What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 88: LXIII A Day in the Dungeon

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Lily tossed a shirt aside and continued looking through her drawer. She had heard that Misaki and Phyllis had gone into labor yesterday. She wanted to go see them, and while normally she didn’t put much thought into what she wore, given that half the time she just discarded them. It was kind of liberating not to wear them, even if her mother would object if she knew. This time however, she was going up to Bordertown. While she was perfectly fine being naked around demons, for some reason she found the very thought of being naked around humans to be embarrassing. Instead, she wanted to look cute. Not to mention she wanted to see the young ones her former date had given birth to.

Her thoughts drifted back to when she had first learned that her former date had gotten pregnant. Considering that she had been a boy before it had been quite surprising, but she had found herself highly amused by it once she learned how her former mate had gotten herself pregnant. She still occasionally got a laugh about it when she remembered it.

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a short knock and the door opening. A bit startled she dropped the shirt she was holding, and glanced over to see her mother had entered the room.

The older elf sighed, and asked, “It’s time for breakfast. So why are you still standing around naked?”

Lily really was naked, as she hadn’t yet decided what to wear. Not that she was all that certain what to answer. Last night’s clothes, and underwear were in the basket like normal. Not that she had actually worn the pair of panties. She just tossed some in to give the illusion she always wore panties, and changed them regularly, after a moment’s hesitation, she replied, “I’m not sure what to wear. I heard Misaki was in labor yesterday, and want to go see her. Just nothing in my closet feels right.”

Her mother shook her head a bit and moved into the closet. A few minutes later, she was dressed in a cute dress that complimented her hair, and she was following her mom down to the table. A part of her was a bit uncomfortable with the panties she was currently wearing. Especially given that she normally avoided wearing them. She figured she would discard them later when mom wasn’t watching her. In the meantime, she listened as mom happily started planning a trip together. Lily had wanted to go alone, but her mom was kind of hard to deal with.

Umeko watched the scene below. Something was finally happening. The birds had suddenly dived down on the pair of girls below, only to be intercepted by a man suddenly emerging from the brush. His weapon was a large branch likely picked from the forest floor, but it did make a decently effective club. As one of the Rylarks quickly discovered when the branch struck it right over the back and between the wings. A loud crack signaled to all around the damage the blunt impact had done, and the bird crashed to the ground twitching.

The other birds panicked and quickly fled the field of battle. The two girls below didn’t react much to what happened, but instead sat where they were staring blankly. Before Umeko could ask why they were acting strangely Arlie answered, “They got stung. Both will be rather docile, and suggestible for a while. Good thing the guy they chose was a decent man. He will make sure nothing happens while they are in this state.”

Umeko frowned, and replied, “Are you sure? I know plenty of guys who would have taken full advantage of a situation like this, and I’m not sure about myself, but I think I would have taken advantage of it too.”

Arlie gave her a sad look, and replied, “Yes, you would have, but it wouldn’t have sat well with you afterwards. As for him, I have known him for years and no he won’t try anything.”

She didn’t really have a reason to doubt the goddess, and decided to take her word for it. Before she could consider a response, Arlie said, “Okay, looks like things are resolved here, so we can continue our hunting trip.”

 Susan checked herself in a mirror. She and Tina were up on the fifth floor again, and she was hoping to have some fun again. It did occur to her that, she had changed a great deal from before her change into a monster. She remembered being quite reluctant to take advantage of all her abilities, but between Tina and her own new instincts, she fit well in her new life. In the mirror was reflected a small semi-translucent blue girl. Her figure wrapped in a cute dress that matched her semi-translucent pink hair. The dress was fairly short, so if she moved too quickly she would flash her privates to those around her. Not that she really cared about that anymore. She wasn’t entirely sure about all the changes or if she even figured them all out, but she had begun to realize that her personality had changed.

Her instincts caused her to enjoy lewd activities far more than she used to. Speaking of lewd activities it was about time for her to find someone to carry her eggs again. It had been a while since the last time she had implanted her eggs inside someone, and this time she found herself wanting to do it. The last time she had done it, she had done it without realizing it. While she had had a few opportunities for it since then, she had avoided doing it. Mostly because she had needed some time soul-searching to figure out how she felt about the process. The fact that anyone she implanted would be left vulnerable to demonic corruption had been a major reason for her hesitation in doing it again.

Moving away from the mirror she left the room. Entering the main room of the fifth-floor inn that she and Tina often met up in. The inn was next door to the guild building on this floor, and made a great place to meet. She often used this room before they met to check her appearance and make sure her clothes looked right. Outside the room, Tina was waiting for her as expected, but unlike normal, her face looked rather flushed. Suddenly, one of her newer skills activated. She wasn’t sure how she got it, but she had gained a skill called ‘Insight’. It did pretty much what you would expect, and gave her a general idea of what the other person was feeling, and wanted. Honestly, it wasn’t perfect and failed occasionally. In this case, it was telling her, that Tina was sexually aroused, and it helped her notice the slightly sticky fluid dripping behind her. Likely from the hand that she had hidden behind her back.

  Curious she looked the small bound goddess over more closely. As normal she was wearing a cute dress, and like always it was torn in several places, half of which were rather unfortunate. This one had a tear right in the front that made it quite obvious that she wasn’t wearing anything under her dress. Susan could even see her small pussy and noticed it was glistening slightly. Her modest left breast was also fairly exposed today thanks to a tear in the dress that left the entirety of that boob exposed, and a good chunk of her other one. In effect, her cute dress looked more erotic than normal because of where the tears in her dress were. Seeing all these signs were making her instincts go crazy.

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Without a word, she pushed the small goddess onto the ground and looked into her eyes. Cutely she asked, “Playing with yourself? That’s kind of naughty, especially when you have a good friend like me to help you feel good.”

The cute little goddess beneath her suddenly gulped, and it triggered something in Susan. She pressed herself more firmly against Tina, and formed a few tentacles. One of which she sent straight to the other girl’s pussy. She didn’t plunge it in, but instead began to gently probe the sensitive mound of flesh. Below her the girl writhed with each touch, she was remarkably sensitive, and hardly resisted. The lack of resistance made her get bolder, and a pair of tentacles wrapped around Tina’s small mounds. Finer strands broke off and began to massage the sensitive flesh, an erotic moan quickly rewarded her new attentions followed by a few heated breaths.

Still feeling encouraged she kept going and kissed the goddess. Pushing her slimy tongue into the other girl’s mouth, she probed every inch. Some of her slime even went down Tina’s throat. Tina finally reacted, her small fingers grabbing one of her slimy breasts. Pushing deeply into the slimy flesh, she molded it. Each movement in her flesh felt kind of nice, in a different sort of way to what it had been when she was human. Using one of her tentacles, she tweaked Tina’s clit instantly a burbly moan reverberated through her tongue. The moan sending an electric pleasure through her flesh, and then a sticky fluid squirted from the goddess. Along with it, she felt a small rush of mana. Just it was far more than what was normal for a small orgasm like what she knew Tina had just experienced.

Susan hardly cared about that, and greedily absorbed it. Feeling a nice rush of pleasure that she associated with eating mana. This felt even better than normal, and she intensified her ministrations.

Tina moaned as another wave of pleasure wracked her small body. She had been having sex with Susan for a while. The small goddess was greatly enjoying the teasing ministrations of the slime girl, but found herself wanting more, but constantly being denied that. Once again she tried pushing her pussy against, the slime girl’s tentacles only for them to pull back. She moaned in a bit of disappointment, as a tentacle wiggled across her belly. A second pulled on her nipples, and she moaned again.

Finally, she felt a tentacle push its way into her pussy. Immediately she climaxed, her vision went white, and her back arched. In a timeless world of white, she was barely aware of what the tentacles were doing to her body, but when she came back to herself Susan was sitting nearby looking quite pleased with herself. Tina quickly found that she felt more clear-headed than she had in a while. It took her another moment to realize that Dewari had done something to her during her last visit. A few days ago, Dewari had showed up to ask her if she was ready to follow the rules. Naturally, she wasn’t, and thanks to her current status it was impossible for her to lie about that to Dewari. So now she had to deal with Dewari’s gift. Flushing red with the full realization of this gift and what had happened, she looked around and noticed that they had gained a bit of an audience. Discarded, and coated with slime was her dress. Apparently Susan had been kind enough not to eat her clothes. Although at the moment, she was looking at the dress quite hungrily, and clearly wanted to eat it.

Tina then took stock of herself and noticed that in addition to being naked and sticky with slime that she had a bluish fluid leaking from her pussy. She had a really bad feeling about this and checked her status. As a goddess, even bound to a dungeon, she had access to a more comprehensive status than any mortal. Looking through it she found exactly what she was worried about. As she had suspected, because she was in Dewari’s domain via the dungeon her fertility was boosted. Not only that, but her status told her that Susan had implanted her with eggs that she herself had fertilized. In other words, she was now pregnant with slime girls that shared a sliver of her divinity. They wouldn’t be gods when born, but they would be a couple tiers stronger than normal, and would more easily level. Not to mention that they would have a higher chance of becoming gods than most mortals. Somehow she suspected that Dewari had planned this. The worst part was that because of that divinity they would take ten times as long to gestate.

Going further through her status she noticed that she had lost a fair amount of her mana. Likely Susan ate it, and given the amount, much of it would have gone to increasing her stats and level. Reaching for her dress, she proceeded to try and remove the slime from it. While asking, “Susan, how do you feel?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment, and replied, “Hungry, a little horny, and can we go again?”

Tina blushed deeply and shook her head. Once was quite enough for her. As for the hungry thing, she knew that Slime Girls like Susan ate mana and cloth so she was rather surprised that she was still hungry. Especially considering that she ate over half of her mana. She found herself hoping that all she needed was a little cloth. She definitely wasn’t going to let Susan pleasure her like this again if she could help it. Mostly due to the fact that the experience scared her a bit. As dark gods go, she was among the least experienced when it came to sex, and because of this Susan seemed a bit dangerous in her eyes. Especially with how easily she seemed to know what she wanted and control the pace. She had tried to take control a few times, but had failed. Maybe if she had tried magic things would have been different, but fear of another spanking session or worse kept her from doing that. Maybe if Dewari hadn’t been watching she would have tried, but even drowning in pleasure she wasn’t stupid enough to provoke a goddess of higher rank when she knew she was watching. Although now that she was bound, all the other gods were of higher rank than her. She quickly shook off that depressing line of thought, and returned her attention to her slime soaked dress.

The dress had absorbed slime so thoroughly that removing it was proving difficult, and she was just about to give up on it when a demon came over with a rather cute and erotic dress. It didn’t do much to cover her assets and wasn’t torn. Then again her old one didn’t cover her assets much either.

“I think that dress of yours is a lost cause. I got you this instead,” said the demon.

She smiled at the demon that she recognized as the receptionist, and thanked her. Using her old dress like a rag, she got most of the slime off her body with most of it simply pooling on the floor, and slipped into the new dress. Then she deliberately tore it in a few places. It was a goddess trait of hers, but she didn’t feel right if her clothing wasn’t torn in a few places. Now that she was no longer naked, but wearing a torn dress she felt herself relax. The fact that the dress was more erotic than her normal choices didn’t really matter. She would have liked to use her reinforcement spell on it, but settled for just letting her mana soak into the fibers. Doing so would make it more durable, but nowhere close to what a reinforcement spell would have done. She could still sense Dewari’s attention on her, but she didn’t even consider asking permission to use a spell. Mostly because she didn’t want to give Dewari the satisfaction and deep down she knew that the only way to get permission was if she broke down and begged for it. Something she wasn’t quite ready to do.

The receptionist was already busy with a pair of adventurers who looked rather exhausted. So she turned to Susan, and got her to follow out the door. The instant she stepped out, she felt incredibly uneasy, and then next thing she knew she was being pulled against a larger body. Her hair being stroked in a rather pleasurable fashion made more intense by the fact that she had recently copulated with her friend. With her body so sensitive it didn’t take much before she started feeling the pleasure of a simple petting. Her instincts were going crazy, and screaming at her that she was in danger.

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