What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 87: LXII Joy

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Phylis shifted a little against, the cushions, and accepted a second infant from the midwife. The little girl was the last one to have left her womb, and she felt relief that the birthing was finally over. Jesse was currently sitting in her office chair holding one of the infants, who was currently nursing from Jesse’s breasts. Jesse seemed to be uncertain about her current role as wetnurse, but she looked to be doing okay for the moment. Giving birth had been quite an eye-opener for her. The experience was not as bad as she had feared it might be. She had heard girls describe it as a terrible ordeal, but to her, it was mostly discomfort. There was some pain to go with the experience, but she had experienced worse. By far her worst experience was thanks to a rather sadistic rogue mage that she didn’t want to remember.

She pulled the crying little girl to her chest and guided her to the free nipple. It didn’t take long for her to quiet and begin to suckle. It was rather cute watching the pair at her chest suckle for the first time. Glancing to her right, she saw Misaki cooing to the pair at her chest. At the moment all of her concerns seemed to have vanished, and she found simple joy in the current moment of being able to hold her progeny and lay next to her mate. At this moment, her recent experience seemed very worth all the recent discomfort. She shifted a little to get closer to Misaki and yawned a bit. Phylis was actually feeling quite tired, and wanted nothing more than to just curl up right here, next to Misaki and sleep. Naming her little bundles could wait just a little longer. She hadn’t really settled on any names yet either, and honestly, she had been a little too busy of late to give it any consideration.

“So what are you going to name your daughters?” asked Melisa who had been helping the entire time.

Melisa watched Phyllis’s expression change from motherly joy to annoyance in an instant. She had seen that expression a lot lately, but she endured as had to make sure Phyllis got things done. Next to her, she noticed Misaki shift a bit as she placed her pair of infants down next to her on the cushions. The little demons instantly curling up next to their mother, who rolled a bit, in a fashion that let the newborns use her belly as a cushion while placing her closer to Phyllis. Then Phyllis replied, “I’m not sure yet. Let me sleep on it.”

Then Phyllis copied Misaki’s actions, and Melisa was left standing there rather confused about what happened. The scene before her was remarkably cute in its own way, but she had expected new mothers to instantly name their kids. She already had a dozen names in mind for kids she planned on having later down the road. It occurred to her that Phyllis had been male not all that long ago, and was often busy. While Misaki was young, and she didn’t expect the young dungeon to have any names in mind. Phyllis on the other hand, Melisa had expect to have at least one name at the ready.

Looking towards Jesse who had just finished nursing the infant she had been given, she asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know what names they have in mind?”

Jesse shook her head, and said, “They never really discussed anything around me or my sisters. So no, I don’t know what names they have in mind for their baby girls.”

Melisa was rather disappointed. Names were very important, and she found herself regretting not having that conversation earlier. She just knew deep down that these newborn girls were going to grow up to be cute girls, and she just had to make sure they had cute names to go with their appearances. Thinking of cute girls, she wanted to find some to play with. Normally she would just play with the cute debt slave sisters or Phyllis or Misaki when she felt this way, but the sisters were rather tired. Other then Jesse they were all asleep and curled up in the corner of the office. They had been here for hours helping with the birthing, so it was only natural that they were tired. Sarah, her friend, and the main receptionist had brought them a blanket and a pillow when she checked in a couple of hours ago. The midwife was currently cleaning up the dirty towels, and water. She moved to help and noted as Jesse settled the infant she had just nursed next to Phyllis, and she instantly curled up with her sisters.

By the time she was finished cleaning up, Jesse had joined her own sisters in the corner and was fast asleep. Melisa left the room quietly and found Lyla guarding the door. She left the caretaker a few instructions to make sure the sleepers weren’t disturbed. Heading towards the front of the guild building she considered her plans for the rest of the day. She wasn’t tired as she had caught some sleep during the birthing, the only ones that didn’t were Phyllis and Misaki as they had been up since yesterday giving birth. Normally at this hour, she would be helping Phyllis do paperwork, but she was too exhausted to do any. Not to mention, Melisa wasn’t in the mood for that. All she really wanted was to play with a cute girl. Suddenly she remembered that there were a few cute girls in the dungeon.

She knew that she wasn’t much of a fighter, but she had already visited up to the fifth floor for work reasons. It might be fun to visit the fifth-floor safe zone and see if she couldn’t find a cute girl to relax with. Maybe if she was lucky she would find that cute slime girl she was always hearing about. She had heard a lot of stories about a cute little slime girl, and her equally cute companion that liked to pull childish pranks on adventurers. Both often frequented the fifth-floor safe zones, but the few times she had been in those zones she had missed them.

Emily stretched as the sun beamed into her face. A glance out the window told her that it was later than when she normally got up, but then again she had gotten home late. She knew her sister was giving birth, but she hadn’t stayed with her the entire time. It had been getting late last night when Ruby decided it was best to get her home. However, she didn’t remember making it home much less to her bed and realized that she must have fallen asleep on the way home. Slipping the blanket off, she found she was completely naked, but that was not all that surprising. Ruby seemed to prefer it if she walked around naked, while Crystal preferred that she wore very little. Crystal’s idea of very little meant it did nothing to hide her figure or assets, but instead draw attention to her assets.

She had also gone to bed naked so many times because of them that she was rather used to sleeping nude. Slipping out of bed, her thoughts drifted to today’s plan. She wanted to visit her sister again. Not to mention, she needs to have a talk with her sister about names. Those were very important and knowing her sister she likely didn’t have any ready. Emily felt a little guilty about not thinking of it earlier, but in her defense, she has been distracted of late. As for Misaki, she was a young dungeon, and often acted childish. Not to mention very busy recently, so Emily figured she could use help thinking up ideas as well.

She was just about to open her wardrobe when Crystal opened the door. The demoness was also naked at the moment and paused for a moment when she noticed that she was already up. “Ah good, you're up! Breakfast is ready.”

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Next thing she knew she was being ushered to the table without the opportunity to get dressed. Reaching the tables, she found both of her daughters were already up, and at the table eating their breakfast, and just like the other day they were both entirely in the nude. A few weeks ago, she would have yelled at them to put some clothes on, but now she barely gave it a thought. She settled into her chair, and soon they were discussing the day’s plans as a family.

Illia settled into some cushions. Two swarmlings helped make sure she was comfortable. In the next room, she could feel her own mother going through a similar experience, but she was further along. Having started late last night. Her body was getting ready to give birth, and the two swarmlings with her were here to make sure it went well. There was also something reassuring about the telepathic link she had with the rest of the swarm.

Hearing the others even helped her relax into the cushions, despite the discomfort she felt from the contractions. It wouldn’t be long before she gave birth, something her mom was doing right this minute.

Telmari shifted a bit and moaned when her nipple was suddenly tweaked sending a sharp wave of pleasure up her nerves. The sudden wave of pleasure jolted her sleep-addled mind to full awareness, but it still took her a couple of moments to recall the last few hours. A few hours ago, she had come down to the basement and met in private with Ari. The Swarm queen had been very receptive to a private meeting, and they had talked for a couple of hours. At some point, things got a little out of hand and rather physical in a pleasurable sort of way. That is why she was currently lying next to a happy looking Ari with a tail pleasurably stretching her entrance.

She looked into the smaller girl’s smiling face, and asked, “How long was I asleep?”

Ari while still playing with her nipples replied that it was now early morning. She was just starting to panic, when Ari continued, “Now don’t worry your companions are still asleep. Well most of them anyway, the one I think someone said she was named Kazi is currently in the bathroom. One of the maids is helping her out in the bath. She was rather tense, so the maid is also helping her with a massage.”

Telmari could read between the lines, and was impressed. Curious, she asked Ari, “So how did that maid get her to spread her legs?”

Ari giggled and said nothing. Instead, she began moving her tail again. Telmari moaned and squirmed a bit in response. Her legs twitched a bit, and then suddenly Ari removed the tail. She found herself pouting a bit, as the experience was quite pleasurable. Not to mention that the Swarm queen was very skilled at using her tail.

Ari shifted, and skillfully got to her feet, and pulled her up. Telmari caught the mischievous smile on her face, and then followed her out of the room. Ari led her to a small bathroom, where she helped her get cleaned up.

Just as they were drying off, she finally said something important, “The god-queen you want to meet is called Milith. She is a bit bored lately, so if you offer to play a game with her she may be more receptive to meeting with you. The local queen is called Eris, and she occasionally visits the local guild. Your best chance for arranging a meeting would be there, but don’t expect things to be easy.”

Telmari nodded and found that to be expected. She was thankful for the information as well. “Thanks, I’ll keep that advice in mind, but that game wouldn’t happen to be of a sexual nature would it?”

“It doesn’t have to be, but that doesn’t mean she won’t be above a little fun of that nature. I certainly enjoyed our little game last night. Anyway, we should head up, unless we want to miss breakfast.”

 Telmari was actually hungry and followed her up. Ari paused briefly to get some clothes, but Telmari never really wore those so she went up nude.

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