What Do You Mean All Dungeons Are Girls!!!?

Chapter 89: LXIV Kidnapped!?

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The receptionist was already busy with a pair of adventurers who looked rather exhausted. So she turned to Susan, and got her to follow out the door. The instant Tina stepped out the door with Susan, she felt incredibly uneasy, and then next thing she knew she was being pulled against a larger body. Her hair being stroked in a rather pleasurable fashion made more intense by the fact that she had recently copulated with her friend. With her body so sensitive it didn’t take much before she started feeling the pleasure of a simple petting. Her instincts were going crazy, and screaming at her that she was in danger.

On the verge of panic, she started drawing on her mana, but a small voice in the back of her mind reminded her that Dewari was still watching. So instead of the spell, she was thinking of, she used a basic mana coat. She hoped that since it wasn’t a spell that Dewari would overlook it, but the instant she formed it Dewari said in her head, “That was a mistake, Tina.”

Her mind instantly conjured up an image of herself getting spanked again, and was rewarded with a giggle from Dewari, “That wasn’t what I meant.”

Before she could even ask, she found out what her fellow goddess meant. The magic the other person was using to enhance her touch suddenly changed. With the sudden change, it was all she could do to stop herself from mewling in pleasure. As she was resisting the pleasure, she quickly came to understand what Dewari had meant by mistake. Knowing she had to get away from the girl petting her, she tried to squirm out of her grip, but Tina wasn’t very strong. As a goddess, all of her abilities were geared toward causing mischief and escaping the punishments that often followed. Strenght was not something she had a lot of, and whoever had her had a good grip on her. Behind her the girl petting her said something, but she didn’t register what it was.

Then she noticed Susan approaching, and looked up at her. Starting to feel a bit desperate, she asked her for help. Susan seemed really happy for some reason and surged forward enveloping both her, and her tormentor in her slime. A small part of her noted that she was going to need a bath after this, but as she was being wrapped in slime her body remembered her most recent experience, and she couldn’t help but open her legs. Even though she had turned a second round down earlier, her body did want one. However, Susan didn’t take the offer.

Susan felt kind of happy to have Tina genuinely ask her for help, and while she had noticed her friend’s desire for a round two, she had cooled off a bit. Not much as it had only been a few minutes but the notification she had gotten just as she had stepped out the door had been like a splash of cold water. It was why she had been a little slow to respond to Tina’s predicament. That and she found it kind of amusing, and maybe a little ironic that the person responsible for her being a slime girl was in trouble


You have reached your maximum level!

You may now evolve to the next stage.

Due to the absorption of large amounts of divine dark mana, and demonic lust mana you may evolve into a rare variant species.

Note: until you evolve all experience points will be stored at twenty-five percent efficiency.

Note: you have stored enough experience to reach the max level of the next stage. Allowing you to skip a full stage of evolution

Possible evolutions as follows:

She had somehow met the requirements for five different paths of evolution and there was even a rare and very rare option in the mix. She didn’t need to evolve right away, but she really wanted to think about this for a while. This was a really big decision and would affect her future. Thanks to her environment she couldn’t avoid a future with lots of sex in it, and that was reflected in her choices. She even had a lust exclusive path in the Succubus Slime Girl. A path she honestly didn’t know much about, but she also didn’t know much about the Demonic Dark Slime Girl path either. Neither had come up in her research of slimes, but the other three options had come up in her research. The first one was just basically a stronger version of what she already was. The Demon Slime Girl species was a demonic slime species that gained demonic traits, and an affinity for demonic magic. The Dark slime had a strong affinity for dark magic, and if she had a to guess option four was a hybrid of two and three. If that was the case, then it was really a choice between the last two.

Regardless, now wasn’t the time to decide, and she put evolution aside for the moment to focus on help Tina out. Besides, Tina had been very generous with the amount of mana she had let her eat. All of the experience she had needed to reach evolution had come from her afterall. Not to mention, her instincts told her that Tina’s mana wasn’t regenerating and that meant it would be best not to eat any more of her mana until after she evolved. Some part of her really wanted to dominate and play with Tina. This newcomer, however, seemed quite tasty as well.

Slipping off of Tina, she wrapped herself around the newcomer. It took her a moment to realize she had met this young woman before, but she couldn’t recall a name. Not that she actually cared who the young woman was. She was kind of cute with a body that just made Susan want to ravish her, and the dress she was wearing screamed delicious.

Without even registering the design she began to dissolve the fabric while using tentacles to tease her catch. Who didn’t try to get away, but instead tried to pet her. She let her do it, and instead focused on eating the young woman’s clothes. The dress rapidly dissolved beneath her, and revealed the other girl’s form perfectly. She was of average height, and her chest was huge even bigger than what Susan had currently. Old Susan would have been jealous, but Slime Susan had a decent bust and didn’t really want a bigger one. Grabbing one of the two boobs below her, she massaged the sensitive flesh. Just as she was getting a response, she suddenly tickled the other girl’s feet with a tentacle that she had formed from her back. The girl gasped and jumped beneath her, and to compound the surprise she jammed a tentacle up her pussy a moment later.

At the same moment, she noticed Tina had moved against the wall of the inn, and was watching them with a slightly amused expression and one hand against her wet sex. It seemed Tina was a bit aroused, but she didn’t pay her any extra attention, and focused on the girl mewling below her. Slipping a few tentacles under her back, she felt the hard tense muscles she had and began giving her a massage. At the same moment, she sucked her left nipple into her mouth.

Using her slimy tongue she played with the nipple, as she sucked on it, and watched the girl’s face. Quickly finding what she liked and what she didn’t. At the same, moment she was continuously thrusting the tentacle below giving her great amounts of stimulation. With each thrust, she paid careful attention. Again finding what she liked, and what she didn’t. The girl seemed to positively enjoy it when she changed the texture of the tentacle by adding small bumps to it. Some of which were wiggling mini tentacles that she used to tease her folds.

With great ease, she had managed to get the girl to the verge of orgasm and keep her there. The girl quivered below her, and feeling that she was about ready to cum herself, she allowed the girl to cum. A sudden change in her attentions, and the girl’s body arched. A sticky fluid squirted out only to be absorbed by the slime pressed against her folds. While countless little tentacles wiggled and sucked at her flesh. Then Susan herself came, and she enjoyed the electric feeling of ecstasy as it rippled through her body. As soon, as they came down from their high, she went straight into a second round.

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Umeko watched the great trees below her, as the wind flowed under her wings. She was honestly really beginning to enjoy the feel of flying. In front of her, she could see Arlie, gracefully moving through the air. With her scale-covered wings fully extended it was quite obvious how large they were compared to her body. Then again her small body actually weighed a lot more than it looked like it should, so having huge wings kind of made sense. Her own body was the same way.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she noticed some movement below, and began to dive. Suddenly Arlie shouted, “Hey, wait! Don’t dive like that you will get skewered!”

Confused she stopped mid-dive, and came back up, asking, “huh, why would I ...”

Arlie pointing at a few trees interrupted, “those are Elder Ironbark trees. Their branches are quite strong, and your angle would have crashed you into them.”

Suddenly she understood, branches tended to reach upward so that the leaves could absorb sunlight. That meant it was quite likely that a few would have been pointing her way, and the leaves were quite thick making it hard to tell how dense the branches were. By this time what caused the movement was long gone, so she followed along awkwardly.

After a while they reached a part of the forest that opened up into long trails open to the sky, and the occasional clearing. Arlie, slowed a hovered in the air, and Umeko took a moment longer to match her. Finding it hard to hover in the air like Arlie did.

“Don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it eventually,” then she pointed out a large lumbering creature. At this height, it looked to be about as big as a horse, but she knew that meant it was larger. Her excellent eyesight picked out details. Its body was covered with large armored plates mostly along its back and some covered its sides, and it had thick stubby legs. All along its back long spines that must have been a meter or two in length jutted out giving it a spiky armor. It had a long tail that ended in a spike-covered ball with one exceptionally long spike at the end. The head was exceptionally well armored, with a pair of stubby protrusions on either side of the mouth. A pair of eyes sat in recessed holes for them.

“That is a Spineback, they are gentle lumbering creatures that are quite common around here. Their chief eat mostly trees and rocks. They use their heads for knocking trees over, but they also have been known to knock down stone walls in the same fashion. Notice the spines on its back?”

She nodded, and Arlie continued, “Those are how they protect themselves from an aerial attack. Their armored bodies are very resilient but they are slow, and a Dragon could easily kill them without those spines. The spines make it hard for a dragon to just dive on them from above. This gives them time to bury themselves using their innate earth magic. Now we are going to attack from the air, but not a vertical dive that would just get us killed. See how the sides of the creature aren’t protected?

Umeko confirmed that she had noticed that, and just as she was beginning to suspect Arlie confirmed that they would dive in at an angle to hit the creature there.

Arlie quickly coached her on the approached, and soon they were diving at the creature. The wind flowing under their wings, the creature noticed them and tried to evade. However as Arlie had said earlier it was slow, too slow in fact to evade them.

Seconds before they hit the creature they reorientated themselves to bring their talons to bear. With a single kick, they sliced the creature’s side wide open. Blood poured from the open wound, and their momentum knocked the large lumbering beast on its side. The creature bellowed loudly, and Arlie began approaching its exposed neck.

“This wound is fatal, but it will take the poor creature a long time to die from it. The proper moral thing is to finish the creature with a slice to the jugular,” said Arlie as she used a talon to do just that. Fresh blood gushed from the new wound, and very quickly the large beast fell silent. Within moments the entire thing had become motionless.

With the creature dead, Arlie went about skinning it. While directing her on how to remove its armor and spines. During this process, she learned how tough its skin was, and learned that its armor was quite good as well. A whole hour went by as they worked, and to her surprise, no predators showed up to challenge them for the catch. When she asked, Arlie was quick to inform her, “There are a few scavengers in the area, but they have strong instincts. They know we are stronger than them, so they are waiting for us to be done with our catch.”

Using tools they had brought with them, they then went about cutting and preserving the meat of the creature, at Arlie’s direction. They had saved a good chunk of it, when a shadow appeared overhead. Umeko looked up to see a large dragon overhead. She felt a rush of fear when she noticed it getting closer, but relaxed when she noticed it was moving in a slow and relaxed flight path.

The dragon took its time, and landed gently near them, and addressed Arlie while lifting a claw to show off a net with several Spineback corpses in it. “May I have some of your catch? My eggs are about to hatch, and I have some hungry hatchlings to feed.”

Arlie smiled, and replied, “We wouldn’t have been able to carry the whole thing back to the village anyway. Sure, you can have it. We already have what we want anyway. I was just teaching the young one here how to hunt, and Spinebacks are perfect for that.”

The Dragon regarded Umeko for a moment, and then replied, “In that case, perhaps we should meet up tomorrow. I’ll be doing a lot of hunting for the foreseeable future, and some extra help would be appreciated and I can help with the teaching. Naturally, I would want to keep most of the kills. I’m called Mel by the way.”

Arlie nodded, and replied, “That does seem agreeable. We will have to work out the details, but we can do that tomorrow. Its getting late so we need to head back. Let’s meet up, here tomorrow, and before I forget, I am Arlie and this is Umeko.”

The dragon Mel agreed to that, and collected the remaining portion of the corpse before taking wing. They gathered their portion, and then took wing themselves heading back to the village. Umeko spent that time considering tomorrow’s planned meeting with a mother dragon.

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