What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 61: XXXIX Megan’s Morning/ Irina’s Bad Day

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Megan woke to find that it was still dark out, and her bladder felt like it was about to explode. She was actually kind of proud of herself for waking up now, and not just peeing the bed in her sleep. There was just barely enough light to see so she slipped out of bed and walked to the door. If she had looked out the window she would have noticed that the sun was just starting to make its presence known. The sky slowly changing colors in the way it does before sunrise.  The bathroom was just a short distance down the hall. A few dim light stones gave just the bare minimum of light she needed to see without hurting her eyes. As she got near the bathroom she heard some odd noises, but her pressing need kept her from actually investigating.

Instead, she went into the bathroom, and straight for the toilet. A luxury that her family could easily afford. In a rush, she dropped her panties and lifted her nightdress as she plopped down on the toilet. The liquid was gushing out of her as soon as was sitting, and she felt relief. As soon as she was done, her curiosity drew her to investigate the sounds she was hearing. She was so curious that she didn’t even flush, just pulled her panties back up and slipped out of the bathroom and back into the hall.

The noise was coming from the direction of her mother’s room, and she quietly approached the room. She found her mom's door standing wide open, and the noises were now very clear. Driven by curiosity she peeked into the room. Inside she saw her mother on her knees, licking at the crotch of the catgirl she had met today. While the maid Ruby was pressing her bare breasts against her mom’s back, and crushing her breast with her hands. Then her mom shuddered and fluid gushed from her mother’s pussy to pool on the floor beneath her. Well, it was more like add to the pool, as there was already a growing puddle on the floor.

She knew what she was seeing thanks to Amy describing these activities to her. Her mom was having sex, but she had never seen her mom do it before. She remembered Amy and a demon telling her that this was a fun game for adults. She even remembered a demon maid telling her that it was something fun to watch. She then noticed Crystal looking at her, and then she heard a whisper in her ears. It was Crystal’s voice, “Hello there. Stick around and watch a little. We are just having some fun with your mother.”

She was actually kind of curious, as she had never seen this before. So she just stood there half hidden by the door frame and watched. The idea that her mom wouldn’t want her watching never even crossed her young mind. She did, however, find what she was seeing interesting, and her mom definitely seemed to be enjoying what the two demonesses were doing to her. 

She couldn’t hear it, but Ruby clearly said something to her Mom, and then she spread her legs wider. Ruby released on of her boobs, and produced a cylindrical object. Which she promptly plunged into her pussy. Pumping it back in forth in an alternating slow and fast rhythm. Loud moans were the immediate response. Directly into Crystal’s pussy which was still licking at. Megan couldn’t get a very good view at what her mom was doing there, but whatever it was must have been enjoyable. As Crystal shuddered, and cried out in ecstasy before fluid splattered her mom's face, some of it pooling on the floor below.

“What are you watching?” asked a girl’s voice from behind her. Looking over her shoulder she found Celine. “Mommy is playing with Ruby and Crystal in that way big sis Amy described,” said Megan.

“Really! I want to see, too,” said Celine as she peeked into the room from the other side of the door frame. Where she had a decent view of the activities within. Just in time to see her mom moan again as her back arched into the demoness on top of her, and more liquid sprayed onto the floor below.

They watched for a few more minutes, before their mother simply fell back on the floor. She was clearly exhausted, and Ruby tucked her into the nearby bed after casting a spell on it. While Crystal walked towards them. Sunlight could already be seen flowing in through the window indicating the time.

“Good morning girls! Feeling hungry?” said Crystal.

“Is mom okay?” asked Megan.

“She’s just tired. She will be fine in a couple of hours,” said Crystal. Megan happily took her at her word, and then admitted that she was hungry. Crystal not bothering to put any clothing on, led them to the kitchen. Where she pulled out some of the few ingredients that Emily had on hand, and started to work on making breakfast.

Emily hadn’t been to the local market yet, so the only food she had was the kind that would keep well on the road. That didn’t prevent her from finding something decent to make a meal with, however.

Around the same time, down in the dungeon, Irina Goldleaf was going about her early morning day. Putting on the uniform, she looked in the mirror and sighed. She had not gotten used to the uniform yet. It was a ridiculously short top, paired with an equally short skirt. The top was effectively a chest wrap that only covered half of her breasts. The skirt was not only short, but it was flimsy so that every time she moved anyone looking would get a good view of her panties. The outfit came with a simple pair of leather sandals.

It was not something she ever would have chosen for herself. Nor would she have worn this in public before. She adjusted the top a bit so that her left nipple was better covered, and went about taking care of her as yet unbrushed hair. Today she had a couple of new receptionists to train. Both of them had already signed their contracts, so there wasn’t any backing out. Not without paying a fine that is. She remembered considering that herself when she first saw herself in the mirror wearing this uniform. The memory of her old boss was what kept her here.

Once her hair was done, she left her bedroom and headed out into her kitchen for a quick breakfast. Nothing all that fancy, and then she was out the door. Her home was a small house in the largest safe zone town on the fifth floor of the dungeon. It was a small one-story building with just enough space for all the essentials. Located a short five-minute walk from the guild building which was placed next to the dungeon gate. Which allowed adventurers to return to the entrance, and for those that had already reached this floor to return to the floor.

Stepping out her front door she saw several half-naked demons walking by. A few of them were even topless. Giving her a great view of their bare breasts as they walked by. It reminded her of something else she was getting used to. The fact that she lived in a dungeon in which it was perfectly alright for a girl to walk around half-dressed or even naked. The thing that struck her the most is that it almost seemed normal to her now. Having been here a few months had done that to her. Still, she was glad that she didn’t have to deal with any demons trying to get in her pants on the walk to the guild. Most of the ones she walked past were too busy harassing the few adventurers on the streets. She even passed a couple of people that were actually having sex in the streets, which she tried to ignore.

Being early in the morning, the guild building was mostly empty. A few adventurers were already at the request board. Likely here to get the best jobs before the morning rush, and only one receptionist was on duty. Being a small building they only had two counters. The receptionist on duty was a pretty young woman, wearing the same uniform she was. Which was straining to contain her larger breasts. She knew the woman as she was one of the first hired to be a receptionist here. She walked up to the counter and asked if the new girls were here yet.

“Not yet, I’ll alert you when they arrive,” said the woman. Irina thanked her and headed to her office. Entering her office she was ambushed by a demoness. Who lifted her skirt, and muttered, “Still wearing panties I see. You really should try going without.”

This wasn’t the first time this particular demoness had ambushed her in her office.  She had installed wards, but the girl had proven to be remarkably creative in getting around them. So she chose to ignore the girl, and sit down at her desk, before asking, “May I help you?” She knew the girl rarely broke in just to harass her.

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Unlike normal the girl didn’t say a word, but simply handed over some paper. It turned out to be a crude map of this floor, and the next two. Along with notes on the floors, but it said nothing about how to get to the next floor. Only a vague hint that the key to proceeding involved demons. “So what is this?”

“The adventuring party furthest into the dungeon, asked one of my sisters on a higher floor to get this to the guild,” said the demon girl.

“So what is this about demons being the key to proceeding,” said Irina.

“Isn’t that obvious! Some of us have info on our floor, but you won’t get it if you won’t socialize with us,” said the demon girl.

“I’m socializing with you, and I don’t recall a single hint given on the dungeon,” said Irina.

“But you aren’t giving me something I want, nor have you asked either,” said the demon girl.

“Alright, I guess I can understand that. Can you please give something a little more concrete than this report?” said Irina.

“Guess I will give a freebie this time, but if you want more I would like you to spend a day without your panties. The key to this floor is to solve the puzzles in a particular order, but not all the puzzles must be solved,” said the demon girl. Irina recognized the significance of this freebie immediately. It gave her a good idea of how to conquer the floor, but without more information, she could easily be stuck on the floor for months. Now it made perfect sense, why there weren’t more parties to have passed this floor. Sure they were all certain that they were missing something with the puzzles, but no one had reported that some of the puzzles were dummies. The order thing was something that had already been guessed, however. Honestly, she wanted a little more, but she doubted she would get it without debasing herself for the demon.

Then there was a sudden knock on her door, she quickly thanked and dismissed the demoness in her office. Then the receptionist from earlier opened the door, and mentioned that the new recruits were here. She asked her to show them in. It didn’t take long for the receptionist to bring them into the office, by which time the demoness had thankfully left.

The two new girls came in clearly uncomfortable with the length of their skirts by the way they were tugging on them. Both of them were cute in their own way. The one on the left was a little smaller overall. “Can we have a longer skirt, and a top that covers a little more? This outfit is embarrassing!” said the girl on the left.

She sighed, and then shot that down much to their displeasure. She wished she could have said otherwise, but she had so far been unable to change the decision on the local guild uniforms. On the flip side, the uniforms were quite popular with the adventurers, and demons. She also suspected that guildmaster Phyllis wasn’t going to risk changing the uniforms because of her relationship with the dungeon. The resulting argument had barely ended when a commotion up front forced her to leave the office before she could give them the local orientation. As she was leaving the demoness she thought gone slipped from a side room and into her office.

In the main room of the guild, she quickly found out the cause of the commotion. In the center of the room was one of the more successful parties on this floor. All of them were either naked or half-dressed and going at it with a couple of demonesses in the mix. It wasn’t the first time something like this happened, but she tried to keep sex out of the guild building.

Her eyes focused on the party leader in the center of the pile. He was one of the few male adventurers that regularly dived the dungeon, and more importantly, stayed male. He was a big man with a strong sturdy body that the four girls and two demonesses already in the pile were clearly enjoying. One of the demonesses took up the position on top of him and lowered herself onto his rod. She moved up and down on the rod in slow sensual motions that exaggerated the jiggling of her large unrestrained chest. One of the girls moved up and began sucking on her left boob with her mouth and using her hands to crush the flesh beneath.

While Irina had a ring to protect her from the dungeon pheromones, she wasn’t immune to the effects of the sight before her. A heat began to build in her abdomen as a small stain started to form on her panties. She did her best to suppress the fact that she was being turned on, and moved forward. She intended to break this up or at the very least get them out of the guild building.

Before she could interrupt the second demoness broke away from the pile, much to the displeasure of the girl whose pussy she had been eating out, and pressed herself against Irina. One of her hands quickly finding its way into her panties. She pulled the girl's hand out of panties, and said, “Could you girls find a better place for this?”

“But you are so clearly enjoying it. Just let go and have some fun with us,” said the demoness in a seductive lilt and laced with a slight tinge of magic. Fortunately for Irina, she had some experience resisting demonic spells now. So she had little trouble shaking off the magic, but it didn’t make the thought any less tempting.

“You and your friends are distracting the other parties here. I would like you to at least take this outside,” said Irina. Just as the man started groaning, and the demoness on top of him moaned with satisfaction as he clearly came into her.

“But they clearly like it as much as you do,” responded the demon. In fact, there were several other adventuring parties, and even the receptionist on duty watching intently. All of them with flushed faces, and she could even see juices running down the legs of a few girls.

“They may like it, but this isn’t the right place for it,” said Irina.

“Fine, I’ll move our fun, but you better have something good for me when I come by later,” said the demoness who managed to move the entire orgy before Irina could process what had just happened. She walked back to her office in a half daze wondering what to do about a demoness coming by her home later. Something she didn’t doubt she would do. When she got close to her office she heard moaning sounds, but in her daze, they didn’t really register. At least not until she stepped into her office to find a naked demoness and two naked young girls having sex on top of her desk. The demoness saw her come in and extricated herself. Pressing against her, and whispering in her ear. Distracted she didn’t notice nor resist the demon removing her ring.

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