When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her

Chapter 15: 15

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Chapter 15

Chapter 1, Childhood Friend And I — Episode 15 : Narcissism【Kaori's Viewpoint】

Translated by KaiesV
Edited by KaiesV


————Prior to the detention situation.


When I tried to talk to Kaname during recess, the boys played me and I almost fell. They apologized, but I would rather talk to him.


I’m staring at Kaname-chan, who is surrounded by everyone looking greedy, and when I look away, wondering what I’m doing, my eyes meet those of a certain girl.


I believe this girl’s name is Onizuka Mika…


A gal who dyes her hair a flashy gold color and wears lots of earrings and ear cuffs. Or maybe it’s more like she was a delinquent. A piercing look comes from her slanted eyes.


「Ah? What the hell you’re looking at? Is there something so funny about my face?」

「No… I’m just curious because Onizuka-san is the only one who hasn’t made any eye contact with Kaname-chan.」


「I just don’t like the idea of him being handsome. I’d still rather be fine with him when he was fat. I won’t talk to him so casually.」


Words that don’t let the other person take a step closer.


I used to not feel so plugged in, but lately I’ve been separated from the kids I used to be close with, and I’m often alone looking out the window.


I don’t know what happened to her. I thought I could get along with her and not be so jaded with Kaname-chan…


During class, my stomach was not feeling well and I endured it until recess, but after having relations with Yamazaki-kun, my buttocks were not feeling so well and I was holed up in the bathroom. As I slowly sit down, all that comes to mind is Kaname-chan.


He was always there for me when I was sad, when I was scolded by my parents or bullied by my classmates, and we spent precious time together before he disappeared…


Was he sure he won’t go back to those happy times?


Since Kaname-chan came back, he has been talking nonsense, going crazy, and not listening to me at all.


He always nodded his head at everything I complained about, grieved with me when I cried, laughed with me when I had fun, and shared my joy when I was happy…


Is Kaname-chan, who was so kind to me, gone?


Why won’t I get back together with Yamazaki-kun? On the contrary, he’s getting into Kagetsu-san… it’s as if she’s my former self, his childhood friend.


That’s right!


Me and Yamazaki-kun were having a man-woman relationship, so he’s jealous of that, so he’s deliberately pretending to forget about me and asking Kagetsu-san to pretend they’re a fake couple!


Then, I can make a ready-made affair with Kaname-chan. Fortunately, I’m still a virgin and clean.


I have no intention of losing to Kagetsu-san. Boys are too pampered just because they have a bit of a nice face. I have no idea what’s so good about that weird girl, she’s just cute.


I’m not going to give up as easily as the girl I’ve been hearing so much about!


If I destroy their relationship, which is full of deception, and I advance the time on the clock that was stopped at that time with Kaname-chan first, and have ourselves fucked, in that way, Kagetsu-san is bound to step aside.


How can true love be defeated by a fake!


I had finished my business and was about to get up. I heard some girls’ voices echoing from the dressing table.


「Hey–hey, did you know?」

「What is it?」

「Kaori said she was severely rejected by Yamazaki-kun.」


「Ohh, I know, I know that news. He was a pretty flamboyant guy, wasn’t he? I heard he was dating a college student or something.」

「Yeah–yeah. And that Kaori, who was dumped, seems to be obsessed with Kirishima-kun.」


「Yeah, I saw it, like for real. She was jealous that he and Kagetsu-san were getting along so well, and when she tried to slap Kagetsu-san, Kirishima-kun stopped her.」


「Come to think of it, Kirishima-kun, when he came back from missing, he became a different looking person, didn’t he?」

「He really is a different person.」

「No~ he’s kinda scary~!」


「That’s not true! He doesn’t speak much, but if I had a heavy load or something, he would silently reach out and carry it for me.」

「You too? Me too!」


「He’s been taking care of the boys, too.」

「I thought it wasn’t going to happen because it looked like that, but now it’s definitely happening!」

「Uwaah, what a flip-flop. You really have no sense of humor, do you?」


He really is. I can’t forgive him. I’ve been by Kaname-chan’s side for a long time, and I’ve always loved him. There’s no shame or embarrassment in not hiding their fondness the moment he start looking good!


「You say that? I like it when he’s handsome and kind!」

「Ahh~ But it’s tough to compete with Kagetsu-san…」

「Yeah, really…」


Everyone… everyone… is saying whatever they wanted without knowing what people involved are thinking. Kaname-chan is my boyfriend.


When Kaname-chan was fat, about half the girls in the class looked at him with a look that said,「Shut up, don’t talk to me, fatty!」Some girls would ignore him when he said hello…


After the girls who were gossiping left, I tried to leave the women’s restroom…


I bumped into Yamazaki-kun near the bathroom doorway. He puts his hand on the wall to prevent me from escaping.


「Hey, Kaori… Are you sure you can handle leaving me? I don’t think Kirishima really cares about you at all.」


He puts his hand on my cheek and caresses it. I didn’t dislike him before Kaname-chan came back, but now I think I would dislike him if he touched me lightly.


And yet my body is aching for him.

You are reading story When I Came Back From Another World, A Classmate Was Cuckolding My Childhood Friend And I Deleted My Memory Of Her at novel35.com


No! This is wrong! I was just dropped by his handiwork. I didn’t allow my heart to be in the least bit forgiven.


Taking advantage of my hesitation, which seems to cause my mind and body to diverge, Yamazaki-kun forcibly tries to take my lips. At the same time, he was sneaking at my thighs between my skirted legs.


Ever since I had a relationship with him, it was as if a switch had been flipped and I was hot with a conditioned reflex. Taking advantage of the fact that it was not popular, he tried to take me into a private room with his hands on my hips, so I went straight to him.




I strongly rejected the idea of it.


「Why, it’s not me, it’s Kirishima who’s being evil to you!」

「I can’t think of anyone else but Kaname-chan…」

「Alright, you’re definitely on your own! If you want to get back together, I’m not going to accept it!」


Yamazaki-kun said to me in a more forceful tone.


「Eh? What’s happening…」

「Is this perhaps…」


Perhaps hearing his voice, people gathered around and I left the place to get away from him.






The girls were beginning to whisper to each other, but tears began to well up and I walked away from the ladies’ room as if to escape.


After school, as I was following Kaname-chan leaving school and… Kagetsu-san hugged him.


My heart was racing and my stomach was churning. My body was shaking from the anger that was rising in me.


Why… Kaname-chan, why won’t you look at me? Why won’t you give me a gentle hug? He stroked Kagetsu-san’s hair so gently.


I was so frustrated, I wanted Kaname-chan to hold me, so I pressed him in the nude…


————Interrogation room at the police station.


The desk, the walls of the room. Not only that, everything here looked gray.


「Hey, you, are you listening to me? Your parents on the other side said they didn’t want to make things worse, so you can go home today, but there won’t be a next time.」


A police officer was lecturing me as if she was going to pontificate something. I was forced to put on my clothes by the policewoman.


It’s strange that when I wanted Kaname-chan to understand that I love him, I showed it in my attitude, and he rejected me and even called the police.


My parents came to pick me up and nag me, but I was too dazed to hear them, and the sound just passed by.


「Kaname-kun at Kirishima-san’s place has been missing for a long time. You know what will happen if you suddenly take off your clothes outside and press him!」


「Well, Kaa-san… Kaori seems to be sorry for what she did, so don’t be so picky.」

「You spoiled Kaori so much that she became a weak-minded child!」

「I’ve been raising my kids just fine, so what the hell is your problem?」


My parents started fighting over my education. I didn’t want to end up like them both…


I hate it when I go home and get scolded.


Ugh, the date had already changed. When my parents scolded me, Kaname comforted me as a child.


I want to see him.


But of course he would avoid me again. I was wondering what to do when I found a certain something stuck in a pen holder.


As long as I have this, Kaname is mine…


He’s coming back to me once more.


「What a surprise, it was such an easy thing to get Kaname-chan’s love back~!」


I suppressed my heaving chest and fell asleep. Tomorrow is a school vacation…I promise I’ll meet Kaname-chan and get him back.


————The next day.


I watched Kaname-chan’s activities all the time from the window. He usually goes out to the convenience store around noon on his days off. Today, as is his wont, the front door opens and he comes out…


Ahaha… Even if you pretend to forget about me, I know you, Kaname-chan.


「What the hell were you thinking coming to my house like that?」


Kaname-chan came barking at me like a guard dog, but choked on his words when he saw what I had brought.


「What are you going to do with that? I’m not going to let you get away with a stern warning this time. Stop it!」


I take a cutter knife out of my pocket and extend the blade with a tic-tac-toe as I show it to him.




I’m not going to give you to anyone else!


「I told you stop, I said stop——!!!」


Kaname’s plaintive screams echoed throughout the neighborhood.

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