my mana flow is so bad, why didn’t my meddling patron say something,” muttered Phyllis.

“Your flow isn’t so bad that it is harmful, just debilitating,” said Emily as she started using her own mana to guide her sisters into a better internal flow. It took nearly an hour before the mana started taking to the new flow.

“Alright sis, you should start feeling better by tomorrow. Still, I think I’m going to have to reteach you about mana flow. It is obvious that you are still circulating your mana as if you were a man. That is what was causing all your problems,” said Emily.

“But I thought I already adjusted for my smaller body size,” said Phyllis.

“That you did, but you also failed to account for the babies you are carrying. Nor did you account for ....” said Emily before she was interrupted.

“Wait! Babies? You are the second person to say that, why,” said Phyllis.

“Your mana flow. The way it was being thrown out of whack suggests you are carrying triplets,” answered Emily.

“Can you be wrong?” asked Phyllis with a hopeful tone. Emily could tell that Phyllis wasn’t comfortable with the idea of raising at least four babies at once. Although from her probe of Misaki she guessed she was carrying twins. Something that would explain why the two of them were actually bigger than they should be.

“Mana probing is usually quite accurate, and as an alchemist, I have done this a lot. I’m rarely wrong,” said Emily figuring it best to be honest. She wasn’t kidding about having done it often either. As an alchemist she often made potions, and remedies for people. Knowing the right one to give someone often required being able to properly diagnose what was wrong. Phyllis had this crushed look before she walked out of the room and headed towards her bed.

“She will be fine in the morning. She just needs time to process what you told her”  said Misaki.

“Would now be a good time to tell you that I think you have twins?” asked Emily.

“I actually kind of already knew. I can’t explain how, but I just knew I was carrying twins,” said Misaki.

“That is kind of interesting. I guess it has something to do with you being a dungeon though,” said Emily.

“Anyway can you come by tomorrow. I need your help with something,” said Misaki.

“My help? What can I do that Phyllis can’t?” asked Emily.

“You’ll find out tomorrow. Goodnight,” said Misaki as she also left the room. Turning around to leave herself she noticed Crystal was having a conversation with Ruby. Who she hadn’t even noticed enter the room. Ruby was wearing the same skimpy maid outfit she had been wearing the last time she had seen her. Which brought back memories of what happened. She shook her head to clear them, and headed home.

The walk back was uneventful. It was dark, so she kept an eye out. Fortunately, this part of town was quiet at this hour so she didn’t encounter anyone on the short five-minute walk to her new home. Once back inside she locked the door and headed for her room. A crate near the door contained the components for a fancy magical security system. She hadn’t had the time to install it yet. It was expensive, but as an alchemist, it was a necessary investment. She planned to install it first thing in the morning. 

On the way to her room, she checked in on her daughters. Who were both fast asleep in their room. Satisfied that they were alright, she went to get ready for bed. She was asleep as soon as she hit the pillow. She woke while it was still dark out sometime later to find a pair of horny demonesses in her room.

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