When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her

Chapter 14: 14

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Chapter 14

Chapter 1, Childhood Friend And I — Episode 14 : Stalker

Translated by KaiesV
Edited by KaiesV


————At the classroom.


「Ugh! What the heck, isn’t Kirishima’s unique skill going to blossom right there, and you’re going to do something without Uriel all together…」


Hanayama’s sighs were joined by the other classmates, who looked disappointed. In case they’re wondering, Yurielle is not the enemy, though she is pissed off.


Apart from the boys, there is a girl who looks dissatisfied. She is shaking and about to explode.


「Silence! Kaname was, he went to all this trouble to tell this story to us… If you don’t like it, go home!」


Kagetsu-san was angry at the attitude of these boys, but it was still lunchtime and these guys wouldn’t be able to go home…


The chime that signaled the end of lunch break had gone so we decided to resume the storytelling after school, but the number of people had increased.


「Yaho! Miyabi, I’m here for you!」

「Ohhh, sit there, Kaho.」


Until now, most of the students had been boys and Kagetsu-san had been the only one in red, but a beautiful, healthy girl with moderately tanned skin, wheat-colored skin, and a short cut appeared, who talked with Hanayama in a very friendly manner.


「Tch, Riajuus should go explode!」

「Like hell I will! You guys should get a girlfriend soon.」

「「「「Shut up! We’d make one if we could!!!」」」」


「Erm? I believe you’re Nishino-san of Class 3?」

「Oh, you know. I’m kinda glad. By the way, Kirino-kun, you’ve lost weight and become very handsome!」


A beautiful, friendly-looking girl with a short skirt and calf-length socks showing off her healthy, raw legs as much as possible taps me on the shoulder, but apparently her information is wrong.


「I’m, Kirishima though…」

「Sorry, sorry, Kirihara-kun.」

「This girl, she’s even dumber than I am, but she’s cute. I hope you forgive her.」


With a hey, and they both smiled and tilted their heads to show everyone how well they got along…


「「「「Hanayama, unforgivable! Let Kirishima… sleep with her!!」」」」


The boys were spitting out words that could be interpreted as either grudges or curses, while the miasma was wafting through the air. No, screw that, I have no intention of sleeping with anyone’s girlfriend!


「Nhn~ Kiriyama-kun might be a good choice.」



Hanayama and I looked at each other and were surprised at Nishino-san’s dangerous comment. Hanayama was clinging to Nishino-san with teary eyes and no strength, as if his whole body had collapsed.


「Ka… Kaho… that’s a joke right…」

「Yeah, a joke, just a joke.」


When I was dismayed by Hanayama and others, Kagetsu-san pinched my shoulder and told me.


「Kaho, she’s stupid but a good girl.」


She’s too straightforward…


It’s all right, it’s all chastity and such, chastity and such. I’ve come this far to be able to talk to Hanayama properly. I don’t want to break their relationship.


Nishino-san was stroking Hanayama’s head and he seemed to be in a better mood, or maybe he had completely recovered.


「By the way, Shirakaba-san is a strong, but could Kirishima be stronger than that?」


「Just because I went to another world didn’t mean my caste was reversed for a while. Marielle called me a Hero, but I was never strong enough, and I always felt like I was dying.」


I was telling everyone about the summoned heroes, but only briefly. But they didn’t take it seriously because they didn’t see it firsthand.


I guess you can’t really feel what it’s like until you see someone die in person. I couldn’t take it in the other world because it was too hard for me, and I had to delete the memory of when Shirakaba-san and the others ran out of strength…


「Then how is it that all the other heroes died and you were the only one who survived and came back?」


「That’s thanks to my Unique Skill.」

「Unique Skill? 【Phantom Pain,】Or was it the name of a middle-aged man in full swing?」



Surprisingly, I remember everything correctly…


「What’s with that【Phantom Pain】and why did you come back? Don’t waste our time. Just tell us what you’re doing.」

「I need to explain something, but in RPGs, if an enemy has a healer, Hanayama would be their first target of attack, right?」


「Of course! That would be the theory.」

「Yes, the other world we were sent to was also the first to be attacked intensively by recovery surgeons, and even though we did our best to protect them, they were killed, and we had limited means of recovery.」


「Ahh~! I see, so Kirishima was able to use the hidden power of his unique skill to Heal, or do some sort of Auto Heal?」

「No, I wish that was the case…」

「Was it wrong? You don’t look so good. Are you okay?」


I wasn’t sure whether to tell them or not. However, Hanayama and the others were listening to me more seriously than I had expected, and I tried to speak honestly and frankly about what had happened.


* * *


————At the Royal Palace.


I was being led to the holding room by Shirakaba-san, who saved the day in a pinch.




I couldn’t tell because I only glimpsed the adulterous atmosphere, but the treatment was completely different from mine.


In a word, a pigsty and a hotel suite. But I couldn’t even beat the little monsters on my own. If I complained to Yurielle like this, she would probably tell me to improve my skills.


Shirakaba-san sits down on a one-seater sofa and a parlor maid brings him a drink without saying a word. Marielle and I sat side by side on the three-person sofa.


I picked up a cup of tea-like drink prepared with my injured arm and sipped it.


It’s tasty!


Marielle’s Heal has my arm completely back to normal. I don’t know what in the world is so incompetent about her anymore.


「That rabbit monster, but it looked like it was only after Marielle…」


I asked her what I was wondering and she said…


「Onee-sama said that they have gone berserk, but I see it differently. I would say they are more intelligent… They began to pounce on us as a priority.」


You are reading story When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her at novel35.com

「It’s nasty to be attacked simply and indiscriminately, but it’s even nastier to be attacked in a leadership role… or before?」


「Yes, they, the monsters, gradually went crazy from the time the miasma filled the demon world where the monster tribe lived. In the past, while not on good terms with intelligent monsters, there was never an all-out conflict with humans.」


So they were having trouble coping and called us out…


In terms of priority, Yurielle is preferred over Marielle… Shirakaba-san and the others would be there to guard Yurielle. Then, the ones who would be protecting Marielle…


I’m the only one!


「Shirakaba-san, please. Please train me! I’m the only one who can protect Marielle.」


「I’m not afraid to train you. But I don’t know what’s going on here either. Maybe we can train together.」


「Yes, thank you very much!」

「Good for you, Kaname-sama!」


Me and Shirakaba-san shook hands and Marielle just smiled.




A woman in a black bikini-armor-like outfit enters, determined to destroy everything she touches.


Then she threw the iron armor she was wearing at Shirakaba-san.


Be careful!


Shirakaba-san quickly ducked, but the desk at the back of the room was dented.


「Noriharu! I should have cleared up this humiliation… I have suffered!」


Huh? Isn’t this the person who was pressing Shirakaba-san that night? What the hell happened between them!


* * *


Clank, clank, clank!!


As I am about to tell the story of the duel, I hear loud footsteps approaching, stomping down the hallway. A large, bear-like man was peeking through the window of the second classroom.


「Oh no! Isn’t that the Live Finger Gondo!?」

「Hanayama, get Sensei! Oh, it’s you guys again… wait, they’re increasing, aren’t they?」

「I’m sorry~ I’ll be out of there soon. Hey, you guys, you’re all over the place!」


Our classmates, who were close friends despite complaining to Hanayama for some reason, responded to Hanayama’s call and quickly made preparations for removal, and everyone who came to listen to me bowed to Gondo-sensei and left the classroom.


「Y–You bunch tell me what you were doing and return. I want to know, too.」

「「「「It’s late, so I’m going home!」」」」


The teacher is taken aback by our unified leadership. We are leaving the school with the teacher by our side.


Hanayama and Nishino-san seemed to be taking a detour to go home, and I was on my way back with Kagetsu-san.


「Kaname, I have to run an errand. I’ll leave you here today. I enjoyed your story.」

「Ah, yeah, If it’s all right with you… then…」


When we parted, Kagetsu-san unexpectedly hugged me. No, what if someone sees this… She was looking around, and her pace was fast, not caring about my suspicious behavior.


According to Hanayama, she is basically salty towards men, but when she gets to know them, she spoils them like a cat. I’m not sure what he meant by that. I thought that since that guy who was close to me said it, there was no doubt about it, and I patted Kagetsu-san on the head…




She always had a low tone in her voice, but that’s exactly what she sounded like a startled cat mewling, and she left as if she was running away, clutching her bag to her chest.


Oh, damn!


Maybe I did something unnecessary. I’ll have to apologize to her tomorrow. Yes, you can’t have someone who isn’t your boyfriend touching your hair or stroking your head. The height difference between me and Kagetsu-san was just the right position for me to easily stroke her head…so I just did it.


It’s really hard to gauge the distance between me and a girl, I was scratching my head, and as I was coming home, I was ambushed at the door of my house.


「Why does Kaname-chan pet that thieving cat but never looks at me? This is absolutely ridiculous. I’m trying to properly break up with Yamazaki-kun and start over with Kaname-chan. Please… Don’t be mean to me.」


「I don’t know you, so I’m not being mean to you. And I’m not dating Kagetsu-san, but I don’t know any girl who would be so lousy as to misunderstand that and raise her hand.」


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A menacing girl with clenched fists and a toothy expression on her face with her mouth tied shut…


「Then, let me remind you…」


She walks up to me as if she has made up her mind to do something, closes her eyes and brings her lips to my mouth.


「What the hell are you doing!」


I grabbed her shoulders hard and kept my distance.


「Why? Why are you avoiding me so much? I don’t understand… I really don’t know. Have you really forgotten about me already, Kaname-chan?」


Because of my trauma in the other world, I rejected the kisses with all my might. Even for free, I feel a strong fear and loathing for the unusual favor from a girl I don’t remember at all.


I am afraid to even recall the kiss with the current Demon Lord…


The kiss on Kagetsu-san’s cheek was unintentional, but since that time, I realized that I should not kiss her lips easily. Of course, if it were a human being, something like that would never happen.


I pushed her away, and it was like some kind of switch was flipped…


Snap, snap!


She began to take off her blazer and vest to throw them down on the lawn.


「What the hell are you doing! Are you crazy!」


At last, she is completely naked, with her hands on her panties and one leg raised and thrown over her uniform.


「Kaname-chan! Look at me! My body, I’m a proper virgin. I saved it for you, Kaname-chan! I haven’t allowed anyone to keep it clean… That’s why, please… Please, I’m begging you, remember me. Stroke my hair gently again, like you used to…」


She was so perverted that I was terrified, so I unlocked the door while she grabbed my arm, rushed inside the house and locked it with the door arm. She was really bad, calling out「Kaname-chan~」through the cracks as she put her hands dangling over me.


「Hello, is this the police? There’s a suspicious girl in front of my house who’s completely naked! Can you please come right away?」


Using my new phone, I rushed to call the police. Soon after I gave my name and address, and such, a police car visited me.


Peering through the window of the room, she was covered with a blanket and taken inside the car. One of them asked what happened from her, and the other asked me and the neighbors who heard the commotion what happened. When they finished listening, they left with the mentally ill girl, who was completely naked.

You can find story with these keywords: When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her, Read When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her novel, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her book, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her story, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her full, When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her Latest Chapter

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